DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-139, November 14, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** ANTARCTICA. The "DX News Letter" reports to look for Gennady from the Russian base "Progress" to be on the air as R1ANP on 14160 kHz between 1500 and 1800z in the near future (KB8NW/OPDX 485/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRIA: B-00 schedules of ORF's DX programs: Fri 1900-1925 Intermedia, 1925-1930 DX Telegramm on 5945, 6155 Fri 1930-1955 Intermedia, 1955-2000 DX Telegramm on 1476 Sat 2000-2025 Intermedia, 2025-2030 DX Telegramm on 261, 5945, 6155 Sun 1630-1655 Intermedia, 1655-1700 DX Telegramm 6155, 13730, 17865 (Observer, Bulgaria, Nov 13 via DXLD) ** BHUTAN. 5030, R Bhutan, is again on winter time, 1330* rather than 1230* (G. Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, 4S7VK, UADX, via NU Nov 12 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4926.0, Nov 12 0026-0041 Tent. Radio San Miguel, Riberalta: Seemed program previews: "Las Noticias, La Semana-La Semana, Mandolines, Música de Puerto Rico" - all with fanfare. SINPO 25342. No definite ID. Bolivians peak here 0000-0030 Nov.-Jan. (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BULGARIA. R. Bulgaria, 9400, has constant RTTY QRM; however, 7400 is quiet until RB`s English hour to NAm comes on at 0000. Seconds later on comes RTTY!! Also RTTY on 7400 at 0300, when 9400 has RTTY splash from 9405 (Bob Thomas, CT, Nov 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. RCI`s printed program schedule for the B-00 season has finally arrived by P-mail, and it shows ``The Mailbag`` (not ``Maple Leaf Mailbag``) during the second half of the hours at Sun 0530, 1630, 1830, 2130, Mon 0230 (plus Sun 0600+ to Europe which is only a half-hour transmission). This despite the fact that so far we have been hearing it in the *first* half of these hours following the news. Will they eventually switch back to match published info?? And what`s the rationale for changing it at last minute? Only under the broadcast to India at 1630-1700 on 6140, 7150, it says ``possible changes to follow later``, no doubt alluding to the recent tests via Flevo at 1500-1600. In fact no such 1630 broadcast on those two frequencies appears in the more recent and accurate engineering schedule. That is the one which was planned for but cancelled at the last minute by the Chicoms. We also have now the B-00 schedule issued by RCI of the foreign relays it provides via Sackville. This is much as expected, with little change, for BBC, DW, KBS, NHK, RMC; it does confirm the reduction only to 1600-1700 on 17865 for ROI [German], 272 degrees; the new broadcast of RNW [Dutch], 0129-0225 on 6020 240d; RTE has made its usual winter shift from 13725 to 13640 at 1829-1859:30, 277d. And confirming Bob Thomas` quick observation, ex-9695, V of Vietnam is now shown: 0100-0259 9525 250 212 [0100 English, 0130 Vietnamese, 0230 English] 0300-0359 9795 250 212 [0300 Spanish, 0330 English] 0400-0459 9795 250 277 [Vietnamese] [see also VIETNAM] CRI: 0300-0359 9560 250 189 LAm [Spanish] 0500-0559 9560 250 277 USA [English] This matches the two transmitter hours per day that Xi`an is still scheduled to relay RCI to India, 0200-0259 on 15260, 17860, 120 kW, 258 degrees (RCI, via and analysed by Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 4767.5, RCI noted 0137 Nov 2, first subharmonic of 9535 with man and woman in Spanish; poor level and bothered by the sweep ute. This is at least the third RCI subharmonic to show up on 60 mb in the past few years (Bob Hill, MA, Electronic DX Press via DXLD) ** CANADA. Hi Glenn, I just came across this page I hadn't seen before Thought it might interest you. http://hawkins.pair.com/rci1.shtml 73, (Andy Sennitt, Netherlands, Nov 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) A rather extensive photo tour of the Sackville facility (gh) ** CHINA [non]. BULGARIA(non) [sic]: Falun Dafa R. in Chinese now is on air via Kostinbrod 100 kW/057 deg 12145 or 12140 2200-2215 co-ch CNR1 plus heavy jammer 12140 or 12135 2215-2230 co-ch CNR1 plus heavy jammer 12135 or 12130 2230-2245 co-ch CNR1 plus heavy jammer 12140 or 12135 2245-2300 co-ch CNR1 plus heavy jammer (Ivo & Anguel, Observer, Bulgaria, Nov 13 via DXLD) First word we have that Bulgaria is actually transmitter site for this; non-Bulgarian sites for its other frequencies??? Does Bulgaria now SW relay any other foreign or clandestine broadcasters?? (gh) ** COLOMBIA. 5553.5, RADIO NUEVA JUVENTUD. Pasto-Nariño. 0050-0230 Nov. 4 [sic]. Captada esta pirata operando desde el sur de Colombia, con el programa Voces y Guitarras. Menciona varios barrios de la ciudad de Pasto. Escuché un número telefónico, el 7324511, me comuniqué y pude hablar con el propietario el señor Omar Alberto Cabrera quien me contó que esta emisora la operó desde 1976 hasta mediados de los años 80, y el programa que capté fué de una transmisión que data de 1981. Es su interés reactivar esta emisora por lo cual está probando los equipos que no prendía desde hace 5 años; aún no ha definido el horario ni el tipo de programación que va a presentar, pero va a continuar haciendo pruebas de transmisión en las horas de la noche probando dos frecuencias nominales la de 5.550 y la 5.565 kHz. La emisora opera con tan sólo 30 vatios y se puede reportar por una QSL, (ya que el señor Cabrera sabe de esto) a la siguiente dirección: Sr. Omar Alberto Cabrera, Cra 1a No. 21-36, Barrio las Mercedes, Pasto, Nariño, COLOMBIA. Cabe anotar que en este rango de frecuencia se han escuchado antes otras piratas colombianas operando desde el sur del país muy cerca de la frontera con el Ecuador como: 5.555v La Voz del Valle desde Sibundoy, Putumayo. 5.555v Ondas del Sur desde Sapuyes, Nariño (Rafael O. Rodríguez R., Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia, Nov 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [pirate is back testing after five years with 19-year-old program tape; will QSL] ** COSTA RICA. RFPI now announces that the switch from 15049 to 15065 goes into effect at 1200 UT Nov 15 (Glenn Hauser, Nov 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CYPRUS/FRANCE. Radio relay deal with French firm renewed for 10 years | Text of report by Greek Cypriot news agency CNA Nicosia, 10th November: Cyprus has renewed for a period of 10 years an agreement between the Republic and French company Somera, regarding the relay broadcast of programmes by a French radio station to the Middle East. The broadcasting station is based in the Cape Greco area in the south- eastern area of Cyprus and is operating on the island since 1970. The agreement was renewed for the sum of 1,700,000 pounds (1 Cypriot pound is trading at around 1.5 US dollars). An official statement reads that the agreement is yet another step in the direction of promoting Cyprus as a service hub to Middle East countries, utilizing the island's strategic geographical location. Source: CNA news agency, Nicosia, in English 1310 gmt 10 Nov 00 (via BBC Monitoring Nov 13 via DXLD) Refers to MW 1233 ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Voice of Oromo Liberation, 15105, No data e-mail reply in 8 days. Report sent to SBO13366@aol.com (K. Hashimoto, Japan, Nov. 19 [sic], 2000 for CRW) A screenshot of this e-mail qsl can be found via http://www.clandestineradio.com/martin/bild-cla.html or at http://www.clandestineradio.com/martin/piccla/oro-khy.jpg (Clandestine Radio Watch Nov 14 via DXLD) ** FINLAND. YLE has me all confused. I`ve been checking 9655 and 12035 at 0200. Same program on both. This was supposed to be YLE NAm in English [sez who?? gh], but they`ve changed the menu at least twice. Very confusing matter! I keep checking at 1330 for YLE but I don`t hear them on 15400 or 17660 (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Really? Rechecked here Nov 14 at 1330, both 15400 and 17660 loud and clear, with a leavening of polar flutter emphasizing the dynamic effort that goes into these transmissions (gh, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. 4052.5, R Verdad, at 0119, man in Sp sermon, gospel mx on piano, jaunty theme at 0200 faded down for anmts, incl freq, ID, and "en Chiquimula, Guatemala." Surprisingly strong, and would have been almost armchair copy except for constant, tremendous static crashes. Not there the following evening at 0100 check (Bob Hill, MA, NU Nov 11 via BC-DX via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. Again RRI Tanjungkarang or RRI Bandarlampung? At last I received the answer from RRI station on 3395 kHz. Although I wrote address as RRI Bandar Lampung, letterhead and station stamp from the station were printed as "RRI Tanjungkarang". Drs. Soewadji, Kepala Seksi Siaran said in the letter that the station called in the programs its name as "RRI Bandarlampung" instead of "RRI Tanjungkarang" because recently Bandar Lampung became popular name of the capital city in Badar Lampung province. Also he wrote consistently its station name as "RRI Tanjungkarang" in his letter. So I decide to say the official name is RRI Tanjungkarang not RRI Bandar Lampung. The name RRI Bandar Lampung is like nickname. In this publication, I will use the name as RRI Tanjungkarang and I recommend to other DX club and DX bulletins to use "RRI Tanjungkarang" because the official name is still RRI Tanjungkarang (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN, Jembatan DX Nov 13 via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. INDONESIA BANDSCAN, October 24-27. This makes 30 active Indo. fqys logged in SE Australia. Other rpts indicate that these channels are also active: 7173 RRI Serui, 7231 RRI Fak-Fak, 9540 unid. RRI, 9614 RRI Samarinda. 2899.1, RPDT2 Ngada, 1336, extended Jakarta relay with pro Palestinian b/c. 2960.0, RPDT2 Manggarai, 1335, Jakarta relay, fairly regular but not daily. 3161.0, RSPDT2 Halmahera Tengah, 1334, just about the toughest Indo to log. 3214.9, RRI Manado, 1333, Jakarta relay, reactivated about a week into October. 3264.7, RRI Gorontalo, 1146, Indopops under static. 3325.0, RRI Palangkaraya, 1332, Jakarta relay. 3344.8, RRI Ternate, 1331, Jakarta relay. 3355.4, RRI Jambi, 1330, very low level; on previous better rcpn occasions it has been observed //4925. 3395.2, RRI Bandar Lampung, 1328, Jakarta relay; semi-regular. 3905.0, RRI Merauke, 1324, Jakarta relay. 3960.5, RRI Palu, 1323, Jakarta relay. 3976.1, RRI Pontianak, 1322, Jakarta relay. 3987.2, presumed RRI Manokwari, 1046, low level. 4000.2, RRI Kendari, 1321, Jakarta relay. 4003.2, RRI Padang, 1320, Jakarta relay. 4606.4, RRI Serui, 1319, also 1452* Oct 19. 4696.6, R. Komunikasi Informasi Pertanian, 1855, all night wayang; often runs all night and seemingly to compensate is sometimes off air at what would be the normal times. According to IDXC, this ID has replaced R. Khusus Informasi Pertanian. 4753.2, RRI Makassar, 1317, Jakarta relay. 4789.2, RRI Fak-Fak, 1339, Jakarta relay. 4925.0, RRI Jambi, 1318, Jakarta relay. 6069.8, RRI Jayapura, 1133, slow Indo ballads. 6070.8, RRI Jayapura, 1305, Jakarta relay. 6153.8, RRI Biak, 1128, Indo ballads. 9525.0, Voice of Indonesia, 0922, swapped from Japanese to Indonesian a minute late. 9552.3, RRI Makassar, 0803*, earlier s/off these days. 11760.0, RRI Jakarta, 1345, Jakarta nx barely audible under BBC. 11785.0, Voice of Indonesia, 0922, kroncong mx in Bahasa Malaysia svc; usually on 9525 from *0900. Also 1920 when it would normally be on 15150. 11860.0, RRI Jakarta, 0001, "Dinamika Indonesia" with current events from the Indonesian provinces. 15125.0, RRI Jakarta, 0002, nx rpt from Timor; takes Programa Nasional Satu (1). 15149.9, Voice of Indonesia, 1906, FR nx with nice signals; sometimes uses 11785 or 9525. This stn gives the impression of being demoralized and disorganized. There's no doubt that they're under funded. (David Foster via NU via Jembatan DX via DXLD) ** IRAQ [non]. Radio the Future / Voice of the Brave Armed Forces Radio stations Radio the Future (al-Mustaqbal) and The Voice of Brave Armed Forces are broadcasting on a new frequency 1575 kHz (ex 1584) from November. These stations are using a common 50 kW transmitter located in Kuwait (R. Petraitis, CRW, Nov 6, 2000) Radio the Future (al-Mustaqbal): 0100-0200 0300-0400 1900-2000 2100- 2400 Voice of the Brave Armed Forces: 0000-0100 0200-0300 2000-2100 (it isn't a full schedule, just what I heard in Lithuania) (R. Petraitis- CRW Nov 10, 2000) These two stations have returned to 1584 kHz on November 12th. No changes in the broadcasting times were observed (R. Petraitis, Clandestine Radio Watch Nov 13 via DXLD) ** IRELAND [non]: Updated B-00 schedule of RTE Radio One in English on short waves: 0130-0200 on 6155 RMP 500 kW/175 deg. to CAm [note site] 1000-1030 on 11740 SNG 250 kW/135 deg. to As/AU 1800-1830 on 9895 SKN 300 kW/110 deg. to ME 1830-1900 on 13640 SAC 250 kW/277 deg. to NAm <<<<<<< not 13725!!! 1830-1900 on 21630 ASC 250 kW/085 deg. to Af (Ivo & Anguel, Observer, Bulgaria Nov 13 via DXLD) ** MAURITANIA. I have had the best copy of Mauritania on 4845 I have ever had of late. Booming in here in S. E. PA, USA with signal bouncing from +20 to +40 over S-9. I sit and listen for 2 hrs and no ID. The NA at 0100 matches what I have hrd on the net but never an ID. Has anyone any info as to when they might consider an ID during a broadcast (Bob Montgomery, Hard-Core-DX mailing list Nov 13 via DXLD) I also heard it here in the Midwest this early morning with an excellent reception quality (something like 6.30 to 8.00 UT). I heard clear IDs every half hour (Sergei Sossedkin, MI, Nov 13, hard-core-dx via DXLD) Good signal near Dallas, TX at 0630Z Nov 14 in Arabic on 4845 kHz. 73 from (Bill Smith, W5USM "Shortwave Since 1950", hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** MOUNT ATHOS. Monk Apollo, SV2ASP, was heard this past weekend on 40/20/10 meters signing SY2A. He was heard on 7085 kHz around 2130z, 14245 kHz around 1815z, also 14212 kHz around 1845z and 28409 kHz around 1145z. QSL via SV2ASP (KB8NW/OPDX 485/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. Whenever I've seen reports of NZ video [45.25 MHz] here in North America, I always figured that I would never get a chance to get it. Boy was I wrong! The video buzz hasn't been in for 4 days now. Overall MUFs seem to have been sagging during that time, though still up to 43 MHz at least. Best time for the buzz has been around 2030 UT. Sure would nice to see an IDable picture! Hopefully conditions get even better and peak around the solstice. One can only hope! Have you been checking the Lowband VHF area at all? Cheers, (Bill Hepburn, Toronto, Ont., Nov 13, DX VIEWING DIGEST) Listen to WOR Extra 38 in a few weeks for info on the VCR he receives this on ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. East Sepik provincial radio off the air | Excerpts from report from Papua New Guinea weekly 'The Independent' web site on 9th November The people in the rural East Sepik are missing out on vital information because the National Broadcasting Commission [National Broadcasting Corporation] in Wewak is off the air due to shortage of funds. A former announcer, Bruce Samban, expressed this concern that the public was kept in the dark on important issues... He said the radio station has been off air for a month. Mr Samban said the provincial authorities must do something fast, because the people were suffering. He said the people were also missing out on the political stand of the East Sepik members of parliament. Mr Samban said the people do not know if there is a government in place for them. He said the authorities should check where all the government monies were going because along with NBC Wewak, road conditions and health services were deteriorating. Source: 'The Independent' web site, Port Moresby, in English 9 Nov 00 (via BBC Monitoring Nov 13 via DXLD) Wewak`s SW frequencies: 3335, and (ha!) 6140 (gh, DXLD) ** PERÚ. 4655 RADIO CELENDIN. 2355-0230 Nov. 11. Ésta es la nueva emisora peruana que reporté haciendo pruebas de transmisión el 21 de Octubre. "... a través de los 4655 kHz Radio Celendín presentó... Alegrías Campesinas, señoras y señores a nombre de quien habló para todos y cada uno de ustedes, su amigo y humilde servidor, Lino Tenorio Herrera, más conocido como el flaquito de la radio, quien les dice mil gracias por la sintonía prestada..." Mencionan que transmiten desde las 2100-0300 en la onda corta, y por las mañanas en la amplitud modulada, pero no mencionaron la frecuencia aunque hacían un llamado al señor Leonidas Mejía Tello quien fué el ingeniero que construyó los equipos de la emisora ya que presentan problemas en la amplitud modulada. El Gerente-Propietario es el señor Manuel Infante, la dirección es Jirón Galvez y Grau, en la esquina de la Distribuidora Pilsen Callao en Celendin, Departamento de Cajamarca (Rafael O. Rodríguez R., Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia, Nov 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 4992.3 RADIO ANCASH. 0003-0020 Nov. 12. Introducción al programa Noticiario Ancash. "... Radio Ancash, la radio de hoy para el nuevo milenio... desde la plataforma informativa de Radio Ancash, la emisora más potente del norte peruano y a nivel nacional presentamos el Noticiario Ancash, una verdad en palabras, un compromiso diario con las noticias para decirlas con veracidad, Noticiario Ancash, labor periodística informativa amplia y precisa, Noticiario Ancash, cobertura total a partir de estos momentos..." (Rafael O. Rodríguez R., Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia, Nov 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 13565.2H ONDAS DEL PACIFICO. 0110-0300 Nov. 12. Gracias al tip del colega y amigo Yimber Gaviria desde cali, pude escuchar el harmónico de esta emisora que transmite desde Ayabaca. Presentando el programa: La Hora de la Cumbia, Sabor Tropical. En realidad un muy fuerte harmónico: se escucha mejor que la frecuencia básica que es 6782.6. Mencionaron que el propietario es el señor Herminio Velazco Cruz, y que les pueden escribir al SERPOST de Ayabaca (Rafael O. Rodríguez R., Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia, Nov 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Re: R. Rossii 6930/7560. Radio Rossii on 7140 and 7350 originates from Taldom, the site which was recently off air due to unpaid electricity bills. Alongside with the 2500 kW longwave giant on 261 also two 250 kW shortwave transmitters are in use by Radio Rossii there, and in previous winter seasons a mix from Taldom appeared on 60 metres when one of the transmitters used 49 metres instead. Such a constellation still exists between 0300 and 0600 with 6115 and 7380 as fundamentals and 4850 as possible mixing product (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Nov 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [Later: correxion: time above should be 0200-0500 -- Ludwig] ** RUSSIA. I don`t hear the 1500-1600 7180 VOR English to NAm (Bob Thomas, CT, Nov 8) All I get is amateur radio use. Note even a whimper of VOR (Bob Thomas, CT, Nov 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I certainly confirmed it initially, but will try to remember to keep on checking for it. How`s it doing on west coast at 7 am PST? On Nov 14 did not check until 1541, when there was a poor signal with music, conveniently used by some LSB ham as BFO, but VOR clearer on USB side (gh, OK, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Regional broadcasters using SW txers from Oct-29: 4795 50 RV-44 2200-1800 Ulan-Ude Buryatskaya GTRK 4820 50 RV-703 0000-2000 Khanty-Mansiysk "Yugoriya" 4425 50 RV-726 2000-1600 Yakutsk "Sakha" 4895 50 RV-700 0000-2000 Tyumen "Region-Tyumen" 5290 50 RV-98 2200-1800 Krasnoyarsk "Tcentr Rossii" 5290* 5 RV-1095 0000-1600 Perm "T-7" 5930 50 RV-790 0200-2200 Monchegorsk "Murman" 5935 100 RV-1001 1800-1400 Arman "Magadan" 6060 5 ? 2100-1600 Blagoveschensk "Amur" 6095 3 RV-1472 0000-1600 Khanty-Mansiysk "Yugoriya" 6125 5 RV-1327 0300-1700 Ioshkar-Ola "Mariy-El" 6160 40 RV-297 0200-2200 Arkhangelsk "Pomorye" 7140 50 RV-727 2000-1600 Yakutsk "Sakha" 7200 100 RV-729 2000-1600 Yakutsk "Sakha" 7200 RV-1326 0200-1630** Ioshkar-Ola "Mariy-El" 7210 100 RV-914 2000-1600 Khabarovsk "Dalnevostochnoye" 7320 100 RV-647 1800-1400 Arman "Magadan" 7345 50 RV-725 2000-1600 Yakutsk "Shakha" 9530 100 RV-646 1800-1400 Arman "Magadan" 11650 5 RV-1095 1605-2000 Perm "T-7" 11840 15 RV-677 1800-1400 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk "Sakhalin" 15165 5 RV-1326 1635-2200 Ioshkar-Ola "Mariy-El" 15235 3 RV-1472 1605-2000 Khanty-Mansiysk "Yugoriya" 15395 5 RV1327 1705-2200 Ioshkar-Ola "Mariy-El" All transmitters relay Radio Rossii. * alternative frequency 6150 ** was noted on the mentioned frequency even later 1630 - transmitter RV-645 (Arman) on the frequency 9600 is switched off - transmitter RV-1001 (Arman) works on the new frequency 5935 (instead of 5940 kHz) - GTRK "Yugoriya" (Khanty-Mansiysk) also relays GTRK "Region- Tyumen" (RUS-DX via EDXP Nov 14 via DXLD) ** SA`UDI ARABIA. BSKSA`s 1400 French service will have to do as far as western languages, again coming in well Nov 13 from tune in around 1410 on 21600 (with Dubai aside 21605), no commie Cuban jamming audible yet, but blotted at *1445 by huge Delano carrier warming up for Martí. If a bit of Sa`udi English followed by mistake at 1500 we had no way of telling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SEALAND. [Follow-up to report in DXLD 0-130] OPDX has received information from Bill, WA6ITF, of "Newsline" and a couple of other sources stating that the UK Radiocommunications Agency appears ready to act to stop the Sealand operation and calling it "ILLEGAL". The announcement from the Radiocommunications Agency states the following: "The Agency has noted that certain persons intend to operate on amateur radio frequencies using the callsign series '1SL' from Roughs Tower situated in the Thames Estuary between 9 and 12 December 2000. The structure is situated within United Kingdom territorial waters. Consequently, any such operation which is other than under and in accordance with a valid amateur radio licence issued by the United Kingdom or other Administration, would constitute an offence contrary to section 1 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949." "If the persons concerned do not hold a United Kingdom amateur radio licence, it would be necessary for them to hold an amateur radio licence issued by another Administration, and with whom the United Kingdom has a reciprocal agreement under which nationals of that country can operate using their callsign together with the appropriate 'M' prefix for a limited period from within the United Kingdom. The callsign series '1SL' is not permitted for use in the United Kingdom. If an UK radio amateur were to reply to an operator using a '1SL' callsign, they would be in breach of clause 1(4) of BR68." "Although some persons have called Rough Tower 'the Principality of Sealand' the United Kingdom does not recognize 'the Principality of Sealand' as a sovereign independent state and is not aware that any other state has accorded such recognition. Consequently, and as explained above, unless radio use on the structure is authorized under a licence issued by a recognized state, an offence will be committed." (KB8NW/OPDX 485/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. Automated E-mail response from Voice of Sudan Date sent: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 08:47:32 -0500 From: sudanvoice Send reply to: sudanvoice To: schoechi Subject: automated response. Dear Listener, We apologize for the disruption of the Sudan Voice. It was the voice of freedom, peace and democracy. The station ceased its service due to the political development in the Sub-Saharan Africa, and will resume its service sooner. Sudan voice (Martin Schöch, Clandestine Radio Watch Nov 14 via DXLD) ** SWITZERLAND. SRI`s English to NAm at 0100 is now an hour [9885, 9905], but a repeat of 0100-0130 runs at 0130-0159. So, no big deal (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN [non]. RTI to NAm at 0200 & 0300 in English: 5950 has QRM from RFI French 5945. This has been usual past several winters. 9680 has co-channel Bro. Scare and 9675 RAI Italy splash (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. RADIO THAILAND, 15460, 44444 AT 0300 UT. Comments on stopping kids from drinking and save the Thai elephant, very good show; maybe new freq., not listed in MT, or Popcomm (Larry Fields, N6HPX, maritime mobile about 3 days out of Singapore, swl@qth.net Nov 13 via DXLD) But following shows 15450 (?) ** THAILAND. Radio Thailand, B00, is listed for Udorn: 0000-0030 9680 1230-1300 9810 1200-1230 11805 1800-1900 11855 0030-0200 13695 0530-0600 15115 0300-0430 15450 (Electronic DX Press Nov 14 via DXLD) ** TIBET [non]. TAJIKISTAN/KAZAKHSTAN(non) [sic]: Voice of Tibet in Tibetan and Mandarin noted on Nov. 12: 1212-1300 on NF 15645.0 (45544) via Dushanbe & NF 15705.0 (55555) via Almaaty ex 15645.0 via Dushanbe and 15685.5 via Almaaty (Ivo & Anguel, Observer, Bulgaria, Nov 13 via DXLD) So this takes care of the WWCR & WOR QRM problem, for now. VOT moves around a lot and not clear if this is a permanent avoidance. BTW, The Observer is using [non] in a different way than I do as exemplified by the re-heading I did above (gh) ** TURKEY. Since a week I'm hearing a Turkish-speaking (?) station on 5562.04. Doesn't sound like a clandestine station, but rather a re- broadcast on SW of an FM outlet. They are already audible at 2030 and sign off few minutes after 0000. Tentative ID'ed as Radio Bir, November 12 @2100. This station was already noted by Z. Liangas during spring. Does anyone have further information? TIA, (Renato Bruni, Italy, hard-core-dx via DXLD) 5562 [MW harmonic] TRT 1 abrupt start at 1730 Nov 12 with a sport program, S9 44433 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. RUI English hours to NAm: why bother? Co-channel VOR on 9810 in Spanish to SAm, and RFI Spanish splash from 9805, at 0100. Next at 0400, 9810 is still co-channel to VOR but Ukraine may sneak in. Bigger problem is 9805 R. Martí with its shadow jammer (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U A E. Found Dubai English at 1330 fair on 15395 and 13675 (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UNITED NATIONS [non]. What`s become of UN Radio`s 1730-1745 M-F broadcast in English to Africa? (Chris Hambly, Victoria) UN Radio, sked changes eff Oct 28: Fr 1700-1715 6125 Meyerton-RSA, 17595 Skelton-UK En 1730-1745 15495 Skelton-UK, 17735 ASC Isl Port/En 1725-1745 6125 Meyerton-RSA Ar 1830-1845 7260 & 13770 Skelton-UK Fr/Port 1700-1720 21490 Meyerton-RSA (Smith-UN via JB, BC-DX via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Re: UNIDENTIFIED. US religious stn program heard on 9940, around 2100-2200 Hi Glenn, this is Gene Scott, but I don't know from where. Anyway too strong here to be a max 10 kW-er from Liberia. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, Nov 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [& non]. Overcomer overkill! Bro. Scare must be on at least half a dozen SW stations at the same time. On 9405 at 0300 along with RTTY vs. Bulgaria 9400; 7435 at 0300 too, and 9770 (augh!) and 6185!! On 9680 clashing with Taiwan (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM. Re: VOV NAm service English 0100-0130, 0230-0300 noted on 9525, 0330-0400 on 9795 (Bob Thomas, CT, USA in DXLD) 9525 and 9795 apparently refer to the Sackville relays. Whilst VOV is now installing itself in new luxurious office accommodation, and making use of hi-tech audio production facilities, it still cannot organise itself to produce a meaningful, topical schedule for its SW services, let alone designate the actual relays used. Its Web site is a disgrace, being a hotchpotch of ambiguous entries dating back to over 12 months; the B-00 printed schedule for English transmissions is incomprehensible, showing such idiotic freqs as "9295" and channels which were last used over a year ago! Can't anyone there proof-read their material before they send it out? Do they REALLY want listeners? !! (Bob Padula, Australia, Electronic DX Press Nov 14 via DXLD) ** ZIMBABWE [non]. Voice of the People: According to a letter confirmation from the Voice of the People, which broadcasts to Zimbabwe, the schedule from October 29th onwards is: 1700 - 1755 UTC on 7120 kHz. My report was dated 28th August 2000 with the letter being received 31st October 2000. The mailing address I used was the one given in 'Contact' the monthly bulletin of the World DX Club: P.O. BOX CY 3093, CAUSEWAY, HARARE, ZIMBABWE. (J. Parker, UK, Nov 2, 2000 for CRW) A copy of the QSL can be found via http://www.clandestineradio.com/martin/bild-cla.html or at http://www.clandestineradio.com/martin/piccla/vop-jps.jpg (Clandestine Radio Watch Nov 14 via DXLD) THE NEW SEASON: Lots of no-shows, late starts, wrong feeds, wrong service/language, RTTY QRM, military traffic near Iran 9022 or Prague 7345. Also ham QRM on 40. See Nov QST page 9 for editorial re SWBC and ham use of 40m. I`m hearing more jammers this season and RTTY. A lot of RTTY all over! Jordan 11690; Bulgaria [q.v.], Greece and others! Don`t hear much in numbers stations. 7315 has co-channel QRM and jammer, 0300 WHRI in English. Big jammer on 7840 for some reason. Can`t hear anything else when jammer comes on and off; test? (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###