DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-64, May 12, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1035: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1035.html MUNDO RADIAL, emisión de mayo/junio, a partir del viernes 12 de mayo en WWCR, 2115 en 15685. Guión disponible en http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Relmid.html ** CANADA. C'EST LA VIE: This week on C'est La Vie, the word of the week is "chanter" - to sing. And this week's show is all about songs. Meet the very model of a modern translator who has translated Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" into French. Also, a Winnipeg playwright who is using the songs of Jacques Brel to reach her audience. And find out why a group from Sudbury has made a rap version of a Beau Dommage classic about the seals of Alaska. That's C'est la Vie, with guest host Anne Lagace Dowson, tonight at 7:30 (8:00 NT) on CBC Radio One. (CBC Hotsheet) On RCI that`s Friday 2330 on 5960, 9755, 13670 (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CONGO DR. R Télé Liberté is not available (15.725). Closed? Tried too many days to listen to them (nearly every local night here) without seeing any signal (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 12, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA [non]. Hrvatski Radio via Jülich on 11805 appears to have extended its English service, noted with 30 minutes' segment 2030- 2100, May 10 (Bob Padula, Australia, Electronic DX Press via DXLD) ** FINLAND. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). The power behind the scenes of the Scandinavian Weekend Radio (SWR), is the Scandinavian Shortwave Radio Association. The purpose of SSRA is to promote and to support the non-commercial radio broadcasting in Finland. The operation of the radio station is independent of the Oy Finnish Broadcasting Company Ab, of home and foreign radio chains, other radio stations and advertisers. The fixed studios and transmitter equipment are placed on Virrat, western Finland. SWR can be heard on the 25 meters frequency band shortwaves, on frequency 11690 or 11720 kHz. We will be on the air at the first Saturday of every month at 0:00 - 23:59 local time (+2 UTC). If our license is granted in time, the first transmission is held 1st of July 2000. Our reception area will cover the Nordic countries and the area around the Baltic Sea. Because of the INTERNATIONAL character of our station, also English and Swedish are used in addition to the Finnish as the languages of our radio programmes. The reception area of the station also brings a possibility to make Finnish music known to our foreign listeners. For this reason more than half of the music played will be domestic. Our purpose is to function as the radio enthusiasts' report channel, to support, and to promote the radio hobby. We report in the news events of the radio world and information such as for example the activity of the sun, which greatly affect in distant radio reception. More information about SWR can be found in our website: http://www.swradio.net or by e-mail: info@swradio.net (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK, May 10 via DXLD) I sent them a note asking about the power and location of their txs. Here's the reply I got: SWR's transmitting power is going to be 250 watts. Our antenna is half wave dipole in 20 metres above ground. Virrat, our station location in Western Finland, is about 150 km north from city of Tampere. With best regards, (Ville-Veikko Haikarainen, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, May 9 via Sergei Sossedkin, ODXA via DXLD) ** HUNGARY: Re: passing of Charlie Coutts, R. Budapest: I remember hearing about this on REE's Radio Waves program (John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALIA / MONACO. Proseguono le trasmissioni RAI del "Notturno italiano" at- traverso l'impianto monegasco di Radio Montecarlo su 702 kHz, anche dopo la riapertura (temporanea) di Santa Palomba 846 kHz. Secondo quanto ci riferisce Andrea Borgnino, citando fonti di RAIWay, la stazione relay di Montecarlo e' stata affittata per un mese ed e' improbabile che il contratto venga rinnovato alla scadenza. E' intanto confermato che il centro radio di Santa Palomba e' stato provvisoriamente riattivato con potenza di emissione ridotta. (fonte: Andrea Borgnino IW1CXZ, Radioincontro May 11) [Rai 846 is back on the air provisionally with reduced power; the relay via Monaco on 702 is a one-month contract, not likely to be renewed] ** PERU. Hello, Next Sunday is Mothers Day. This is quite a big event in Peru. The past years, many stations have been on extended schedule, with special Mothers Day programming. This not only on the day itself, but also the days before. So it might be interesting to do some hunting for Peruvian stations this weekend. 73 (Mark Veldhuis, the Netherlands, hard-core-dx May 12 via DXLD) As we also pointed out last week on WOR, re LA in general (gh) ** SERBIA. R. Yugoslavia has moved from 9580 to 11870 for English at 0000 and 0430 to NAm (Chris Hambly, Victoria, May 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I was expecting this based on last summer`s behaviour – tho delayed by a certain war – but had not got around to checking it yet. J00 lives! (gh, DXLD) ** SOUTH AMERICA. Dear Friends: Radio Blandengue from some place in South America will be on the air next weekend performing his pirate activities on 14565 KHz LSB according to the following sked: ALL TIMES AND DATE ARE UTC Saturday May 13 on 14565 Khz LSB 2100 - 2130 Emisora Z del Dragon 2130 - 2200 Radio Sin Fronteras 2200 - 2245 Radio City 2245 - 2300 Radio Blandengue Sunday May 14 on 14565 Khz LSB 0000 - 0030 Emisora Z del Dragon 0030 - 0100 Radio Sin Fronteras 0100 - 0145 Radio City 0145 - 0200 Radio Blandengue All reports correct received for snail mail QSL guaranteed, And don't forget to include 2 IRC. Addresses for reports: --------------------------------------------------------- Emisora Z del Dragon, Casilla 159, Santiago 14, CHILE e-mail: emisoraz@yahoo.es --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Sin Fronteras, Casilla 159, Santiago 14, CHILE --------------------------------------------------------- Radio City, Postfach 220342, 42373 Wuppertal, GERMANY --------------------------------------------------------- Radio Blandengue, Box 293, Merlin Ontario N0P 1W0, CANADA --------------------------------------------------------- Raul Gonzalez, Operator of Radio Blandengue e-mails: radio.blandengue@altavista.net radio.blandengue@usa.net http://members.xoom.com/blandengue/ http://go.to/blandengue (via hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** UKRAINE / BELARUS. Kviv-Krasne on 171 is again silent. Bernd Trutenau found a instructive RFE/RL report, which I include below. The Belorussian 171 kHz transmitter is right now (noon of May 11th) on air as usual, here in more than 1000 km distance just above the local noise floor and therefore hardly anything to understand, but the program style suggests that it is still Radio 1. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, May 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO FREE EUROPE/RADIO LIBERTY, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC ________________________________________________________ RFE/RL Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine Report Vol. 2, No. 17, 9 May 2000 A Survey of Developments in Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine by the Regional Specialists of RFE/RL's Newsline Team. LVIV ELECTRIC TRANSPORT PARALYZED. At 4 p.m. on 4 May, the Lvivoblenerho company, which supplies electricity in the region, cut off power supplies to the Lvivelektrotrans company, which manages trams and trolleys in Lviv. As a result, the city's electricity- driven transport ground to a halt. This was the first such occurrence in the city in the last 100 years, Interfax noted. Lvivelektrotrans owes 2.44 million hryvni ($450,000) to Lvivoblenerho for electricity. The latter's move reflects a harsher approach to those not paying for electricity supplies, as announced by Deputy Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko. Tymoshenko said that the government on 3 May resolved "to abolish all restrictions" on cutting off debtors from energy supplies. Tymoshenko added that neither hospitals, kindergartens, nor military facilities have been spared from this move. "Electricity, heat, and gas are commodities like any other, and one needs to pay for them," Interfax quoted her as saying. According to Tymoshenko, 150-200 million hryvni is lost every month in shadow-sector electricity sales. She added that this explains the resistance to reform in the energy sector among its top officials. (via Kai Ludwig and Wolfganb Büschel, Germany, May 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Glenn: Met a BBC reporter from Washington at Elián González` hearing this morning in Atlanta. He says new BBC director, Dyke, is a breath of fresh air and has been an improvement. He says one of his first acts was to end the much-criticized policy that requires the various radio outlets to pay to get discs from the library or to find out how to pronounce a word. I also lamented to him that John Peel appears to disappear from the BBC WS schedule after next week, replaced on all of the muddied streams by Steve Lamacq, who plays a more commercial alternative-rock style than the wide variety of styles Peel has been playing for decades. It was bad enough that we went from 3 x 30 min Peel every week to 1 x 25 min. Now we're losing it completely, with absolutely no explanation in the marginally useful "On Air" magazine. Rgds (Mike Cooper, Atlanta, May 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST ** U S A. A Lengthy thread among WGTG (``World`s Greatest Trash and Garbage``) and some of its `fans` can be read at: http://www.deja.com/dnquery.xp?search=thread&svcclass=dnserver&recnum=%3c01HW.B53FE3B200237AC9063D6C10@news2.netdoor.com%3e%231/4 (via John Norfolk, OKCOK) ###