DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-40, March 17, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} ** GUATEMALA. I have just discovered a brand new SW station here! Bandscanning March 17 at 1136 UT I came upon some music on 4052.5 kHz, or a tad below that (no, not a typo, not in the 60 meter band and not an image) -- ``I’ve Been Working on the Railroad`` on the banjo, then vocal hymns in Spanish. ID at 1145: ``Radio Verdad, en la frecuencia de 4.05 megahercios en la banda de 75 metros, TGW-1 (??), desde Monterrey(?), Chiquimula, Guatemala, Centroamerica.`` At 1147 and 1150 mentioned having received a report yesterday through the Sistema Internacional de Radioaficionados that they had been heard in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Republica Dominicana. Invited more reports to Apartado Postal 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. ``Radio Verdad, la emisora educativa y evangelica`` was frequently mentioned; ``exact`` timechecks were 2 minutes slow. At 1200 concluded ``El Tren del Evangelio Nocturno`` show with same banjo theme as earlier. 1202 into chimes and ID as above but also mentioned ``...de la gloria, en Chiquimula...``. 1204 something about ``an~o 2000``, cuckoo twice and Big-Ben-type melody on piano. 1206 another ID, prayer, but fading audio as much as carrier. 1208 reading a versiculo, 1215 just a carrier, 1217 music but fading and 2-way QRM on high side increasing. 1222-1226 talk was unintelligible as fading out; sunrise at Enid was 1240. Earlier reception was good, SINPO 34443. I only heard the TG callsign mentioned once, and it seems unlikely, so coupled with the out-of-band frequency, the legality of this station is questionable. If there have been any other reports of this in the DX press, I have not yet seen them; this report is based solely on my own monitoring ((C) Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###