WORLD OF RADIO #949, produced July 15, 1998 by Glenn Hauser *Standard disclaimer *Donations needed for express delivery of tapes to WWCR ($10 per week), WGTG ($7 per week), any multiples welcome, to P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 *Mundo Radial, Spanish DX Report for July starts the 16th on WWCR *WBCQ Maine plans to start testing in August *Read more about Weiner and offshore radio in book-in-progress: *Brother Stair dropped 75m and most other German relays *WSB demolishing its White Columns mansion *KAAM in the Metroplex doomed to be Disney instead of big-band *The second KWFT still silent in move to black hole of Metroplex *Radio Free Vinyl using 27 MHz band *Arthur Kobres, Tampa pirate, granted probation, home detention *RCI has first new QSL card in three years, Mounties *DXer discovers Bahamas FM station from Abaco *RHC splattering over entire 22 meter band *Caribbean Beacon on MW admits to low-power operation *Rdif Nacional de Colombia sked includes English hour *Colombian clandestines more active before peace talks *More and more transmitters on line from Voz Cristiana, Chile *Mauritius considers resuming SW on digital, or Internet *Voice of Sudan, clandestine schedule includes English *Media Zoo changing frequency *More money for BBC World Service *BBCWS previews: The Money Makers; Musical of the Week; Proms Concerts; A Green History of the Planet; Play of the Week *Via AM, FM, SW, Satellite, Cable, Internet, W.O.R. 949, Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if really necessary: 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser; check our website for latest info on all our broadcasts and publications: *R. Prague doubling up transmitters, at least in Spanish *Belarus retimes external service, now to NAm? English times *R. Free Belarus planned in fall from Poland on mediumwave *Europe's SW Relay Service schedule for rest of July *Afghanistan bans television equipment *Thailand's new frequency to Europe *BBC Thailand reaching CNAm late at night on 13m *Tahiti gone again from SW, and WYFR takes over frequency *Tasmanian(?) pirate heard on 60m band *R. New Zealand International must cut staff, Pacific programming, and hours on the air starting August 3 *Dispute over whether there is really a funding cut; opposition MP objects to RNZI cuts; which islands lose their programs *Propagation outlook from Ottawa, July 8 *Propagation outlook from Boulder, July 14 - flux peak 122 *W.O.R. 949; Glenn Hauser in Enid, Oklahoma, hoping you'll join me again next week ###