DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-50, April 7, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1031: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1031.html ** COLOMBIA. 2200.18 Emisora Ideal - HJMK (2 x 1100 harmonic), April 6, Strong carrier at 0953, 0959 sign-on with 2 instrumentals into HJ anthem at 1003 and sign-on ID. Possible mentions of "Caracol". Fair signal (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. We first noticed the geomagnetic storm April 6 around 2315 when WOR at its new time on RFPI started to flutter heavily on 15049, unusual for a signal from the south; after-effect allowed 25930-USB to be audible after 0500 UT April 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 4019.93 (tentative), La Voz de Su Amigo - (3 X 1340 harmonic), April 6 0958-1032, Long inspirational talk program, "...de la Vida" with local references to Esmeraldas. 1027 program closing announcement into announcer with TC's and tentative ID. Good signal strength before 1025 fade. (Mark Mohrmann, VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. HCJB has yet to post their complete program guide but in the "Coming up on HCJB..." section these times are given for these programs: MONDAY-FRIDAY: STUDIO 9: 0610 to Eur on 15160, 0910 to SPac on 11755, 1910 to Eur on 17660, 0110 Tuesday-Saturday to ENAm on 9745 & 15115 (2010 EST Monday), 0410 Tuesday-Saturday to WNAm on 9745 & 15115 (2010 PST Monday). TUESDAY: EL MUNDO FUTURO with Allen Graham: 0630 to Eur on 15160, 0930 to SPac on 11755, 1930 to Eur on 17660, 0130 Wednesday to ENAm on 9745 & 15115 (2030 EST Tuesday), 0430 Wednesday to WNAm on 9745 & 15115 (2030 PST Tuesday). WEDNESDAY: HAM RADIO TODAY with John Beck & Graham Bulmer: 0630 to Eur on 15160, 0930 to SPac on 11755, 1930 to Eur on 17660, 0130 Thursday to ENAm on 9745 & 15115 (2030 EST Wednesday), 0430 Thursday to WNAm on 9745 & 15115 (2030 PST Wednesday). FRIDAY: MUSICA DEL ECUADOR with Jorge Zambrano: 0630 to Eur on 15160, 0930 to SPac on 11755, 1930 to Eur on 17660, 0130 Saturday to ENAm on 9745 & 15115 (2030 EST Friday), 0430 Saturday to WNAm on 9745 & 15115 (2030 PST Friday). SATURDAY: DX PARTYLINE with Allen Graham: 0610 to Eur on 15160, 0910 to SPac on 11755, 1910 to Eur on 17660, 0110 Sunday to ENAm on 9745 & 15115 (2010 EST Saturday), 0410 Sunday to WNAm on 9745 & 15115 (2010 PST Saturday). SATURDAY: SALUDOS AMIGOS with Paul & Norma Bell: 0730 to Eur on 15160, 0830 to SPac on 11755, 2000 to Eur on 17660, 0030 Sunday to ENAm on 9745 & 15115 (1930 EST Saturday), 0500 Sunday to WNAm on 9745 & 15115 (2100 PST Saturday). (via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nice to see HCJB promoting standard time instead of DST, including a zone nobody currently uses, PST (gh, DXLD) ** GERMANY? Hello, regarding 9420 I should add, that "appears as Jülich-like" was just to remark, that Jülich meanwhile uses various frequencies below the official 31 metres band, while Merlin still confines to long established 9410. Also just as a vague assumptiom: Perhaps this transmission aimed at North America, considering the time in the morning. By the way, the former Sunrise Radio frequency 5850 is used by Jülich now to beam R.G. Stair into the UK from 1100 thorough to 1659, usually accompanied by a radioteletype signal (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 2950.32, Radio Ilucan - (2 x 1470 harmonic) April 6 1009, 2nd harmonic of the nominal 1470 AM outlet, obviously off-frequency. Andean song followed by clear sign-on ID. Weak and // powerful 5678. (Mark Mohrmann, Coventry VT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. Hallo Freunde! Heute Nacht habe ich auf der Frequenz 6956,6 kHz eine neue Station aus Peru gehört "Radio La Voz del Campesino aus Huarmaca". Empfangszeit war zwischen 00.12 - 01.30 UTC. Es wird wunderbare Andenfolkore gespielt. Ansagen von einem Mann erfolgen so alle zwei Lieder. Zu vollen Stunde kommt ein Frequenzhinweis. Die ID die ich klar verstanden habe lautete: Desde Huarmaca para el Peru y el mundo Radio La Voz del Campesino. Der SINPO Wert war hier 25433. Ich sage Euch - ein echter Ohrenschmaus [musical treat]. Mich würde wirklich mal die Sendeleistung interessieren. Aber über 1 kW ist sie bestimmt nicht. Ist jemand die Adresse bekannt?? Beste Grüße (Hans- Joachim Koch, Niddatal, Germany, Apr 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOLOMON ISLANDS. Broadcasting Corporation installs new shortwave transmitter Text of report by Solomon Islands newspaper 'Solomon Star' on 5th April The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation has installed a new shortwave transmitter in Honiara to improve its signals to most parts of the country. The new transmitter, which carries SIBC's national service, Radio Hapi Isles, broadcasts on shortwave 5020 kHz. "We're very excited about the new transmitter because already we are getting feedback from the Western and Temotu Provinces that they can now hear us better than before," says General Manager Johnson Honimae. A bonus is that already we are being heard outside of the country as far as northern part of New Zealand and in some islands of the Federated States of Micronesia. "We hope that with the extend [as published] of our coverage, which is way ahead of any of our local competitors, our listeners as well as the business community will benefit through sponsorship of programmes and advertisements," he added. SIBC invites its listeners especially in the outlying islands to send in reports on the reception of the new transmitter on SW 5020 kHz. The new SW transmitter is part of the rehabilitation project being implemented by the National Broadcaster and funded by the Republic of China on Taiwan. The project covers the rehabilitation of studio and transmitter equipment both at the National Service in Honiara, the WAN FM 96.3 Radio Hapi Lagoon at Gizo and Radio Temotu at Lata in the Temotu Province. Honimae said SIBC greatly values this assistance from the government of ROC through the government of Solomon Islands because it helps to fulfil the corporation's mission to educate, inform and entertain all peoples within the sovereign borders of the country. Source: 'Solomon Star', Honiara, in English 5 Apr 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD, WORLD OF RADIO 1031) ** UKRAINE. 5905: What appeared in North America to be a het was certainly the transmitted howl, which always spoils listening on this channel. The same faulty transmitter is also on the air during daytime (0500-1600) on 9620. It's interesting to note that they maintain a separate stream for the Lviv-Krasne site although the shortwave transmitter is off air and the RUI feed goes out only between 2200 and 2400 on longwave 171. Last night I found 171 paralleling the shortwave outlets until 2300, but German 2300-2400 was going out only on shortwave, announced as well as observed on 5905, 6020, 9640 (all mediocre only) and 11950 (this one booming in), while 171 continued with different programming in Ukrainian, announcing as Radio Ukraine Worldservice, i.e. definitely foreign service stuff and no home service as during other times carried on 171. Let's hope that they maintain the separate feed only when 171 is in use by the foreign service, not during the rest of the day when it would dry up in the feed circuit... Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Am I seeing things, hearing things? One WRMI schedule on your website effective April 2 showed relays of Slovakia, Polonia, Budapest, but in the next version, also dated April 2, they are all gone even tho I heard Budapest UT Tue April 4 at 0330 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1031) Glenn -- Those relays were temporary fill-ins from the WRN satellite channels we monitor to pick up Prague. However, we might be doing some more relaying of WRN programs in the future. No specific plans at this moment, but I wouldn't rule it out. (Jeff White, WRMI, April 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Main Menu, ACB Radio's New Technology Show [ACB = American Council of the Blind] At 1 hour GMT on Monday, that's 9 PM Eastern time on Sunday in the US, 1 PM New Zealand time and 11 AM Eastern Australian time, ACB Radio turns on its new web site and its three concurrent streams. Debuting at this time on ACB Radio Mainstream is Main menu, a weekly 2 hour technology show. This show will also be repeated on ACB Radio Mainstream until 1 GMT the next day, allowing all of our international audience to hear it at a reasonable hour. On the programme this week, what will the Microsoft verdict mean for blind people? We're joined by a panel of experts to discuss the verdict, the potential remedies, and what it all means for us. Kurzweil 1000 5.0 has been released. We feature an interview with Stephen Baum who tells us all about the many new features he's added to the product, plus we give you a full demonstration of Realspeak, the new synthesiser bundled with Kurzweil 1000 that has everyone talking. Enablelink.com is a new web community for the blind that has recently launched. We discuss this new site with its editor. We'll have a review of the logitech cordless keyboard, a look at a talking microwave, and some information about blind people using Linux. To hear Main Menu, visit http://www.acbradio.org. When the new site opens, you'll find a link to ACB Radio mainstream. Choose that link and then choose to listen with Winamp or Realplayer 7, and you can hear the programme live or replayed for 24 hours. The programme will also be available a few hours after broadcast in our On Demand section. This is a new show so we would appreciate people passing this information onto those who may be interested. It's Main Menu, your source for assistive technology news on the web. (Jonathan Mosen, acbradio-friends@eGroups.com via Ray T. Mahorney, April 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Hello, Glen, An item that I think will be of interest to your North American listeners... Larry Glick will be my guest on WBZ Radio, AM 1030 Boston on Friday April 28 at 0400 UTC. Larry was the overnight host on WBZ for 20 years beginning in the late 1960s. As a teenager in the 1970s, I used to call in to his show...now I am the host of "his" show. WBZ reaches 38 US states and (as I like to say...) the very best provinces in Canada. In the mid-1990s I was the host of Monitor Radio International and I am a long-time shortwave listener and fan of your program. DXing has been a topic on my WBZ show a number of times and I have plugged your show on the air several times. I'm not sure if plugging Larry's appearance on my show "fits" your show but I'm passing it along as I'd be honored to be mentioned on your program. If you're not familiar with me, my name is pronounced: leh - vel' - ee ===== EMAIL: steve@radiosteve.com WEBSITE: http://www.radiosteve.com BROADCAST: Sun-Thurs night/Mon-Fri morning 12 midnite to 5 am Eastern...on WBZ Boston, AM 1030 Thanks. (Steve LeVeille, April 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [et al]. INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY - "IMD" APRIL 29, 2000 - 0000Z-2400Z Over 40 International Marconi Day Special Event stations will be participating world wide. These Marconi Day Stations will represent Historic Guglielmo Marconi transmitting and receiving stations and will commemorate milestones in the development of worldwide wireless communications. Certificate available see... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/ The Marconi Radio Club, W1AA/IMD of Massachusetts will represent the Marconi Transatlantic Station where Marconi completed his first spark gap radio transmission between the United States and Europe on January 18, 1903. The Marconi Radio Club will have several stations on the bands for the event. Marconi Radio Club W1AA .... http://personal.tmlp.com/k1vv/w1aa/ Additional International Marconi Day links: Cornish Amateur Radio Club ....... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/ Newfoundland Radio Club ..... http://webhost.avint.net/sonra/marc100.htm Glace Bay Nova Scotia ... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/glacebay.htm Twin Lights, Highlands, N.J. ....... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/twinlights.htm Rochester, Kent ........ http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/rocheste.htm Dorchester Wireless Station ......... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/dorchester.htm Wall, N.J. ......... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/wall.htm Coltano, Pisa .......... http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/coltano.htm 73 (Bob "Whitey" Doherty K1VV, President - Marconi Radio Club W1AA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE. Hi Glenn, Thought you may like to know that ZBC Radio 4 is now available live online at their "number 2" website (http://www.zbc.co.zw), so all four ZBC radio services can be heard online now. There is also a test signal for a feed of ZBC TV, although this doesn't seem to be working yet. All this and more can be linked to from the new Zimbabwe Media section of the Interval Signals Archive (http://www.intervalsignals.com). As well as clips of past and present ZBC interval signals and identification announcements, this has links to Zimbabwe media websites and live audio feeds of all four ZBC radio services (Dave Kernick, England, April 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST)