WORLD OF RADIO 981, produced March 17, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*RFPI back on 15 MHz, expect 21 MHz soon
*Courier destroyed our tape to WWCR last week, so phone feed
*New Spanish DX report from March 19, Mundo Radial on WWCR, Fri
 2215 on 9475; from April 9, 2115 on 15685
*Correxion to KWTV frequency last week: 26450 not 26470
*HAARP will have advance ham VHF test on March 20; regular test March
*Idea that VOA Greenville-C site was involved in spying "ludicrous"
*WGTG still on 3 MHz; plans 12 MHz; and 2nd 9 MHz frequency chosen
*WBCQ building second SW transmitter, frequency-agile
*WRMI running R. Prague three languages in a row from April
*Original X-band station in NY/NJ changes call again
*Radio Asia Canada, Tamil service gone from SW, plans to use Montreal
 FM subcarrier; and another Tamil station on another Montreal FM
*RCI A-99 RCI schedule adds NAm frequencies at 0500 daily; four
 frequencies at 1200; still no use of 21 MHz
*Some Sackville frequencies off due to strike, still via Skelton UK
*CBC journalists vote to join technicians in strike, maybe from Mar 18
*Dominican Republic SW station returns
*RFPI adds programs in Russian, Swahili
*Colombian studio-transmitter link heard on 32 MHz with scanner
*La Voz de la Resistencia del Bloque Oriental, FARC Clandestine
 on in-band frequency, schedule
*FARC heard admitting execution of three American missionaries
*HCJB already made a change in last week's A-99 English schedule
*Peruvian moves inside the 49m band
*The non-commercial, non-government, non-corporate, non-communist,
 non-religious DX program, World of Radio 981
* or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if
 really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser. Check our website:
*Brazilian senate broadcasts going on SW
*LRA36 Antarctica expands to weekends; E-mail address is:
*Angolan reactivated on 90m
*"Island" last week not Mozambique, maybe meant Mauritius
*Voice of Turkey's new English program list
*Iraq's Mother of Battles Radio back on the air, 31m
*Voice of Peace ship resuming off Israel, MW and FM
*Azerbaijan heard on 48 meter band
*V. of Mongolia again at equinoctial peak
*Indonesia clear of RCI, but plays tapes backwards
*RNZI Mailbox gets new airtime in NAm prime
*New in April on BBC WS: The Edge for youth, two hours Sat mornings
*Merlin Network One new A-99 schedule to NAm, keeps clashes, RCI
*Contradiction about Belgium's new 0400: first or last of day?
*Strike at R. Netherlands delays news
*DW English to NAm A-99 with sites
*Kvitsoy site of Norway off air since March 8 [not 1], due to power
 outage until Easter; trying Sweden site?
*Finland does not plan evening English to NAm this summer
*Lithuania's A-99 English
*Austria now posts program previews on website - and A-99 English to NAm
*R. Slovakia International A-99 English
*V. of Mediterranean, Malta via Russia back to 12 MHz band already
*"Chronosphere" inexpensive software substitutes for DX Edge
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, March 16
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser, concluding World of Radio 981               ###