DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-156, December 14, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1062: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1062.html HEAR WORLD OF RADIO 1062: (download) http://www.angelfire.com/nm/wor/wor1062.rm (stream) http://www.angelfire.com/nm/wor/wor1062.ram ** AUSTRALIA. R Australia strike: I wish to add a little further news to the R Australia shutdown on the 5th/6th. Nigel Holmes, the Head of Transmission, has just advised that during the 24 hour strike, the reason that an Australian DXer didn`t hear the Shepparton site, was that Nigel used this opportunity to have the contractors clean up the site, and also for the ABC contractors to invoke one of the 8 hour mandatory outages for essential maintenance, that they have to have each year (Phone call direct from Mr Holmes 7th Dec to John Wright, Australia, via Australian Radio DX Club, Dec 11 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. One RA program I always try to catch on webcast is this: (gh) Fri. 2315 on 21740 - LINGUA FRANCA - A program about language. This week, "The Language of Resistance in West Papua". In 1950, when the Republic of Indonesia was established, it did not include West New Guinea, which remained under Dutch control. Not until after the Indonesian invasion of 1962 was it incorporated into Indonesia as Irian Jaya. Ever since, the indigenous people of Irian Jaya have resisted Indonesian rule, and in particular Indonesian language policy. Recently President Wahid made some linguistic concessions to the independence movement: the name Irian Jaya was changed to West Papua. Over several years' reporting from both sides of the border, journalist Andrew Kilvert has been taking a keen interest in the language of the West Papua resistance movement, which he discussed with West Papuan activist Anana in Jayapura (Also Sat. 0340, 1115) (John A. Figliozzi`s RA previews for swprograms via DXLD) ** CANADA. I heard them mention on "As It Happens" last night that there`ll be a special memorial programme for Allan McFee "this weekend" at 9 AM on CBC Radio Two. Indefinite, to be sure...and I haven't yet checked the website to see if it`s mentioned there, and if it`s mentioned whether it`ll be on Saturday or Sunday. Gary Dunford`s Toronto Sun column about the late Allan McFee: http://www.canoe.ca/Columnists/dunford_dec13.html (via Bill Westenhaver, QC, Dec 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DXLD) Looks like a temporary file, so hurry. Good night, vacuumland (gh) ** CANADA. Hello, This week we have a special edition of Quirks & Quarks, the Q&Q Holiday Book Show: science books for science lovers. We`ll talk to the authors of some of the best science books that have come our way this season, including Anne Russon ("Orangutans"), Keith Devlin ("The Math Gene"), Carl Zimmer ("Parasite Rex"), and Wayne Grady ("The Bone Museum"). Find out how orangutans make pancakes; how math is like a soap opera; how parasites rule the planet; and how digging for dinosaurs is like carving a turkey. All that and more, on Quirks & Quarks, Saturday right after the noon news on Radio One. (Bob McDonald -- Quirks & Quarks -- CBC Radio, via DXLD) UT Sun 0005 on RCI 5960, 9755 ** CANADA. I left a receiver on 25950 where Portland was weak, just to keep track of 11m propagation. Suddenly at 2006 UT Dec 14, someone identifying as ``7-4-7 in Nova Scotia, Canada`` comes on the same frequency saying he is cutting off some station playing music, as if he belonged there, rather than Portland (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 740 going on soon: Bad new for DXers in the north-east... I have word from a highly reliable industry source that CFPT 740 Toronto will start broadcasting Dec. 18. I assume this will be a test period, with the official launch in the New Year, but I don't know any more. DX 740 while you can...there's only a few days left (Saul Chernos, Ont., Dec 12, amfmtvdx via WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. Note that the CIS relay schedule below includes one entry for Falun Dafa Radio, via Tajikistan: 9415 1400-1500 500 FDR (gh, DXLD) ** CIS/RUSSIA. Foreign Relays via SW Transmitters of the CIS - Countries B-00 season 29/10/2000 - 24/03/2001 Armenia 5855 1725-1840 100 TWR 6240 0030-0100 100 TWR 7475 1400-1500 100 RFA 7550 2300-0000 500 RFA 7560 0100-0300 500 RFA 9365(11590)1100-1400 500 RFA 9920(11520)1100-1400 500 RFA 9965 0000-0300 500 VOR 11510 1700-2000 500 VOR 11790 1400-1500 500 VOA 15735 2000-2200 500 VOR 17540 0600-0700 500 RFA Moldova 6205* 1600-1645 500 TWR 7120** 1830-1900 500 RIT 7125 0100-0600 500 VOR 7180 0100-0600 500 VOR 7480 1630-1830 500 VOI 7520 1730-1815 500 RIN * is not used for the present ** alternative freq 7480. Kazakhstan 7530 2230-2330 200 RFA 7550 1500-1600 200 RFA 9355* 1630-1700 200 GO 9490 2330-0030 200 RFA 11510 1230-1330 200 RFA 11535 1400-1500 200 RFA 11570 0030-0130 200 RFA 13830 0000-0100 200 RFA 15695 1100-1200 200 RFA 15705 1215-1300 200 VOT * only Tue/Fri, alternative frequency 7355 kHz Tajikistan 4940 1400-1500 100 VOR 4940 1600-1700 100 VOR 4965 1400-1500 100 VOR 4965 1600-1700 100 VOR 4975 1400-1500 100 VOR 4975 1600-1700 100 VOR 5830 1430-1530 100 BBC 5830 1015-1700 100 BBC 5830 1800-1830 100 RIT 7180 2315-2400 100 VOT 7415 2300-0300 200 RFA 7455 2100-2400 500 RFA 7470(15695)0100-0300 200 RFA 7485 0100-0130 200 RFA 7495 1500-1600 200 RFA 7515(11540)2330-0030 200 RFA 7515 1600-1630 200 RFA 7520 2230-2330 200 RFA 7530 1600-1630 200 RFA 7540 2300-2400 500 RFA 7540 1500-2200 500 RFA 7570(11500)0100-0300 500 VOR 9365 0100-0130 200 RFA 9360 1500-1600 200 RFA 9365 1400-1500 200 RFA 9415 1400-1500 500 FDR 9920 0100-0145 100 VOT 9945 0200-0300 500 VOR 9975 1530-2000 200 VOR 11500 1300-1400 500 VOR 11535 0030-0130 200 RFA 11540 1100-1400 200 RFA 15645* 1215-1300 100 VOT 17495 0300-0700 500 RFA 17495 0800-1000 500 VOR 17515 0600-0700 200 RFA 17525 0300-0700 500 RFA 17525 0800-1000 500 VOR * alternative freq 15655. Uzbekistan 6205 1710-1740 100 VAT 7375 0030-0130 200 BBC 7430 2300-0030 200 TWR 7430 1330-1530 200 BBC 9865 1450-1620 100 VAT 12070 1325-1625 100 RNW 17685 1200-1230 100 RVI 21780 0800-0830 200 BBC BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation FDR = World Falun Dafa Radio RFA = Radio Free Asia RIN = Radio International RIT = Radio Iran of Tomorrow RNW = Radio Nederland Wereldomroep RVI = Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal TWR = Trans World Radio VAT = Radio Vaticana VOA = Voice of America VOI = Voice of Iran GP = Golos Pravoslaviya (in Russian) [== ``GO`` ? V. of Orthodoxy ? -gh] VOR = Voice of Russia VOT = Voice of Tibet (....) alternative frequency from 04/03/2001. CRR-3 (Samara) 9940 1430-0200 WUN 250 140 degr 17765 0230-1400 WUN 250 140 degr CRR-10 (Irkutsk) 7400 1000-1400 DWL 250 152 degr TCR-12 (Chita) 6205 1315-1345 VAT 500 194 degr. (Nikolay Rudnev, via RUS-DX Anatoly Klepov, Dec 10, via BC-DX via DXLD) ** CONGO DR. Goma rebel official discloses plan for rebel media | Text of report by Congolese rebel-controlled radio from Goma on 13 December Officers and employees of agencies operating under the supervision of the [rebel Congolese Rally for Democracy, RCD] Communications and Culture Department yesterday, Tuesday 12 December, held a general assembly chaired by the head of the department, Prof Kin Kiey Mulumba. The meeting took place at the conference hall of the [word indistinct] Protestant Guest Centre where Prof Mulumba explained to the participants the outline of the Communications and Culture Department`s plan of action adopted recently during the extraordinary session of the RCD executive committee. The head of the communications and Culture Department said the plan, which will cover a minimum period of three months, was an ambitious and aggressive plan expected to address some deficiencies observed in the communications and culture sectors. Concerning the RTNC [Congolese National Radio-Television], the minimum plan provides for the expansion of the radio-television to the entire territory controlled by the RCD and the setting up in Goma a sort of national radio-television, the purchasing of a shortwave transmitter enabling it to broadcast from 0500 to midnight [all local times] and satellite transmission of images through Renatelsat. These are all priority projects for the [rebel] movement. [***** this graf mentions SW transmitter -gh *****] It is to be noted that these two projects will be supported by a sound and image centre [French: Centre de sons et d'images] to be established in Goma to respond to the challenge of a media-landlocked situation for the RCD. Concerning the Congolese News Agency [French: Agence congolaise de presse, ACP], the plan provides for a new lease of life through the restructuring and reorganization of working practices. The ACP will, on a daily basis, ensure the daily press review through monitoring [last word in English]. The Communications and Culture Department`s minimum plan also provides, under its cultural programme, for megaconcerts organized by famous stars and sponsored by industrial firms and airline companies by the end of February or early March 2001. Prof Kin Kiey Mulumba also said training and refresher courses needed for journalists to become responsible professionals will be provided by the movement, adding that professionals from Europe and news correspondents from neighbouring countries will be the trainers. Regarding the privately-owned press, the head of the Communications and Culture Department said the RCD encouraged the setting up of privately-owned stations and media enterprises. Prof Kin Kiey Mulumba closed the meeting with his best wishes for happiness and prosperity to all staff members of the various sectors supervised by his department, the Communications and Culture Department. Source: RTNC radio, Goma, in French 0500 gmt 13 Dec 00 (via BBCM via WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI variations from nominal schedule: Dec 13, 15049 was on already when checked shortly after 2100; Dec 14, 21815-USB was still not on by 1930. The antenna work to improve signal on 7480 they are trying to get done no doubt requires some outages on the other frequencies. BTW, previous latest nominal sked given for 21815-USB should have read until 2400, not 0400 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. Yes, info@rfpi.org will continue to function. It`s hosted by Freespeech and forwarded to us in Costa Rica via RACSA (- joe, RFPI, Dec 14, DXLD) ** CROATIA. Hi, Croatian Radio 1 (Hrvatski Radio 1) is now strong on 5040.0 kHz (AM) in the (European) morning. // 1125 kHz. GOOD DX, (Karel Honzik, the Czech Republic, Dec 14, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** EUROPE [and non]. Titanic Days Again: Hi there again, FREE RADIO LOVERS, After past weekend`s efforts to set up a continuous 24 hour marathon broadcast (which was disturbed due to an insect (!) in the cassette deck mechanism (Jurassic Park is everywhere...!)) and only every 2 hours 2 hours [sic] of shows were audible we proudly invite you all to participate THIS COMING WEEKEND AGAIN on the same frequency - 48 mB, 6261 kHz - and we hope this time you can listen to the complete 4 hours programme schedule of our 25th anniversary! Please have a listen to our guest DJs, e.g. Cachito Mamani of Radio Cochiguaz, Mark Graison of Radio Marabu, Pirate Andy of PFBS, Simon Hendrix of BRI and Dave Scott and Duncan James of Radio Apollo, Marc Jones of FRSH. We will be on the air too via our kind friends at RWI on 11401 kHz and we may use the 7484 kHz transmitter too. Please have a look on 41 and 26 metres for more RTI shows within the forthcoming weekends in December. And we will be audible via the transmitter of RADIO COCHIGUAZ in South America on either 6950L or 11440U as shown in the forthcoming information mail of RADIO COCHIGUAZ. Last but not least we will have some nighttime transmissions on December 24/25/26th on the 48 mB again (+/- 22.00-00.00 UTC!) Check it out! We already have received many E-mails for the past weekend`s broadcast and we were very excited about the results (btw heard twice in the USA!). We hope to add more of your E-mails and Real Audio files for the forthcoming shows. Write to TitanicRTI@aol.com STATEMENT: FACT 1: Rumours occurred that we would have been relayed by RADIO RTN the past weekend. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG! The transmissions on 6261 are no relays at all. We used to use a hiding-place somewhere in Central Europe to spread the signals to you just only for this celebration period! FACT 2: The shows relayed via the IRRS Milan transmitter were shows owned and operated by RADIO RTN itself. OP Rolf Kern held an interview with Mark Brown in September and used this as a part of his own programme. The same WE did with that interview and fitted it in our 25th anniversary shows. RADIO RTN and RTI didn`t make a so-called "joint- venture" programme either and there are no such QSL-cards available. So please LISTEN carefully and do not only HEAR! FACT 3: Rolf Kern and Mark Brown are going to meet again soon to sort all the reports which were forwarded to the falsely heard station and we will send QSL cards of the right station for you! So be anxious for the results! FACT 4: Most likely RTI will cease transmissions for the time being at the end of Y2K. Everything's cleared up?! Please enjoy RTI on the Short Waves! Make use of this occasion. Carpe diem! (Mark Brown for all at RTI, Dec 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EUROPEAN PIRATE. 6260.95, R. Titanic Int. (presumed), start to get a het around 2100, and bits of instrumental music with man announcer at 2145. Unfortunately it never got any better than that. Very disappointing conditions. I checked again back home at 0730 but only hints of audio at best and really impossible (Dave Valko, PA, 9, 10 Dec., hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** IRAN/IRAQ. Iranian opposition TV, radio from Iraq still observed Despite the report on 26th November by the Kurdish newspaper Hawlati, that the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO) radio and TV broadcasts from Iraq had been closed as a step towards the normalizing of relations between Iraq and Iran, both broadcasts continue to be observed. The MKO TV broadcast, "Sima-ye Moqavemat" (Vision of Resistance), continues to be carried on Iraqi domestic TV, although it is sometimes missing from the recently-inaugurated satellite relay of the domestic TV service. For example on 11 and 12 December, Iraqi TV did not appear on satellite until 0700 gmt when the MKO programme was over. MKO's Voice of Mojahed radio broadcast continues to be carried on several shortwave frequencies. It was observed signing on at 0227 gmt on 10 December on 6860 kHz, with 5320, 5640, 7040 and 8820 kHz also heard in parallel by 0240. When checked on 13 December at 1600 gmt the radio was heard on 5350 and 5620 kHz (all frequencies vary to avoid jamming). Source: BBC Monitoring research 14 Dec 00 (BBCM via DXLD) ** KURDISTAN. Three quick clandestine loggings in 6 minutes on Dec 8: On 4061.1 08 1652-1655 CLA Dangi Gelli Kurdistani (VO People of Kurdistan)-Kurdish: TK+ID? [443 SM] On 4085 08 1655-1658 CLA Sawt al-Kurdistan al-Iraqi (VO Iraqi Kurdistan) - Kurdish songs. [444 SM] On 4250 08 1656-1658 CLA Sawt at-Ta'ab al-Kurdistan (VO Kurdistan Toilers) - Anthem "Kurdistana" +S/OFF. [423 SM] SM = Salvo Micciche', in Scicli (Italy). RX: Kenwood R-5000, Sangean ATS909. ANT: 60m LW + MLB+ FX AL IIId Loop made by Italian DXer Flavio Golzio. (GADM Fanzine via DXLD) ** LATVIA. Radio to drop mediumwave transmitters next year | Excerpt from report by Latvian radio on 13 December [Presenter] In order to extend the range of its listeners, improve reception quality and rationalize the use of financial resources, from next year Latvian Radio is planning several fundamental changes. Laima Slava continues: [Correspondent] The total turnover of money for Latvian Radio next year is set at 3.42m lats. Twenty-six per cent is income from radio, while 74 per cent is a state subsidy. The amount of the state subsidy has declined from last year. The director-general of Latvian Radio, Dzintris Kolats, emphasizes that the amount of self-financing has grown. The changes next year are considerable, and have to do with economizing. From next year the First Programme of Latvian Radio [this programme] will be abandoning the very expensive mediumwave transmissions, and even giving up the Riga transmitter [on 945 kHz]. Dzintris Kolats continues: [Kolats] During next year the mediumwave transmitters [on 1422 and 1350 kHz] in Valmiera, Kuldiga, Cesvaine, Rezekne and Daugavpils will be closed. The remaining four transmitters may be closed on 30th June. For the time being the Riga transmitter will continue unchanged, and it is hard for me to say (?whether it will be after Christmas or as soon as possible) that there will be changes, but we will be talking about what to do in 2002 or 2003. [Correspondent] The radio plans not only to give up the broadcasting but also to expand its programmes. And so, from the new year the Klasika programme [station] will be audible in Valmiera [presumably on VHF/FM]. The director of Klasika, Gunda Vaivoda, is very satisfied with this... [Correspondent] Other programmes will also be extended. From the new year, the "Doma Laukums" integration programme ["Dome Square" mainly for Russian-speaking listeners] from the Riga [FM] transmitter will start broadcasting around the clock. Latvian Radio 2 will be heard around the clock from the Kuldiga and Dundaga [FM] transmitters. Meanwhile, from 1 January the First Programme of Latvian Radio will have a new cultural feature, "Rita Rondo"... Source: Latvian Radio, Riga, in Latvian 1400 gmt 13 Dec 00 (BBCM via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. I heard R. Vilnius lament having to use the German relay 6120 for English to NAm at 0030. They say it costs them 3 times what two local sites would run. Tests on 6000 (swamped by RHCuba) and 9735 have not received kudos from listeners. I get 9735 at 3-4 3333, heterodyne/co-channel. I get 6120 4-5 4444 co-channel. I`ve written them asking if they can retune to 9775, 9780 or 9785. RFI Spanish comes on 9790 at 0100. There is nothing usable I hear on 6 MHz for Vilnius to try (Bob Thomas CT, Dec 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. Setting my watch for 2357 UT to check for R. Vilnius via Sitkunai on 9735 kHz, I noted nothing well after 0000 UT. Again nothing at 0025 re-check. Checked again at 0050 and there it was in EG w/ talk about apartment hunting in Lithuania (sic) by man. Very good signal here in the Pacific NW with slight polar flutter and except for R. Nac. Paraguay on 9737.x kHz, it would have been near excellent. // to 6120 Jülich which was poor to fair at best. Pulled plug in mid-sentence at 0057:50 UTC, 6120 remained until 0100 s/off. (Terry Palmersheim, KC7LDP/FOŘPAM, AR-7030+ 80 meter N/S, hard-core- dx Dec 13 via WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DXLD) ** MARTINIQUE. 1310, Ft de France, RFO was dropped from WRTH listing a few years ago, but is still on the air. Semi-local signal (about 25 miles away), very low modulation level & has a tone in the background all the time. Probably AN. Local pgm w/ads 1159 12/6, then R. Martinique ID & nx. Noted off 1220 12/6 but back on at recheck that afternoon (Bruce Portzer, St. Lucia, IRCA, from a long DXpedition report, via DXLD) ** MAURITANIA. R. Mauritania, 4845, Dec 9 0115-0435+ on late for Ramadan with Arabic talk. 0207 Koran. 0230 Arabic music and talk, radio play; 0250 Koran again. Fair-good (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOLDOVA [and non]. Grigoriopol`: The report that in 1992 Radio Pridnestrovye started on June 22, was wrong. Bernd Trutenau advised me that Radio Mayak (the Moscow-based network, not to be confused with the small village next to the Grigoriopol` transmitter site) had on May 7 a message that Radio Pridnestroye will go live on air tonight on 999, so probably the transmissions started immediately after the separatists took the site under control. Anyway BBC- Monitoring heard RP on 999 definitely on May 8. Nick Pashkevich reports that Grigoriopol` is meanwhile back on 999 and will restore also some transmissions on 1548, using a 150 kW transmitter only; I guess the site is still without its 110 kV main power supply. As a reminder, 7125 currently originates from the Russian Tbilisskaya site instead. Later: now after 2000 Dec 14 Grigoriopol` is again active on 999, should be running 500 kW considering the powerful signal. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONACO [non]. Yes, there was a 3AM2! Glenn and other IRCAers, I believe that, yes, there WAS in fact a RMC/3AM2...or was it 2AM3...Monaco transmitter site at Fontbonne, France. I WAS TOLD THAT the RMC transmitter site had legal extraterritorial status, i.e. same as a consulate or embassy inside the host country, meaning it was considered diplomatically a part of Monaco. This from my years of editing DXWW-II and stirring up controversy back in 1975-76 (+/-). Now, if we can declare WABC-770's TX site to be extraterritorial NY rather that Lodi (?) N.J. (Charles A. & Leonor L. Taylor, Grifton, North Carolina, IRCA via DXLD) On extraterritoriality: if we go with this, we would also have to count transmissions (tho surely no broadcasts) from e.g. the Tonga embassy in Washington, DC, as the radio-country ``Tonga,`` which is absolutely absurd (gh, DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS/ANTILLES. I`m pleased to say that just after we sent out last week`s Newsletter, we received the pictures from Bonaire, so we were able to publish the updated article last Friday. If you haven't seen it yet, go to http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/features/html/bonaire001201.html. Soon we`ll have an additional picture feature including, hopefully, a group shot of most of the staff. Since everyone is so busy down there, it`s tricky to get them all in one place at one time! But we`re working on it... On a completely different theme, if you're looking for an interesting new challenge on shortwave, we`ve just published a feature about DXing harmonics. Recently a mailing list for established for DXers interested in this topic, and there`s also a Web page where you can see the latest catches in frequency order. Click on http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/features/html/harmonics001213.html to learn more (Andy Sennitt, Media Network Newsletter Dec 14 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** NEWFOUNDLAND [non]. Jean Burnell's Newfoundland DXpedition Report 2000 is on the Web at the following URL: http://members.nbci.com/markwa1ion/nfdx2000.htm If you have any trouble accessing this directly, you should be able to reach it from a link near the top of http://members.nbci.com/markwa1ion/nfdxpage.htm (Mark Connelly, WA1ION, Dec 14, hard-core-dx, via DXLD) Extensive by-frequency lists of MW loggings, and each participant`s experiences in text. Very impressive, as always (gh, DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 4890, NBC, Dec 9 2006-2045, Fading in with religious choral music, dead air, then soft spoken woman announcer, more choral music, woman again at 2034 with sound effects, woman briefly, then man with PNG and western Pacific/ eastern Asia current weather conditions for Bougainville, Manus, Daru, etc. Woman again with mention of the weather and into Pop ballad. Talk by man at 2046, but fading quickly. Peaked around 2040. As bad as conditions were, I'm amazed this was coming in (Dave Valko, PA, hard-core-dx via DXLD) Yes, this is an unheard-of time for this to be audible in USA (gh) ** PERÚ. 4655: R Ecos del Edén is the correct name for the one here reported by me as Ecos de Belén, last week. This according to Klemetz-Sweden and Rodríguez-Colombia. Stn address is Jirón Grau 502, Celendín (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Dec 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Checked VOR at 0200. 7125 was NOT in English. 9765 active, S=4/5. Slight QRM from 9770 BBC and co-channel with Bro. Scare. 9765 English service as usual. At 0300 7125 did have VOR in English. 9765 went QRT. 7125 hindered by 7120 and 7130. 0400 7125 pretty good and in English (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 8 = UT Dec 9? DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Voice of Russia to Spain: a welcome facelift. Voice of Russia in Spanish into Europe (2130 to 2200 UTC on 7330 and 7380 kHz) sports a brand new announcer, Manolo Chávez, who now conducts El mundo al dia. Amazing to note what a difference a new voice can make (this daily program now comes out full of life, with lots of ad lib commentary). Spanish programme director Tatiana Kardascheva must be doing something right... (Enrique Fernández, Geneva, Dec 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) E.F. used to work at R. Moscú himself (gh) ** RUSSIA. The Ostankino fire story was big news a few months ago, but you may have been wondering about the outcome: (gh) TV tower restoration to cost about R1.7bn | Text of report in English by Russian news agency ITAR-TASS Moscow, 13 December: The restoration of Moscow's Ostankino TV tower destroyed by a fire last August will cost about R1.7bn [i.e. 1.7 gigarubles --gh], State Construction Committee Chairman Anvar Shamuzafarov said. The exact sum will be determined by the end of this year, he said, adding that the government should already start looking for sources of financing. "The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development has expressed a desire to provide a credit of about 50-60m dollars, but the final decision should be made by the government where the State Construction Committee will have to submit its proposals on financing," he said. Urgent restoration work is already under way at the tower. At the end of November, the federal government allocated about R50m to finance the work. A special consortium has been created to restore the TV tower. It involves seven Russian organizations, including design institutes and assembly enterprises. Repairs have been going on for about a month, with a focus on the dismantling of equipment destroyed by the fire. It will be replaced with new one. New transmitters, including the first digital one, will also be installed on the tower. The digital transmitter will be able to broadcast four television programmes at the same time. Workers will soon start reinforcing the tower with 75-millimetre cables. The order to make them has already been placed with the Volgograd steel-rolling plant which plans to deliver the first batch in February of 2001. The government will also announce a tender for Russian and foreign lift- making companies. The winner will be commissioned to make seven lifts for the TV tower, including three high-speed ones. They will be installed in 2001. Source: ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow, in English 1439 gmt 13 Dec 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** SWEDEN. Re: Dec 21st Broadcast. Hi Glenn, Went thru your posting on HCDX, And saw the question about R Sweden`s BC on the 21st, so fired a query off to Charlotte Adler at R Sweden; had this answer back in 5 minutes, (Quick!) Hope this clears it up some. Regards, Best of the season, 73`s (Colonel Jon Standingbear, Army Radio Station adn3u, Beaumont, CA, DXLD) It`s a Swedish national programme - very popular where people can call in and send their X-mas greetings and on this day it will be open for people living or staying abroad to send their wishes to relatives in Sweden. Due to the time difference we can only broadcast 30 min to the US and 30 to Asia while we will broadcast for 2 hours on frequencies covering the Canary Islands to the Middle East. If you have time please give us a report - there will be some music as well. Rain, rain rain and approaching the darkest day of the year once again - it`s almost night already (Charlotte Adler-Dahlström, R. Sweden, Dec 13 via Standingbear, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. Thailand in English 1100-1115 on 7285 seems new to me too. They stayed on 7285 1115-1130 in another UNID language. The 15- minute program is different! As you know, they normally broadcast 30- minute programs. Have you had a chance to tune this in yet? (Ivan Grishin, Ont, Dec 13, DXLD) no, but ** THAILAND. Another station which has yet to get its act together is R. Thailand. Once again Dec 14 on 9810, the English half-hour at 1230 concluded, rather than began with newscast, and was cut off in mid- word, at 1259:30 as VOA Udorn is automatically programmed to do, so that the same transmitter can be tuned to another frequency, perhaps for R. Thailand relay itself, in time to start at 1300. Back in the Bangkok studio, they probably think that precise timing, wrapping up a transmission by 1259:30 is needless, since they are on continuous AM and FM locally (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. RUI on new 9385, Dec 9 0100-0200 English news, commentary, pgm on local agriculture, classical mx, IDs, fair-good. At 0400 on 9610 IS, ID, English news, commentary; poor, mixing with unID station. Much better on parallel 9385 (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. RUI, 9385, Dec 9 with better signal (2-3 rather than previous S of 1.5), English at 0100; modulation better. It was reasonable so perhaps the are tinkering towards a plus. Pretty good at 0400, slight splash from 9375. UT Dec 10 at 0100, 9385 not heard although yesterday was reasonable. So, not consistent! It was fairly good at 0400 Dec 10. Gee... I wonder who doesn`t like RUI at 0100 on 9385? UT Mon Dec 11 I heard a jammer on 9385. Minor problem. But RUI went off early. Gone when I checked at 0153. Fair at 0400 on 9385, S = 2-3. Static! Gradually slumped to poor (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U A E/???. Another fine example of Mideast coöperation and coördination: 13675 kHz at 1330-1405+ December 14. This would have been the best frequency for Dubai`s English show, as the MUF was not up to 21605 today; but another Arab was zero-beat. Dubai did a little dab of news, then feature talk on Ramadan (I think); the other was more serious about Ramadan with Qur`an and reverent talk. After 1348 both of them were in Arabic, and I lost track of which was which. At 1400 neither paused for anything resembling an ID, tho one occasionally played a 4-note Big-Benish xylophonish riff; both were talking now, but neither with newsish intonation. Then I check HFCC and find UAE did not bother to register 13675, or any frequencies as 21605 is also vacant; the only 13675 shown at this time is IRAN: 13675 1030 1530 39S KAM 500 178 1234567 291000 250301 D ARABIC IRN IRIB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Subdividing BBC WS programming into categories WORLD NEWS, WORLD LIVING, WORLD SHOWCASE, WORLD INSIGHT was a lousy idea. These names are so vague, that I never can remember which shows are in which category, and thus time block. And THE WEEKEND is a separate category on the same level, to confuse things further. Even though BBC On Air is still monthly, the day-by-day listings only show broad titles at the next level down, e.g. Essential Guide, rather than the specifically-titled series currently running in that block, i.e. Russia: Gold Domes, Black Earth. If one has a program title, and wants to look up the details and timings for it, there is nothing to do but hunt through the pages until one finds it, since nothing is in alphabetical order, and the categories make no sense. Another example, Body and Mind, how health and medicine relate to you is under WORLD LIVING, whilst Health Matters, the latest research -- explaining where medicine is going, is under WORLD INSIGHT. WORLD LIVING is so broad and vague it contains everything from religious shows to Jazzmatazz and Poems by Post. You might think Omnibus, about Charing Cross Road, would be under WORLD LIVING. No! It is part of WORLD SHOWCASE. Many of the programmes I like to hear are in the weekday 1400-1600 UT period, but I find myself constantly switching back and forth between the two webcast streams, European and American. Europe has one hour each of WORLD SHOWCASE, and WORLD INSIGHT. America has WORLD LIVING and WORLD INSIGHT. Hmmm, both with INSIGHT at 1500? But they are never parallel; often the same shows are one or more days apart. Does it make any programming sense that Americans need to hear one program on a Monday, Europeans on a Tuesday? No, they do this just to make everything more complex and confusing, not least to their own operators, let alone the listeners (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Another new(?) music show has crept onto the WWCR program schedule, printed version for December: ``Big Band Classics`` with Warren Durham, Sat 1730-1830 on 12160, 2300-2400 on 5070. Then there is ``Musical Memories`` with Martha Garvin, Sun 1130-1200 (not 1030 as shown) on 5070 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Veteran ABC News Radio Anchorman Tim O`Donnell died early Wednesday, December 13, at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, New Jersey. He was 57 and had suffered a heart attack on December 5 from which he had not recovered. For more than three decades O`Donnell`s voice was known to millions of listeners across the nation as a newscaster for the ABC Radio Networks. O`Donnell joined ABC News in April 1968, two days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. In the years since, he reported on all of the major news stories of a generation, most recently the Florida recount controversy following the presidential election. Although O`Donnell was perhaps best known for his five-minute radio newscasts at the top of each hour, his career at ABC included broadcasting continuous coverage of many of the major events of recent years. He first received nationwide recognition while still in his mid-20s when he anchored ABC Radio's coverage following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June of 1968. Other major assignments quickly followed and on December 31, 1999, he served as co- anchor for ABC News Radio's marathon coverage as the year 2000 was ushered in around the world. He also was the primary anchor for "Perspective," an award-winning magazine program, which is broadcast each week by the ABC Radio Network. He is survived by his wife, Eileen, and two sons, Tim and Kevin (via Brock Whaley, GA, DXLD) ** U S A. Just try and find a station that will clear these... From the millennium celebration to the historic presidential election, ABC News Radio has covered the major events of 2000, and now wraps the year with a variety of programs the last two weekends of 2000. The specials, highlighting some of the year`s most memorable moments, will be made available to ABC Radio affiliates for broadcast during both Christmas weekend and New Year`s weekend. The following are just a few of the long-form programs offered to ABC Radio affiliates: "Playback 2000," a high energy and highly produced sound picture recalls events of the past year, anchored by ABC News Correspondents Larry Jacobs and Karen Chase. "The Year with Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts," This Week`s lively roundtable takes a look back at the 2000 events in this "made for radio" special. "Perspective," the award-winning weekly newsmagazine, is offering two special editions of the most interesting commentaries and stories that made headlines in 2000. "Here's The Point," features ABC Political Director Mark Halperin and his guests as they review the 2000 political landscape and the unprecedented events that occurred. "The Power of Belief," anchored by ABC News correspondent John Stossel, will be made available to ABC Radio affiliates for broadcast during the Christmas weekend. In the one-hour program, Stossel takes an in-depth look at how superstitions and strong faiths impact the lives of Americans. Stossel investigates such pseudo-scientific phenomena as astrology, alternative medicine and reliance on psychics to find out why so many people put their faith in these pursuits. "The Power of Belief" is a production of ABC News Radio; Hank Weinbloom is producer (via Brock Whaley, GA, Dec 14, DXLD) ** U S A. I was checking 1610 after 0600 UT Dec 13 and at first concluded that KALT Atlanta TX was off -- then I heard a few seconds of network talkshow audio, followed by longer periods of silence, cutting in and out repeatedly. They are obviously having feed problems. This is quite subjective, but signal seemed weaker versus local Vance AFB TIS on 1610, (which is still doing its own loop as described previously), so KALT maybe cut back to 1 kW at night. KALT must not be ready for regular service; Dec 14 after 0600 and at 1230 check was not to be heard at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 2100.00, WLW - Cincinnati, Ohio (3 x 700 harmonic) 1100 Dec 12, Network ABC News, local weather and ads, // 700. Very weak (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 2560.00, WFBS - Waynesburg, Pa. (2 x 1280 harmonic) Dec 12 1108, Oldies format, 1110 ID. Fair to good signal (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. This updates an item on WOR 1062: Subject: Low Power FM Update: LPFM is not dead - FCC hopes to announce Window Three before Christmas if not blocked by Congress which hopes to adjourn Friday 12/15. Surprise legislative compromise being considered which will be good news for window 1 and 2 applicants. Our website will be updated with the very latest no later than Monday, 12/18. Keep watching! Merry Christmas John@ChristianCommunityFM.com (John Broomall, GA, Dec 13, WTFDA via DXLD) ** U S A. Did you notice that Ralph Nader dropped off the face of the earth during the post-elexion seesaw? Media cared even less about his take on the events. For some much-needed perspective on the futility of the choice we actually had, check Jim Hightower`s comments here and bookmark this site for future reality checks: http://www.michaelmoore.com/ubb/Forum7/HTML/001725.html (gh, TIP FOR RATIONAL LIVING) ** U S A [non]. Dear all, A new short-wave program for which I`ve been doing some consulting needs freelance work of various kinds from radio producers. The pay is not enormous but it`s an excellent opportunity to do some worthy long-form work or repackage existing work. The program producers are only just coming to grips with their baby`s huge appetite and will consequently be very receptive to pitches. They`ve asked me to pass along the following info. (Martin Spinelli) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Freelancers sought for a new short-wave program broadcasting in English and French to Africa. The two-hour daily program called Perspectives seeks features, news stories, edited interviews, produced coverage of live events and even radio drama. They`re looking for pieces between 7 and 15 minutes long but will also consider longer pieces. The tone should reflect a progressive perspective while the presentational mode can vary from straight NPR-style reporting, to quirky personal narratives alla TAL, to European-style innovative productions. The principle objective of the program is to provide health education to Africa but any African-related topic would be welcome. Suggested topics include: * AIDS news * Health features relevant to developing countries * Political coverage of events in Africa * Profiles of successful African immigrants in the US and Europe * Stories about international programs of all kinds in Africa * Features of African leaders touring the US or Europe * Music features showcasing African music penetrating western markets * Stories about non-Africans' experiences of Africa * And any other topic relevant, interesting or helpful to the people of Africa Some examples of issues they`re examining are: land mines, traditional African medicine, child combatants, female genital mutilation, sustainable agriculture, AIDS treatment and prevention, etc. They're also providing information about the hazards of smoking, alcohol and other drugs. Perspectives is produced by the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. They are a non-profit organization and will pay $100 per accepted submission up to 15 minutes (longer pieces may be negotiable); they ask for non-exclusive broadcast and rebroadcast rights. Pitch to Donna Niemann, GB Communications Director DNiemann@gbgm- umc.org (Martin Spinelli msradio@banet.net http://wings.buffalo.edu/epc/authors/spinelli via Chet Copeland, WORLD OF RADIO 1062, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [and non]. Radio Vatican on 9865 as well as 1710-1740 on 6205 originate from Uzbekistan. I remember some excitement amongst listeners during the first Tashkent tests on 6205, also due to some switching errors. 6020 comes indeed from the Philippines, I think already for some years now. And yes, nominal 5880 is usually actually on 5882 instead; from my knowledge this is a traditional measure to avoid the powerful BBC signal on 5875. HFCC suggests that 4005 and 5882 originate alternately from Santa Maria di Galeria and Vatican City; the latter site is shown for 4005 0440-0745 and 1655-2310, for 5880/5882 0410-0700 and 1050-1810 with breaks. 5882 is operated with a Marconi from 1952 and a rotatable log-periodic (pictures of this antenna can be seen here and there). 4005 is registered with 10 kW; it should actually use a tiny transmitter from 1986, which is rated by TDP as only 5 kW. Probably this outlet is not on air at present; at least it was missing during the evenings recently. Later: right now after 2000 UT Dec 14, Radio Vatican uses 5883, while no signal is detectable on 4005. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [and non]. Hi Glenn, Re Vatican in DXLD 0-155. As it happens, I had been listening today (Dec. 13) to Vatican Radio on 9865 in English c1530. This is // 13765 & 15235. The signal on 9 was strong but audio quality awful, and behind the other two. According to the HFCC listing this is :- 9865 1430-1630 41 TAC 100 130 1234567 291000 250301 D UZB VAT MCB Propagation to me sounds right for this to be fact. At 1700 beginning French I hear '5880' actually using 5883 (to avoid BBC 5875?) but there is no transmission on 4005. The usual 7250 9645 15595 are in parallel. I hear "Russian" tones on 6205 prior to opening with Russian at 1710. HFCC says : 6205 1700-1740 29 30 TAC 100 311 1234567 291000 250301 D UZB VAT MCB This one has woolly sounding crackling audio and behind // 7365 9585 11715. Again, propagation seems right for the location listed. I agree it seems pointless not to indicate where transmissions are coming from in these days of supposed enlightenment. Best 73, (Noël Green, UK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA. 5000.93, Observatorio Cagigal Dec 14 1030, Off frequency here with normal time signal format (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) So much for being a standard frequency reference! (gh) ###