DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-42, March 20, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} ** GUATEMALA. [Cf DXLD 00-40 and update in 00-41]. The new R. Verdad, Chiquimula, which I discovered Friday morning, March 17, was not to be heard morning or evening on Saturday and Sunday, but was back on Monday morning, March 20, so apparently operates M-F mornings only. Awake at 1023 UT, I found an open carrier on 4053.0, so rolled a tape, but nothing happened until another carrier *1111 on 4052.5, producing a heterodyne which never diminished. (The ATS-909 and YB- 400 have no notch filters! 4053.0 amounted to a spoiler, and it was not there on March 17.) Finally at 1125 on 4052.5 the Guatemalan national anthem began in a choral version. 1129:30 canned patriotic lecture on the history of the himno nacional from 1896 in the days of Pres. Barrios, and different lyrics through the years. 1133 chimes, ID as before mentioning 4.05 MHz, cuckoo twice, Big Ben melody; 1135 birdchirps, promo ``An~o dos mil ... para vivir en tranquilidad``. 1136 same program as Friday morning with banjo theme, ``El Tren del Evangelio``, with occasional 2-minute slow timechecks, but more hymns, less talk. Het getting worse as 4052.5 was fading, but not 4053.0, by 1153 ID and another at 1200. Unintelligible by 1205, also with 2-way SSB on low side, and the continuous bonker was always on the high side as well. BTW, in case it could be a deliberate harmonic, I see nothing in the 1998 WRTH for Chiquimula around 1350, 1013, 810, 675, 579 and no R. Verdad anywhere ((C) Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###