DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-127, October 22, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** ALASKA. Altho KNLS has planned several mid-season changes during B-00, English thru March 24 is to stay on 9615 at 0800-0900, 1300- 1400 (via Yimber Gaviria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. Re: Tim Bucknall`s very tentative 14220 harmonic possibly Ethiopia: (2 x 7110) monitored from 0929, YL DJ in unfamiliar lang wailing mx / pops, unfamiliar Nat Anth at 0955 and s-off at 1000. Is actually: R Tirana via Cerrik, Albania, domestic service which closes down at 1000 (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX via DXLD) ** ANTIGUA. Nice F2 today. It started off at 8:15am ET when I noticed a German SW station (harmonic?) on 35.460 with long deep fades. Not much else noted until I checked at 3:30 and found that Southern Calif was pretty much missing and Northern Calif was in... Question: How is it you can pick up a SW station's harmonic? Are the harmonics THAT strong? -- (Mike Bugaj - Enfield, CT USA, WTFDA Circulation, Oct 21 via DXLD) That`s DW Antigua 17730 (x 2) at 1200-1400 in German, with 250 kW beamed toward us and another 250 to the south. With that much power, if only 1/10000 goes out on second harmonic that would still be 25 watts, or 1/1000 would be 250 watts, plenty to propagate when F2 is up. Tho I have no idea how much this one may actually radiate. See HARMONICS report at end: also heard in Britain (gh, DXLD) ** BRASIL. Debido al nuevo horario de verano en Brasil (UT - 2), las ediciones nocturnas del programa DX "Amigos do Radio" serán alteradas de acuerdo a este esquema: DIA HORA UT Miercoles 1345-1400 Jueves 0030-0045 Sábados 1345-1400 Sábados 2345-2400 (*) Los programas se irradian en idioma português a través de Radio Trans Mundial (São Paulo, SP), via los transmisores de Radio Nova Visão (Santa Maria, RS), por las frecuencias de 5965, 9530 y 11735 KHz. Nota: (*) Tambien se irradia via satélite a través de Radio Trans Mundial en Bonaire, Antillas Holandesas, por los 800 kHz. Este programa es producido por Valdemir José Martim y Carlos Felipe da Silva, ambos pertenecientes al DX Clube Paulista (DXCP). La estación verifica los informes de recepción correctos por medio de una tarjeta QSL, los cuales pueden ser remitidos a la siguiente dirección: Caixa Postal 18300, 04626-970 São Paulo, SP, Brasil; o bien al e-mail: amigosdoradio@transmundial.com.br (Carlos Felipe, DXCP, Brasil, Conexión Digital Oct 22 via DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. 889v, Oct 15 Radio Galeón, Santa Marta, 0610-, 333, bc LAm music, splatter by La Voz de Cali (Yimber Gaviria, Cali, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Norteamericanos hearing a het on 890: this could be it, as long as it is not on the other side, 891 = Algeria (gh) ** COLOMBIA. CLANDESTINE, 6260v, Voz de la Resistencia - Bloque Oriental is silent at both times, at 1100 and 2130 UT, checked October 1 thru 15 (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, Oct 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. RFI Issoudun on 11 mb in B-00. [see also under DW Germany]. 25820 0900-1300 to zones 38E,47E,48,53,68 500 kW 130 degrees (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX Oct 21 via DXLD) **GERMANY. DW on 11m B-00: 25740 0800-1000 to zones 43NW,49 500 kW 075 degrs 25740 1000-1400 to zones 29,30,41NW,42 500 kW 075 degrs. (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX Oct 21 via DXLD) ** INDONESIA According to my Indonesian regional station list of 1995, active radio stations have decreased from 62 to 17 stns now remaining on air at present. On 2809.1 RPDT2 Ngada (pres.) and on 2960.1 RRI? Mangaria heard on 10th. On 3214.9 RRI Menado after several days absent, fade in around 0950 with popular mx and US oldies, no nx at 1000, at 1100-114 [sic] "Warta Berita Biding", tx break 1129-1145, then 45544 at 1152. On 3395: RRI Tanjungkarang, some stn conflict here: on Sep 8+9 at 1115-1200 on 3395.12 stn ID as "RRI Tanjungkarang". But at 1155 on Oct 3rd heard ID "RRI Bandar Lampung" on 3395.10, also on Oct 4th 1030-1236 heard with S=9 +20dB with same, latter ID On 3987.1 again active after several days absent RRI Manokwari, 0950- 1004, ID at 0957 "RRI Manokwari...", IS, four short, single long time pips. 35433. Heard around Sep 16th, then again around Oct 9th. (Roland Schulze, Philippines, Oct 5-10, BC-DX via DXLD) ** MÉXICO. The IRCA Mexican Log [MW only] is finished and will be going to publisher soon. Many changes are covered on this one (Chris Knight, CO, NRC International DX Digest Oct 20 via DXLD) ** MÉXICO. XERMX, 11770, did not seem to be on all of Saturday Oct 21, but back when checked 1519 Sunday Oct 22; only fair signals. They said nothing about power, so no doubt still the old 10 kW unit, whilst the 100 kW they have had for years but never activated continues to gather dust (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I remember RMI azimuth map in 1975 then: 11770 towards Buenos Aires, Argentina, that's nulled towards Europe and means square of 90 degrees (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX via DXLD) ** PERÚ. If everything is OK following eye surgery, I plan to return to Quito on November 25. BTW, previous report of 6782.5 Ondas del Pacífico, Ayabaca, as a new station: it is not new; I heard it testing for the first time on Nov 11, 1999 on 5340.06 (Björn Malm, Sweden, SW Bulletin Oct 22 via DXLD) ** PERÚ. 3375.1, Radio San Antonio, Callalli; was heard at 0115-0140* good signal on 03/OCT/2000 during my stay in Chincheros, Perú. Huaynos and comunicados until 013 0. At 0130 closing canned announcement was given as "Radio San Antonio cierra su programación del día de hoy. Agradecemos su amable sintonía. Hemos transmitido desde la Parroquia San Antonio de Padua, Callalli, Caylloma, Arequipa, Perú." and followed the evening prayer. At 0139 OM announcer said that the station will back be on the air at 6 AM. (i.e. The station runs at 1100-0140.) (Takayuki Inoue Nózaki, Relámpago DX Logging via DXLD) ** U S A. Statement Regarding Art Bell Lawsuit : October 20th, 2000 On December 9, 1997, Ted Gunderson broadcast a radio show transmitted by WWCR in which a guest by the name of David Hinkson made certain statements that may have left the listening audience with the belief that former late night radio host Art Bell had been charged with child molestation. On May 15, 1998, Mr. Bell filed a defamation suit in the Circuit Court for Davidson County, TN against Mr. Gunderson, his guest Mr. Hinkson and Radio Stations WWCR and WNQM. Mr. Gunderson and the ownership of WWCR have apologized to Mr. Bell and his family for the statements made by Mr. Hinkson. Sadly, in point of fact, it was Mr. Bells's son who was victimized by a high school teacher who is now serving a jail sentence for his crimes. Upon receipt of this apology and previous retraction, Mr. Bell, agreed to a confidential settlement releasing Mr. Gunderson and the radio station (WWCR/WNQM), Mr. Bell looks forward to putting this matter behind him and moving on with his life. (via M. Harrison, rec.radio.amateur.misc Oct 21 via John Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s that. So WWCR had to pay Bell off besides apologizing? (gh) ** U S A. WRMI RADIO MIAMI INTERNACIONAL tiene el siguiente esquema de emisiones a partir de noviembre 2000, según información enviada por la emisora. 1000-1300 UTC 9955 KHZ 1300-2300 UTC 15725 KHZ 2300-0200 UTC 9955 KHZ 0200-1000 UTC 7385 KHZ (Horacio Colacce, Uruguay, Conexión Digital Oct 22 via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Hey, where`s my MAD TV??? 12 innings??? They should have tape-delayed the overrun. If I had to choose among stupid ballgames, I would certainly rank skillful and (usually) non- injurious and non-mutant baseball over football and basketball. But I don`t! Without embargo, as a DX service to readers, I quickly checked out some AFRTS USB frequencies UT Sun Oct 22 at 0121, and found 6458.5 PR was carrying WS from ESPN Radio, whilst 10940.5 Sicilia was not. Tsk tsk for the Euros (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. US senate bill Non Commercial Broadcasting Freedom of Expression Act would make it easier for religious broadcasters to get public radio frequencies. To be opposed: HR4201 See http://www.atheists.org/action/hr4201.html (WORLD OF RADIO 1055) [also see: http://www.cipbonline.org/alertnew.htm and http://www.pfaw.org/news/video.shtml] (DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. CINCINNATI GETS CATHOLIC RADIO STARTING JANUARY 1 Cincinnati, Oct 9 (compiled from various sources by CRU)-- Cincinnati becomes the newest American metropolis to get a Catholic Radio station when the local group Sacred Heart Radio takes over WNOP 740 AM on January 1, David Rinderle, Sacred Heart president, announced last Monday. The Catholic Radio Foundation, with the blessing of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, will use the intervening months to raise $1.2 million to buy the station, build new studios in the old Mount St. Mary Seminary in Norwood, and operate the station for three years. WNOP is owned by the local Heidelberg Distributing and has been programming jazz since 1959. Heidelberg president Al Vontz III says the station has been a money loser for years and he was tired of pouring money into it, but the general manager and staff said that the station was performing better and about to break even. The manager attempted to buy the station but failed. WNOP runs 1,000 watts day but only 30 watts night from a 3-tower array along the Ohio River west of Cincinnati near Echo Park. Technically licensed to Newport, Kentucky, just across the river, the station went on the air August 21, 1948. Its power at night is minimal because it operates on a Canadian clear channel owned by CBL [sic] Toronto. Nevertheless, 740 AM is a very good dial position, and 30 watts at night should cover Cincinnati and the Kentucky cities of Newport and Covington with no problem. Programming will be a mix of local programs and EWTN network programs. Although the license is for a commercial AM operation, Rinderle said WNOP will be completely listener supported. Studios are not part of the deal, nor is the studio equipment, most of which is owned by the manager and staff. Cincinnati's new station will bring to 14 the number of top 25 metropolitan areas with Catholic Radio. The Cincinnati Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ranks 24th with 1.89 million people; it is the 25th diocese ranked by Catholic population (542,000), and the 92nd diocese ranked by percentage of population that is Catholic (18.6%). The Diocese of Covington, Kentucky is 20.9% Catholic and ranked 76th; in terms of numbers, it is 133rd with 83,997 Catholics. WNOP will bring back up to 15 the number of dioceses with Catholic Radio, replacing the recently defected WNST Baltimore, a former CFR affiliate. (This number includes KKYD Denver, which is still Catholic for the moment.) Since the station is not yet on the air, it does not change the total of operating Catholic Radio, 40. FYI: WNOP has its own jazz website which, when I checked it last Wednesday, said nothing about its demise (http://www.realjazz740.com/index2.htm). The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has a fine website (http://www.catholiccincinnati.org) and its own developed radio apostolate (http://www.catholiccincinnati.org/catholicradio.htm). A fine Catholic journal run by laymen and edited by Michael Ross is the St Catherine Review (http://www.aquinas-multimedia.com/catherine). The diocesan Catholic Telegraph carried an article on the forthcoming station at http://www.catholiccincinnati.org/tct/curfeat1.htm; click on "Back issues" and then on No. 40, the October 6 issue. The Cincinnati Enquirer has a column on it at http://enquirer.com/editions/2000/10/09/tem_kiesewetter_jazz.html. The Sacred Heart Radio address is P.O. Box 30253, Cincinnati OH 45230-0253 (Michael Dorner, CATHOLIC RADIO UPDATE #86 via Conexión Digital Oct 22 via DXLD) ** U S A. Ute QSL: 8618.0, 13002.0, KPH, Bolinas, CA, full-data "Radiogram" in 85 days with several V/S. Stn commemorated the first anniversary of the last commercial Morse message in North America, on last Jul 13 (Horacio A. Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay, Conexión Digital Oct 22 via DXLD) ** U S A. I assumed everyone would have heard about this on WOR, or by following the link on the WOR 1055 summary, but I believe some have not. Gigi Lytle, enthusiastic SWL, contributor to many editors and mailbag programs, who attended DX gatherings and visited stations such as CRI, died October 17 of lung cancer complications. Bill Westenhaver found this obituary in her local newspaper including a picture (BTW, she had red hair). http://www.lubbockonline.com/stories/101900/obi_101900044.shtml Condolences may go to her longtime companion: Tom McLaughlin, 2111-A 51st St., Lubbock, TX 79412. We`ll miss you, Gigi (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** URUGUAY. 6045, R Sarandí, Montevideo, October 21, 2225-2230, Spanish, advertisement, jingle, ID. SINPO 12322. Unfortunately this rare station was blocked [by] a Chinese speaking station at 2230. vy 73 (Michael Schnitzer - mschnitzer@cc-online.de Receiver: JRC NRD-525 Antennas: 25m longwire DX-One Professional EWE to Perú (260 ) EWE to Indonesia (80 ) Location: Hassfurt, Germany, hard-core-dx via DXLD) +++++HUNTING HARMONICS+++++ Hi all, today`s logs (22/10/00) muf=43 MHz 10080 R Tashkent (2 x 5040) 1445 utc 14540 R Tirana (2 x 7270) 1357 14550 R Tashkent (3 x 4850) 1429 (tent) 14570 R Polonia (2 x 7285) 1418 14690 R Rossi (2 x 7345) 1412 19240 R Ukraine (2 x 9620) 1427 19280 R Ukraine (2 x 9640) 1427 19430 Uzbek R (2 x 9715) 1430 19560 Unid Arab (2 x 9780) 1431 19720 BBC Nepalese (2 x 9860) 1433 via Tashkent 20160 R Tashkent (4 x 5040) 1524 21810 RDP (spur from 21830) 1401 21850 RDP (spur from 21830) 1401 21945 V of Russia (3 x 7315) 1403 English 23400 R Bulgaria (2 x 11700) 1442 23660 R Romania (2 x 11830) 1442 23700 unID (4 x 5925) 1439 very animated discussion 23720 unID (2 x 11860) 1507 not China 23750 R Cairo (2 x 11875) 1624 23760 R Rossii (4 x 5940) 1456 Moscow 23780 Russia (4 x 5945) 1439 ``Novaya Volna`` 23940 R Tirana (4 x 5985) 1438 (tent) 23960 R Cairo (2 x 11980) 1452 23970 VOR English (2 x 11985) 1632 24000 VOR Arabic (2 x 12000) 1633 24090 R Rossii (2 x 12045) 1435 24100 R Cairo (2 x 12050) 1437 tnx Jürgen Lohuis for tip 24150 R Neth (2 x 12075) 1437 via Uzbekistan 25200 R Tashkent (5 x 5040) 1527 29080 R Tirana (4 x 7270) 1517 30450 VOA, Asc (2 X 15225) 1634 30500 R Romania (2 x 15250) 1509 30960 DW (2 x 15480) 1513 unID site 35460 DW Antigua (2 x 17730) 1519 35940 R Cairo (3 x 11980) 1350 This afternoon I noticed flutter on 41mb signals; last time I heard this there followed a big aurora! Let`s see what tonight brings! 73's (Tim Bucknall, England, harmonics@egroups.com via DXLD) Hi, This is my first contribution to this mailing list. Today I heard the following harmonics: kHz UTC ITU Station 23960 0715 EGY Voice of the Arabs, Cairo, Arabic, 2 x 11980 24130 0720 RUS R. Rossii, Russian, 2 x 12065 23660 0723 ROU R. Romania HS, 2 x 11830 19240 0730 UKR R. Ukraine, Kiev, 2 x 9620 19440 0732 RUS R. Rossii, 2 x 9720 24000 1607 RUS Voice of Russia, Arabic, 2 x 12000 19900 1614 EGY R. Cairo, 2 x 9950 19620 1617 RUS Voice of Russia, French, 2 x 9810 A couple of days ago I also heard Cairo on 35940 3 x 11980 36150 3 x 12050 vy 73 de (Jürgen Lohuis, D-44536 Lünen, Germany, Oct 21, harmonics@egroups.com via DXLD) ###