WORLD OF RADIO #965, produced Nov 11, 1998 by Glenn Hauser

*WOR 966 special next week: AWR Wavescan on Bhutan
*WGTG played last week's WOR Sun at 1800 on 9400, but maybe only
 once, half in SSB, half in AM
*WOR Thursday 2130 on WWCR 15685 excellent in Australia
*RFPI resumed Spanish mornings on 21460-USB including our Mundo
 Radial Sat and Wed around 1345+, maybe also Mon & Fri in the
 1530 half-hour; November edition there by next week
*Mundo Radial new edition starts Fri Nov 13 at 2200 on WWCR 9475
*Another new mini-Sputnik to be launched now; 2m freq to monitor
*Time is running out to hear Mir's SW telemetry downlink
*UN Radio schedule via Vatican Radio to Asia, Africa
*AFN SSB relays from Key West should end soon; another frequency
*Editorial on absolute free speech: WBCQ should carry Nazis:
 see November editorial at
*Al Weiner now originating from Kennebunk on WBCQ
*WWBS, Macon, Georgia update; on next month?
*Matt Drudge has links to 100+ columnists, liberal and 
*Jim Bohannon back on a widely-heard clear channel in the east;
 Gil Gross cancelled by CBS?
*Diane Rehm Show plans guest author of "Raised on Radio"
*Philadelphia station resumes Steve Friedman's movie talk show
*Kevin Klose moves from IBB to NPR
*Special mediumwave DX tests Nov 23, 30: KQTY, KEYZ, KNZZ
*New club on the web:
*CBL Toronto gets a reprieve
*Honduras SW frequencies active on 60 meters
*Amateur emergency frequency 14265 continues for Honduras relief
 make relief contributions to
*Arnie Coro invites harmonic DX reports for website; including 
*Colombian clandestine heard again, schedule
 clip at
*In the midst of the 965th WOR, or P O Box 
 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA; fax is back, 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
*R. Minurca for Central African Republic finally on the air
*V. of the Broad Masses of Eritrea on new frequencies
*Schedule for BBC Meridian programme about Lilliburlero, Nov 21+
*Other BBC previews: Waveguide; Assignment on Northern Ireland;
 Off the Shelf: Willa Cather; The Idea of the City; Movie Call;
 On Your Behalf; Electronic Jukebox
*Low-frequency CW test from Netherlands beginning Nov 14
*Revised Spain schedule for English to Africa
*Budapest confirmed active on 11 meter band
*R. Baltic Waves technical info and plans
*A late-afternoon Eastern European tour on 7 MHz: Budapest, 
 Prague, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece one after another
*Romania heard better in our mornings than evenings again
*New 60-meter frequency from Baghdad, Iraq
*Iran going to International Court of Justice over RFE/RL Farsi
*Good frequency from All India Radio could be used to N America
*V. of Tibet on new frequencies
*R. New Zealand used 25m frequency by mistake
*DX-394 closing out at Radio Shack, price decreasing
*Never heard of UT? Swatch establishes new "Biel Mean Time" 
 standard for netizens; see
*Eleven meter band activity: another Florida frequency; French
 ski resorts
*Leonid meteor shower could be a big storm; monitoring tips on
 SW, FM and TV
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Nov 10
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser, concluding WOR 965; don't forget our Bhutan
 special next week                                         ###

BHUTAN [non]. WORLD OF RADIO 966 will be a special edition for 
the 25th anniversary this month of the Bhutan Broadcasting 
Service (originally Radio NYAB), with a Wavescan special from 
Adrian Peterson, AWR. Includes history of the station and its 
belated discovery by the DX world, background on the country, 
versions of the national anthem and other music, current schedule, 
and where to see Bhutanese architecture in the USA. Release dates:
Nov 19 on WWCR, Nov 20 on WRN, RFPI, Nov 21 on WGTG, Nov 22 on
KNOR/KOKC, Nov 28 on WPKN, Nov 29 on WSUI. We do not offer QSLs 
for WOR, but Wavescan will QSL this edition only, from Box 29235,
Indianapolis IN 46229. For the latest details of WOR scheduling 
see (Glenn Hauser, WOR)