DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-125, October 19, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1055: See topics summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1055.html CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-08 is now available on demand via http://www.DXing.com/conmedia.htm ** ARMENIA? TWR, 6240, Oct 13 0047-0100* Tune-in to religious music with children`s choir, religious talk in language. S/off with TWR IS. Fair-good. Re-activated? Haven`t seen this reported lately. Last heard here back in Dec-Jan. Site presumed (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. Hi All, 43.480 MHz, Radio Australia B/C harmonic 2 x 21.740 AM 2130-2230 UTC with news, etc. At strong to very strong levels. One of the regular B/C harmonics rxed here. Overall band conditions have been quite poor of the last week. Cheers for now, (Ian Julian, ZL1TBM, Pukekohe, New Zealand, PACIFIC-RIM MONITOR) http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/7769/ http://www.geocities.com/pacmonitor/ (URL shortcut) (via harmonics list via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. Christian Voice - Darwin test schedule from 29 October 2000 until further notice: 9865 0200-0530 9875 0000-0200 13780 2230-0500 15165 2230-0200 15185 0200-0530 17645 2230-0530 21680 2230-0530 Power: 250 or 300 kW CIRAF target zones: 40,41,42,43,44,45,50,51,54. (via Richard Jary, Australian Radio DX Club, hard-core-dx via DXLD) [same schedule plus:] ANTENNAS: HRS 4/4/0.5 (ITU code 216) BEARINGS AND SLEW: 303 deg +/-13 deg; 315 deg +/- 25 deg; 340 deg +/- 23 deg TARGET CIRAF ZONES: 40-45, 50, 51, 54 (Andrew Flynn, Head of Engineering, Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4410.19, R. Eco @ excellent levels from 0105 Oct 3. Abrupt shot down [sic] of musical selection at 0119 and into another. No fade in/out of audio, just an abrupt swap (Chuck Rippel, VA, Cumbre DX via DXLD) But did he hear any ID? This would apply to the unID previously published here, but in the meantime we have another report of it: (gh) unID 4410.21 Oct 14 0125 tnx to WOR tip; continuous religious music, weak, barely audible by 0220 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 6115, LV del Llano, 1025 Oct 15, Very strong but is splattering all the way from 6095 up to 6160. Worse below the fundamental (Dave Valko, PA, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI`s 6969 has been off the air again since Oct 9. It may be another week before it returns, as the new antenna is being installed, and the frequency may be changed (RFPI via gh, Oct 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). This report is very misleading as Croatian radio has not stopped broadcast on shortwave via its own transmitters in Croatia. All that appears to have happened is that funding has ended for the separate shortwave broadcasts by the Croatian Information Centre via hired shortwave facilities in Germany. No big deal really. Having two separate shortwave services from Croatia was always confusing as the programmers never published proper schedules - was [anyone] actually listening anyway? (Dave Kenny, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. R. Barahona, 4930.05, Oct 14 0245-0405+ Apparently they fixed their transmitter. Very good, stable signal. Much better since I last heard them on Sept 6 on 4911v with distorted, wobbly signal. Possible religious talk. Spanish ballads. ID at 0324 and into lively LA music. No sign of Honduras (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1055, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. R. Quito, 4919, Oct 14 0310-0405+, transmitter problems with somewhat distorted audio. Spanish news with brief music breaks, ID (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND. Scandinavian Weekend Radio has added very fine Reception forecast made by Jari Perkiömäki from Vaasa. http://www.swradio.net/keli/0411/indexen.html You can even pick up forecast of many cites all over Finland and Europe. And listening conditions would be very nice during 4th of November transmission in Finland and in all Europe too! Keep on listening! (Alpo Heinonen Rovaniemi, Finland, hard-core-dx Oct 19 via DXLD) ** GERMANY. I started checking out the DTK Oct 18 tests with 17590, at 1351. This was quite strong and clear, with continuous loop of brief tone and rotating announcements in German, Polish, Russian, English, Dutch, Czech(? Or some other Slavic language). In English gave address for inquiries on schedule as Deutsche Telekom AG, Shortwave Broadcasting Station Jülich, Merscher Höhe, 52428 Jülich, Germany. Good thing I taped it here, since from 1430, next test frequency 21550 was badly mixing with Chile, no surprise. Then from 1530:30 25740 came on with same loop, but poor with flutter, echo. I would dearly like to be able to hear what European signals beamed toward North America now on 11m would sound like! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1055, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. Today's test transmissions from the Jülich site consisted on a tape with announcements in German, English, Dutch, Polish and Russian, evidently produced by the station's staff itself and inviting listeners to write in if they want to have a transmission schedule (Deutsche Telekom, Rundfunksendestelle, Merscher Höhe, 52428 Jülich, Germany). The especially interesting 11 metres transmission was here in eastern Germany, only some 500 km away from the site, well audible. The signal was actually stronger than I expected, with a distinctive but slow fading and perfectly readable thanks to the low noise on this high frequency. After 1610 the signal level deteriorated but the transmission remained audible until 1629 cut-off, almost a half hour after local sunset which is given for today as 1603 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Presumably backscatter (gh) ** GUAM. ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andrea Steele. Email: andrea@awr.org. USA phone: 1-301-680-6304. AWR ASIA GETS THIRD BEAUTIFICATION AWARD The Guam Beautification Association recently presented a first place award for beautification in the category of churches and service organizations to Adventist World Radio Asia on Guam. "This is the third time since 1995 that Guam has honored the AWR facility for beautification," says Don Jacobsen, AWR president. Elvin Vence, Chief Engineer at AWR Asia said that in addition to a certificate of award, the Guam Beautification Association gave the station a sign to display declaring it to be "The Best of the Best." Vence gives credit to grounds staff Ben Sumicad, Fred Colegado and Bani Genapanen for "all the hard work it takes to keep the facility manicured and representative of the Adventist Church's philosophy of cleanliness and beauty." The station is primarily surrounded by Guam National Seashore Park, said Jacobsen, so the staff at the station has "always considered it important to maintain a well-kept facility." The facility also received Guam Forestry Stewardship Awards in 1996 and 1998. The 1996 award cited the 22-acre facility as "one of the healthiest forests we can find in Guam. Erosion problems are minimized and the whole property is teeming with green trees." The property was in a severely eroded condition before building began in 1985, and steps were taken soon after construction was completed to reverse that problem. Among other initiatives, AWR planted 25,000 acacia and casuarina trees, some of them donated by the local forestry service. Adventist World Radio Asia on Guam began broadcasting in March 1987, and currently airs more than 300 hours weekly on four 100 kilowatt transmitters in 26 languages to all of Asia. ### (via Adrian Peterson, DXLD) ** ISRAËL [re: Galei Zahal reports recently on 2442 kHz] 1968 WRTH listed this: 2442 kHz, 122.8m, 1 kW, callsign 4XB51, Galei Zahal (FBS) program E (Wolfgang Büschel, bdxc via DXLD) ** KASHMIR [non]. CLANDESTINE from PAKISTAN to INDIA. 5101.1 Voice of Jammu & Kashmir Freedom Movement. heard at 1320 with various features in vernacular languages including what seem like Indian movie mx. English commentary at 1403 criticising India for rights violation in Kashmir - this part is definitely targeted to the west. Good reception (Richard Lam, Singapore, Oct 8, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** LIBYA. First time I have heard English from them; 17725 was very good Oct 18 from tune in 2035 until 2044 when it went into French (Chris Hambly, Victoria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. On Friday Oct. 13 Mauritania was heard on 7245 (now clear channel - Algiers off air) starting with carrier and tone 0754 then Guitar notes 0757 till 0759 when ID in Arabic starting with "Huna Nouakchott....". Then into lengthy Koran followed by a talk. At 0831 a long mournful song until 0901 then more talk. All in Arabic. Signal good at first, but faded down by 0900. This is the Friday exception to sched - only on 4845 since then. No drifting now??? (Noël R. Green, NW England, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** MEXICO. I'm currently updating the IRCA Mexican Log [MW only] for the next publication. There are lots of changes this time. If you know of any changes, please contact me via email at swrad@juno.com or via snail mail at: Chris Knight, 1018 Pacific Court, Fort Lupton, CO 80621. There are some useful internet sites for Mexican radio stations: http://www.mexicoradiotv.com (Fred Cantú's site), http://www.pp.clinet.fi/~ejh/radio/komex.htm (Esa Hänninen's KOMEX page), http://www.imer.gob.mx/estructura/estructura.htm (Grupo IMER - Instituto Mexicano de la Radio) http://www.cirt.com.mx/indice.html (Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y TV). Other internet links can be found on the KOMEX web page mentioned above [Knight-CO, NRC International DX Digest via DXLD] ** NETHERLANDS. Radio Netherlands Program Guide October 29 2000 - March 24 2001 Sunday: 1. News, Sincerely Yours, Dutch Horizons 2. Sound Fountain, News, Wide Angle 3. News, Wide Angle, Sound Fountain 4. Dutch Horizons, News, Sincerely Yours Monday: 1. Newsline, Research File 2. EuroQuest, Newsline 3. Newsline, EuroQuest 4. Research File, Newsline Tuesday: 1. Newsline, Music 52-15 2. A Good Life, Newsline 3. Newsline, A Good Life 4. Music 52-15, Newsline Wednesday: 1. Newsline, Documentary 2. Dutch Horizons, Newsline 3. Newsline, Dutch Horizons 4. Documentary, Newsline Thursday: 1. Newsline, Encore 2. Research File, Newsline 3. Newsline, Research File 4. Encore, Newsline Friday: 1. Newsline, A Good Life (1512 kHz Roughly Speaking) 2. Documentary, Newsline 3. Newsline, Documentary 4. A Good Life, Newsline Saturday: 1. News, Europe Unzipped, Insight, Sound Fountain 2. Roughly Speaking, News, Europe Unzipped 3. Europe Unzipped, News, Roughly Speaking 4. Sound Fountain, News, Europe Unzipped Frequencies/Program cycle: North America: 2330: 6165, 9845 1 0030: 6165, 9845 2 0430: 6165, 9590 1 Europe: 1130: 6045, 9855 3 1230: 6045, 9855 4 2130: 1512 1 2230: 1512 2 Africa: 1730: 6020, 11655 1 1830: 6020, 9895, 11655, 13700, 17605 3 1930: 6020, 9895, 11655, 13700, 17605 4 Asia/Far East: 0930: 7260, 9790, 12065 1 1030: 7260, 9790, 12065 2 1430: 12070, 12090, 15595 1 1530: 12070, 12090, 15595 2 Pacific: 0930: 7260, 9790, 12065 1 1030: 7260, 9790, 12065 2 Tracking down which frequencies come from which sites: Bonaire: 6165, 9590, 9790, 9845 & 17605; Petropavlovsk: 7260; Flevoland: 9895 & 13700; Tashkent: 12070; Irkutsk: 12070; Wertachtal: 9866; Jülich: 6045; Madagascar: 6020, 11655, 12090 & 15590; Wolvertem: 1512 (ON TARGET via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NICARAGUA. Wed Oct 18 I was waiting on 5770-USB for R. Miskut to sign on. This happened at *1202 with abbreviated NA, two separate florid sign-on announcements with full details to marimba background (I must tape and try to copy word for word next time), program summary, 1206 pro-sounding world news with alternating M&W casters including at 1211 as signal peaked a brief English actuality about the LA transit strike; gradual fade out by 1225, thanks to our latening sunrises. BTW, at 1230 there was a USB net on 5772; and no sign of AFRTS 5765 at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1055, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Received a personal letter today from Aloysius Rumina, Provincial Programme Manager confirming my report of 13th September. He mentions that 5985 is the daytime frequency but they are currently running it for increased coverage as the 3325 transmitter is faulty and being run on low power. Both transmitters are 5kW (normally) and run from Kubu, Buka Island, Bougainville Province. In 1 month for US Dollar and postcard (Richard Jary, Australia, hard-core-dx Oct 18 via DXLD) ** PERÚ. NEW STATION 5235.5, Radio La Voz de Abancay, Abancay; was first observed on 29/SEP/2000, during my stay in Abancay. The station runs on the nominal frequency of 5235 kHz (0.25 kW) and 96.9 MHz (0.06 kW) at 0900-2400 daily. The shortwave outlet remains around 5235 kHz, on which Radio Apurímac formerly operated; however, the station does not use the transmitter of Radio Apurímac. The station is owned by Lucio Fuentes, the founder and owner of Radio La Voz de Andahuaylas. Address: Av. Noviembre Lote 6, Urbanización Micaela Bastidas, Abancay, Departamento de Apurímac, Perú (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, Japan, Relámpago DX Logging via DXLD) ** PERÚ. NEW STATION 6292.1, Radio Uripa, Uripa, Provincia de Chincheros; was first noted on 2/OCT/2000, during my stay in Andahuaylas. I visited the station on 3/OCT/2000. The station was founded by Lorenzo Alejandro Espinoza, and started the transmissions in May of 1999. The ownership was transferred to the current owner Lorenzo Quispe Nauto on November 15, 1999. The transmitter was made by Lucio Fuentes, the founder of Radio La Voz de Andahuaylas. Its nominal power is 0.25 kW. The station runs at 1000-1600 and 1900-0100 daily. Address: Avenida Tupac Amaru s/n, Uripa, Provincia de Chincheros, Departamento de Apurímac, Perú (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, Japan, Relampago DX Logging via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Dear Mr. Howie, We are glad to hear from you again via the Internet. Our programme guide is not ready, but we do not think that there will be many changes in it. As for the new frequencies, here are some of them, on which you ca hear our programmes in English starting from October 29th: UTC 0600-0900 - 693 & 1323 1500-1600 - 693, 1215, 1323 & 1386 1600-1800 - 1494 1800-1900 - 7340, 9775 & 9890 1900-2000 - 1143, 5940, 5950, 6045, 7205, 7340, 9775 & 9890 2000-2100 - 1386, 1548, 5940, 5950, 6045, 7340 & 9890 2100-2200 - 1323, 1386, 1494, 5940, 5950, 6045, 7300, 7340 & 9890 At present we have no mailing list due to our financial problems, but I'll send you a copy of our programme guide as soon as it is ready. Best wishes. Sincerely yours, (Elena Frolovskaya, Letters Department, Voice of Russia World Service via Stephen Howie, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** RUSSIA: Voice of Russia in Russian B-00 schedule: 02.00 - 04.00 on 1215, 7125, 7260, 12000, 15445, 15595, 17660 02.00 - 04.00 on 15525, 21755 til March 3, 17565 from March 4 13.00 - 14.00 on 648, 693, 1215, 1251, 1269, 1323, 7155, 7205, 9875, 15460 13.00 - 14.00 on 7315 from March 4 14.00 - 15.00 on 693, 1215, 1323, 7155, 7205, 9875 16.00 - 17.00 on 1314, 12030 16.00 - 17.00 on 7315, 9470, 15515 til March 3, 9875 from March 4 18.00 - 19.00 on 5950 18.00 - 19.00 on 7205 til March 3, 7340 from March 4 20.00 - 21.00 on 612, 693, 1215, 9905 20.00 - 21.00 on 7205, 7310 til March 3, 12030 from March 4 21.00 - 22.00 on 612, 693, 999, 1215, 7370, 9905 21.00 - 22.00 on 7205 til March 3, 7340 from March 4 (Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 7175, Rst. Tikhiy Okean Khabarovsk, 0715-0800 35333 Ru. IS, ID as "Govorit Vladivostok", "Rabotaet shrokoveshshatel'naya Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean...", "shrokoveshshatel'naya" means "widely broadcasting". The traditional program for fishermen & seamen had once withdrawn from SW this year (Hironao Oguma, Japan, Oct 9, BC-DX via DXLD) ** SERBIA. Yugoslavia: Call to lift ban on SW transmitters in Bosnia | Text of report in English by Yugoslav state news agency Tanjug Belgrade, 18th October: Radio Yugoslavia will begin on Monday, 23rd October, broadcasting daily news flashes in 12 languages at 6 p.m. local time [1600 gmt], the radio said on Wednesday. The broadcasts will be in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Chinese and Albanian, on 100.4 MHz and 96.3 MHz bands. Radio Yugoslavia said it hoped the new Yugoslav administration would take urgent steps to deblock the radio's shortwave transmitters in Bijeljina, Bosnia-Hercegovina, held by the Bosnia Stabilization Force (Sfor) since late August. The new multi-language news flash programme is Radio Yugoslavia's contribution to Yugoslavia's opening to the world and providing reliable information for an increasing number of foreign visitors, the statement said. Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in English 1348 gmt 18 Oct 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** SLOVAKIA. Radio Slovakia International English Shortwave Schedule for October 29th 2000 to March 25th 2001 0100-0130 N Am 5930 0100-0130 C Am 7230 0100-0130 S Am 9440 0700-0730 Au 15460, 17550, 21705 1730-1800 W Eu 5915, 6055, 7345 1930-2000 W Eu 5915, 6055, 7345 (From the Radio Slovakia International website via Stephen Howie, BDXC-UK Oct 17 via DXLD) ** SPAIN. Amigos, During our visit to the IBB transmitter site at Pals, Spain, last week as part of the EDXC conference, we learned a lot about the technical operations of the facility. There are six 250 kW txers in use, which may be operated in various configurations. Output is via a computer-driven switch matrix to four groups of curtain arrays comprising nine antennas. The site is at 41.59E, 03.12E, about 70 km from the French border on the Costa Brava, and about 120 km north of Barcelona. WRTHs have given this site incorrectly, putting it at 03.12W !!! Coverage is ideally one-hop into the CIS, with gratuitous two and three hop propagation into the remainder of the ex-USSR continent. Program feed is via the ´SIS´ Satellite Interconnect System, delivering the US Govt´s non-military international radio programs around the world. Back-up feed is via telephone dial to several stations (Bob Padula, Madrid, Spain, Oct 18, Electronic DX Press via DXLD) ** SWEDEN. RADIO SWEDEN ENGLISH PROGRAM SCHEDULE: *Weekdays: SIXTY DEGREES NORTH The stories making the headlines. Reports, interviews and analysis from the team in Stockholm and our correspondents in the other Nordic capitals, and the following features: *Monday: SportsScan *Tuesday: MediaScan (first and third Tuesdays) You can subscribe to the Online Edition of "MediaScan" by sending a message to: mediascan- subscribe@topica.com It's also available at: http://www.sr.se/rs/media/ *Wednesday: Money Matters *Thursday: Nordic Report (first Thursday) GreenScan (second Thursday), HeartBeat (third Thursday) or the new S-Files (last Thursday) Nordic Report is a joint production of Radio Sweden and Radio Finland, taking a Nordic look at a specific theme. GreenScan is our Environmental magazine, presented by Azariah Kiros. Gaby Katz presents our health and medical magazine "HeartBeat". And in "The S- Files" Kris Boswell will be taking a closer look at "The Sweden Behind the Headlines". *Friday: Our review of the Swedish newsweek *Saturday: Spectrum, Radio E's Weekend, or Sweden Today. Spectrum, with Bill Schiller, brings you the latest on Swedish music, drama, art, and film. Weekend is produced by the BBC in co-operation with Europe's leading international broadcasters. We carry the regular programs with Swedish participants. Sweden Today, presented by George Wood, is a round-up of the major Swedish stories from the past month. It's also available over a network of local radio stations around the world. *Sunday: In Touch with Stockholm or Sounds Nordic. In Touch With Stockholm not only answers listeners' questions about Sweden, host Nidia Hagstrom also calls up and lets listeners talk directly with Swedish experts. You can send questions directly to: intouch@radiosweden.org Sounds Nordic offers the latest and best Swedish rock and pop music. Gaby Katz keeps your finger on the pulse. You can send requests to: soundsnordic@radiosweden.org More details as well as the daily news and on demand RealAudio can be found on our Web pages at: http://radiosweden.org You can sign up to have the list of each day's stories e-mailed directly to you, by writing to: radiosweden-subscribe@topica.com If you want to comment on anything we take up in a program, or have questions about this country, check out Talkback, our Internet discussion board at: http://www.deja.com/group/deja.comm.radiosweden (SCDX/MediaScan Oct 17 via DXLD) ** TUNISIA. Hi all, now (1950 utc) again Arabs talking about Palestine and Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco on 2495 kHz: YL + YM - mx (Islamic mx) - ID as "... al Giumuhiriyah al Tunisiah" @1958 mx - YM: "as Salam 'alaykum..." - - mx (songs) - than YL: "...al Giumuhiriyah al Tunisia..." - mx SINFO 35233. What station is it? Tunisia? Clandestine? Thank you, (Salvo Micciché, Sicily, hard-core-dx Oct 18 via DXLD) [Later:] Hi all, now 2495 is in // with 630, then is truly ERTT Radio Tunis! 73 (Salvo Micciché Scicli (south of tunisi, hi), Sicily, ibid.) ** TUNISIA. 2495, ERTT, man in AR with talks 2017, discussions 2021 //585, Signal S2@+10 db preamp Tnks to Salvo M for this! (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TUNISIA. 2495 18/10, 1930-2101 ERTT Tunisia 35233 // 630 YL + YM talk in AA di Palestina, Tunisia, Algeria e Marocco - mx (islamic mx) - ID: "...hana al Giumuhiriyah al Tunisiah" @1958 mx - YM: "as Salam 'alaykum..." - mx (songs) - than YL: "... idahatu Tunis, hana al Giumuhiriyah al Tunisia..." - mx - Phone Call. 2101 tx off (Salvo Miccichè & Fabrizio Magrone - SW-ITA, via Scaglione) The answer: 9720 - (Sfax 500 Kw Az. 100) minus 7225 (Sfax 500 Kw Az. 340) equals 2495 (Roberto Scaglione, BCL Sicilia Club http://www.bclnews.it via hard-core-dx) So it is a difference mixing product! (gh) ** TURKEY/PALESTINE. North American listeners may now hear the Voice of Turkey's Foreign language and Overseas Turkish services via a small Ku band dish. VoT is part of the TRT International MPEG-DVB multiplexed TV/radio stream at 12.177 MHz on Telstar 5. You will need an MPEG-DVB receiver (such as those advertised by http://www.global- cm.net) and a 30" dish (Central US) or 36" dish (Eastern US) to receive the signal. Audio quality is marginal. BTW, that's 12177 Vertical polarization. That Telstar 5 bird also has a feed of the Palestine Satellite Channel, Arafat's video mouthpiece. PSC includes a daily English newscast. The entire package borders on "hate speech TV" lately much like that found on radio during the Rwanda crisis. (Tracy K Wood, Sterling VA, October 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. 2000 YEARS OF RADIO Radio 4, 11 pm [Wed]: Two new 15-minute shows start a run in the 11 pm slot tonight, the first of them, 2000 Years of Radio, promises to be an amusing skit on some of the mannerisms of the radio age as they might have been applied in the days before Marconi. Marcus Brigstocke and Claire Downes are part of the team that has written and performed tonight`s opener, Roman Britain Radio, which has presenter Steve-in-the-Afternoon fighting plans by the Roman hordes to take over the nation`s favourite radio station (Times for Wed Oct 18 via Mike Cooper, WORLD OF RADIO 1055, DXLD) 2000 Years of Radio New Series 1: Roman Britain Radio Incredible radio archive from a bygone age. It's 55AD and DJ Steve- in-the-Afternoon fights Roman plans to change the nation's favourite radio station. Written and performed by Marcus Brigstocke, Claire Downes, Stuart Lane, Al Holloway, Danny Robbins and Dan Tetsell. (BBC Radio 4 website) Busy finishing WOR produxion, we tried to tape it Wed at 2200-2215 UT but it dropped out before we noticed so we only heard a fraxion of it. Another show via BBC Radio 4 on the web is Douglas Adams` 4-part Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Future. Look for the blue logo at the upper right of the R4 page. Already aired episode audios are linked ondemand, 1) music, 2) publishing, 3) broadcasting, 4) convergence. Trouble is, when I brought up #3 Oct 18, it actually played #1 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. FCC set to authorize MURS: With no fanfare, the FCC is set to authorize a new Citizens Band Radio Service to be called the Multi-Use Radio Service, or MURS. The service, which came about as part of the biennial review of Part 90 of the FCC's rules, will deploy five former Private Land Mobile Radio Service VHF "color dot" channels for voice, data and imaging transmissions. The channels, 151.82, 151.88, 151.94, 154.57 and 154.60--will be authorized for up to 2 W on an unlicensed basis under Part 95 of the FCC's rules. The establishment of MURS was buried within a huge Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making released this summer as WT Docket 98-182 and PR Docket 92-235. The FCC said it will "revisit" the issue of allocating additional MURS channels "at a later date should additional support develop." The effective date to deploy MURS is pending completion of the FCC proceeding.--FCC (ARRL letter via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U S A. 26110 NBFM 2245-2250 Oct 16 "55 KRC" (WKRC, Cincinnati) "The Big Outdoors" prgm, with ads, promos. SIO 254, breakups. Studio- Xmtr link. QSL rcvd in 1 day via E-mail (Bill Flynn, Cave Junxion OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Due to the rescheduling of Seldom Heard Radio, when may we now hear Mi Seferino? BTW, KUNM stream was down for their monthly Oct broadcast, but they tell me there was no show this month anyway, as the producer was taking a break (gh) Glenn -- No changes to Mi Seferino schedule as a result of floods, etc. But I have no idea whether these are the same programs going out on local radio in New Mexico, or if so, whether they are in the same order and timing. I know program #2 is already here and will go on air Oct 27/28 [0500 UT Saturday 7385, Sat 2100 9955; from Nov, 2nd, 4th, 5th if any Fridays+ one UT hour later]. Will do our best to get some entertainment and DX programs on 15725 in the near future. Also want to get weekends shifted to 15725 between 8 am-6 pm Eastern in the near future (Jeff White, WRMI, Oct 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. As for 9335 just have to see what happens as the move is not my preference and someone, maybe Korea is about to fire up on 9330 this winter. If shortwave is so endangered as a communications media then why is it so difficult to get a clear frequency? Program Tasha takes Control moves to 9 pm Eastern Friday. Jean Shepard is now on Mondays 5-6 pm eastern. Cheers, (Allan Weiner, WBCQ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. From London, I have heard baseball games on this one station: 873 AM. That is Armed Forces Radio from Frankfurt, Germany; can be received routinely in London at night, but it drifts in and out, and there's another Arabic-sounding station playing music and talking on nearly the same frequency, but I can turn my radio unit to favor one over the other, and often the two drift differently and 'dance' around each other and I can hear an inning or two before losing it for a half inning. Where could I find out about the other USB frequencies you're referring to? When I visit the US military websites, they are kind of secretive about things. Thanks for this! [later:] Thanks a lot for your help the other day! I managed to hear a few innings before dropping off to sleep (at 3 AM!) Just to let you know: from London, for the last Yankees vs. Seattle game Tuesday, I heard it live on both of the following: 873 AM, 6458.5 USB, RR, Puerto Rico The following website I found listed all available AFN Shortwave frequencies: http://www.afrts.osd.mil/afnonradio/html/Shortwave.htm However not all of them carry the same programming. In fact, another AFN station, 10940.5 USB in Sicily, could be received more clearly, but unfortunately did not carry the baseball game. Thanks again. (Geoff Teabo, London, Oct 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Subject: Subway series on baseball Well, there's always medium wave DX and 'net radio. According to the Daily News, the series will be on in NYC on WABC, the Yankees' station (770 kHz) which I believe has a Windows Media stream. (http://www.wabcradio.com) It will also be on WFAN, the Mets' station (660 kHz) here in Astoria, Queens. While they may stream the games (http://mets.com has a place for a WFAN webcast) the one-time NBC flagship is a CBS-owned station and "Blackrock" (referring to the architecture of CBS HQ) has a policy against stations having their entire output streamed. There may also be a stream on http://majorleaguebaseball.com I couldn't find a list of radio stations which is unfortunate since a station with reasonable power and lack of interference in Atlantic Canada would help a lot of people in Europe. Probably anyone with a decent cable TV system or satellite system should be able to get it. [earlier:] With the recent participation of the San Francisco Giants baseball team in the National League semifinals, and the PBS documentary on Ronald Reagan, I am reminded of a childhood memory which I haven't been able to trace down. The year after the Giants left New York City, I seem to remember that some of the games were on the then WAAT, 970 kHz, in Hackensack, NJ, by means of telegraphic reproduction. In other words, a very terse play-by-play description of the game was telegraphed back to New Jersey and it was dramatized in the studio. Reagan, of course, got his first big gig in radio doing the same thing with Chicago Cubs games on WHO in Des Moines in the 1930's. I believe the 1958 telegraphic reproductions were the last such in major league baseball (Joël Rubin, NY, Oct 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. GUAM/ITALY: B-00 schedule of AWR's "Wavescan" on SUNDAYS, effective October 29: 09.30 - 10.00 on 9640 via Forlì, Italy to Eu 10.00 - 10.30 on 11660 via KSDA, Guam to NoEaAs 10.30 - 11.00 on 9770 via KSDA, Guam to NoEaAs 12.30 - 13.00 on 15225 via KSDA, Guam to SoEaAs 12.30 - 13.00 on 17820 via Forlì, Italy to Eu 13.30 - 14.00 on 11755 via KSDA, Guam to NoEaAs 13.30 - 14.00 on 15225 via KSDA, Guam to SoAs 14.30 - 15.00 on 15225 via KSDA, Guam to SoAs 16.00 - 16.30 on 11980 via KSDA, Guam to SoAs 17.00 - 17.30 on 7455 via KSDA, Guam to ME 17.00 - 17.30 on 11560 via KSDA, Guam to ME 21.30 - 22.00 on 11960 via KSDA, Guam to NoEaAs 21.30 - 22.00 on 11985 via KSDA, Guam to NoEaAs (Observer, Bulgaria, via DXLD) Not to mention, literally, WRMI ** URUGUAY. Hola amigos diexistas del mundo, en este envío usted encontrará algunas referencias de emisoras que en onda corta originan su señal desde la Ciudad de Montevideo, Capital de la República Oriental del Uruguay. El objetivo de este material es propiciar el intercambio de información referida a nuestra común afición a través del correo electrónico. 9620 khz CXA 6 Sodre, en paralelo a CX6 Sodre 650 khz. Montevideo. 10:00 utc 9 de Octubre del 2000. CX6 irradia en su horario de emisión de 10 a 04 utc solo música clásica basada en la más importante fonoteca temática que existe en Uruguay. 555. 6140 khz CXA 20 Radio Monte Carlo en paralelo a CX12 Radio Oriental en 770 khz y CX 20 Radio Monte Carlo en 930 khz. Montevideo. 10:45 utc 10 de Octubre del 2000. Publicidad local y el informativo Diario Oral con un informe especial sobre la posibilidad de que el Prefecto de la Ciudad del Chuy, la cual es compartida entre Brasil y Uruguay, levante una muralla del lado brasileño, por desacuerdos comerciales habiéndose instalado las primeras cuatro columnas. 555. 6125 khz CXA 4 Sodre, en paralelo a CX 26 Sodre 1050 khz. Montevideo. 10:40 utc 10 de Octubre del 2000. Selección de música nacional, en este caso Candombe interpretada por el uruguayo Ruben Rada, con los témas Candombe para Gardel y la Mandanga. 444. Los invito a visitar mi lugar en http://www.qrz.com digitando en el buscador el indicativo de mi estación de escucha CX484 (Gabriel Gómez, Montevideo, Oct 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Ref DXLD 0-123, October 15, 2000: The unidentified station on 7357 kHz is National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic, formerly on 7450 kHz. They open in Spanish at 1700 (Dave Kernick, UK, WORLD OF RADIO 1055, DXLD) Click your way to the Interval Signals Archive at http://www.intervalsignals.com - identify that mystery station! National Radio of the Democratic Saharan Arab Republic noted Oct 15: 1700-2300 on NF 7357.0 (43453) QRM World Beacon on 7360 2000-2100, ex 1800-2400 on 7450.0. 73! from (Ivo and Anguel!, Bulgaria, Observer via DXLD) ###