DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-70, May 26, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages and such publications be sent to us in exchange. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. BBC Monitoring items are copyright and may not be reproduced further without pemission} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1037: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1037.html MEDIA NEWS ON VOA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD this week is provided by Glenn Hauser. First airing is UT Sat May 27 at 0132 on 9455, etc. Full schedule available by sending blank E-mail to cwschedule@voa.gov Note that the WBCQ 7415 time, even during DST, now appears on their website as Sunday 2100 instead of 2000, tho reception is so poor here at both times we have been unable to confirm CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-04. A new edition has been produced and should start appearing shortly at http://www.DXing.com and on Radio for Peace International. Topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/com0004.html DX PROGRAMS. The Summer 2000 DX and Media Programme Schedule List from the British DX Club is now on line at http://www.co.umist.ac.uk/BDXC/bdxc-dxprog.html (John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURMA [non]. Thunderbird, the online journalism review of the University of British Columbia, features an article on the trouble VOA, RFA, and Democratic Voice of Burma have in newsgathering and broadcasting into Myanmar; along with three previous articles on press freedom in Malaysia, Philippines and Burma: http://www.journalism.ubc.ca/thunderbird/2000/march/burma.html (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1037, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. CFVP 6030 is relaying CKMX (MW 1060 Calgary), both 24 hrs a day, 100 watts. The Chief Engineer told me that occasionally they are off the air in the summer due to lightning strikes. It can take a few days to find the time to get CFVP back on the air. The station`s owner is not concerned with this low powered transmitter; it is one of the last 3 Canadian SW regionals left on the air. The station engineers often donate their own time/money to keep this relay transmitter on the air. Address: CFVP c/o CKMX, PO Box 2750, Station M, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P-4P8 (Joe Talbot, Alberta, DSWCI DX Mirror June via DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. How come at 0300 I heard CRI English 9690 also on 9475, no Cairo? CRI no longer announces sked at closing (Bob Thomas, CT, May 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. Instead of Colombia Estereo 93.4, previously heard on 4895, Radio 88.9 FM La Súper Estación, desde Santa Fé de Bogotá, was heard May 11 at 0030 with echo ID as ``HJJO la Súper Estación``; promos for the Armada Nacional, some ads for chocolate, a café and a jingle for Bacardi. Gave this address: Carrera 16-A, No. 87-78, Bogotá, Colombia. Unfortunately, the audio was somewhat distorted. Does this station belong to the national army network CREER or not? (Jorge García Rangel, Venezuela, Banda Tropical, Club Diexistas de la Amistad May 22, summary translation by gh for DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI is looking for a new frequency in the 21 MHz band for its SSB transmitter, so it is unlikely 25930-USB will resume (gh, May 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. R. Verdad, 4052.5, Chiquimula, confirmed signing on earlier now; May 24 *1100 with anthem, but not followed by history- of-anthem talk, 1105 into previously heard evangelical show. Best strength here in a long time, but steadily fading into daylight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, WORLD OF RADIO 1037) ** GUATEMALA. R. Verdad, 4052.49, poor May 5, 1133 long Guat NA until 1137, canned ID with echo effect, hard to copy due to heavy utility QRM. Tnx DXLD for many tips (Shoji Yamada, Tokyo, Radio Nuevo Mundo via DXLD) ** GUATEMALA. R. Verdad, 4052.51, poor April 27 *1127-1141, NA, music and 1133 ID (Masato Ishii, Niigata, Japan, Radio Nuevo Mundo via DXLD) ** JAPAN. NHK Radio Japan commemorates its 65th anniversary June 1st. From May 29th to June 9th, NHK will be offering a special website with some English programming on demand, along with special interactive radio programs and news scripts. There might also be special shortwave programming at this time. The special URL will be http://www.nhk.or.jp/dream/. Currently this URL leads to a "page not available" message. (Richard Cuff Allentown, PA, swprograms May 25 via DXLD) Actually, it says ``This page not made to view.`` (gh) The website is up and running, but English is here: http://www.nhk.or.jp/index-e.html 73, (Peter Bowen Toronto, Canada, May 25, swprograms via DXLD) Look at the art gallery; nice (gh) ** JAPAN. This is from the What`s New section: Dream Web Site We will carry out a series of experiments from May 29th to June 9 to commemorate the anniversary. On our homepage, we will provide our audio news service in 22 languages on demand together with news scripts matching the audio service. We will also provide the English TV news and the scripts on our homepage. Messages from international broadcasting organizations on this occasion will be provided as well as introductory information on our Radio Japan in a special audio service in each language. We are also planning to provide interactive radio programs in several language services on the internet. You will find our special homepage amazingly rich in variety. Please do contact us at the following address: URL: http://www.nhk.or.jp/dream/ E-mail: dream@intl.nhk.or.jp (NHK May 26 via gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONGOLIA. Glenn-- This morning I heard Voice of Mongolia at 1032 UTC with female talk in English, then music; very loud signal on 12085, incredible reception for late in the spring; perhaps high MUF to North Asia could be reason for such a good signal in the eastern USA. (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, May 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Believe I noticed this too, but too drowsy to appreciate (gh) ** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Hi Glenn, FYI: Maintenance work on one of the temporary generators at Bonaire has been completed. Normal transmissions from Bonaire resume as of 1730 UTC on 26 May. 73, (Andy Sennitt, RN, May 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. 13:12 26/05/00 Greetings from New Zealand. Here is an update from RADIO NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL. RNZI has extended transmission by one hour and now closes transmission at 1305 UTC. FREQUENCY SCHEDULE 26 May - 03 September 2000 UTC kHz Days Target 1650-1850 6145 (49m) Mon-Fri N.E. Pacific, Samoa, Cook Islands 1851-1950 11725 (25m) Mon-Fri All Pacific 1855-1950 11725 Sat-Sun All Pacific 1951-0705 17675 (16m) Daily All Pacific 1955-0705 17675 Sat-Sun All Pacific 0706-0959 11720 (25m) Daily All Pacific 1000-1305 11720 N.W. Pacific, Bougainville, East Timor, Asia OFF-AIR 1205-1650 [sic] Occasional Use for Special Events 1306-1505 6100 1506-1650 6145 (Adrian Sainsbury, Frequency Manager, Radio New Zealand, International, P O Box 123, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND http://www.rnzi.com , DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Radio Mayak to cut staff, change style | Excerpts from "DX Club" report via Voice of Russia web site on 23rd May ...At the end of April there was a presentation at the newly-formed Mayak radio, which is now broadcasting on FM, the web site of Voice of Russia’s ``DX Club`` reported on 17th May. The management, headed by Irina Gerasimova, has decided changes were needed at the radio station: changes in the style, slot distribution and personnel. Forty new people have now been employed, but there are plans to make the same number of staff redundant. First Deputy Chairman of the radio station Oleg Kupriyanov has told ‘Nezavisimaya Gazeta’ that despite the need for changes, Mayak may well have to lose some of its listeners. ``My personal view is that Mayak in its new form is reminiscent of a helpless and pitiable parody of the Ekho Moskvy radio rather than a serious news station... After all, in order to be able to afford Mayak’s current 10 deputy chairmen, one will have to sack the several dozen people who actually do the work: otherwise where is the money to feed such a large gang of bosses?`` Kupriyanov charged, according to ``DX Club``. Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, in Russian 23 May 00 (BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Weak and fluttery signal here at 1547 UT Friday May 26 on 15410 for the Mayak special; but then it is aimed at Moscow, the Riviera and Buenos Aires. I suppose the special is entirely in Russian? Try again Sat and Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. RUI English to NAm at 0300 on 13590 faithfully showing up as of May 19; slight co-channel half-way [Iran 0330] (Bob Thomas, CT, WORLD OF RADIO 1037, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. 13590, Radio Ukraine International heard here again May 21 at 0300 in English, with fair reception, gone totally when rechecked about 0345. Not sure if this indeed is the 1000 kW transmitter in Lviv back on the air, or a substitute 100 kW. Propagation is too poor to be sure (Volodya Salmaniw, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. The feature on shortwave numbers stations I produced airs on Lost and Found Sound Friday May 26 on NPR`s All Things Considered, first at 2036-2049 UT and repeated 2-hourly; soon also available in the archive at http://www.lostandfoundsound.com (David Goren, NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###