DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-149, December 4, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html WORLD OF RADIO ON C-SPAN. Hi Glenn: As you suspected, WoR is on C- SPAN at 1500 UT SAT F3 Transponder 7, 5.20. 73 (Mickey Delmage) That is, as part of C-SPAN`s relay of WRN1 (gh) ** AFGHANISTAN. Taleban radio in central province on shortwave | Text of report by Afghan Taleban radio on 1st December Radio Voice of Shari'ah of [central] Ghazni Province has started broadcasting on shortwave. Bakhtar Information Agency reports: Radio Voice of Shari'ah of Ghazni Province, which has been broadcasting on mediumwave for four years, has started broadcasting on shortwave, This results from efforts by the staff of the province's information and culture department. According to an authoritative source from Radio Voice of Shari'ah of Ghazni Province, the radio will be broadcasting daily from 0700 to 0800 [local time, 0230-0330 gmt] and from 1600 to 1700 [local time, 1130-1230 gmt]. Source: Radio Voice of Shari'ah, Kabul, in Dari 1530 gmt 01 Dec 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) Isn`t that special??!! ``SW`` could be any of 5400 frequencies (at 5 kHz spacings). Why in the world issue such publicity and not bother to give the frequency? Will some DX`er beat BBCM to discovering what it be? (gh, DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. 1610 kHz, Radio Tradición de Isidro Casanova se ha trasladado a esta nueva frecuencia, debido a la "irrupción" de AM Reverendo Aquiles Acosta (San Justo), quien ocupó su anterior frecuencia de 1580 KHz. Al parecer la emisora transmite ahora con más potencia. 1690 kHz, AM Fuego es una nueva emisora que transmite desde la localidad de Longchamps, por ahora con transmisiones de prueba. Tel: (54 (11) 4233-7574. (Marcelo Cornachioni, Argentina, Conexión Digital Dec 4 via DXLD) ** AUSTRIA [non]. Regarding the recent discussion about Radio Austria International via Sackville: There are two ROI outlets on the ORF Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) bouquet on the Astra satellite system. One is called simply "ROI", the other one "ROI-SAC". Today I finally got the idea, what the latter one label means... I will ask for a check 1630-1700, which would show if the problem with 17865 is located within ORF or somewhere else. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM [non]. RVI English at 1830-1900, Dutch 1900-2000 via Jülich moves from 13710 to 13770 effective Dec 4 (RVI Radio World Dec 3 via Joe Hanlon) To escape VOA 13710 [Botswana 350 degrees -IBB via gh]; would have been best RVI frequency for this transmission (Hanlon, in Philadelphia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BHUTAN. Regarding my earlier report on Bhutan, there was a typing mistake: "I did not have enough time to monitor the morning service, but they had a news bulletin at 0800 and 0830." The time should be read as 0300 and 0330. Sorry for mistake. (Tetsuya Hirahara, Tokyo, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BHUTAN. By the time you read this, Charly/K4VUD and Yani/9M6US will be operating from Ham Center in Thimphu, Bhutan. They plan to run two stations. Charly will be operating from December 1-12th, signing A52UD on SSB/CW emphasizing the low bands. He was on this past weekend on/around 7048, 14260 and 28495 kHz. Jani will be using A52AP from December 1-7th, concentrating on SSB and RTTY on higher bands. He was heard this past weekend on 24936 kHz around 1145z. Jani will go to Cambodia (XU) from December 8-12th operating as XU7AAP including a participation in the ARRL 10m Contest. QSLs for A52UD go via K4VUD, while A52AP and XU7AAP go via N2OO. (KB8NW/OPDX December 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. Escutada R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, na freqùência de 4635v, 2355, 16/11/2000. Normalmente escutada em 4649, com sinal bastante variado e distorcido, problema no transmissor (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão, Bolivia, Atividade DX Nov 26 via radioescutas via DXLD) ** BRAZIL/COMPRIDA ISLAND. A group of Brazilian operators will activate an island in the São Paulo State West Group called Comprida Island. This island is located near the city of Iguape, south coast of São Paulo State (PY2). Operations will take place from December 13-18/19th. This will be a full time operation, depending on propagation conditions on 160-6 meters on CW/FM/SSB. Look for the following callsigns/operators: PU1NEZ/2 (Carl), PY1LVF/2 (Zeca), PY1NEW/2 (Pete) and PY1NEZ/2 (Lima). QSL via their home callsigns (addresses are correct in the QRZ Database/Buckmaster/Flying Horse Callbook) or Bureau. Suggested frequencies are (+/- 10 kHz): CW - 1835, 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24895, 28040 and 50080 kHz. SSB - 1850, 3755, 7055, 14190, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950. 28360, 28460, 28560 and 50110. (KB8NW/OPDX December 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Subject: Less CBC on RCI? Hi Glenn! Just listened to the Maple Leaf Mailbag, and the director of RCI Robert O`Reilly was on talking about future programming plans. Basically, the idea nowadays is to increase in-house production -- meaning there will possibly be fewer CBC programs on shortwave as early as the next season (A01, I guess). The other driving force is the application of their mandate, i.e. attention focused on broadcasting to non-Canadians overseas, not the poor fellas like me who actually live in Canada and are citizens! :) He also said shortwave broadcasts are being directed to where the audiences are. Using Europe as an example, there are now slightly fewer hours on shortwave, but the programming which was "eliminated" (e.g. The World at Six and As It Happens from 2200 to 0000 UTC in the winter) is available on satellite. On a wholly other subject, RCI will be adding a new 6 MHz (49 m) frequency to North America for the 0200 UTC period, after a U.S. listener complained about not being able to hear RCI at that time. Goes to show how listener input can count, eh? Take care, (Ricky Leong, QC, Dec 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. I got a verification by email - from Falun Dafa Radio 9330! Levi Browde answered fast and promised to come back later with additional info (and hopefully with better QSL-writing). They had too much to do! The report was sent to editor@faluninfo.net and answered by levi@bestweb.net (Björn Fransson, Sweden, SW Bulletin Dec 3 translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. [The decision to change from UT-4 to UT-5 has been reversed after only one month; caused too many problems and was not properly authorized –- gh`s summary translation] Queda sin efecto la ley que atrasaba una hora a la Rep. Dominicana, desde este Domingo 3 de Diciembre se le volverá a adelantar una hora al reloj! Info: del periódico "Ultima Hora" sábado 2 de Diciembre. (Dino Bloise, FL, U S A, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ********************************************* Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Sábado 02 de Diciembre del 2000 Adelantan una hora desde mañana relojes en RD La hora oficial de República Dominicana será adelantada en 60 minutos a partir de las dos de la madrugada de mañana para dar cumplimiento al decreto número 241-2000 del Poder Ejecutivo. La disposición fue adoptada por el Presidente Hipólito Mejía, a solicitud de una comisión gubernamental, que sugirió revocar el retraso en la hora dispuesto el 29 de octubre pasado. La comisión estuvo integrada por la doctora Milagros Ortiz Bosch, vicepresidenta y secretaria de Educación; el doctor Guido Gómez Mazara, consultor jurídico del Poder Ejecutivo; Milton Ray Guevara, secretariso de Trabajo, y el licenciado Alfredo Bordas, secretario de Turismo. El informe de la comisión explicaba que el retraso de la hora había creado muchos inconvenientes en las actividades laborales y educativas, producía inseguridad, y no había generado una reducción en el consumo de energía como se esperaba. Además el Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (Conep), que había sugerido el cambio de hora, solicitó al Presidente Mejía que lo revocara. El cambio se realizó sin consultar a la Oficina Nacional de Meteorología, la entidad oficial que tiene a su cargo todo lo relativo al estado del tiempo. Se supo que Meteorología no favorecía el cambio de hora, y que en un informe enviado al Presidente explicaba que en vez de bajar una hora debió aumentarse una. (via Dino Bloise, FL, DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Radio Xoriyo (Radio Freedom) 15715 verified with a OK QSL via email. Signed "Ogaden Online Staff". Web: http://www.ogaden.com (Björn Fransson, Sweden, SW Bulletin Dec 3 translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** FINLAND. 11720.02 kHz, Scandinavian Weekend Radio; 0202-0329 UTC Dec. 2 in English, switching to Finnish after 0300. Program of mostly country songs, including Lobo, Jimmy Dean, Ricky Nelson, Dolly Parton. Many IDs, address, web site given a number of times by DJ Frank. Switch to Finnish with pop music, some Latin, after 0300. Signals just barely there at first, but fading in to almost fair at some points between 0245-0315. Covered suddenly by a carrier at 0327 (Iran, I think) but still audible until the covering station`s audio (Koran) began at 0329 (Rich McVicar, Onondaga NY, SWBC@topica.com via DXLD) ** FRANCE. For B00, RFI is using one of the Issoudun transmitters for an experimental service in the SSB mode, with 6 dB carrier suppression. This operates on 5900, 1800-1900 with 250 kW, azimuth 70 degrees, to Europe, in French. This operation is intended to assess the effectiveness of "compatible SSB transmission". For some HF non- broadcast services, known as "utility", the carrier is either fully suppressed, or reduced by up to 60 dB. ITU designators for amplitude- modulation methods are: A- double-sideband H- single-sideband, full carrier R- single-sideband, reduced or variable carrier level J- single-sideband, suppressed carrier B- independent sidebands C- vestigial sideband The current RFI operations are in the "R" category, with the designator "R3E" I4 [sic] kHz bandwidth. There are also a few other international [broadcasters] using SSB- reduced carrier modulation (Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 4, SWBC@topica.com via DXLD) ** GERMANY. Deutsche Welle is considering a shut-down of the transmissions in "Astra Digital Radio" (ADR) mode via the European Astra DTH satellite system to save costs. Currently an announcement is aired on the German program one minute before every hour, which invites listeners to write in if they still want to hear DW via ADR (Andreas Augner, Leipzig via Kai Ludwig) -- I heard no such announcements when checking on shortwave, so evidently they are inserted on the ADR output only. The current ADR service of DW consists on three channels, "DW1" with German in stereo, "DW3" with the continuous English output (carried on shortwave only on single 6140 from Jülich) and "DW4" with Russian and other language services, usually with background hum and hiss. Until now no "DW2" channel was established, no idea what kind of output once was planned for such a fourth channel (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. Many RRI and non-RRI SW stations are currently operating to expanded schedules during the currency of Ramadan. Observed RRI operations here in Melbourne in the 90, 75 and 60 mbs in the period 1800-2000 on Dec 3 revealed this: 3265 Gorontalo *1900-2000 3325 Palangkaraya *1900-2000 3977 Pontianak 1900-2000 4003 Padang 1900-2000 4753 Makassar 1800-2000 4789 Fak Fak 1800-2000 4925 Jambi 1800-2000 4697 RKP Surabaya 1900-2000 Local daytime services for RRI stations tend to operate in the 49, 41, and 31 mbs, but propagation beyond the Asian region rarely occurs (Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 4, SWBC@topica.com via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. Ramadan local early morning broadcast monitoring on December 1 & 2. 3214.8 RRI Manado #1757- 3264.7 RRI Gorontalo Heard at past 2000. 3325.0 RRI Palangkaraya Heard at past 2100. 3344.8 RRI Ternate Heard at past 1900. 3395.1 RRI Tanjungkarang Heard at past 2000. 3960.2 RRI Palu Heard at past 1900. 3976.2 RRI Pontianak Heard at past 1900. 4003.2 RRI Padang Heard at past 1900. 4606.3 RRI Serui Heard at past 1900. 4753.3 RRI Makassar Heard at past 1900. 4789.1 RRI Fak Fak Heard at past 1900. 4845.2 RRI Ambon Heard at past 2100. 4925.0 RRI Jambi #1858- Local news "Warta Berita Daerah" at 1930. 6071.1 RRI Jayapura All night program. 6153.7 RRI Biak Heard at past 1900. (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN, Jembatan DX Dec 3 via DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. Iraq reportedly closes Iranian opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq TV, radio | Text of report entitled: "Mojahedin-e Khalq information offices closed down by Baghdad regime;" published by independent Kurdish newspaper `Hawlati' on 26th November Last week, in an unexpected step, the Baghdad regime closed down the Mojahedin-e Khalq [Organization, MKO] TV and radio [Vision of Resistance and Voice of the Mojahed], which broadcast from Iraq. It is worth mentioning that this step came after the visit of Kamal Kharrazi, the Iranian minister of foreign affairs, to Baghdad and his meeting with the Iraqi dictator Saddam Husayn. Observers regard the closure as a step towards normalizing the relations between both countries and other steps may follow it. Source: `Hawlati', Arbil, in Arabic 26 Nov 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) VOMEK had extensive SW broadcasts (gh) ** IRAQ. BASRAH CONTROL RADIO / YIR (Iraq) Ésta es una muy interesante estación costera, algo difícil de recepcionar [sic] en esta parte de Sudamérica. La estación depende de la "State Organization of Iraqi Ports" y es explotada por la Oficina de Control y Puertos con sede en Basrah (Basora, en español), el más importante puerto de Iraq. Su ubicación geográfica es: 30.33.20 N / 047.47.29 E. Después de la guerra del Golfo y a causa del "bloqueo" de parte de las fuerzas militares de occidente encabezadas por los Estados Unidos, no son muchos los buques que se aventuran entrar en las aguas juridiccionales controladas por la estación. Actualmente Basrah Radio opera en HF sólo utilizando la telegrafía (CW, Modo A1A) en las siguientes frecuencias y horarios (UTC): KHZ ESCUCHA LISTA DE TFC 4220.0 0400-2200 1610, 1810 6330.0 1600-2200 0410, 0810, 1210 8440.0 1200-1600 1210 1800-2200 1810 12660.0 0400-1200 0410, 0810 1600-1800 1610 16880.0 0800-1600 1905 16906.0 ---------- 0410, 1810 22338.0 1600-1800 0810, 1610 Es importante destacar que todos aquellos barcos que se dirijan hacia aguas nacionales de Iraq, deben contactar con esta emisora informando su ETA (Tiempo Estimado de Arribo) por lo menos 24 horas antes de entrar a dichas aguas. Además se debe indicar el estado de salud de la tripulación y los pasajeros. Los buques en tránsito por aguas iraquíes están obligados a mantener escucha permanente en VHF Canal 16 (156.80 MHz) para la recepción inmediata de las instrucciones de las autoridades. La estación ha verificado un reporte de recepción con tarjeta QSL en 16906 KHz (escuchada a las 1400 UTC) aquí en Buenos Aires. Su dirección es: Transmission Engineer Basrah Control Radio (YIR) State Organization of Iraqi Ports Basrah, Iraq. (Marcelo Cornachioni, Conexión Digital Dec 3 via DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Both 3385 and 3325 still on the air at 1600 UT Dec 3, evidently all-night, not sure why (Chris Hambly, Victoria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Don`t know about 3385 but 3325 would actually be INDONESIA above. See also USA below (gh) ** PERÚ. 6479.7 R. Altura de Huarmaca, 27/11 0025-0130 33333 px avisos y comunicados ID fv dice: ``Su Radio Altura, con mucho cariño..`` mxf aviso a los profesores de la reunión en Huarmaca mxf ID fv dice: ``Esta noche, la mejor distracción es escuchar Radio Altura de Huarmaca, como siempre la mejor música.`` NOTA: esta estación la reporté en 6499.7 el 26/08 0055-0130 33333 (Pedro F. Arrunátegui, Lima, Chasqui DX via DXLD) fv == female voice ** PHILIPPINES. 11730 Radio Pilipinas via Tinian 1 1908-1930* Dec 1 English talks by lady, pop music oldies. Parallel 15190 (SIO 222); weak; SINPO 24443. Man at close: "We now conclude...the International Service of the PBS". (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA ====================================================== FOREIGN RELAYS VIA SHORT WAVE TRANSNITTERS IN RUSSIA. 29/10/2000 - 24/03/2001 ====================================================== kHz - UTC - Radiostation - kW - Azimuth (....) alternative frequency from 04/03/2001 ====================================================== CRR-1 (Moscow) ----------------------------- 5835 2025-2125 RNW 200 270 7170 2200-2300 CRI 250 275 7200 1830-1930 CRI 200 190 (11895) 7385 1700-1800 BBC 250 117 7390 2000-2130 VOV 250 245 7425 2000-2130 IBR 200 190 (12015) 7440 1800-2000 VOV 500 270 (12070) 7440 2000-2200 VOM 250 245 (12060) 9450 2000-2130 IBR 250 240 9480 1200-1600 DWL 500 068 CRR-2 (St. Petersburg) -------------------------------------- 7130 1600-1700 CRI 400 147 7130 1800-1830 CRI 400 147 CRR-3 (Samara) --------------------------------- 5925 0000-0100 DWL 200 117 5935 1800-1900 DWL 250 175 5935 2000-2130 IBR 250 175 5945 1500-1900 DWL 200 117 7215 2030-2130 CRI 250 284 7400 1600-2300 MAR 250 284 9940 1130-???? WUN 250 ? 12010 0600-0900 MAR 250 284 (15455) 17765 ????-1100 WUN 250 ? 21780 1000-1030 DWL 250 175 TCR-4 (Krasnodar) ---------------------------------- 5965 1800-1900 DWL 200 147 (7305) 7350 1900-2130 DWL 500 188 7420 2000-2100 WBN 100 284 15525 0900-0930 DWL 500 104 CRR-8 (Khabarovsk) ------------------------------------- 6205 2200-2245 VAT 120 218 9890 1325-1425 RNW 100 218 13820 1025-1125 RNW 100 218 17570 0500-0600 VOM 120 175 17570 2325-0025 RNW 100 218 CRR-8 [sic, means CRR-9 ?] (Komsomolsk-na-Amure) ------------------------------------------------ 9880 1200-1300 HBS 250 213 17625 0900-0945 DWL 250 178 CRR-10 (Irkutsk) ------------------------------ 5905 2200-2300 VOA 250 152 7305 1300-1350 DWL 500 152 7325 2300-2350 DWL 250 180 7385 2200-2300 RCI 100 066 7400 1000-1400 DWL 500 152 7420 1115-1550 TWR 250 224 7460 1300-1400 HBS 250 224 9555 2300-2350 DWL 500 152 9805 0930-1030 RFI 500 152 9805 1030-1055 DWL 500 152 9825 0030-0145 TWR 250 224 (15580) 12015 1100-1300 RFI 500 180 12025 2300-0100 RFI 500 180 12055 0900-0945 DWL 250 110 (15470) 12065 0925-1125 RNW 250 152 CRR-11 (Novosibirsk) -------------------------------------- 5925 2200-0000 DWL 500 085 (11795) 7375 2200-2400 DWL 500 125 7390 1300-1500 VOA 200 111 7430 2200-2300 RFI 200 111 7430 1200-1300 RFI 500 125 7460 0000-0100 IBC 200 178 9470 2300-2345 DWL 500 145 15490 1000-1400 DWL 500 145 TCR-12 (Chita) ----------------------------------- 6205 1300-1345 VAT 500 194 7330 1300-1530 BBC 500 200 7330 2200-2300 BBC 500 200 Vladivostok Radio Centre ---------------------------------------- 5915 1200-1300 HBS 250 228 5945 1245-1345 DVB 250 228 5945 1430-1455 DVB 250 228 7315 2200-2300 RFI 500 228 (12005) 7330 1000-1100 BBC 500 228 12075 2300-2400 RFI 500 228 15600 0000-2400 DWL 200 320 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Radio Centre ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5895 1200-1300 CHR 200 263 (9450) 5905 1000-1400 DWL 250 244 5940 1315-1345 VAT 100 248 6205 1030-1055 DWL 200 263 (9795) 7260 0925-1125 RNW 250 244 7375 1325-1425 RNW 250 244 9865 1130-1230 RVI 250 244 12045 0000-0100 DWL 250 263 12065 2130-2200 VOA 250 244 (17645) 17655 2300-2345 DWL 250 247 (21790) =================================================== BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation , CHR = China Radio , CRI = China Radio International , DVB = Democratic Voice of Burma , DWL = Deutsche Welle , HBN = Herald Broadcasting Network , IBC = International Broadcasting Corporation , IBR = IBRA Radio , MAR = Radio Maryja , RCI = Radio Canada International , RFI = Radio France Internationale , RNW = Radio Nederland Wereldomroep , RVI = Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal , TWR = Trans World Radio, VAT = Radio Vaticana , VOA = Voice of America , VOM = Voice of Mediterranean , VOV = Voice of Vietnam , WBN = World Beacon, WUN = World University Network ============================================= (Contributor: Nikolay Rudnev, Belgorodskaya oblast, via RUS-DX via Arto Mujunen, SWBC@topica.com Dec 3 via DXLD) ** RUSSIA [non]. Hi Glenn, evidently the currently silent 7180 channel of VoR still originates from Grigoriopol`, contrary to my previous assumption. Most likely the site is completely off air at present; not only both 7125 and 7180 are silent but also all mediumwave channels, at least 999 and 1548, which are unmistakable here in Germany and also in use by Deutsche Welle and Trans World Radio. Any major problem must prevent Grigoriopol` from operating any transmitter; otherwise they would certainly keep DW and TWR on air. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Dec 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [non]. Moldova: Maiac radio center update | According to a private TV station in Moldova, the icestorm last week resulted in the collapse of a "200 meter" mast at the Maiac transmitting center. Freezing rain caused a cover of ice with a thickness of up to 32mm in the region. There is currently no information available about further damages to buildings or antennas as a result of the crash. This would be the second mast which crashed at the center, acc. to Russian sources a 350 meter mast (which was earlier used for longwave 234 kHz) fell down in another incident during the last years. (Bernd Trutenau, Vilnius, Lithuania, MWINFO Dec 3 via DXLD) ** SPAIN. REE Madrid on 6055 kHz, this evening at about 0010 UT had a very interesting interview with Dr. David Keene, from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. This primarily concerned the great variations on the way Americans vote, type of ballots, how these laws are usually set by each of the 3043 counties across the country. This was on "American Chronicles." After that on Saturdays is a very informative program on Spain in early Hispano America. Then comes Radio Waves with Justin Coe, usually music with a radio theme. He is doing a rather lengthy summary of my article on REE that appeared in Monitoring Times. Hourly Broadcasts: 0000-0200 UTC (One hour that is repeated), 0500-0600 UTC. These are both heard on 6055 kHz. Their news, and especially Press Review on Mondays to Fridays is especially good. The Press Review summarizes in about 3 minutes the major Spanish stories (perhaps 1 to 3) with headlines, and perhaps 3 sentences from an editorial. Then the same for International news. Press Review ends their 1/2 hour of news, at about 0025 (sometimes a bit later). Unfortunately, their news is not available on weekends, but this allows for a chance to listen to features repeated on the weekend. And, Monday to Fridays, a Spanish by Radio course of about 12 minutes starts around 0045, 0145 and 0545. (Roger Chambers, NY, swprograms Dec 2 via DXLD) [day references here are NAm local] Coe also said that Radio Waves is now broadcast twice a week, but not what the other airday be (gh, DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. MADACASCAR 12060//15320, Radio Voice of Hope via RN relay Dec. 2 with weekly broadcast-- 0426 UTC w/carrier on. 0427- about 20-30 seconds of presumably Sudanese music, then YL in English with ID and intro to program. Hi-life, then OM in local language with ID. Many mentions of Sudan and "Radio Voice of Hope" throughout broadcast. 12060 hung on quite well through the entire hour, while 15320 faded almost completely out by 0505. YL in EE with conclusion at 0520, schedule, "See you again next Saturday morning. Bye Bye." Broadcast concluded with OM in EE with news items about a bombing by the Sudanese government in southern Sudan. Off at 0524:30 (Richard McVicar, Onondaga, NY, swbc@topica.com via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. The weekly programme of the Voice of Hope, which broadcasts every Saturday to southern Sudan via the Radio Netherlands Madagascar relay station, is now also available online at http://www.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams?/rnw/archief/voiceofhope/0530.ra Each programme will remain online for one week and will be replaced by the latest broadcast shortly after transmission. ((c) Radio Netherlands Media Network via Andy Sennitt, DXLD) BTW Glenn, I've checked this week's file (the first one) and there's a timer error of more than 5 minutes...the file starts with the Arabic news in progress and the programme ends at :54' 15". I've reported this to my colleagues, so hopefully it will be fixed in time for next week's broadcast. 73, (Andy Sennitt, RN, Dec 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Here`s one of the items on this week`s On the Media: Evangelism Blocked In Britain | Evangelism on the radio is sacred in this country. Not so in the UK. There, religious radio stations are legally banned. Now, one Christian broadcaster is taking the government to court. From London, Gareth Mitchell reports. At http://www.wnyc.org pull down On the Media, then hit Segment C. It`s the second of three items in that audio segment. Unfortunately, this segment goes to noise at 5:27 just before this portion should start. We have advised WNYC of the problem (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC WS Previews: HEART & SOUL: THE DAO OF SURVIVAL, 4 x 15 min from Tue Dec 5 Eu: Tue 1345, Wed 1845, Thu 0045, Fri 0430 Am: Tue 1945, Thu 0045, Fri 0430 In The Dao of Survival, David Brandon, a British Zen Buddhist monk and Professor in Community Care, begins a series of personal reflections. Dao is a word that means the way, a pathway for living which involves going with the natural flow of life rather than trying furiously to paddle upstream. In these programmes, David Brandon explores what it means to survive joyfully - living in the Dao. In the first programme he explores the theme of mind dancing which is at the heart of Dao. ``Ours is a serious but not an earnest journey. We need humour to make sense and sometimes nonsense of ourselves. Life makes fun of us and we should enjoy this laughter,`` he says. In the first programme he draws on the teachings of Chogyam Trungpa, a renowned Tibetan Buddhist who taught that a sense of humour is about more than deliberate jokes and puns - it`s about seeing the basic irony of life, the juxtaposition of extremes. Seen in this way, it is possible to laugh even in the face of death - like the young woman who was dying of cancer and wanted to spend her final days learning how to meditate, even though she had to agree with David Brandon, her teacher, that she was cutting it rather fine! In programme two David Brandon looks at inner healing and seeks an antidote to Western obsessions about achieving competence. Striving for saintliness can be counter-productive, he argues - learning to accept our so-called flaws and using them for the benefit of others is a great deal more fruitful. In the third programme David Brandon looks at the way ``flowing`` gets close to the Dao. ``Life is a current in which we all swim and eventually drown. We can struggle, try to impose our will but the river flows heavily and smoothly, quickly and slowly and it’s wise to feel and enjoy its nature rather than to try to control or understand. We are not only part of Dao, we are the Dao and in no way separate from it,`` he says. In the final programme David Brandon looks at a spiritual path without gimmicks, religious fireworks or big miracles. ``It`s easy to miss the ordinary miracles whilst looking for an eclipse. The great Zen master Rinzai said, ``Just be your ordinary selves with nothing further to seek, relieving nature, watering robes and eating. Don’t be concerned or unconcerned with what is special or even attempt to understand.`` WORLD OF MUSIC: NIGHTS OF THE GODDESS, 4 x 30 min from Wed Dec 6 Eu: Thu 0930, 1930, Fri 0130, 1430 Am: Thu 1430, Fri 0130, 2030, Sat 0630 During the balmy nights of January and February, Bombay, now called Mumbai after the goddess Mumba Devi, becomes a city of music as a series of festivals takes place that include performances by India`s finest classical musicians. Jameela Siddiqi presents a portrait of Mumbai`s musical life in four programmes. She starts with highlights from the city`s leading festival, the open-air JanFest in a programme which features the flute virtuoso Ronu Majumdar and mandolin player U Srinivas, acclaimed as the Eric Clapton of Indian music. In the second programme, Jameela Siddiqi continues her exploration of music in Bombay with a visit to a shrine to hear a performance of bhajan, Hindu devotional songs. Bhajan has seen an extraordinary growth in popularity amongst Asians world-wide and the programme joins a private devotional session led by the current stars of bhajan, Ashit and Hema Desai. In the third programme, Jameela Siddiqi encounters Alka Yagnit, the star of the new generation of Bollywood singers, and visits the workshop of two of the hottest film composers today, the Jatin Lalit brothers. There is a centuries-old tradition in India of concerts which last through the night, and in her last profile of music in Mumbai, Jameela Siddiqi visits an all-night concert held under the stars in the city centre. It features the sacred singing of the Gundecha Brothers, the powerful voice of Ashwini Bhide, and the virtuoso sitar playing of Shujaat Hussain Khan (BBC Press Office via WORLD OF RADIO 1060, DXLD) ** U S A. Here is VOA English schedule compiled from their web site English to Europe, Middle East and North Africa 0000-0030 UTC 1260 1548 0100-0200 UTC 1548 0200-0230 UTC 1188 1548 0230-0300 UTC 1548 0400-0500 UTC 7170 15205 0500-0530 UTC 792 1188 7170 9700 11825 15205 0530-0600 UTC 7170 9700 11825 15205 0600-0700 UTC 792 1197 1260 5995 7170 11825 11930 15205 0700-1400 UTC 1197 1400-1500 UTC 1197 1548 15205 1500-1600 UTC 1197 1260 1548 9575 15205 1600-1630 UTC 1260 1548 9575 15205 1630-1700 UTC 1197 1260 1548 9575 15205 1700-1800 UTC 6040 9760 15205 1800-1830 UTC 6040 9760 9840 1830-1900 UTC 1197 6040 9760 9840 1900-1930 UTC 1197 9690 9760 1930-2000 UTC 9690 9760 2000-2100 UTC 1197 6095 9690 9760 2100-2200 UTC 1197 1260 1548 6040 6095 9595 9760 2200-2230 UTC 1548 2230-2400 UTC 1260 1548 English to Africa 0300-0330 UTC 909 1530 4960* 6035 6080 7105 7290 7340 7415 9575 9885 0330-0400 UTC 909 1530 6035 6080 7105 7290 7415 9575 9885 0400-0430 UTC 909 1530 6080 7290 7415 9575 9775 9885 0430-0500 UTC 909 6080 7290 7415 9575 9775 0500-0600 UTC 909 5970 6035 6080 7295 9775 12080 0600-0630 UTC 909 1530 5970 6035 6080 7295 11805 12080 15600 0630-0700 UTC$ 909 1530 5970 6035 6080 7295 11805 12080 15600 1600-1700 UTC 909 1530 6035 11920 12040 13710 15240 15485 1700-1730 UTC 909 11920 12040 15240 15445 17895 1730-1800 UTC 909* 11920 12040 15240 15445 17895 1800-1830 UTC 909 6035 11920 11975 13710 15240 15580 1830-1900 UTC 909 6035 11920 11975 13675$ 13710 15120 15240 15580 17895$ 1900-2000 UTC 909 4950 6035 7415 11920 11975 13710 15240 15580 2000-2030 UTC 909 1530 4950 6035 7415 11855 11975 13710 15240 15580 17580 17885 2030-2100 UTC 909 1530 4950$ 6035 7415 11975 13710 15240 15580 17580 17885 2100-2200 UTC 909 1530 6035 7415 11975 13710 15240 15580 17580 2200-2230 UTC* 909 1530 6035 7415 11655 11975 13710 English to Caribbean and Latin America 0000-0100 UTC# 5995 6130 7405 9455 9775 11695 13740 0100-0130 UTC# 5995 6130 7405 9455 9775 13740 0130-0200 UTC# 5995 6130 9455 0200-0400 UTC 1530 1580 0400-0500 UTC+ 1530 1580 1000-1100 UTC 6165 7370 9590 English to Far East Asia, South Asia and Oceania 0000-0030 UTC 1575 7215 9890 11760 15185 15290 17740 17820 0100-0300 UTC 7115 7200 9850 11705 11820 15250 15300 17740 17820 0800-1000 UTC 11995 13615 15150 1000-1100 UTC 5985 11720 15250 15425 1100-1130 UTC 1575$ 5985 6110 9645 9760 11705 11720 15250 15425 1130-1200 UTC 5985 6110 9645 9760 11705 11720 15250 15425 1200-1230 UTC 1143 6110 9645 9760 11705 11720 15250 15425 1230-1300 UTC 6110 9645 9760 11705 11715 15250 15425 1300-1330 UTC 6110 9645 9760 11705 11715 15425 1330-1400 UTC 6110 9645 9760 11705 15425 1400-1500 UTC 1143 6110 7125 9645 9760 11705 15395 15425 1500-1600 UTC 7125 9645 15395 1600-1700 UTC 6110 7125 9645 9760 15395 1700-1800 UTC 1143* 1575* 5990* 6045* 6110 7125 9525* 9645 9670* 9795* 11955* 12005* 15255* 15395 1900-2000 UTC 9525 11870 15180 2100-2200 UTC 9670 11870 15185 17735 17820 2200-2230 UTC 7215 9770 9890 11760 15185 15290 15305 17735 17820 2230-2400 UTC 1575> 7215 9770 9890 11760 15185 15290 15305 17735 17820 English -- Border Crossings 1900-2000 UTC* 5965 9840 11720 11970 13725 15205 15410 English -- Special 0030-0100 UTC (Middle East and Asia) 1548 1575 7215 9890 11760 15185 15290 17740 17820 0130-0200 UTC# (Caribbean and Latin America) 7405 9775 13740 1500-1530 UTC (Asia) 1575$ 6110 9760 9845 12040 15460 1530-1600 UTC (Asia) 1575 6110 9760 9845 12040 15460 1600-1700 UTC (Africa) 13600 15445 17895 1900-2000 UTC (Middle East and Asia) 9785 12015 13640 2300-2330 UTC (East & South Asia) 6045 7140 9545 11925 15395 2330-2400 UTC (East & South Asia) 6045 7130 7140 9545 9620 11805 11925 13745 15205 15395 Abbreviations: All programs/frequencies are on daily unless noted otherwise. * - Monday through Friday # - Tuesday through Saturday $ - Saturday and Sunday + - Sunday and Monday (Rifat J. Eusufzai, DX Forum, GPO Box 488, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, Dec 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Glen[n], I wanted you and the listeners of World of Radio to know that Dennis Hart has created a web site for those of us who remember NBC`s Weekend radio program Monitor. The address is http://www.monitorbeacon.com E-mail at monitman@yahoo.com This site tells the visitor everything about NBC`s Monitor including the Monitor Beacon, and has lots of sound bits (Charles Gossett Jr., Dec 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I certainly do, and still miss it (gh) ** U S A. KVOD, Denver`s classical radio, prepares to say goodbye. See: http://insidedenver.com/saunders/1204scene.shtml (via Artie Bigley, OH, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * U S A. Subject: Battleship Wisconsin Special Event. The USS Wisconsin Radio Club will make its début under callsign N4WIS during a four-day special event from the Nauticus National Maritime Museum in Norfolk, Virginia, December 7-10. This event commemorates the 59th anniversary of the attack at Pearl Harbor, and marks the permanent berthing of the Wisconsin at the Nauticus Museum. Operations from the museum will be on CW and SSB 40-10 meters (7035, 10110, 14035, 18078, 21035, 28035, 7235, 14210, 18120, 21260) as well as 2 meter FM (146.970). Times 1300-2200 UTC (0800-1700 EST). Other off site operation by the club on additional ham bands during other hours using the N4WIS callsign is planned. A commemorative QSL or certificate will be available. USS Wisconsin alumni or other interested hams, particularly those with a Navy or WWII background, are invited to join the USS Wisconsin Radio Club as associate members. The USS Wisconsin (BB-64) is the last and largest of the US Navy's battleships. She has had a distinguished career following her commissioning in 1943, serving in the Pacific in WWII as well as seeing action in Korea and Desert Storm. She is eighteen stories tall, mounts nine 16-inch guns, and is over 900 feet in length. On 7 December, she will become a permanent exhibit at the Nauticus National Maritime Museum in a ceremony attended by the governors of both Wisconsin and Virginia as well as by a host of senior Navy officials. The USS Wisconsin Radio Club is the brainchild of Elias "Bus" Etheridge, K4IX, a ham since 1936, who served with distinction as a Naval officer during WWII. The staff of the Nauticus Museum and the USS Wisconsin Foundation have been most supportive of the club's efforts, and it is anticipated that the Radio Club will become a part of the permanent USS Wisconsin installation. For information contact: Bus, K4IX (k4ix@arrl.net), Carey KT4P (cbrown@exis.net), or Don W4ZYT (w4zyt@exis.net). (Don Lynch, W4ZYT via KB8NW/OPDX December 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. This week`s edition of The Savvy Traveler has two features with some radio connexion: toward the end of the hour is an item by Hank Rosenfeld, who was aboard the Voice of Peace radioship, and audio is to be available Tuesday, December 5. See http://www.savvytraveler.com/Show/Features/2000/12.01/postcard.html And an earlier item is on the dangers of visiting (other than armchair) Papua New Guinea, specifically Mount Hagen; see: http://www.savvytraveler.com/Show/Features/2000/12.01/papua.html for the long story text, and audio of that is also scheduled for Dec 5 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZANZIBAR. TANZANIA-Zanzibar, 11734, RTZ Dole, 1926-1946 Dec 1, Swahili - Man talks, informs; Holy Koran recitation. Fairly strong, slight splatter from Philippines, 11730. SINPO 33443. Almost gray line here during December? (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZANZIBAR. TANZANIA. Radio Tanzania, 11734, 1655-1700 Dec 2, very good signal QSA 9, typical African mx, at 1659 ID by woman as "...Radio Tanzania..." after "bip" signal and s/off (Daniele Canonica, Switzerland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###