WORLD OF RADIO #960, produced Oct 7, 1998 by Glenn Hauser

*Standard disclaimer
*SNAFU last weekend with DX Block getting Communications World on
*WOR did appear and is supposed to appear first on the UT Monday
 0500 repeat on 3210
*Continent of Media should start Oct. 16 on RFPI, Fri 1930 and
 Sat 1730, 8 and 15 hours later; and soon on at
*COM Topic Summary as on
*Baygen windup radios on sale at Radio Shack, Camping World
*Boston Sunday Globe: Spies hang out on the bottom of the dial
*Progress of Solar Cycle 23, by Robert Jones
*26 MHz CB from Europe heard in Quebec
*And Seattle 11-meter KIRO relay
*More receiver news: Kiwa about to sell upgrade IF filters for
 Sangeans; see
*New Zealand already on summer time, shifting some programmes
*RNZI's summer frequencies from Oct 25
*R. Tirana, Albania, jumps 8.5 kHz
*Breaking an old habit: names of broadcasting seasons changed
 from Z and W to A and B
*R. Bulgaria's B-98 English schedule
*V. of Russia barely heard in English
*Czech polls show jitters about hosting broadcasts to Iraq, Iran
*Norway's frequency manager needs more technical monitors along
 US west coast with E-mail; possibility of revived English; 
 plans for 21 and 25 MHz usage
*Offshore 98, special broadcasts in Europe Oct 17-18
*Via SW, FM, AM, satellite, cable, internet, W.O.R. 960; Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if really
 necessary: 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser  See our all-text website:
*BBC journalists threaten to strike over technical problems
*BBC WS previews: Play of the Week, Off the Shelf, The Way We Are,
*Another X-band station, from Kalamazoo
*Radio Nouveaute, Haitian Creole pirate in Boston (recording)
*WWCR has posted new October program schedule: Presidential Radio
 Address times; new Punjabi program is mostly music, from Quebec
*WBCQ program news from Webmistress Tina; see new schedule at - Some new programs; plans for DX show
*New Portuguese DX program from Brazil
*Angola has new SW radio service in national languages, Ngola Yeto
*Star Radio, Liberia, on reduced power
*China via Mali, Kunming new frequencies
*Mongolia's domestic shortwave frequencies unheard
*New program/station from Sakhalin
*Indonesia requires news be funnelled through official ANTARA
*Malaysia does not allow foreign journalists to use state agency
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Oct 6; [flux peak 140]
*Propagation outlook from Ottawa, Sept 30
*World of Radio 960; or P O Box 1684, Enid,
 OK 73702 USA. Join me again next week                      ###