DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-93, July 17, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages and we are provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. See notice concerning NU atop issues 90, 91 and on our website} ** ANGOLA [non]. Hi Glenn, here is a special report for your bulletin. I am announcing to everyone my first-hand reception of R. Ecclésia, Luanda, Angola, on 15175, in an experimental SW broadcast, with varied music from tune-in at 1935 UT. Announced that in the morning they have a Magazine, and in the evening at 1830 [sic – should be 2030 -gh] Angola time, a Jornal. The station identifies itself as Catholic with the slogan "Uma rádio para todos os angolanos". SINPO- 35444, ending at 2000 UT. Heard in Benevides, 20 km from Belém, Pará, with JRC 545 and dipole of 82 meters (Djaci Franklin Silva, July 17 [presumably concerning reception July 16], translated by gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANGOLA [non]. Rádio Ecclésia shortwave signal to reach entire nation | Text of report from Angolan Radio Ecclesia web site on 17th July In line with the Pro Peace Congress, being held on 18th July, Rádio Ecclésia will be extending its signal to reach the entire nation from 17th July. The radio will broadcast between 0600 and 0700 [0500-0600 gmt] on the shortwave frequency of 15195 kHz and nightly between 2000 and 2100 [1900-2000 UT -gh] on 15175 kHz. This transmission will run for at least one month so that all Angolans can reflect together about the tragedy which has affected the country. This extension will also serve to prepare for a future signal extension which will cover all Angolan regions. This is what Rádio Ecclésia's officials and listeners are hoping for. Source: Rádio Ecclésia web site, Luanda, in Portuguese 0000 gmt 17 Jul 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** ANGOLA [non]. Hi Glenn, As of Friday 14 July Radio Ecclesia in Angola is relayed two hours a day by Radio Netherlands transmitters as follows: 0500-0600 UTC Madagascar 200 kW 15195 kHz beam 280 degrees 1900-2000 UTC Flevo 500 kW 15175 kHz beam 157 degrees 73, (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands, July 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) We heard 15175 coming on about 1858:30 UT July 17 but too weak signal and too much noise here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD) ** ANGOLA. Angolan Catholic broadcaster Radio Ecclésia is back on shortwave with the help of Radio Netherlands. The station, which came back on the air in 1997 after being silenced for many years, is a thorn in the side of the Angolan government because of its constant efforts to air uncensored news, and give a voice to political opposition within Angola. Radio Ecclésia made its first appearance on 8 December 1954, with a transmitter power of just 50 watts. Daily transmissions began on 19 March 1955. However, the station was inaudible in many areas of Luanda. The installation was moved to the Seminary of Luanda, which greatly improved reception. The station's location changed again on 15 July 1964. Silenced On its 15th anniversary in 1969, Radio Ecclésia began broadcasting 24 hours a day. The same year, a new transmitting centre was inaugurated, with three mediumwave, three shortwave and two FM transmitters. But six years later, political events forced many of the Radio Ecclésia staff to flee the country. The new government nationalised or closed down the radio stations, and Radio Ecclésia was silent for nearly two decades. In March 1997, exactly 42 years after the beginning of the regular transmissions, Radio Ecclésia was re-inaugurated in the presence of the Archbishop of Luanda, the Minister of Social Communication and other Angolan dignitaries. However, since then the station and its employees have been subjected to a great deal of official harassment because of its editorial policy. Defying Orders In January 1999, the Angolan authorities issued an implicit order for a blackout of news about the civil war in the country. This order was communicated via a memo from the Communications Ministry to the state media, telling them not to mention anything pertaining to the war. State media promptly responded by reducing their coverage of the war. The independent media, however, continued to report the war, and they remained the only sources of information about what was really going on. In an editorial in the government-owned daily, Jornal de Angola, it was suggested that by reporting on the war, journalists were "facilitating" the efforts of the enemy (the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola - UNITA) in its war against the government. Radio Ecclésia has been forbidden on several occasions to rebroadcast the African service of the Portuguese Catholic broadcaster Radio Renascenca, as its reports featured members of UNITA's leadership. Harassment Not daring to close down Radio Ecclésia, the authorities have resorted to carrying out a campaign of threats and harassment against its personnel. On June 24, 2000, four armed men kidnapped the station's chief-editor, Jose Paulo. Paulo was snatched in Luanda city centre in the evening and driven out of the city limits. The kidnappers' car, however, got stuck in a bush track enabling Paulo to escape while being shot at. Radio Ecclésia has consistently aired alternative and often dissenting views in Angola. In the days leading up to the attack on Paulo, the radio had aired an interview with vocal government critic, Rafael Marques. The radio also reported extensively on the June 21 attack on the Luanda office of the Voice of America. On the morning of June 24, Radio Ecclésia aired a live debate on the role of oil and diamonds in fuelling the conflict in Angola. FM and Shortwave The station currently broadcasts in Luanda on 97.5 MHz FM, daily at 0600-2400 local time. Broadcasts can be heard worldwide via the station's Web site. Since 14 July two hours of programming a day are also broadcast on shortwave via Radio Netherlands facilities as follows: 0500-0600 UTC Madagascar 200 kW 15195 kHz beam 280 degrees 1900-2000 UTC Flevo 500 kW 15175 kHz beam 157 degrees Link Radio Ecclésia http://ecclesia.snet.co.ao/ (Andy Sennitt, Radio Nederland Webzine July 17 via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. Dear Glenn, first, congratulations for everything you have been doing for worldwide DXing all these years. The Argentine station on 1610 I reported (in Mundo Radial) was hard to ID, so I asked Jorge Aloy for help. He said it was R. Cántico Nuevo, which does exist, but it turns out the one I heard was R. Uncion, from Lanus, Argentina (Samuel Cássio, Brasil, July 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Cf list below! ** ARGENTINA. 1660 KHz, Radio Unidad, emisora religiosa de caracter "no oficial" que emite desde Rafael Calzada, se ha reactivado en esta nueva frecuencia (ex 1650 KHz) a partir del 14 de Julio pasado. La estación permanecía inactiva desde fines de 1999. Sigue operando en paralelo con su estación de FM en 94.1 MHz Para aquellos diexistas fuera de la Argentina que les interesa saber cuáles son las estaciones que operan en la banda ampliada de AM, a continuación les ofrecemos el listado actualizado al 15/07/00: 1610 R. CULTURA, Domingo Purita 2247 (1824 Lanus) - inactiva !! 1610 R. CÁNTICO NUEVO, Av. Oliver 1134 (1842 Monte Grande) 1620 R. TROPICANA, Av. San Juan 2461 (1232 Capital Federal) 1640 R. BOLIVIA, Av. Coronel Roca 1467 (1437 Capital Federal) 1650 AM RESTAURACIÓN, Debussy 2948 (1686 Hurlingham) 1660 R. UNIDAD, Molina 830 (1847 Rafael Calzada) 1670 BBC AMERICA LATINA (Capital Federal) 1680 AM GETRO, Av. San Martín 4280 (1824 Lanus oeste). (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina, Conexión Digital July 16 via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. On 2379.8 July 11 at 0255 unID Brasilian with "música e alegria". QSA 1-2 (Stefan Björn, Sweden, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) Educadora de Limeira or the harmonic? ** BRAZIL. On 2460 July 12 at 2310 Súper Rádio Alvarado, Rio Branco. Faded up quite good a few times, especially during music. QSA 1-2 (Jan Edh, Sweden, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. On 12209.9 often at 2320 Rádio Cultura Filadelfia (2 x 6105) audible almost every evening, best on June 23 with religious programs in Spanish about the family ("Palabra al Señor"). Maybe the program after midnight in Portuguese was called "Cristo por a [sic] vida". QSA 3 (Stefan Björn, Sweden, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) ** CONGO DR. National radio-TV gets new equipment | Text of report by Congolese TV from Kinshasa on 12th July [including SW transmitter] The Congolese National Radio and Television [RTNC] today took delivery of a large consignment of equipment comprising a complete antenna system for renewing the radio and television transmitters. The equipment includes an antenna system for a radio link between Ratelesco [expansion unknown] and the Mbinza transmission centre, between the Mbinza transmission centre and the Voix du Peuple [national radio and television station] complex, and between Ratelesco and the Voix du Peuple complex. It also includes an antenna system for a 10-kw television transmitter, a 10-kw FM radio transmitter, a 10-kw UHF television transmitter for RTNC II, a 1-kw FM radio transmitter for the provincial channel, and a 10-kw shortwave radio transmitter. Here is a report. [Unidentified RTNC staff member - recording] First, we wish to thank the president of the republic for releasing about one million dollars. This is a complete antenna system for the six transmitters that will be coming later. So, this is a complete set of television, radio and shortwave transmitters, which will enable us to cover the whole of Kinshasa effectively. Backup transmitters will be coming in the next two or three days, while the high power transmitters will also arrive in a month or so, that is, if all goes well at the bank. What we have just received is a complete antenna system for the radio and television. The transmitters are not in yet, but they should be here within a week, if all goes well financially. Source: RTNC TV, Kinshasa, in French 1900 gmt 12 Jul 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** KURDISTAN. CORRECTION (c.f. OBSERVER #76 [and DXLD 00-85]): Clandestine station Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan (not Voice of Iraqi People) heard in Kurdish and Arabic: 0300-0700 and 1500-1900 on new 7135, ex 7095//4085. Other NF 5850 is deleted (Observer, Bulgaria, July 16 via DXLD) ** LIBYA. LJB/Voice of Africa from July 10: 1030-0340 on new 17725, ex-15435. No parallel freq. Co-channel on NF 17725: 0300-0340 VOA in English to Af; 1500-2000 VOR in Albanian, Serbian, Italian, Greek, Russian; 2000-2200 VOA in English to Af; 2300-0145 WYFR in Portuguese (Observer, Bulgaria, via DXLD) ** MEXICO. I only got these two stations in a sporadic E opening into FM July 16 which was over by 1900 UT; each faded in only briefly, on and off, (with 92.3 marred by my @#$&*@! local KBVV 91.1 whose transmitter was again jumping around, perhaps due to the 100 degree heat; you could see and hear it cutting off when tuned to 91.1, and instead popping up on other frequencies. It was especially bad against KOSU 91.7 at 2100-2200 when I was trying to listen to Savvy Traveler). After relistening to tapes, I report: 92.3 had same ad mentioning Guadalajara several times within half an hour starting at 1810, and there is a 92.3 in that city -- BUT: upon listening closely, they were ads for "Farmacia Guadalajara, aquí en Gómez Palacio..." ! Fade during ID at 1833 and 1835, sounded like XHTRN (last two letters could be LM, or any combination) "...en 92.3 MHz, ...24 horas...los éxitos chuperos(?) del nuevo milenio... Super 92.3" 93.1 faded in a bit later; at 1848 UT had CDT time check, temperatura as 40 grados, several ads with local addresses but never mentioned Gómez Palacio or any other locality (some stations are so certain they are only heard locally that there is no point in mentioning where they are!). Something is at Paseo de la Rocida(?) 421; there is a Tienda Ley(?) with a "fantástica lluvia de ofertas", tag line being "Hay que ir". Got one clear slogan ID at 1855 before it faded, as "Stéreo Recuerdo" which is a name used by stations all over the country. Still nothing to pin it on Gómez Palacio other than pairing with 92.3 station. Listed as XHCTO by FM Atlas. KVUE-TV Austin anchor Fred Cantu has two similar websites with Mexican broadcasting info, but seems to ignore towns other than state capitals... There must be a more exhaustive Mexican FM list than: http://www.onr.com/user/fcantu/index.html and http://www.mexicoadiotv.com/ (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WTFDA) Glenn (and anyone else interested): Cantu's site comes up on almost all the Mexican search engines. Here is a search engine I have been using for awhile, in addition to the FCC database. They actually update daily (business days) and readily welcome updated information, which they can verify via the FCC database or a website URL. The address is: http://wmbr.mit.edu/cgi-bin/nation?ccode=mx However, I couldn't find your 92.3 listed there either. If you want to send a submission or query to the webmaster, his email is theodric@mit.edu. Their main page is http://wmbr.mit.edu/stations/list.html [later:] Maybe I'm getting closer...not sure tho'........ Here is yet another URL link to the official Mexican 'FCC' website that shows how many licenses have been issued for am, fm & tv - http://www.cirt.com.mx/7.html It doesn't list stations, just a 'graph-type' page of totals. (Jim Thomas, wdx0fbu, Milliken, CO (40 mi N of Denver)) Jim, Tnx for looking for Mexican FM info. CIRT is not the 'FCC' but the national trade organization, like the NAB. There are links at the bottom of this page which lead to DIRECTORIO of members, but not every station is a member. One list shows in Gómez Palacio, Durango, only a couple of TV stations. And tnx for reminding us of the MIT list, but it concentrates on stations on the internet, so again is not complete, indeed only seems to mention a handful of Mexicans. (gh) Glenn, I'm betting your 92.3 is XHTRR Torreón, Coahuila, which is right across the border from Gómez Palacio. Super 92 is the slogan, per the FM Mexico log on FM DX Web. Also, your 93.1 is XHCTO Gómez Palacio, Durango. Their slogan is Stéreo Recuerdo, also per the FM Mexico log. (John Zondlo, Yukon, OK, FM DX Web http://members.aol.com/fmdxweb ) [Or specifically for Mexico: http://members.aol/com/jpzondlo/mexicolog ] John, Thanks a lot; everything fits. Your list is now bookmarked for the next opening! Odd that some frequencies only have 1 or 2 stations in the whole country. But you are not including stations which have not been confirmed, I believe. (Besides your separate list of more- info-needed). A pretty intense Es opening going here UT July 17; TV IDs only 0059 UT WEDU-3 FL 0101 UT XHBS-4 Sinaloa floater on KFOR -- rather large letters From 0230 until at least 0310 UT I had floating on KOCO-5z another 5z with vertical blanking interval (VBI) constant ID strip as TV AZTECA XHDF TV 13 but fortunately (since my hi-tech TV has no vertical hold) it was showing about 1/4 from bottom of screen tnx to KOCO QRM. Looking at Doug's Database, http://personal.bna.bellsouth.net/bna/w/9/w9wi as he was getting San Diego I suppose XHAQ Mexicali most likely but no offsets given in that list; 6 other possibilities by affiliation including BS and SN, which I had earlier on 4. (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK; above thread originally appeared on the WTFDA list) FYI, the Mexican "FCC" *does* have an online list of stations at http://www.sct.gob.mx/satelital/fm . Click on an estado for a list of stations there. It does not, however, appear to be complete either... (the Televisa website claims some relayers that aren't on the SCT TV page!) – (Doug Smith, TN, W9WI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. Excuse me, in the R. San Antonio report [DXLD 00-92; gh added the ``actually`` when translating], 3373 was my typo; should read 3375 (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão, Bolivia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Also I have been trying to figure out what ``Pbro.`` in the address abbreviates. ``Polítburo`` is all that comes to mind and that seems a tad unlikely (gh) ** PORTUGAL. From July 12 RDP Intl / Radio Portugal canceled all broadcasts to East Timor in Portuguese: 1000-1100 on 11550 via TWN, 1400-1500 on 15345 via LIS, 2200-2300 on 11550 via TWN (Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. On 3922.7 July 3 at 2050 Radio Samordinka ? it sounds that it is the same (old?) man sitting and talking every time the station is audible. Does not seem to reply any longer. QSA 2 (Jan Edh, Sweden, SW Bulletin via Thomas Nilsson, DXLD) ** TUNISIA. New schedule of RTTunis in Arabic, effective July 10: 7110 04.00 - 07.00 Sfax 500 kW/265 deg. to NoAf 7110 19.00 - 23.00 Sfax 500 kW/265 deg. to NoAf 9720 02.00 - 05.00 Sfax 500 kW/100 deg. to ME - back on air 9720 17.00 - 21.00 Sfax 500 kW/100 deg. to ME - back on air 11655 14.00 - 19.00 Sfax 500 kW/265 deg. to NoAf 17735 12.00 - 17.00 Sfax 500 kW/100 deg. to ME - ex 12.00 - 14.00 DELETED FREQS: 7225 17.00 - 23.00 Sfax 500 kW/340 deg. to Eu 7275 04.00 - 07.00 Sfax 500 kW/340 deg. to Eu 11730 14.00 - 17.00 Sfax 500 kw/340 deg. to Eu. (Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD) ** U K. Glenn, From a BBC Article, a website listing Andy Kershaw's & John Peel's playlists 1992-2000. http://www.avistic.demon.co.uk (Ivan Grishin, Ont, July 17, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Mr. Hauser - - - Just trying to spread the word about my little "dinosaur" project. Here's a press release for your perusal. Enjoy. 73, George, W7KSJ PRESS RELEASE... 13 JULY, 2000 A NEW COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY FOR A TIME-TESTED WORK-HORSE ABOUT WA9XHN... WA9XHN IS A UNIQUE RADIO BROADCAST FACILITY LOCATED IN AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AND IS AUTHORIZED BY THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WITH THE OBJECTIVE OF DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS ANY INTEREST ON THE PART OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN RECEIVING INFORMATION DISTRIBUTED VIA THE MEANS OF RADIOTELETYPE TRANSMISSION. RADIOTELETYPE TRANSMISSION IS NOT A NEW MEDIUM. IT IS AN OLD METHOD WHICH SERVED NUMEROUS BUSINESSES, MILITARY AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES, NEWS, PRESS AND INFORMATION SERVICES, AND OTHER ENTITIES WHICH HAD REASON TO TRANSMIT LARGE VOLUMES OF INFORMATION OVER LONG DISTANCES. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL, REUTERS, AND THE FRENCH PRESS AGENCY MAINTAINED EXTENSIVE RADIOTELETYPE INSTALLATIONS AND FACILITIES FOR MOVING THEIR PRODUCT AROUND THE WORLD. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SATELLITE, FIBER-OPTIC, AND INTERNET COMMUNICATION HAVE MADE RADIOTELETYPE TRANSMISSION OBSOLETE IN TERMS OF BEING A COMMERCIALLY VIABLE MEANS OF INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION. THERE ARE ALL MANNER OF HOBBYISTS AND ENTHUSIASTS INTERESTED IN COLLECTING ANYTHING FROM STEAM ENGINES, OLD CARS, BEANIE BABIES STAMPS, CANE HEADS, COCA-COLA BOTTLES, SHRUNKEN HEADS AND YES, TELETYPE MACHINES. TELETYPE MACHINE MACHINE COLLECTORS ARE HARD-PRESSED TO FIND ANYTHING FOR THEIR MACHINES TO PRINT, AND THAT IS WHY WA9XHN WAS ESTABLISHED; TO GIVE COLLECTORS, SHORT-WAVE LISTENERS, AND AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS SOMEHING TO COPY, AND TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS ANY SIGNIFICANT INTEREST IN KEEPING A RADIOTELETYPE TRANSMISSION FACILITY IN OPERATION. WA9XHN IS TOTALLY NON-COMMERCIAL AND IS PRIVATELY FUNDED. THE AUTHORIZATION PERMITS TRANSMISSION SPEED OF UP TO 100 WORDS- PER-MINUTE UTILIZING ITA#2/BAUDOT (5-LEVEL TELETYPE) CODE. PRESENTLY WA9XHN TRANSMITS ON TWO SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES, ALTERNATING BETWEEN 6994 KHZ AND 13972 KHZ. TRANSMISSION SPEED IS 60 WORDS-PER-MINUTE USING 170 HZ/CYCLES-PER-SECOND FREQUENCY-SHIFT KEYING. TIMES VARY, AND THE WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR WA9XHN CAN BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET AT HTTP://WWW.RTTY.COM [there was one July 16 at 2300] FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: GEORGE B. HUTCHISON W7KSJ 253-833-6755 E-MAIL: RTTY@RTTY.COM (George, W7KSJ, July 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [ALL CAPS IS NOT INAPPROPRIATE IN THE CASE OF RTTY - GH] ** YEMEN. Radio Aden (ANN.: Idha'atu Aden) in Arabic again on SW! First noted on July 9: 0900-1100 on NF 9900.0 (34443). 73 from (Ivo and Anguel, Observer, Bulgaria via DXLD) ###