DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-143, November 23, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable archive contents see:} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** AUSTRIA. Combine Sackville problems (and/or Montreal control centre lack of coordination), with Vienna`s problems and disaster is almost certain. ORF`s new printed schedule shows that 1600-1700 UT is the only hour during the day when they are supposed to have two different programs at the same time, i.e. the separate WNAm service via Sackville. So it would not necessarily show on ORF`s (main or only) internet stream, but one wonders if the WNAm service is even being originated by Vienna at the moment; if so, it may be vanishing into nowhere. Their forced relocation from one building to another has necessarily limited what they can accomplish, as their technical setup has had to be dismantled and rebuilt, meanwhile relying upon inadequate equipment (Glenn Hauser, swprograms Nov 23 via DXLD) ** AUSTRIA. It is just me, but I would put RAI as possibly the most boring International Broadcast station, that could do better. They do an excellent job of representing Austrian broadcasting. One commentator said one of the reasons Haader got in was because of the style of broadcasting used by domestic RAI? which RAI international seems to follow! At least a few people noticed! (Larry Nebron, CA, Nov 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AZERBAIJAN? 9155, R Dada Gorgud? YL speaking in Turkic lang Nov 19 at 0902, 0904 with Turkic song, 0912 with anthem then man in AR. Signal S4 but still heard very well! Possibly R Dada Gorgud is back here (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. One co-channel tropical band station audible within Brazil in the absence of another: Assunto: Rádio Verdes Florestas 4865. Amigos, a ausência de uma freqùência nos traz por vezes uma compensação inesperada. Comentário neste sentido foi feito há dias, quando foi abordada a saída de algumas freqùências de emissoras de 'grande porte', e a possibilidade de se ouvir algo que estaria por detrás destas. No caso, 4865 é ocupada pela Rádio Alvorada de Londrina, que retransmite em grande parte de sua programação os sinais de uma rede católica de rádio. Só que ontem, a RA estava ausente. Por incrível que pareça, sintonizei a Radio Verdes Florestas de Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, com SINPO 35533 por mais de meia hora, às 0030 UT. Nunca havia sintonizado esta emissora em São Bernardo. Ouvi-a em locais fora daqui, e a última vez, foi em São Carlos-SP, com os inseparáveis amigos de algumas expedições em novembro de 1999. Evidentemente, os dados foram anotados, e será criado um informe de recepção para tentar-se uma confirmação. Um forte abraço, e boas escutas a todos, (Rudolf Walter Grimm, São Bernardo - SP, Nov 22, radioescutas, not translated by gh for DXLD) ** CANADA. RCI/CBC previews: Friday Nov 24: AS IT HAPPENS: In an amazing election, one amazing fact seems to have been overlooked. Jim Langevin, a first-time congressman from Rhode Island, will be the first ever quadriplegic to sit in the U.S. House of Representatives. The rookie congressman ponders the job ahead, tonight on As It Happens, with Mary Lou Finlay and Barbara Budd at 6:30 (7:00 NT) on CBC Radio One. (2330-0100 on RCI 5960, 9755) Saturday Nov 25: THE HOUSE: This week The House, the week in national politics, revs into high gear as the federal election campaign goes into its final weekend. Kelly Ryan reports on voter trends in Atlantic Canada, Bill Gillespie sizes up the electoral prize of Ontario, and Greg Rasmussen profiles Calgary Centre -- where Tory leader Joe Clark is running for a seat, and, many say, his political life. Also political scientists Heather McIvor and Paul Thomas say this campaign is unprecedented when it comes to viciousness and a lack of substantive issues. That's The House, with Jason Moscovitz, Saturday after World Report at 9 (9:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. (1305 UT on RCI 9640, 13655, 17710) (CBC Hotsheets via DXLD) ** CANADA. Hello, Here is what we have lined up this week on Quirks and Quarks. Our feature item is called The Evolution of Creationist Thinking: Is there science in the concept of "Intelligent Design"? Although Darwin's theory of evolution is now a cornerstone of modern science, traditional creationists continue to reject the idea in favour of a literal interpretation of the Bible. But now a more sophisticated form of creationism, known as Intelligent Design, has emerged. According to its proponents, some systems in nature are just too complex to have evolved naturally, and must have been the product of an "intelligent agent". But just how sound is the science behind those arguments? Find out on Quirks & Quarks, Saturday right after the noon news, on Radio One. (Bob McDonald, Q&Q list via DXLD) UT Sunday 0005 on RCI 5960, 9755 ** CANADA. To RCI Mailbag: Hello, Mr. Montgomery! Thanks for your reading part of my message on the recent Mailbag show, and for your note enclosed with the new printed schedule. I do realize that you devoted some time, as you cited, to the changes coming up with the end-of-October program-schedule change. I did hear the interview you referred to; I've heard every Mailbag show for some years now, with none missed, as far as I can recall. But I still reiterate my contention that you should have given the listenership more warning about the *details* of the massive changes, and especially the movement or removal of some of the CBC programs you air on RCI. That's what we needed. As I said in my original note, the disappearance of "Quirks & Quarks" from Sunday, the first day of the new schedule, took me by surprise. I knew, from what was said in that interview and from other on-air announcements, that Venture Canada, Earth Watch, & Arts in Canada were going to be replaced by the new weekend "Canada Review" and "Canada Newsweek", but I didn't have any idea that Q&Q would disappear from Sunday and then shift on Saturday; I had to get that info, as I said, from Glenn Hauser's DXLD on-line newsletter. Even the RCI website didn't help, as I also mentioned. I have the old and new RCI printed schedules (English pages) open before me as I type this. The changes are extreme, going from two full pages to 1 & 2/3rds. Many CBC programs are just gone, while others are moved. I wish that you could have done the same in October and then broadcast a summary of all these changes. You could have split it by target area between several editions of the Mailbag, if you didn't want to get it all in one show. Warn listeners to tape it, and we'd then have the new info before the change happened; as it was, we went through a week of confusion trying to track down what had happened. Is it that you there at RCI regard the CBC-originated programming as "irritating filler", and don't value it enough to refer to it when discussing program changes on the air? If so, I'd like to point out that we listeners don't make that distinction. We like the programs we hear on RCI, no matter if they come from the CBC or are original to RCI. We'd probably spend a lot more time listening to the CBC Northern Service on shortwave if it was received outside Canada better than it is now; the CBC English programming on that is fine, far better than almost any local-US radio station's programming. (As an aside, I long contended, from decades back, that the CBC really should have been a cover-Canada-by-shortwave service rather than a local-AM and local-FM radio service. Leave the local stations be regular commercial radio as in the US, and provide the great CBC programming to everyone with shortwave, beamed inland from both coasts. This would have had the side benefits of letting us here in the USA hear it well, and provided a great shortwave-receiver market which would have stimulated manufacturers worldwide to make many more SW receivers in a wide price range and with many more features than are now available. And no one would be talking about "the death of shortwave", as they do so often now!) If I came across as hostile in my original message, I apologize. I was critical but in an intentionally-helpful way. I hope that future RCI program-schedule changes can be more accurately announced and publicized well in advance, so we listeners know what to expect. Regards, (William Martin, St. Louis, Missouri, to RCI via DXLD) (The only state to have elected a dead man to the US Senate; at least one that was *known* to be dead before taking office... :-() ** CANADA. Believe it: CBC keeps us connected ``I don't want to eliminate CBC-TV . . . To me, it's not a nation that has not cultural programs and you cannot do it only through market forces.'' Click on the link below to see the full article: http://www.thestar.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=974814698453&call_page=TS_Entertainment,Life&call_pageid=968867495754&call_pagepath=Entertainment,Life/News;http://www.thestar.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic%2BFTContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=974814698453&call_page=TS_Entertainment,Life&call_pageid=968867495754&call_pagepath=Entertainment,Life/News (via Ivan Grishin, DXLD) Some advice on whom to root or vote for in the elexion; hope you got that 447-character URL OK... (gh) ** GREECE [non]. VOG noted on new 15170 for the service to Australia and Pacific *0600-0800*. This may be via the Delano relay, but is a poor freq choice, due to co-channel RCI-Wertachtal 0700-0800, Nov 23. The former Delano relays 0700-0800 on 9775, and 0900-1000 on 9770 have been deleted. Delano continues on 17705 1800-2200; Greenville 9690 1200-1500 and 17565 1800-2200 to Americas (Bob Padula, Victoria, Electronic DX Press Nov 24 via DXLD) Or is 9690 Delano?? ** INDIA. Friends, 3 new states were formed in India very recently by dividing existing ones. They are Chhatisgarh from Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand from Bihar and Uttaranchal from Uttar Pradesh. This is making interesting changes to the local broadcasting scene. AIR Delhi is now relaying on SW 6030 AIR Najibabad which broadcasts only on MW. This is intended for the new state of Uttaranchal. Sked is 0200-0310 and 1215-1430. The identification is as AIR Najibabad and when programs originate from other stations like AIR Lucknow its ID is given. For making way for this new transmission, AIR Nepali Service at 0130-0227 on 6045 was discontinued. Ranchi which has SW Tx is by the way the new capital of Jharkhand. 73 (Jose Jacob, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Box 1555, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082 India, Electronic DX Press Nov 23 via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS. United Kingdom/Netherlands: Wireless Group in talks over LW offshore station | Text of press release by the UK- based Wireless Group PLC on 23rd November The Wireless Group plc ('TWG'), the UK's fourth largest radio group, announced today that it has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a 33-per-cent stake in Delta Radio, a recently-formed commercial radio group whose principal asset is a new national analogue radio station. In return for its 33-per-cent stake, TWG will undertake the management of the station, including programming, sales and logistics - there is no cash consideration payable. The service, to be broadcast as 171 The Lounge, [on 171 kHz longwave] will be launched in 2002 under licence from the Dutch government, on a recently-released longwave frequency to a potential UK audience of over 40m. The transmission facility will: - be built off the Dutch coast near Zeeland - include two masts each half again as tall as the Eiffel Tower - cover a site with a footprint larger than 75 football pitches Whilst 171 The Lounge will not be regulated under UK law, TWG will ensure that the station respects UK copyright and broadcast content codes and complies with Advertising Standards Authority guidelines. The station will be music intensive, featuring the best easy listening and melodic songs of the past 40 years with key artists including Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Simply Red, The Carpenters, Gabrielle and Neil Diamond. This format is an extension of TWG's digital format, also called The Lounge, targeting an audience similar to that of BBC Radio 2 - "the UK's most popular radio station". To capitalize on the advertising potential of this highly attractive target audience, Impact, TWG's award winning advertising sales house, will represent The Lounge. This will provide advertisers with access to this previously unavailable national audience and will complement the younger and predominantly male audience targeted by TWG's other national station, talkSPORT. Under the terms of the agreement, TWG will undertake the management of the station's programming and advertising sales. TWG will not be involved in funding the new station, which will be financed via separate agreements with the other shareholders. The Lounge is expected to break even within three years of launch. This transaction is consistent with The Wireless Group's stated strategy of capturing greater market share by investing in additional radio assets. Commenting on today's announcement Kelvin MacKenzie, Chairman and Chief Executive of The Wireless Group, said: "Creating a new offshore radio station is an exciting and innovative way to increase our national presence. Since its relaunch in January, our national station talkSPORT has proved adept at targeting young men, giving advertisers access to a specific demographic group. We are now targeting another valuable demographic. The Lounge will give our national sales team a complementary sell, offering advertisers access to an older audience as well as to women. Commercial national radio is a concept that listeners, advertisers and investors understand. Since national commercial radio was introduced to the UK in the early 1990s its share of total UK advertising has grown from 2 to 6 per cent - almost entirely down to increased national revenues. We expect to see that figure grow." Dr Wayne Burt, chairman of Delta Radio Holdings NV, said: "Delta, together with TWG, is now able to embark upon its next stage of development which is to bring to fruition Delta Radio as a national broadcast station. TWG brings first-class radio management, programming and sales expertise, which will assist in maximizing the radio broadcast potential of Delta Radio's powerful and unique transmission platform." Source: Wireless Group PLC press release, London, in English 23 Nov 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** IRAN. Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran (VIRI) is the external service of the Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran (VIRI), which is also known as Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). This schedule, valid until March 2001, is based on information from VIRI and monitoring observations. Only shortwave frequencies have been confirmed. Broadcasts are NOT generally subject to Summer/Winter time changes. Address : PO Box 19395-6767, Tehran, Iran Tel : +98 21 2042808 Alt Tel : +98 21 2162953 Fax : +98 21 2051635 E-mail : Webmaster@irib.com Web Site : http://www.irib.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0000-2359 Daily MULTILINGUAL Global http://www.irib.com/ - live audio ENGLISH, DAILY: 0030-0130 Am 6.065 6.135 6.150 9.022 0430-0500 ME 9.830 11.985 (Radio Shalom) 1100-1230 MEAs 0.702 0.765 15.185 15.385 15.585 21.470 21.730 100.7 1530-1630 AsAu 7.115 9.635 11.775 1900-1930 ME 7.255 7.750 [sic] (Radio Shalom) 1930-2030 Eu 1.404 6.110 7.215 2130-2230 AsAu 9.780 11.740 --------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring Nov 23, excerpted by gh for DXLD) ** KOREAS. North stops radio propaganda aimed at ROK soldiers | Text of report from South Korean news agency Yonhap web site It has been revealed that North Korea`s Radio Pyongyang in Korean [PKS] to South Korea has stopped broadcasting its daily 0100 [1600 gmt] agitation and slander programme to the soldiers and men of the South Korean armed forces. According to an official of a relevant ministry on 21st November: Even after the June North-South summit, North Korea continued carrying a daily 30-minute programme entitled "Broadcast to Soldiers and Men of the South Korean Armed Forces" at 0100, but has stopped doing so since 27th October. These programmes were similar in content to the slander programmes that were broadcast to the soldiers and men of the South Korean armed forces along the DMZ [Demilitarized Zone] via North Korea's high- powered amplifiers, which disappeared on 16th June, right after the North-South summit talks began, at the special order of DPRK National Defence Commission Chairman Kim Jong-il. Besides this programme, PKS has recently stopped carrying the repeat 1300 [0400 gmt] broadcast of a 30-minute programme entitled "Broadcast to South Korean Youth and Students", which had been carried daily at 2030 [1130 gmt], the previous night. Instead, PKS has been carrying 'Nodong Sinmun' articles, music, anti- Japan denunciation, and responses from all-sectors regarding WPK General-Secretary Kim Jong-il`s on-the-spot guidance at the 0100 and 1300 time slots. Source: Yonhap news agency, Seoul, in Korean 0656 gmt 21 Nov 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** MALTA [non]. Voice of the Mediterranean (VOM) is a non-commercial external radio broadcaster. It is funded by the Maltese government. In the past VOM has also received some funding from the Libyan government for its broadcasts to Europe. VOM currently broadcasts on shortwave via hired transmitters in Italy and Russia. This schedule is based on monitoring observations and information from the station. Most broadcasts are subject to Summer/Winter time changes. Languages : Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Maltese, Multilingual Address : VOM, PO Box 143, Valletta CMR 01, Malta Tel : +356 248080 Alt Tel : +356 240421 Fax : +356 241501 E-mail : vomradio@vom-malta.org.mt Web Site : http://www.vom-malta.org.mt Address : (studios) - St Francis Ravelin, Floriana VLT 15, Malta --------------------------------------------------------------------- On Demand MULTILINGUAL http://www.vom-malta.org.mt - archive audio 0500-0600 Su...... JAPANESE As Ter: 17.570-Russia 0600-0630 .MTuWThFSa ITALIAN EuME Ter: 6.010-Italy 0630-0700 .MTuWThFSa ARABIC EuME Ter: 6.010-Italy 0700-0730 .MTuWThFSa ENGLISH EuME Ter: 7.150-Italy 0800-0900 Su...... ITALIAN EuME Ter: 11.770-Italy 0900-1000 Su...... ENGLISH EuME Ter: 11.770-Italy 1000-1100 Su...... MALTESE EuME Ter: 11.770-Italy 1100-1200 Su...... FRENCH EuME Ter: 11.770-Italy 1200-1300 Su...... GERMAN EuME Ter: 11.770-Italy 2000-2100 .....F. ARABIC EuME Ter: 7.440-Russia 2000-2100 SuMTuWTh.Sa ENGLISH EuME Ter: 7.440-Russia 2100-2130 Su...... FRENCH EuME Ter: 7.440-Russia 2100-2200 .MTuWThFSa ARABIC EuME Ter: 7.440-Russia 2130-2200 Su...... GERMAN EuME Ter: 7.440-Russia -------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring Nov 23 complete, via DXLD) ** MOLDOVA/RUSSIA. Radio transmitting centre resumes its work for Russia | Text of report by Russian Ren TV on 23rd November Mayak radio transmitting centre near Tiraspol` - the biggest in southeastern Europe - had not been working for several years. However, some time ago it started the transmission of Russia's radio stations' programmes to the far abroad. [Correspondent] In the Soviet times the Dnestr radio transmission centre was one of the main bases of the All-Russian radio system. Thanks to its strong antennae the voice of Moscow radio could be heard almost everywhere in the world. [Aleksandr Korshunov, deputy director of Mayak radio centre ] Almost all programmes were broadcast to the CIS states and abroad: to the USA, Canada, anywhere in the world... [Correspondent] The USSR's disintegration has brought about black days for local communication workers. Due to the lack of funds and the Russian state order, retransmission of the Russian radio stations has been stopped. The Dnestr authorities could not afford the upkeeping of the centre`s huge facilities and it started to fall apart. The 350 metres radio antenna - one of the biggest in Europe has collapsed. However, when the new president [Vladimir Putin] moved into the Kremlin, the media's role in securing Russian state interests abroad started changing rapidly. Today the Mayak centre is once again in the field of vision of the relevant Russian state agencies. [Boris Akulov, communications minister of Dnestr Region] The Russian Ministry for the Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications is definitely interested in transmitting Russian radio programmes both to the Dnestr region and far abroad. The Mayak centre`s facilities are being used for this. Thus the centre fulfills the state`s order to broadcast to North America and the Balkans. [Correspondent] However, the centre is currently working only to 10 per cent of its capacity. Huge parts of the planet inhabited by hundreds of megapeople remain unreached by Moscow`s broadcasts to foreign countries. Source: Ren TV, Moscow, in Russian 1130 gmt 23 Nov 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** PALESTINE [non]. Of Iran`s many daily Arabic broadcasts this one is known as Voice of Palestine: 0330-0430 Daily ARABIC ME 7.250 9.610 (BBC Monitoring, Nov 23 via DXLD) ** PERÚ. 13565. [2nd harmonic]. Nov 19 Radio Ondas del Pacífico, 2320- SIO 544, Great signal!!!, OA music, TC by YL. Still here! (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. Heard tonight UT Nov 23 on 4655 the station which has been identified by everyone lately as R. Celendín; I too have heard it with this ID, but on this date listening for more than one hour, the announcer IDed twice as Radio La Voz del Campesino (yet another one). [Audio file enclosed -- yes, that`s what they say -gh] I`ll be monitoring further to confirm this observation (Samuel Cássio Martins, São Carlos, Brazil, translated by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) I would guess this be a slogan, i.e. not a name in caps (gh) ** RUSSIA. - I`d like to make some corrections in information about regional broadcasting in Russia: Anatoly Klepov of RUS-DX specified transmitter sites and program producers (radio companies). No one state regional or independent commercial station in Russia owns its private SW transmitter. All SW transmitters are situated at radio transmitting centres and broadcasters pay them for programs relaying. Anatoly gave official broadcasters' (Regional State TV and Radio companies or GTRK in Russian) names. But they usually identify themselves as something like "... (city or region name) ... Regional Radio". For example Regional TVRC in Perm is officially called "T-7" because it uses 7 TV Channel in Perm. But it identifies itself as "Permskoye oblastnoe radio" which means "Perm regional radio". "Tsentr Rossii" from Krasnoyarsk may use both official name and "Krasnoyarskoe kraevoe radio" (Region of Krasnoyarsk has different status from Regions (oblast) and called Krasnoyarskiy kray). "Region-Tyumen" and "Yugoriya" are also State TVRCs. Region of Tyumen contains autonomous county of Khanty-Mansiysk so all transmitters in the region must relay regional broadcaster which is "Region-Tyumen". But all SW transmitters are in Khanty-Mansiysk (there are only MW ones in Tyumen). Reception is poor this season but last winter I noted only Tyumen on 4820 and 4895. As for 6095 I heard it very very badly. Also 9640 was in use (Vladimir Kovalenko, Russia, Electronic DX Press Nov 24 via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. No access to mass media Far East region power blackout | Text of report by Radio Russia on 23rd November People in the town of Belogorsk in Amur Region have not been able to watch TV and listen to Radio Russia since 1st November. The town has a population of 80,000 people. Skovorodinskiy, Rovenenskiy, Konstantinovskiy and other districts in Amur Region are faced with a similar situation. Restrictions have also been imposed on energy supply to the Blagoveshchensk radio and television rebroadcasting centre. People in the region's capital and neighbouring areas were unable to watch Russia TV channel and Russian Public Television for five hours during day time in the past four days. Radio Russia is no longer available on longwave anywhere in Amur Region because energy companies have cut off supplies to the Konstantinogradovskiy radio centre, the largest in Far East. The Amurenergo joint-stock company has imposed restrictions on the supply of electricity to the Blagoveshchensk mediumwave radio transmitter and as a result of that the local radio station Amurskaya Volna cannot broadcast its programmes in full. Day in, day out, the territory of Amur Region is gradually becoming a zone of information silence. The reason for such categorical measures taken by the Amurenergo is the federal electricity debt to the tune of 20m roubles. Not even a part of this debt has been repaid. Source: Radio Russia, Moscow, in Russian 0800 gmt 23 Nov 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 4955, R Retro, Nov 19 1756 with RR songs, 1759-1800 with numerous IDs and jingles of station, then immediately with songs. Signal S4 but only DSB (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. Netherlands/Sudan 23 November 2000: The Voice of Hope, which broadcasts every Saturday to southern Sudan via the Radio Netherlands Madagascar relay station, now has its own Web site at http://www.radiovoiceofhope.net/ The broadcasts will soon be available in Real Audio format for the benefit of Sudanese citizens living around the world who cannot hear the shortwave broadcasts (© Radio Netherlands Media Network via Andy Sennitt, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWITZERLAND. SRI`s Capital Letters mailbag has not read a letter about the loss of the relay and it does make difference, at least in my location (Larry Nebron, CA, Nov 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. UAE Radio, Abu Dhabi, now has two separate Arabic services during local evening hours. There is a "Koran" network, using 11940, noted 1800-2000*, adjacent to Sa`udi Arabia's Koran service on 11935! The other Arabic service is noted on 13755 and 15215 in the same time period, as at Nov 22 (Bob Padula, Victoria, Electronic DX Press Nov 24 via DXLD) ** U K. BBCWS PREVIEW: PLAY OF THE WEEK Eu: Sun 0001, 1701; Am: Sun 0001, Mon 0630 Lady Windermere`s Fan, by Oscar Wilde, 1 x 90 min, Nov 25-26 World Service marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Oscar Wilde with a new production of one of his most enduring plays. Lady Windermere`s Fan is a comedy of manners which gives a fascinating insight into the extraordinary conventions of immorality posing as morality that existed amongst the English upper classes at the end of the 19th Century. The play`s action is driven by Lady Windermere`s jealousy over her husband’s interest in Mrs Erlynne, a beautiful older woman with a mysterious past and a scandalous reputation in the present. Lord Windermere hopes to persuade his wife to ease the woman`s re-entrance into ``Society``, but Lady Windermere threatens to slight Mrs Erlynne publicly if she should come to her birthday ball that evening. Little does Lady Windermere know that challenging Mrs Erlynne may result in the revealing of a secret closer to her own life than she can possibly imagine. Wilde`s sparkling, pungent comedy is adapted for radio by Michelene Wandor and directed by Gordon House (BBC Press Office via DXLD) ** U K [non]. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK) I made a point of tuning in to LBH radio on 1386 tonight. Fabulous reception in Eastcote Ruislip! I am not Lesbian Bisexual or Homosexual but I know good radio when I hear it. Not all music, some pro gay speech and telephone conversations. If it can keep up the standard it will get a big following. They are on 10pm to 3am [I just heard announcement saying 11 pm to 4 am - presumably GMT? -gh] from Russia. Ray Anderson beams it to Bush House in London then they beam it to a transmitter in Russia. Pretty good all over the house. One amusing moment when one of Tom Jones' raunchy new tunes faded over the top. I bought one of my favourite South Park episodes "Gay Als Boat trip" on DVD a few days ago - so this is a fitting discovery! They have a web site; I believe it has been credited before http://www.lbhradio.com They also know how to put out real radio. Is gay ray on the website our beloved big L leader funky man Ray Anderson! Good luck to you I like Elton John too. (Keith Knight, The Wireless Waffler extraordinaire, http://lavender.fortunecity.com/loxwood/561/ Nov 24, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** U S A. During the long (four day) U.S. Thanksgiving holiday weekend, many public radio stations are airing specials and 'best of's'. From Philadelphia's WHYY-FM (Today's Hotsheet:) http://www.whyy.org/91FM/91fmtoday.html Do check other U.S. public stations for these and other specials. Click to listen to WHYY`s live webcast: http://www.whyy.org/91FM/live20.ram LOST AND FOUND SOUND (2 hour 'Best Of' compendium special), Thursday 9-11 PM ET (which is UT Fri Nov. 24, 0200-0400) On January 1, 1999, All Things Considered aired the first in a series of richly layered stories that trace the soundtrack of the 20th century. Broadcast weekly through 1999, continuing monthly through 2000, Lost & Found Sound chronicles, reflects and celebrates the human experience in rare recordings and "sonic snapshots." Produced by the Kitchen Sisters (Davia Nelson & Nikki Silva) and Jay Allison with NPR, Lost & Found Sound is a national collaboration including radio producers, artists, writers, musicians, film sound designers, composers, public radio stations and listeners. (L&F's Webpage:) http://www.npr.org/programs/lnfsound/ (via Chet Copeland, swprograms, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** URUGUAY. 6155, planned R. Sarandí del Yí, Sarandí del Yí, Dpto. de Durazno: Couldn't get much info from them. I phoned Mrs. Nora San Martín de Porro, owner, who says they "are in a preliminary stage" and didn't want to tell in advance the date of their start up. No details given of technical aspects of xter but apparently they will make full use of the authorized 2 KW. They intend to beam the antenna towards the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. (and I think that if they use a dipole, their backwards signal beam will favor Europe). Anyway, they are interested to serve a regional area. Sked is at study, but they will make separated prgm from their MW (CW155, 1550). They also operate on FM: 89,5, CX208A "Scala FM". Addr is: Sarandí 328, Sarandí del Yí, Dpto. de Durazno. ("Yí" pronounced as the letter "G" in EG), E-mail: norasan@adinet.com.uy (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Nov 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###