DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-026, February 25, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] ** AUSTRIA. It was reported in the "Intermedia" show that the old 100 kW txs from the sixties were about one or two years ago replaced by new units. More details were not given; I guess in fact two new txs were installed, because the other two were only spares anymore since the two 500 kW Telefunken units were inaugurated in the eighties. But HF-wise, spring has arrived. One week ago I could listen to the Friday 1900 airing of the ROI "Intermedia" show for the first time this year, and also yesterday 6155 did no longer skip over my location; instead it was booming in with a tremendous signal. However, it was not possible to catch the full audio bandwith due to the occupation of 6150 and 6160, which still resulted in a 5 kHz het when I tried to receive ROI this way. And this once again raised the question, will they really take care to keep DRM signals the necessary 10 kHz away from existing AM transmissions? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 24, BC-DX via DXLD) [DRM tests towards Genève ITU conference via Sines and Jülich showed always 19 kHz bandwidth occupancy for DRM signals, --ed. Büschel, BC- DX via DXLD] Liebe Hörerin, lieber Hörer von RÖI! Um ein noch besseres Programm speziell für Sie machen zu können, möchten wir gerne Ihre Meinung über die Programme von Radio Österreich International erfahren. Wir bitten Sie: Nehmen Sie sich rund zehn Minuten Zeit und füllen Sie einen Fragebogen auf der Internet-Site von RÖI aus. Sie finden den Fragebogen, wenn Sie folgenden Link anklicken: http://roi.orf.at/frameall.asp?url=/deutsch/gr_form_umfrage.html Senden Sie ihn dann mit einem Klick auf die Taste "SENDEN" an unseren Hörer-Service zurück. Wir bitten Sie, die Antworten bis spätestens Montag, den 5. März 2001, an uns abzusenden. Die ersten 10 Einsender erhalten von uns eine wertvolle Musik-CD aus der jüngsten ÖRF-Produktion. Wir bedanken uns im Voraus ganz herzlich für Ihre Mühe. Wir können Ihnen dafür versprechen, dass wir auch in Zukunft bemüht sein werden, das Programm zu machen, das Sie gerne und regelmässig hören wollen. Mit herzlichen Grüss aus Wien! (Oswald M. Klotz, Leiter RÖI Online- Redaktion, Radio Österreich International, Feb 24, BC-DX via DXLD) Is this only for German-speaking female-listeners and male-listeners? ** AZERBAIJAN. 9155 Can either of you hear Baku 9155 around 0900 (plus/minus)? That`s quite amazing re Baku 9155 - I have tried a number of times but there is not a whisper of them here. I assume your and Anker`s more northerly and easterly location is the reason why (Noël R. Green, UK, Olle Alm, Sweden, Feb 20/21, BC-DX via DXLD) When looking out for Azerbaijan Radio Dada Gorgud, Baku around 0900, I heard a Spanish language NUMBER station instead. Heard on 9153.00 at approx. 0739-0744:00 UT, female announcer read five digit groups. And at 0901 I heard an endless data traffic loop on 9156.96 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, Feb 24, BC-DX via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. Oi, Radio Centenario la nueva, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, ex 4855, mudou para uma nova freqùência, 4865. Escutei ontem das 2230 às 2330z com bom sinal e programa religioso. Anúncia a nova freqùência, então acho seja uma mudança oficial. Melhor usar BLI para evitar QRM das brasileiras (Rocco Cotroneo, Rio de Janeiro, AOR 7030 + K9AY loop, Feb 23, radioescutas via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. 4865.07, Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul. Feb 2001 - *1035 UT. Started this time. Mentioned 4865 and 940 kHz (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Feb 25, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** CAMBODIA [non]. V. of Justice at 1000 on 15455: Nothing heard today Feb 24th, at same time and at same channel (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, BC-DX via DXLD) Supposed to be weekly on Saturdays (gh) ** CANADA [non]. Another no-show: despite repeated spot checks between 1200 and 1400 UT Sunday Feb 25, no sign of alleged R. Vancouver International via Taiwan on 9735-USB. The frequency was quite clear itself, but the wisdom of putting it right next to BBC- Kranji 9740 is questionable, with its ACI here, let alone in the prime target zone! And in USB, yet, instead of LSB. And there was some of that annoying rapid pulsing noise blamed on TIFC-9645v. Since the first reported time for RVI was wrong, I am wondering if the second one is too, or if it is all a figment of someone`s imagination. Perhaps monitors in SE Asia will be more successful (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nothing heard on 9735 today, Sunday, at the times mentioned. 73s (Olle Alm, Sweden, Feb 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. Re Ernie Behr`s report. At my location the World Falun Dafa Radio signals may be dead when North Korea, China, Middle East are booming in. The WFDR signals come and go with Greece and with other Bulgarian signals on 31 m. And the number of transmitters is three. One of these puts out much more signal to the west and is frequently reported. Two of the transmitters are active from the program sign-on, while the third one usually goes on about five minutes later, obviously to confuse the monitors who give orders to the Chinese jamming stations. When all three transmitters are regarded, frequency switching is even more frequent than 10-15 minutes. I have noted intervals of five minutes at times. If there is a pattern, then it is a complicated one, varying from day to day. Regards (Olle Alm, Sweden, Feb 25, DX LISTENING DIGST) ** COLOMBIA. 2940.14H, Ondas del Ibagué, Ibagué. Feb 2001 - 0120 UT. Is a regular guest but earlier only tentative. Harmonic from MW (2 x 1470.07). (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Feb 25, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. The upcoming Global Community Forum next week (ending 3 March) will feature a piece by Scott Gurian, a past intern at RFPI with a look back at the massive, and certainly underreported protests held at the George W. Bush inauguration and will air at the GCF`s regularly scheduled times (Wednesday 2030, Thursday 1800 and Saturday 1600). The following week (ending 10 March) GCF/FRRR begins a new season with resumption of the hour-long call-ins shows now live twice weekly and at a new time: UT Thursdays and Sundays at 0230 (Wednesday & Saturday nights at 9:30 p.m. US Eastern). Our scheduled guest for the show UT March 8 will be Costa Rica-based Bruce Harris, an internationally known and respected child care advocate and Executive Director of Latin American programs for Casa Alianza (a division of Covenant House). Under Harris` leadership Casa Alianza has been in the forefront of the continuing campaign to protect the homeless street children of Guatemala and Honduras who have been victims of human rights atrocities. In this program, Harris will address the issue of child prostitution in Central America with a focus on Costa Rica. Scheduled for March 10 is Hans Austermuhle, a long-time resident of Costa Rica who has followed Latin American Politics for many years. Austermuhle will share his insights and observations derived from his many years of study in the field. In past live call-ins, our format consisted of the presentation of a taped interview (in most cases) with a noted guest, followed by call-ins by listeners. Our new format will allow listeners to call in toll-free and speak directly with the guest who will either be in the studio or joining us via phone. A new subset of the Global Community Forum, "A Woman's Voice," will feature Susan Michael (of "In the Moment" fame) with an hour-long feminist perspective on many issues. This program will air initially as a taped segment at 2030 UT Thursdays (with repeats) but will also include call-ins in the near future (0230 UT Fridays). Frequencies: 15049 and 7450 and streaming live on the net in mp3 at http://www.boinklabs.com/ifpi.html On-demand in RealAudio shortly after the original broadcast at http://www.rfpi.org/progdesc/frrr-pd.html Glenn, hope this helps! (-joe bernard, Radio For Peace International, Feb 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DENMARK [non]. Dear Friend, Enclosed, please find the Radio Denmark A01 schedule which also applies for Radio Norway as they broadcast xx.00-xx.30 followed by us at xx.30-xx.55 It is also available on our web site http://www.dr.dk/rdk - at the moment in Danish only, but in a day or two, it`ll also be available in English. Kind Regards, Erik Køie / Radio Denmark / ehk@dr.dk R A D I O D E N M A R K March 25 -- October 27, 2001 1st edition: February 22 UTC Target (primary target in brackets) kHz Tx Beam 0830-0855 Australia, Europe (south west), Canary Islands, South America 15705 S 235 Middle East (east) 15735 K 110 0930-0955 Australia, Europe (south west), Canary Islands, South America 15705 S 235 Far East, New Zealand 17505 K 35 1030-1055 Europe, Mediterranean, Canary Islands 9590 S 180 South America, Canary Islands 21745 S 235 1130-1155 Europe, Mediterranean, Canary Islands 9590 S 180 North America (east), Caribbean 18950 S 280 1230-1255 Far East 15705 K 40 North America (east + central), Greenland 15735 S 300 North America (east), Caribbean 18950 S 280 South East Asia, Australia (west), Russia 21755 K 80 1330-1355 Europe 9590 S 180 Far East 15705 K 40 North America (east + central), Greenland 15735 S 300 South East Asia, Australia (west), Russia 21755 K 80 1430-1455 South Asia (India), Middle East (north), Russia 15735 K 95 North America (west), Greenland 17525 S 315 1530-1555 Russia, Europe (south east), Middle East (north), South Asia (India) 13800 K 95 Middle East (east), South Asia (India) 15735 K 95 North America (west), Greenland 17525 S 315 1630-1655 Europe 9595 S 180 Russia, Europe (south east), Middle East (north), South Asia (India) 13800 K 95 Europe (south east), Middle East (west), Africa (east) 15735 K 145 North America (east), Caribbean 17525 S 280 1730-1755 Europe 11615 S 180 Middle East (west) 13800 K 120 Europe (south east), Middle East (west), Africa (east) 15705 K 145 North America (east + central), Greenland 17505 S 300 1830-1855 Europe (north), Scandinavia (south) 243/1062 Ka ND Europe 7490 S 180 New Zealand 13800 K 35 Africa (west, central and south), Europe (south) 15705 K 180 1930-1955 Europe, Canary Islands 7490 S 180 Africa (west, central and south), Europe (south) 13800 K 180 New Zealand 15705 K 35 North America (west), Greenland 17505 S 315 2030-2055 Europe, Canary Islands 7490 S 180 Australia (east) 9985 K 65 2130-2155 Australia (east) 9510 K 65 2230-2255 Far East 11600 K 35 South America 13800 S 235 2330-2355 South East Asia, Australia (west) 9935 K 80 North America (east), Caribbean 9945 S 280 Far East 13765 K 35 South America 13800 S 235 0030-0055 South East Asia, Australia (west) 9935 K 80 North America (east), Caribbean 9985 S 280 North America (east + central), Greenland 11635 S 300 0130-0155 North America (east), Caribbean, South America (northwest) 9985 S 280 North America (east + central), Greenland 11635 S 300 South Asia (India) 12090 K 95 0230-0255 South Asia (India) 13800 K 95 0330-0355 Russia, Europe (south east), Middle East (east) 9960 K 95 North America (west), Greenland 11635 S 315 Europe (south east), Middle East (west), Africa (east) 13800 K 145 0430-0455 Europe 7465 S 180 Russia, Europe (south east), Middle East (east) 9475 K 110 North America (west), Greenland 11635 S 315 Europe (south east), Middle East (west), Africa (east) 13800 K 145 0530-0555 Europe 7465 S 180 Europe (south), Africa 9590 K 165 Europe (south east), Middle East (west) 11615 K 120 0630-0655 Europe, Canary Islands 7180 K 165 Europe (south west), Canary Islands, Africa (north west), New Zealand 9590 S 195 Europe (south), Africa, New Zealand 11600 K 165 Europe (south west), Canary Islands, Africa (north west), New Zealand 13800 S 220 0730-0755 Europe, Canary Islands 9590 K 180 Africa (west), Canary Islands, New Zealand 13800 S 220 Address: Radio Danmark, Radioavisen, Rosenorns Allé 22, DK-1999 Frederiksberg C, Denmark RD office: +45 35 20 57 84 (then press ‘9’) - Telefax: +45 35 20 57 81. e-mail: schedule, programme matters: rdk@dr.dk - technical, reports: rdktek@dr.dk WWW: http://www.dr.dk/rdk - including RealAudio on demand of our broadcasts. The daily live transmissions in Danish only are aired at 0830, 1230 and 1630 ut. Transmissions inbetween are repeats. The letterbox programme, ``Tune In`` is heard on the last Saturday and Sunday of the month from 1637 UT, the last broadcast being on Sunday at 1537. Radio Denmark shares the Norwegian transmitters with Radio Norway. They broadcast at xx.00-xx.30, followed by Denmark at xx.30-xx.55, 24 hours a day. Stations: Kvitsoy (K) and Sveio (S) each have two 500 kW transmitters. They are located on the Norwegian west coast near Stavanger and Haugesund at 05.27E 59.04N (K) and 05.19E 59.37N (S). Kvitsoy covers the Eastern Globe, while Sveio covers the Western Globe. - Kalundborg, Denmark (Ka) = 300/250 kW. Radio Denmark replies to complete reports by a QSL-card. Although not necessary, return postage is appreciated (1 IRC or 1 US dollar). Recordings (incl. RA and MP3 email files) are accepted. Tapes, however, are not returned (RD via Erik Køie, Denmark, Feb 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The first A-01 schedule received this year direct from a station! But experience shows that it may be revised before going into effect (gh) ** ECUADOR. 4840, Radio Interoceánica, Feb 25 *1000-1107, Rousing choral vocal version of national anthem at tune-in, then program of Ecuadorian folk music and announcements, mostly in Quechua. Some mx by Ecuadorian group Los Huayaynay. Several time checks. Poor, but mostly clear (Don Moore, IA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 2340.08H, Radio Central, Riobamba. Feb 2001 - 1030 UT. Harmonic from MW (2 x 1170.04). 2900.06H, Radio Calidad, Riobamba. Feb 2001 - 1100 UT. A lot of ads and screamy audio. Harmonic from MW (2 x 1450.03). Everything is as usual here in crazy Quito. Some demonstrations, a pinch of strikes and the Indians as usual digging large holes in the roads all over the country –- no wonder that also the President will take part and play a little - he proclaimed a state of emergency in the whole of Ecuador. It has never been so quiet here in Quito as during this week! This holiday the big carnival starts in Quito; it tends to be quite messy so we think we will go to Riobamba –- if there are any passable roads ..... 73 from BM in Quito! (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Feb 25, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) see also BRAZIL, COLOMBIA, GUATEMALA, PERU, VENEZUELA ** GEORGIA. R. Abkhazia and R. Khara, 9490, are irregular due to electric power shortage, limited to 12 hours per day (Bulgaria Calling Feb 24 via gh, DXLD) ** GUATEMALA. 3380.00, Radio Chortís, Jocotán. Feb 2001 - *1055 UT. Started at this time with marimba mx and an ID in both Spanish and and Indian dialect. Followed by texmex-music and the group "Los Tigres del Norte", enormously popular in Guatemala (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Feb 25, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** INDONESIA. RSPD Bekasi is getting financial difficulties now, and big possibilities the station would be closed. If you want to write objection letter, write to me. We could write your letter/email to newspapers, as information to the society that many listeners do not agree if the station would be closed (Akbar Indra Gunawan, INDONESIA, Jembatan DX Feb 25 via DXLD) WTFK? Next is Indonesian broadcasting web site. Radio Aceh.Com http://www.geocities.com/baja/mountain/2048/pengurusdpd.htm Radio 68H Links http://www.radio68h.com/main/link.htm Septar.Com http://www.seputar.com/links/radiotv/radiotv01.html DATABASE OF MEDIA ACTIVITIES IN INDONESIA http://www.unesco.or.id/prog/people/pe-int.htm Eksponen http://www.eksponen.co.id/ PRSSNI Jateng Website http://www.prssni-jateng.or.id/ Search Indonesia Links http://www.searchindonesia.com/www/News_and_Media/Radio_Stations/ (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN, Jembatan DX Feb 25 via DXLD) ** IRAQ/IRAN. I have spent a few morning hours checking some of the clandestines bcing to Iran or Iraq. v4130.18 R Kurdistan (Idha`at Kurdistan) noted here Feb 16 from 0300, not heard Feb 17, 18. v4030.7 and drifting - R Kurdistan here in Ar Feb 18 from 0300. Rather weak signal and faded early. 3985.00 V of Iranian Kurdistan sign on between 0243 and 0245 on Feb 16 to 18, ID around 0300. Rather strong signal and faded late. 4060/6995 - 4060 starting on 4062.3 and drifting downwards, 6995 stable and precise. S-on between 0304 and 0311 on Feb 16 to 18 with or without mx, formal s-on at 0315. 6995 rather strong, 4060 weaker and with early fade-out. v5859.99 presumed V of Iraqi Kurdistan noted in Ar Feb 18 at 0340, possible s-on at 0330. On Feb 15 noted afternoon s-on at 1500. Moderate signal 7100/9535 V of the Islamic Revolution, Feb 16 s-on 0330 and heard past 0500 in Ar. Precise freqs and rather good signals. Listed Ahwaz 250 kW ND for 7100 and Sirjan 500 kW 282 deg for 9535 and the schedule 0330-0530. Similar listings on 6145 and 7295. v3904.94 the Communist Party stn in Ar with various IDs Feb 16 from 0400. Moderate signal. Feb 20th: 5860 presumed V of Iraqi Kurdistan noted with s-on at 0331. Its \\ on 4085 noted a few minutes later, perhaps with the same s-on time. The audio is muffled and difficult to copy. 4030v R Kurdistan still here ex-4130. v3904.94 V of Iraqi People s-on with mx at 0355. ID (phonetic) as "Sowt ash-sha`ab al-eiraqi". Normally there is no audible jamming of these txions, but at 0310 I noted a weak Iranian jammer on 3985 far below the strong programme signal (Olle Alm, Sweden, Feb 18/20, BC-DX via DXLD) This morning there seemed to be problems with a few of the ME clandestines. The Mojahedin txers were late in getting on the air with only one or two (6820 and 5320 or 5620) active at the formal s-on at 0227 with freq annts. The last one to go on, taking it from the jamming, started around 0315. Strangely enough, the jammers also had a late morning, and not until 0240 had normal jamming of the then active Mojahedin freqs started. I could listen to 6820 freely until their first freq change. Moreover, 4030 (x4130) did not come on at all this morning, and 3985 was about 15 mins late. In the afternoon I heard 4030 starting (?) about 1620, while the usually strong 3985 was barely audible. I also noted a further stn on 4199v at 0326 and in the evening; this one was drifting downwards at a fast pace (Olle Alm, Sweden, Feb 21, BC-DX via DXLD) see also KURDISTAN ** IRELAND. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). In the financial section of today's Mail On Sunday, there is a piece on Atlantic 252 - and how RTL (who own 80%) and RTE are going to put the station up for sale. The value could be up to £20m!!. Isn`t this is about the sixth time Atlantic has been put up for sale! Let's put a sweepstake on who's going to buy it. 'Favourites' are: GWR - A launchpad for the Core brand EMAP - Making Kiss national Capital - Making Xfm or Fun Radio national (Mike Terry, BDXC-UK Feb 25 via DXLD) ** JAPAN. Must`ve had a good opening to the Far East late last night (Feb 24) since I heard Radio Japan from Yamata on 11715 at 0500 in English with "Hello from Tokyo" until 0600, then Russian to signoff at 0630. For the first half-hour 11715 had co-channel QRM from Vatican in Arabic to the Middle East. 11715 is listed for 300 kW, beamed to East Asia per PWBR-2001. You can tell it`s a direct frequency since 6110 from Sackville had a split-second satellite delay with the English program at 05 UT (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, Feb 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [non]. Glenn, NHK (R Japan?) on 24 Feb 2001 from 1641-1758 UT on 21630 kHz. An instrumental version of Billy Joel's "Piano Man" caught my ear so I stopped to listen. Seems that this is from Ascension Island targeted to South America (in Japanese). A good broadcast (SINPO 34323) with no interference and some fading towards the end. Mostly discussions between 2 males and 1 female and occasional Japanese popular music (Rich Skoba, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. [Clandestine] 9450 Feb 19 around 1505 a sudden start of the program in Ar, a man with a long talk about the US bombing of Baghdad. Then lady with annts, then around 1515 an ID in Arabic. "HUNA IDHAAT ELA ALAMAAM" in Arabic. "ELA ALAMAAM" means "FORWARD". Then the address in England, followed by the official statement of the Communist Workers Party of Iraq about bombing Baghdad. That lasted for almost 5 mins, then around 1525 the lady promised the listeners to meet again on Wed and handed the micro to the Kurdish section. LAMBADA song then ID in Kurdish. "R BOPESHAWA" and programs also about bombing Baghdad by the US air forces. Well, around 1545 a het on the same freq, that lasted till end of transmission around 1559. After which, suddenly the IS of R ROSSII from Moscow, then ID and web page address and e-mail address; then into the news in Russian (Tarek Zeidan, Egypt, Feb 19, BC-DX via DXLD) See also IRAQ/IRAN ** MÉXICO. 6185, Radio Educación, 1028-1038 Feb 25, String of program promo anmts, including IDs, then into pgm of guitar ballads. First was a song about Pancho Villa and the battle of Celaya. Excluding the U.S. Civil War, this was the largest battle fought in North America. Villa lost in a grand cavalry charge against trenches fronted with barbed-wire and manned with machine guns, and the forces that eventually became Mexico`s PRI party gained control of the government (Don Moore, IA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEWFOUNDLAND. The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE at http://www.cbcnews.cbc.ca/ ____________________________________________________ MARCONI SIGNALS START OF NFLD. CELEBRATION WebPosted Sat Feb 24 23:57:32 2001 ST. JOHN'S, NFLD.--The daughter of the father of wireless communication is in Newfoundland this weekend, helping mark the 100th anniversary of a historic transmission. In December 1901, Guglielmo Marconi used some balloons, kites, and a giant antenna to receive the first transatlantic signal without wires on Signal Hill, high above St. John`s. The faint crackle of three dots travelling about 3,500 kilometres in the air. Morse Code for the letter S, confirming that the experiment had been a success. Elletra Marconi addresses crowd in St. John`s Now, a century later, Elletra Marconi has come to Newfoundland`s capital to talk about her legendary father. Her visit begins a year of celebrations honouring his achievements in Atlantic Canada. "While he was very young, he had the idea that he studied electric waves to use (them) for the benefit of humanity," she told a crowd gathered at a hotel reception Saturday. Marconi became an instant celebrity after the transatlantic coup, but he was soon forced to leave Newfoundland by the Anglo-American Telegraph Company. It had legal rights to all electronic messages coming to or from the island. He set up shop in Nova Scotia with the help of a fellow inventor who had an estate there: Alexander Graham Bell. Over the next few decades the technology was refined, and the world was eventually introduced to radio, television, and then the wireless Internet. Marconi died in 1937, when Elletra was only seven. She is now an Italian princess through marriage. Newfoundland is sponsoring everything from conferences on Marconi to a kite flying festival this year, in a tourism event called "Receiving the World." Copyright © 2000 CBC All Rights Reserved (CBC Online Feb 24 via Ricky Leong, DXLD) ** PERÚ. 4573.63, Radio Independencia, Provincia de Chiclayo. Feb 12 2001 - 0225* UT. A new station if you believe the DJ. I say so because I have a feeling that a radio pirate ravages the region. Think I recognize both the voice of the DJ and his manner to throw out lots of IDs and jingles, just like the "Radio San Juan" with unknown QTH did. Heard the station only at one occasion on 6592v in November 1999 (see SWB 1420). Then SW and MW 1330 kHz was announced. Radio Independencia mentioned SW and MW 830 kHz. Mentioned an address at close down which I only partially got: "Radio Independencia, Calle Colombia 12.........., Provincia de Chiclayo". Until now I have only heard Independencia at this sole occasion. My ideas about "radio pirates" also apply to my logging of Radio San Juan, Chiclayo on 4576v (see SWB 1451). Reports of what I hear can of course not decide whether it is a pirate or a legal station. A pirate having access to Internet and SWB/DXLD/HCDX/Cumbre etc must have an incredibly funny time .......... 4702.23, Radio Eco, San Borja. Feb 2001 - 0108*. A programme with only Mexican music. Magnificent artists like Vicente Fernández, Luís Gabriel and Lucero. Cd at this time. A station heard only recently. [OOPS, this one is a Bolivian! -- Henrik Klemetz, DXLD 1-027 pending] 6270v, Radio El Libertador, Bagua Grande/barrio El Libertador, provincia Utcubamba, departamento Amazonas. Feb 2001 - 0000 UT. Reported this new station in previous SWB, then with some question marks. The DJ mentioned this address: "Radio El Libertador, Calle San Martín, cuadra 16, sector El Libertador, .....de la iglesia evangélica...del Perú, Bagua Grande, Utcubamba, Amazonas, Perú". ID as "Radio El Libertador en Cristo". Starts up at about 1030 UT usually with greetings and ``blessings`` to the people in various places and barrios. Still miserable audio. 6435.55, Radio Universo/Radio Cielo, unknown QTH. Feb 2001 - 0040 UT. With quite good audio quality, in fact it is now possible to hit the exact frequency in SSB because of a "cleaner" signal than before. Furthermore it has been heard the whole week on the same frequency, +/-2 kHz (have been heard on a number of frequencies). For the second time I have heard Radio Cielo ID as "Radio Universo". The first time was May 27 2000 on 4663v. This ``sly dog`` of a DJ said: "Estamos en calidad de prueba... de Cajabamba, transmite Radio Universo". A pirate-DJ with a sense of humour! 6754.75, unID Peruvian. Feb 19 2001 - 0245* UT. Listened for almost two hours to Peruvian nonstop carnival music. No talk whatsoever, not even at close down 0245. In the song lyrics sometimes "Cajamarca" was mentioned, so maybe the listed Radio La Merced, Tongod situated in the department of Cajamarca. Continued the following days to be heard with nonstop Peruvian music. Good signal and splendid audio quality. Acc to WRTH it is "irr" (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Feb 25, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** PERÚ. Glenn, "Radiodifusora Huancabamba", on 6535.8 kHz, 22 Feb 2001 at 1103-1135 UT. Traditional music and some talk with a clear station ID at 1120. Signal degraded rapidly towards end of broadcast (Rich Skoba, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PUERTO RICO. 1660, WGIT San Juan, February 24, 0010-0110, Spanish, romantic songs, ID: "WGIT Canóvanas las Carolinas, San Juan, la gigante del amor"; excellent signal. Partly the station came in like a European. Best antenna: DX-One Professional. vy 73 (Michael Schnitzer, Hassfurt, Germany, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** QATAR/NETHERLANDS [non]. Glenn, Here is something I`ve not encountered before. I heard 2 stations on the same frequency at the same time. Radio Nederland Wereldomroep (Madagascar - based on ILG & HFCC data) and Qatar Broadcasting Service at 1856-2015 on 11655 kHz. The audio from each broadcast seemed to interleave. Initially RN was the clear winner with a musical show and something called "Roughly Speaking" but Qatar came back with domestic Arab music (though the audio was still not as strong). At the top of the hour (2000 UT) Qatar stopped playing music and gave a station ID(?) in Arabic. Phonetically sounded like "El Dab Du Qatar" followed by (what I believe is) the "Mexican Hat Dance" music (seriously). From that point forward Qatar was the clear winner in audio though I never totally lost RN. Has anyone else reported this type of multiple (simultaneous) reception(s)? (Rich Skoba, NJ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Oh, yes, though usually as a complaint when more interested in hearing one station than the other (gh) ** RUSSIA. Glenn, I have included a recording on the HF Latest Loggings page of the Online DX Logbook http://www.dxsheigra.freeserve.co.uk of Radio Studio, Gardarika signing on tonight on 6235 kHz at 1900 UT. At 1904 they give full English ID, frequency announcement (still being announced as 6230 kHz), Telephone Number, Email address and Postal address all in English before continuing with Russian Programming. If you need the telephone number etc then they are all included on the short recording on the site mentioned above. 73's (Graham Powell, UK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) There is an alternative email addr for RRs to the "Gardarika" SW- program : reclama@metroclub.ru c/o Alexey Gromov, head of the stn's advertising dept (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, Feb 23, BC-DX via DXLD) Gardarika on 6235. Right now Feb 23 I listen to 6235: It`s almost perfect, local-like reception, strong signal without obvious interference; I note a very slight het on the high side but this could be anything local. Also the audio quality is excellent; it seems to be an FM quality signal (rather than "Pyatnitskaya audio" from poor circuits), which is processed by a well adjusted limiter/compressor. By the way, the RTTY on 6227 is still there (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 23, BC-DX via DXLD) We are using one 200 kW tx at 268 degrees on a curtain antenna. 6235 is much better in W Europe acc to your reports and IBB monitoring RMS scans. I noted a weak RTTY-like utility tx on 6236 only - but this one is not a problem for us. I hope to keep 6235 for our R Gardarika relays in the coming A-01 season (Mikhail Timofeyev, Russia, Feb 24, BC-DX via DXLD) ** RUSSIA, ASIATIC. 11840 USB, 2230-2247 Feb 19, Sakhalinsk Radyo - Russian. After network ID for Radyo Rossii, lady gave local ID as shown. "Musika" program - classical, then piano tunes from 1920s. At 2245 man interviewed man. SIO 344, 1 station under (Bill Flynn, Cave Junxion OR, Feb 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL. It`s been nearly two years that the Bless the Lord, o My Soul series devoted to the 2000th birthday [sic] of Jesus Christ has been available on the Voice of Russia World Service. Now that we are entering a new century and a new millennium, we decided to make this series a permanent feature because church music is something Russian culture is rightfully proud of. Enjoy more than a thousand years of Russian Orthodox music by tuning in to the Bless the Lord, o My Soul series. Russian church music is available every second and last Thursday of each month at 1730 and 1930 UT. The program is repeated on Friday at 0430 UT. MUSICAL PORTRAITS OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Even though the 20th century is all but over now, we still find it hard to say goodbye. We have a lot of good things to remember and, of course, the great people who made this century happen. Sergei Rakhmaninov and Fyodor Chaliapin, Dmitry Shostakovich and Yuri Bashmet, Mstislav Rostropovich and Valery Gergiyev - these and other musical luminaries who lit up this outgoing century will all feature in the MUSICAL PORTRAITS OF THE 20TH CENTURY series being launched by the Voice of Russia World Service. Coming hard on the heels of the RUSSIAN MUSICAL HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 20TH CENTURY series we`ve been broadcasting for the past two years, THE MUSICAL PORTRAITS… will be coming out at the same hours, that is, at 0630 on Tuesday, at 0330, 0530, 2130 on Wednesday, at 0230 and 1830 on Thursday, and at 0510 and 1910 on Sunday, all times UT. Copyright © 2001 The Voice of Russia (via Maryanne Kehoe, swl@qth.net via DXLD) ** SAIPAN. KFBS, 9465, relays a program for WINB at 1800-1900 (Bulgaria Calling, 1245 Sat Feb 24 on 15700 via gh, DXLD) Really? Or is it a program carried on both stations, rather different (gh) ** SA`UDI ARABIA. BSKSA, perpetually off-frequency, quite close to 11818, Feb 25 around 0525 with no-frills Qur`an recitation, ID in Arabic; good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. [RNW MDG site to Sudan] 12060 & 15320, R. Voice of Hope: New postal address for this one from Editor Jane Namadi: New Sudan Council of Churches, R Voice of Hope, P. O. Box 33829, Kampala, Uganda. She says that, due to lack of staff, they do not have printed QSL cards as yet, but they are designing them and hope to be able to send them to the printers in two weeks. She asks that listeners be sure to include return postage. She says they want reports, and will answer them all when the QSL cards are ready, and she also solicited funds to assist in their printing. "I have been trying to respond to all our listeners who write in. Actually, our target audience might be Sudan, but most reception reports I get are from people like you. I value all the reports." URL http://www.radiovoiceofhope.net/ e- mail: hope@africaonline.co.ug (Dan Henderson, MD-USA, NU Feb 20 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** U S A. I`ve just listened to a previously unknown `DX` program, called The Shortwave Report, on KZYX in Mendocino County, California. I spotted this on their schedule some weeks ago, but only now managed to catch it, since it is on only twice a month, and there were no links to it found at http://www.kzyx.org Dan Roberts in Willits, CA, presents a half-hour of excerpts recorded off SW (even from stations which do webcast), this fortnight RN, DW, RHC, Spain, Russia, mixed with local times and frequencies for listeners to tune in SW themselves. He has good quality off-air recordings, but they do have that ``shortwave sound`` mystique. (I did something similar on WUOT and other public radio stations in the pre-World of Radio era.) Website is http://www.outfarpress.com where he also has some nice art, photography and paintings of his own. The last two programs can be heard via the website in MP3. There are a couple of pages with SW times and frequencies (not all correct), plugging Monitoring Times, and general tips on shortwave listening for the beginner. The broadcast time on KZYX is 7-7:30 pm PST on the 2nd and 4th Fridays. It started a few minutes late (or seemed to on the webcast). As far as I know he has not sought any publicity about this in SW or DX circles. But now he has some. (Glenn Hauser, swprograms via DXLD) From http://www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/shortwave.shtml Short Wave Radio Information. The Shortwave Report Is a 30 minute review of news stories recorded from a shortwave radio. Times and frequencies for English-language programs are included to encourage you to listen on your own. It's easy. There is a new show posted on the 2nd and 4th Friday morning, record it in mono! FREE TO REBROADCAST! Please notify. ShortwaveReport 2/23/01 (13.6MB)mp3(29:44)mono Shortwave Report 2/9/01 (13.6MB)mp3(29:46)mono/ Tips for Shortwave Listening Shortwave Frequency Guide (via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Harry, Lee Freshwater has forwarded your e-mails with regard to the interfering signal on 1140 kHz in the southern California area. I had contacted Lee after I found him on the internet and took a shot that he may know about the signal. I am Director of Engineering for Morris Communication Corporation, who owns 7 stations in Palm Springs, including KNWQ on 1140. We have been troubled by this renegade signal for about a month now. Interestingly, this signal is RIGHT on top of us during the times it is on the air. We have had numerous complaints from listeners who cannot receive us through the interference. I have tried to track the signal during the day, but it seems to not be on the air during the daylight hours, and I attempted to track it on Monday night, but the Las Vegas transmission was mixed in with it so I could not get a clean direction. I am curious to know about your location and the bearing you measured for the signal. Incidentally, all the 1140s in the area, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, and Lake Isabella have been affected by the signal. We tried to orchestrate some downtime on Tuesday night after midnight, but the signal was gone, where I had heard it cleanly not 30 minutes before! This transmitter historically has been turned on about 4:30 pm, but we have been unable to determine when it is turned off. I am curious to know what it is. I find it interesting that both times the FCC has been notified, the signal disappears. I would appreciate any further information you are able to provide. Sincerely, (Jay White, Director of Engineering, Morris Communications Corporation, 1321 North Gene Autry Trail, Palm Springs, CA 92262, 760-416-8478 NRC-AM Feb 22 via DXLD) ** U S A. DXing with Cumbre was missing at the scheduled time of 0400 UT Sunday Feb 25 on 5745; instead, some preaching program whose title I could not find by searching the entire GIGO WHR schedule. DWC was on 5745, however at 0530 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Contrary to what I found last Sunday at this hour, 1308, on Sat Feb 24, WRMI was on 15725 instead of 9955, with Brother Scare`s Sabbath Show, and the commie Cuban jammers were back, against nothing on 9955. Then Sun Feb 25 at 1340 check, Wavescan in the clear on weak 9955; 1405 some hefty drumming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** URUGUAY. 6140/9595/11735, R Montecarlo/Oriental transmitter reactivated. Hrd on 6140, local daytime Feb 24 carrying simulcasting of MW 770 -R. Oriental and MW 1470- R. Cristal bicycle event (Horacio A. Nigro, Montevideo - Uruguay, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UZBEKISTAN. Is hearing Tashkent on 7082. -- Yes that`s right. It is a spurious of 7105 and is rather easily heard here both mornings and evenings when 7105 is active. I cannot find out how it is produced - there is no image on the other side of 7105. To clarify, the spur on 7082 is always connected to 7105 and is heard at all times, including the morning hours, that 7105 is on, no matter which other frequencies are in use at the same time. If 7105 has irregular breaks, the same occurs in \\ on 7082. The last digit seems to indicate that a LW or MW tx is involved as the second party to create the spur, but so far I have not managed to find a mathematical formula that produces this result. Evidently, it is a product that leaks through the filters of the 7105 tx (Olle Alm, Sweden, Feb 21/23, BC-DX via DXLD) 7105 is the usual WINTER freq of Tashkent, replaced by 9545 in summer. German at 1935-2025 is still on 5025 5035 5060 7105[summer 9545] 9540 11905. 7105 1430-2300 zone 30 TAC 20 310 291000-250301 UZB MCB 9545 1430-2300 zone 30 TAC 100 315 250301-281001 UZB MCB (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX ed via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 3060.00H, Radio San Felipe, San Felipe. Feb 2001 - 1035 UT. For the first time a logging of a harmonic from Venezuela. Heard quite often. Harmonic from MW (2 x 1530.00). (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin Feb 25, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** VENEZUELA [non]. Once again this Sunday, ``Aló, Presidente`` relays via Cuba missing; guess Hugo is still abroad? Feb 25 at 1405 check: 6140 inaudible, 9820 had only a weak FE signal; 11875 blocked by WEWN; nothing on 9505 under NHK direct; but 11705 had RHC programming way under NHK via Canada, \\ 11760, but that too was gone after 1500. Nothing on 9600 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Italian DX Club A.I.R. Associazione Italiana Radioascolto - sent me kindly a copy of their periodical "RADIORAMA" 3-2001 magazine. Topic item is a report of Radio Nacional de Saharagui [sic throughout; Italian rendering? -gh], written on pages 4 and 5 by Gabriele Rizzi, Piazzetta Vintani n. 2, I-33013 Gemona del Friuli, UD, Italy. Front cover photo of Radiorama magazine shows an antenna of R Saharagui at Rabuni location near Tindouf. The vertical metallic mast of approx. 14 meters height consists of a three element SW dipole at 10 metres above ground level, also an FM feeder antenna of 2 mb vertical Yagi type at 11 metres AGL, and more four meters tall "roof capacity" on top of the mast. In Dec 2000 Gabriele had the unique opportunity to take part in a humanitarion transport action of CARITAS to the refugee camps near Tindouf, West Algeria, near the West Saharian border. Unfortunately Gabriele suffered an illness before the transport started, so he prepared Mr. Loris Di Giogio of Fabio Vit forwarding agency with a questionaire list about the Radio Saharagui radio station. Some topic items of the station report: Radio Nacional de Saharagui started on MW with 1 kW in 1977. Increased to 20 kW in 1979, to 100 kW in 1999. On SW transmits with 20 kW of power since [Sept. ed.] 2000. Principal service intended to inform and communicate with the people in the occupied zone of W Sahara, about the liberation struggle situation on war against Moroccan army. Also to sensibilize the international public opinion for the West Sahara problem. Schedule: winter 0700-0800, 1700-2300; summer 0600-0700, 1800-2400. MW 1550, SW freq in the 7300-7500 kHz range not fixed, freq varies due to Moroccan jamming from installations near Agadir Morocco to disturb the RNS signal. Also MW outlet signal is disturbed by Moroccan jamming from an installation near Laajun [meaning Laayoune, ex El-Aaiun? on the Atlantic coast, ed.]. Transmission content: culture, greeting, education, politics, religion and music programmes. Question on tx and antenna type refused. Tx installation is served by three-phase 380 Volt, 220 V mono, and 50 Hertz freq, fed from Tindouf Algeria city main circuit. Question on collaboration and aid organizations refused also. Future plan to set up a TV service, and continuation classes to educate their radio engineers. Repair work is done by four engineers, who studied telecommunication in Cuba. Three fotos of the studio installation show a most modern high technical standard, long run tape recorder and also a Compaq? desktop PC is visible. Rabuni location consists of concrete buildings constructed in local traditional style. Contains military "Command" structures, Education Ministry, War Museum giving testimony on remains of the Sahara- Morocco conflict. The radio installation put together in a single container only. The article also reports about poor children living standard on the camps, suffering lack of pens, paper, and rubber erasers, latter substituted by shoe soles. Radio Nacional de Saharagui connection: phone +213 49 92 35 25 fax +213 049 92 35 25 [seemingly the figure '0' behind international call '213' is used for national access only, ed.] Addr: Radiorama, C.P. 873, I-34100 Trieste, Italy. e-mail: radiorama@xnet.it (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX Feb 24 via DXLD) SONY CAR SHORTWAVE REVIEW ========================= by Tom Roche, Atlanta, (C) 2001 DX LISTENING DIGEST [This article was moved Feb 28 to RECEPTION TIPS page; go there!] ###