DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-161, December 21, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1063: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1063.html HEAR WORLD OF RADIO 1063: (stream) http://www.angelfire.com/nm/wor/wor1063.ram (download) http://www.angelfire.com/nm/wor/wor1063.rm ** ALBANIA. R Tirana, Spurs of 9760, better than fundamental, Dec 20 at 1502 [time for 9816 at least]!: 9664 ALB 9672 ALB 9680 ALB 9697 ALB 9704 ALB 9712 ALB 9728 ALB 9737 ALB 9743 ALB 9753 ALB 9768 ALB 9776 ALB 9784 ALB 9792 ALB 9816 ALB (Tim Bucknall, UK, harmonics@egroups.com via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA [non non]. Glenn, The debate in recent issues of DXLD about the status of the various Government Houses has been an interesting sideline if nothing else! For what it`s worth, Government House in Canberra is a thoroughly Australian property. Situated on the foreshores of Lake Burley Griffin, its large grounds are home to numerous kangaroos. The `roo population has sometimes grown to the point where there has been talk of culling their numbers - but public opinion has always saved them. We walked along the outside perimeter of Government House just last week -- our kids fed the kangaroos through the fence. All of which is quite irrelevant because there are no radio transmission facilities on the property! Best wishes for the holidays, and thanks for your continued efforts in support of radio hobbyists (Matt Francis, Dec 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELARUS` [non]. Unfortunately R. Liberty in Belorussian stopped using 1118 [sic, must be 1188 -gh] kHz (via Hungarian Marcali) after only a one-day test. Now 1118 [sic] is used for broadcasts in Serbian, Croatian, and Albanian (Kosovar). Who knows if this is going to change, as well... (Nikolai Pashkevich via Konstantin Gusev in Russian DX_Bistro, via Sergei Sossedkin, Dec 20, DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. The Bolivian Telecom Authority 'Superindentencia de Telecomunicaciones' - SITTEL - has web site at: http://www.sittel.gov.bo/ There`s information on licensees on the `Operadores` -page. It includes a downloadable Word -document of licensed radio stations dating from 11.10.2000. News can be found in `Publicaciones`. For example - in October you can read following: "... Las dos radiodifusoras que se adjudicaron las frecuencias en onda corta son Radio Patujú (Trinidad) que operará en 6.005 kHz. y ofertó 5025 Bs. Y Radio Mauro Núñez (Villa Serrano) en 6.055 kHz con una oferta de 4.200 bolivianos por la frecuencia. ..." All the resolutions (new licences, new fqys, call changes etc.) of the year 2000 can be found at http://www.sittel.gov.bo/rsl2000.htm in downloadable Excel -file. Frequency lists (in Excel -format) are on `NOMENCLATOR DE RADIODIFUSIÓN` -page at: http://www.sittel.gov.bo/pblnmn.htm 73 de PUL, Pentti Lintujärvi, Helsinki, Finland Webmaster of 1000 Lakes DX Page at http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/3232/dx.htm and dxlinks.com at http://www.dxlinks.com/ (via hard-core-dx, WORLD OF RADIO 1063, DXLD) ** CANADA. LBH Radio via Sackville 17865 Dec 20 1626-1658*: Found here during Austria`s scheduled time with dance music, IDs and mentions of 1386 kHz, details on how to enter contest, "LBH Radio is the scene," very good. This is a gay and lesbian oriented station, broadcasting 24 hours on the web and 2200-0300 daily on 1386 kHz via Kaliningrad. Website is http://www.lbhradio.com, and (per Arctic Radio Club via Olle Alm via WWDXC Top News Aug. 14, 2000) mailing address is LBH Radio, Studio House, 21-23 Walton Road, Frinton-on- Sea, Essex, CO13 0AA, UK (David Yocis, New York NY, R71A, hard-core- dx via DXLD) Same story when checked at 1601 Dec 21: disco music, presumably this; at least it is in English... Lots of (too much) conversation between presumed gay M & W DJs, re Eire, BBQ in Oz, etc. Yet to hear a real LBH ID, but they gave a 4:24 TC ``here in the UK`` at 1624. Finally at 1638, ``LBH Radio`` ID in program ``Breakfast in America``. Poor ORF gets wiped out again; are they paying for this time?? Cut off at 1659* (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** CANADA. Subject: AM-740 Prime Time Radio. The new Toronto area station noted here with big band/nostalgic music and a few Christmas songs between 2000-2030 local (CST) time today, Dec. 19th. At 2030 they made a test announcement giving the air date as Jan 8th for regular programming. They had a monster of a signal here in Winnipeg obliterating the usual CBX-740, Edmonton. I was using a Drake R-8 with a McKay-Dymek loop. Thanks to local DXer Shawn Axelrod for the tip and all of you in southern Ontario who have provided info on this station via the ODXA reflector (Morris Sorensen, Winnipeg, ODXA via DXLD) ** CANADA. I had a chat today with Mr. Michael Caine, the President of CHWO radio in Oakville. As you all know, test transmissions have started full force on AM 740. The official start date for actual broadcasting will be January 8, 2001. They had previously published the 15th but as the testing has gone with hardly any glitches or problems, they decided to move up the date by a week. They will simulcast on both 740 and 1250 from January 8 to February 5, 2001. Callsigns & Formats: The initial choice for 740 was CFPT (CF PrimeTime) but this was denied by Industry Canada due to a conflict. So here they are. CHWO - AM 740 - PrimeTime Radio CJYE - Joy 1250 - Christian / Family Radio CJMR - 1320 - Multicultural Radio Yes, they will move CHWO to the 740 station. The callsigns take effect on January 8. After the simulcast ends in February, the formats will be; 740 - Easy Listening, Big Bands, Speciality Shows (A Little Breath of Scotland, Radio Erin, Calling All Britons, The Band Show, Golden Age of Radio, etc) 1250 - Christian & Family Programming & Music 1320 - Multicultural Programming & Music Transmitter: They are using the transmitter and antennas that were used by CBC. They are leased so the CBC must still maintain and service until such time as CHWO buys them (unknown time frame). Some have noticed the signal on 740 sounds different and better, certainly more so then 1250. They are using an "Optimod Processor" which takes the signal to the transmitter and antenna site without any loss at all (this is the only piece of equipment added by CHWO). It's like the antenna is beside the station itself. 1250 has no similar equipment, hence the difference in signal quality. They will broadcast at 50,000 watts day and night with about 85% modulation. This is due to the fact the antenna is shared with a French CBC station still. (CJBC - 860) WEB Site: The web site has changed to: http://www.am740.com It is under construction and is looking for anyone who might be interested in helping with the site. You can email them with ideas at: opportunities@am740.com . They hope to be running by February and will eventually include streaming. Signal: They are starting to receive calls about the signal. Michael got one today from Sudbury. I know some have mentioned it on the egroup. So to help out, Michael has asked us to listen and comment on the signal quality from wherever you may be. He thinks there might be a little too much bass in the signal but this might make it a better sounding "FM quality" signal. He would like to know what you think. Please email me at brians@oix.com with your thoughts and I will pass them on to him next week. QSLs: The Ontario DX Association will be the QSL manager for CHWO - AM 740 after January 8, 2001. We will include full details on the egroup and in Listening In magazine. It will take a few weeks to get going as we have just decided on the callsign and must print up cards. Plus the staff at CHWO will be very busy from now to the 8th, so hang in there, we will let you know as soon as possible. But, all reports will be handled via the club address NOTE: This does not apply to the test transmissions. So that`s about it. Let me know how the signal is coming in and will relay. If you have any suggestions, send them along as well. I was listening today in downtown Toronto and it was nice to listen to the clear signal around buildings and streetcar tracks and not have it destroyed like 1250 does. Five times more power helps too. It's also a shame they must add commercials. It was so nice today to listen to hour after hour of wonderful music. Take care. (Brian Smith, brians@oix.com, ODXA Director, via WORLD OF RADIO 1063, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND. Scandinavian Weekend Radio is planning a Xmas b/c from 2200 on Dec 24 to 2200 on Dec 25. Fqys: 2200-2400 on 11690, 0000-0500 on 11720, 0500-1200 on 11690, 1200-1600 on 11720, 1600-2000 on 11690, 2000-2200 on 11720. Special NAm & FE test at 2200-0600, 320/140 degrees (if bad weather, normal 220 degree beam will be used). This is tentative info; keep an eye on their Website http://www.swradio.net/eng/ for updates (BCDX via EDXP via DXLD) ** FINLAND. Subject: [HCDX] SWR's Christmas Programme on 24-25th December Merry Christmas for all SWR friends! I just wanted to remind you about our Special transmission starting 24th December 22 UTC (Christmas Day 00 local time). We also have A SPECIAL TEST #3 for our transatlantic listeners in North America as well listeners in Far East in Asia. We will turn our half wave dipole antenna toward 320 degrees at 22 UTC on Christmas eve and we turn it 220 degrees at 6 UTC, when reception in Europe is starting to be possible (If weather is bad, our technician refuses to climb into tower and test will be cancelled. In that case antenna direction will be at 220 degrees.) Our Frequency schedule for 25th December broadcast: 22-00 UTC (24th December) 11690 kHz, 00-05 11720 kHz, 05-12 11690 kHz, 12-16 11720 kHz, 16-20 UTC 11690 kHz, 20-22 11720 kHz Not much details for the programmes itself are not available at advance. Many of us are visiting airwaves during that day, but exact times are not very well known (Family reasons, etc. It`s Christmas, you know.) 11-12 UTC Christmas Radio Roulette by DjMadman includes interviews of Santa Claus and a famous Finnish DX-er Mr. Hannu Romppainen from Paltamo. And latest SWR radionews of course. At 20-21 UTC there is "Post Ludlum to Christmas - Jälkisoitto joululle." Music programme with interviews presented by Toni Collin, Juha Mäkinen, Tero Pasanen. This is the first part of series of radio shows presented by students of Polytechnic of Pirkanmaa's subsidiary in Virrat. Students will be hosting radio shows in SWR in January and February broadcasts. Mr Jari Perkiömäki have made very comprehensive reception forecast for us. Check your best reception time from our website. As usual, all reception reports are most welcome. You can send it via our website http://www.swradio.net, by e-mail raportit@swradio.net, or via traditional mail: SWR/Reports, P.O. Box 35, 40321 JYVÄSKYLÄ, FINLAND. Please note: We CAN NOT verify reports without return postage of 2 USD or 2 IRC (correctly stamped.) This applies to also Finnish reports too! Reports via e-mail or our website can be verified in our website. (As you might already know). You can also call us by phone, our number +358 400 995 559 is on use during transmission. Also SMS -messages is welcome. Let`s meet on 25 metres! (Alpo Heinonen/ Ville-Veikko Haikarainen Scandinavian Weekend Radio http://www.swradio.net via hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** GREECE [and non]. Contrary to comments attributed to M. Hoyle in DXLD concerning Voice of Greece transmissions, please be advised, as I had indicated earlier, that a daily English news bulletin, primarily to Australia, is carried at 0750-0755, using 11900, via Delano (previously 15170, 9775). This is within the "Foreign Language Broadcast" block and is currently only available on this channel, with parallel targets Japan and the Pacific Ocean region. The use of 11900 is a "split" from other services on 7475/9420/15630/17520. This English news segment may also be heard at 0300 (NAm), 0610 (Europe/Americas/Japan/Azores), and 1110 (Europe) on other outlets. 11900 continues to provide excellent reception here in Melbourne for the full broadcast span 0600-0800 Regards (Bob Padula, Victoria, Dec 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [correxion: following item is on 88.1, not 89.1; see next issue] ** HOPI NATION. I was listening to some Xmas music on KNAU Flagstaff webcast, and heard them dedicate to a new Hopi station which they said just went on the air today Dec 20, KUYI 89.1. M-Street Radio Directory IX shows this as a 100 kW CP at Hotevilla AZ, 656 feet, by The Hopi Foundation. That should get out well for DXers, with a very seldom-heard language! Unlike the Navajos and many other tribes in the area, the Hopi have not had their own radio station until now, tho Tuba City 1050 and perhaps KTNN 660 have brief Hopi shows. Checking http://www.hopifoundation.org, I found this; no mention of radio, and no links beyond this single homepage:: (Glenn Hauser) dot com biz card: Hopi Foundation - Lomasumi'nangwtukwsiwmani Hopi Foundation - Lomasumi'nangwtukwsiwmani [image:] Signifies the process of furthering unity of aspiration blossoming into full maturity over time. The Hopi Foundation is a non-profit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization. Founded in 1985 and incorporated in the State of Arizona in 1987, the Hopi Foundation is not affiliated or associated with any other corporation or organization. It is located on the Hopi Reservation in Northeastern Arizona with headquarters at Third Mesa. The Foundation was established by local Hopi people to promote self-sufficiency, proactive community participation in their own destiny, self-reliance, and local self-determination. The Foundation serves a population of 12,000 Hopi across 12 villages on the Hopi Reservation, other Indian tribes, and indigenous societies. Hopi Nation, P.O. Box 705, Hotevilla Arizona 86030 USA 520.734.2380 tel -- 520.734.9520 fax hopifound@aol.com Barbara Poley Executive Director (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. [Re: DXLD 0-160 Alfa Lima International with a 5 signal in Bulgaria on 21 MHz being too generous a reading] Possibly not. It is not uncommon to hear Dutch pirate stations such as Radio Blue Star, Farmers From Holland or indeed Alfa Lima on a Sunday afternoon or evening with massive, almost FM quality signals. I've heard them in England at typical 55544 or even 55555 on frequencies like 6270, 6285 and 6308 kHz, so I can well imagine they would put a similar signal over a longer distance to Bulgaria on the higher frequency (Tom Read, BDXC member 1040, WORLD OF RADIO 1063, DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS [non?]. Another DRM test on 21670 (AM), alternating with 21665-21670-21675 (DRM) was underway from 1401 tune-in Dec 20, with alternating announcements on 21670 only when on AM, one of the voices definitely being Jim Cutler. Perhaps this daily schedule will last for a while. Yes, back again Dec 21 at 1400. Hold your ears when Cutler says the DRM Showcase ``concludes``, because that`s when they switch back to digital (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. I was somewhat surprised to see in AM Switch, NRC DX News Dec 18, by Buffalo K. Foonman and his imaginary friend ``Jerry Starr``, that 1390 KCRC here in Enid OK is changing call to KMMZ, while 1640 KMMZ Enid changes to KMKZ [which has been on their FM 96.9, the one moved into OKC market]. 1640 is not on the air yet, and I just reconfirmed that 1390 is legally singingly IDing, at 2200 UT December 19, as ``KCRC, Enid``. The above change also comes as news to the person answering the phone, while the boss is away until the third Millennium. BTW, Dr [ugh] Laura was on before 2200, and from 2201 they joined the [ugh] ``Sports Animal Network`` originating at WWLS-640 Moore, also opening IDs for KADS Elk City, KBEL Idabel, and KCRC Enid [sic]. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid., NRC-AM via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. Tnx Pat Martin Tip, checked 1650 for new station, and Dec 21 at 0605 UT after news, three IDs within one minute as ``Newsradio 1320, KWHN, Fort Smith`` along with ``Arklahoma Weather``. Geez, they don`t even know what frequency they are broadcasting on! Had pronounced 6 Hz SAH with some other station (estimated by counting 1-2-3-4-5-6- over and over and seeing that it stays in synch with my digital watch seconds steps). Note: Don`t be confused: Arklahoma blends two states, while ``Arklatex`` blends three. As an Oklahoma-firster, I would prefer ``Oklasas``, pronounced ``Oklasaw``... {BTW, I bet you didn`t know that latex, that most useful substance, was named for the only two states where it grows, Louisiana and Texas; in fact, you still don`t}(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. I thought I'd invite DXers to try to tune in our new expanded band station in Ft. Smith, AR. KWHN (former 1320 KHz call sign) is now operating on 1650 KHz from a new site just over the Oklahoma border. It is simulcasting 1320 KWYN. We`re using a Harris DX-10 and Kintronics quarter-wave folded unipole antenna. So far we've heard from Clarksville, TN (north of Nashville). Please feel free to drop me, or the station a line. George Nicholas, Regional Engineering Services Manager, Central Region, Clear Channel Communications georgenicholas@clearchannel.com http://www.kwhn.com (via Barry Mishkind, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** ROMANIA. Multiple frequencies, Radio Romania International, Checked several times and frequencies for the English broadcasts as follows:- 2300-0000 UT: 11940 inaudible due to interference, 9570 kHz SINPO = 53443, 9690 kHz SINPO = 43543, 7195 kHz SINPO = 43543 0200-0300 UT: 9570 kHz inaudible due to CRI via Cuba, 11830 kHz severe interference, 9690 kHz inaudible to adjacent interference, Others listed not audible. 0400-0500 UT: 9570 kHz SINPO = 23432, 11830 kHz SINPO = 34443 All others listed not audible here in Northeastern Ohio (Lee Silvi, Mentor, December 17, 18, and 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Irkutsk state radio changes frequency | Text of report from Voice of Russia "DX Club" web site on 19 December At the end of November, the Irkutsk state television and radio company replaced the traditional longwave frequency of 234 kHz with a new mediumwave frequency - 1170 kHz. Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, in Russian 19 Dec 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Digital tests from Russia to Japan. I have been informed that DRM has some problems and is liable to produce much distortion when used over multihop distances because of the variable phase of the reflected signal. I have a feeling that the system is a hasty product and is built more on someone's prestige rather than excellency of performance. If we get a mix of analog and digital signals in the SW bands, unless the digital signals are referred to specially assigned portions of the bands, the interference to the analog signals will kill all serious SW listening. Regarding echo-ridden SW signals, it should be noted that a common cause of the echo is that there is an ordinary signal that is reflected in a mirror-like manner and an extra-ordinary signal that will travel for some distance within the ionosphere, where it is subject to some delay because the speed of propagation is lower than in vacuum. Normally the ordinary signal is much stronger and masks any delayed signals, but when the ordinary propagation is marginal the two signals will become equal (Olle Alm, Sweden, Dec 12, BC-DX via WORLD OF RADIO 1063, DXLD) ** SOMALIA. New QSL: Radio Hargeisa!!! 7530 kHz, confirmed today with beautiful QSL card (with details) my report of 25.11.00; sent one dollar and registered mail at the Konsularische Vertretung of the Republic of Somaliland, Zedernweg 6, 50127 Bergheim, Deutschland. On the QSL written: "10 KW T-antenna, QRG: 6390 6860 7122 7530 11640 khz". No v/s. 73 (Daniele Canonica, Switzerland, Dec 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. I was able to listen to R. Ukraine International December 21, 2000 0100-0200 UT on 9385 kHz. The program had many Christmas and New Year items. Reception was initially unusable/poor beginning at 0100 and lasting until 0130 UTC. Then signal was fair until signoff. No QRM noted, just a weak signal (Kraig Krist, VA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U A E. DUBAI, 13675, UAE Radio Dubai with fair reception in English 20 Dec at 0335 with Koran translations into English. Parallel 12005 poor due to het from 12004.7. Classy programming similar to Radio Sultanate of Oman. Why can`t Christian broadcasters produce similar enjoyable programming relating to the Bible? (Walt Salmaniw, Queen Charlotte Is, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC: There was a typo in my article about the BBC in EDXP 194. The URL for the list of stations rebroadcasting BBC WS in Australia should be: http://www.bc.co.uk/seasia/fmmv/htm I had mentioned that the BBC does not broadcast any programs specifically to Australia or the Pacific. There are some transmissions for "Oceania", according to the engineering schedule for B00 (but not to "Australia"), and "BBC On-Line" magazine does not publish details of programs for "Australia". I guess it depends on how one interprets the words "Oceania" and "Pacific"! To Oceania: 0500-1030 Kranji 15360 0500-0900 Kranji 11955 0600-0805 Skelton 9580 0900-1100 Kranji 11955 1100-1600 Kranji 9740 1800-2200 Kranji 9740 2000-2200 Kranji 5975 2200-2300 Brandon 12080 2200-0000 Kranji 11955 (Bob Padula, Electronic DX Press Dec 20 via DXLD) ** UNITED NATIONS [non]. This schedule, which includes shortwave frequencies hired through UK-based Merlin Communications, is valid until March 2001. Transmitter sites: Ascension Island (a), South Africa (m), United Kingdom (uk). Address: UN Radio, Secretariat Building, Room S-850A, New York, NY 10017, USA; Tel: +1 212 963 5201; Fax: +1 212 963 1307; E-mail: audio-visual@un.org Web Site http://www.un.org/av/radio/ E-mail: smithd@un.org 0000-2359 MULTILINGUAL http://www.un.org/av/radio/ - archive audio 1700-1715 .MTuWThF. FRENCH Af 6.125-m 17.595-uk 21.490-m 1725-1730 .MTuWThF. PORTUGUESE Af 6.125-m 1730-1745 .MTuWThF. ENGLISH Af 6.125-m 15.495-uk 17.735-a 1830-1845 .MTuWThF. ARABIC Af 7.260-uk 13.770-uk --------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring Dec 20, condensed by gh for DXLD) ** U S A. Some more webcasting public radio holiday special listings. WHYY just has regular daily listings: http://www.whyy.org/91FM/91fmtoday.html From Las Cruces, the holiday lineup: http://www.krwgfm.org/prog_sched.htm KCRW has a section on this page about Special Holiday Programming: http://www.kcrw.org/about/pressreleases/frame_December2000Highlights.html US Webcasting Public Radio Holiday Specials for THURSDAY DECEMBER 21, all times here in CST = UT minus 6. -XXXX means length not specified 0900-1000 WUWF SYNAGOGUE SONGS 1000-1100 WUWF CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1100-1200 WHYY WHAT IS CHANUKAH 1100-1200 WXXIF CHANUKAH STORY 1100-1200 KWGS ORNAMENTS & ICING 1200-1300 KWGS CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1210-1310 WPLN CAROLS, AMERICAN BOY CHOIR 1300-XXXX SDPB CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA XMAS 1300-XXXX NPRN XMAS SUITES & CAROLS, USCG BAND 1400-1700 KRWGFM MESSIAH, BUFFALO 1500-XXXX OPB CHANUKAH LIGHTS I 1730-XXXX WUOT UT JAZZ FOR TOTS 1730-XXXX WKSU CHANGE OF SEASON 1801-1900 WKAR CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1900-XXXX KWGS XMAS REVIEWS 1900-XXXX KANSAS SINGING QUAKERS CANDELIGHT CONCERT 1900-XXXX WBHM BLACK GLEE CLUBS 1900-2000 KANU ECHOES OF XMAS 1900-2000 WKSU LEGACY OF ST NICHOLAS ANONYMOUS 4 1900-2000 WUNC A CHRISTMAS CAROL - JONATHAN WINTERS 1900-2100 WXXIA CHANUKAH LIGHTS 1900-2100 WBEZ CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1900-2100 WNYCF PAUL WINTER CONSORT SOLSTICE LIVE **** 1930-2130 WPLN PAUL WINTER CONSORT SOLSTICE 2000-XXXX WKSU NIGHTAIRE XMAS 2000-XXXX KANU WELCOME, XMAS IN THE AMERICAS 2000-2100 KRWGFM WELCOME, XMAS IN THE AMERICAS 2000-2100 KBYU SYNAGOGUE SONGS 2000-2100 KNAU KLEZMER NUTCRACKER 2100-2200 WUOT SWEETEST MUSIC 2100-2200 KNAU ANCIENT NOELS 2100-2200 WYOMING TASTE OF CHANUKAH 2100-2200 KUNR CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 2200-2300 KQED CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2200-2300 WYOMING CHANUKAH STORY 2200-XXXX OPB CHANGE OF SEASON, HANUKAH SPECIAL 2200-XXXX NPRN STAR OF WONDER 2200-2400 KANSAS PAUL WINTER CONSORT SOLSTICE 2300-XXXX KBYU REJOICE GREATLY, COLOGNE (Glenn Hauser, swprograms via DX LISTENING DIGEST) **** ANY LATE ADDITIONS SINCE ORIGINAL POSTING TO THESE LISTS, IF POSSIBLE BEFORE AIRTIME, WILL BE ENTERED HERE AND MARKED THUS **** SO CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY. Note: these listings do not attempt to be comprehensive, just to round up special programs/timings which stations publicize; not necessarily Xmas-themed episodes of regular programs at their regular times. Same program may appear under somewhat different titles. US Webcasting Public Radio Holiday Specials for FRIDAY DECEMBER 22, all times here in CST = UT minus 6. -XXXX means length not specified 0900-1000 WUWF TASTE OF CHANUKAH 0900-1100 KUNI BACH XMAS 2000 kuniradio.org **** 1000-1100 WUWF CHANTICLEER XMAS 1000-1100 WAMC KLEZMER NUTCRACKER 1100-1200 KUNI ECHOES OF XMAS **** 1100-1200 WUWF LEGENDS OF ST NICHOLAS, ANONYMOUS 4 1100-1200 KWGS READINGS FOR THE SEASON 1100-XXXX NPRN ANCIENT NOELS 1200-1300 KUNI ANCIENT NOELS 1200-1300 KWGS CHANUKAH STORY 1200-1300 WHYY WRITING ALOUD Afro-American Xmas Stories **** 1200-1400 KRWGFM HANUKKAH SPECIAL ON INTERMEZZO 1200-XXXX WYSU BACH XMAS **** 1210-1310 WPLN XMAS AROUND THE COUNTRY 1300-1400 WETA CHANTICLEER XMAS 1300-XXXX KANU HOLIDAY VESPERS AT UK 1300-XXXX SDPB MESSIAH, SOUTH DAKOTA SWISS 1300-1500 KUNI PAUL WINTER CONSORT SOLSTICE **** 1400-1700 KCRW PHILOSOPHER, FIDDLER, FOOL: salute to Yiddish 1400-1500 KRWGFM CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1400-1500 WETA CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1515-XXXX NPRN XMAS OF PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 1800-1900 VPR JAZZ PIANO XMAS vpr.net **** 1800-1900 WPSU PLEASURES OF WINTER wpsu.psu.edu **** 1800-1900 KUNI THIS AMERICAN LIFE Sedaris` Santa Story **** 1800-XXXX KANU HOLIDAY VESPERS AT UK 1800-XXXX WYSU SEASON SWINGS **** 1900-2000 WPSU ORNAMENTS & ICING **** 1900-XXXX WKSU CHANGE OF SEASON 1900-XXXX WBHM CHANTICLEER XMAS 1900-XXXX KANSAS FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS & CAROLS, RENO 1900-2100 WXXIA TOSS THE FEATHERS 1900-2100 KUNI AMERICAN ROUTES XMAS 1900-2300 VPR XMAS JAZZ **** 1900-XXXX WMUB MAMA JAZZ XMAS SPECIAL **** 2000-2100 MPR CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA XMAS 2000-2100 KBYU WELCOME, XMAS 2000-2100 WKSU CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000-2130 KNAU ST OLAF FESTIVAL 2100-2200 NWPR RIVERWALK XMAS JAZZ BAND **** 2100-2200 WPSU SWEETEST MUSIC **** 2100-2200 KUNI WOMEN IN MUSIC carols **** 2100-2200 WYOMING THIS AMERICAN LIFE Santa Claus Diaries 2100-XXXX WKSU ORNAMENTS AND ICING 2100-XXXX KUNR JAZZ PIANO XMAS 2100-XXXX KBYU ECHOES OF XMAS 2100-XXXX WBEZ PASSPORT XMAS SHOW 2200-2300 NWPR JAZZ PIANO XMAS **** 2100-XXXX WXXIA MARLEY`S XMAS CAROL 2200-XXXX WPSU ECHOES...SEASON **** 2200-XXXX WYOMING XMAS REVELS, SOLSTICE CELEBRATION 2200-XXXX KING MESSIAH, ST OLAF Note: Friday WHYY info not yet available on Thursday **** added now (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * U S A. Dear Glenn, Since there is a lot of information on Christmas programs on Short Wave on your site, may I please add one more? This Saturday at 0200 UTC [UT SUNDAY] on [WBCQ] 7.415 and 9.335 Mc, Marion`s Attic will feature Christmas music from 1910 to about 1950. It is not an easy program for me to produce as I am sad about much more happier times in Christmas past. However, my helper, Kristina, co-hosts the show with me, making a difficult task bearable. May I say that this young lady is responsible for teaching me to use this computer and helping me with my web pages. She helps me up the attic stairs sometimes too. I want to wish you a very happy holiday, Glenn. Thank-you for your kind words and promotion of my program and the wonderful hobby of Short Wave Listening. Lovingly, (Marion Webster, Dec 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. More articles about Low-Power FM: http://www0.mercurycenter.com/premium/business/docs/radio19.htm http://search.excite.com/search.gw?c=timely&s=%22low+power%22 http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29384-2000Dec19.html BUDGET BILL CURBS LOW-POWER RADIO By Frank Ahrens, Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, December 20, 2000; Page E03 An attempt to create hundreds of low-power community FM radio stations was dealt a significant blow last week after Congress sharply curtailed the effort in an amendment to a budget bill that President Clinton is slated to sign. One prominent Republican is saying the fight`s not over yet. But a rider buried inside an appropriations bill reduced the number of potential stations by as much as 75 percent. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) will seek to overturn the rider when the Senate reconvenes on Jan. 3, an aide said yesterday. McCain "will make it one of his committee`s top priorities to repeal this provision as early as possible," said Mark Buse, staff director to the Commerce Committee. "He thinks that this being added to an appropriations bill is an atrocity, and that it will hurt minorities and small churches and organizations that want to broadcast local information," Buse said. ... (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) ** U S A. Milwaukee`s long time classical music station WFMR (98.3) has moved to 106.9, which has recently been WJMR. WJMR`s format is urban and R&B 60s through 80s classic hits. WJMR has moved to 98.3, WFMR`s old frequency. Unsure why the frequency swap. Prior to the change of frequencies, each station was transmitting at 6 kW. Always a fan of your SW shows, (Matthew Kickbush, Dec 21, Milwaukee, WI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###