GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-37, Sept 1, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1001: See topic summary at CONTINENT OF MEDIA 99-06 is now available at and soon will be at RFPI, Fri 1900, Sat 1730, Tue 2000, Wed 1730, most repeated 8 and 16 hours later on some of: 6975, 15049, 21460-USB ** ALGERIA. Gayle Van Horn advises that there was a typo in her previous widely circulated item: should be 15160, not 15150 (Hauser) ** BELGIUM [non]. RVI, half hour NAm service in English via Bonaire was a no-show Mon Aug 23 at 2230 on 15565. I couldn't check at 0400. All OK Aug 24 at 2230, and at 0400 (Bob Thomas, CT, WORLD OF RADIO 1001) ** BRAZIL. 6060 BRAZIL "R Tupi, Sistema Universo da Comunicacao", Sep 9, 0858, in an ID-slot during usual "A Voz da Libertacao" programming ( via Henrik Klemetz, regarding: 6060 & 9565, stn here now IDs as R. Tupi, not R. Universo; hrd 0628 Aug 11 with new ID, long nxcast, 0655 mx; hrd next day from 0100 with new ID and religious sermon; still ancg old callsigns ZYE727/726, but new ID is "R. Tupi de . . ," followed by a long name which was unreadable (Ernie Behr, Ont., via Hauser) ** CHINA [non]. Contrary to the report in BC-DX that CRI's English relay at 2300 was heard on 5995, at least on Aug 26 I am still hearing it on 5990; almost inaudible amid noise at start, but up to poor reception by 2355 closing announcement, which *still* says nothing about any broadcast in English at 2300. It always takes forever for CRI's own new schedule info to reach their own announcers/continuity production. This is surely Cuba, as previously established, not Mali. (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** CUBA. I'm not surprised to hear second harmonic of RHC 6000 on 12000 on my Kenwood R-2000. However, UT Aug 19 at 0300 I checked on Turkey [11655]. Very faint. I heard splatter and on 11650 AM I heard audio. However, to understand it I had to go to USB. There was R. Havana in English. I had to retune to 11650.4. It wasn't strong enough to be an active frequency so it was an image or their transmitter is really pumping away. It may be a stray from their 11705 USB ?? (Bob Thomas, CT, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** CUBA [and non]. R. Marti still using 5985, when rechecked 1115 Sept 1, so must not be a mistake; instead of 5890. The incompetent dentro- cubano commie jammers are still bubbling away against nothing on 5890, and as yet I can detect no jamming on 5985 tho the RM signal is very strong; //6030 which is also very strong, but jamming audible. Marti on 5985 first noted here a few mornings before, first as image on 5085, 2 x 450 kHz below super-strong 5985 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1001) ** ECUADOR [non]. > unID. 12020, hrd daily at *2100-2230* w/Arabic relig pgm, not Islamic anncg Marseilles addr in French at 2228; vy strong since Aug 1. (Ernie Behr, Ont., Aug 23, via Hauser) The ILG Database lists HCJB via the Skelton UK relay site. Arabic from 2100-2230, according to the list. Best 73, (Mark Veldhuis, Netherlands, hard-core-dx) ** EUROPE. SWRS, 7465, Aug 28 0245-0300+ very weak with IDs, Germany address; stronger on //11470. Relaying other pirates (Brian Alexander, PA) Not to be confused with WRMI on 7465 after 0330 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** IRAN. VOIRI was coming in very well UT 0030-0130 Aug 28-30 on both 9795 & 9022. A friendly-sounding mailbag program was heard Aug 28 (UT Sat) from 0055 tune-in to 0125. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** ITALY. R. Roma, NAm English at 0050 announces 6010. No mention of 15240. //9675 and 11800. I've heard nothing on 6010. I've head 15240 well Aug 13-15, no show 16, 17 and 18, barely audible 19th; very good Aug 20, 21, 22. It was just barely audible Aug 23. 15240 worked Aug 24. So, it's propagation (Bob Thomas, CT, WORLD OF RADIO 1001) RAI announcers/tape obviously going by winter sked when 6010 was in use -- close enough for government work in the middle of the night (Hauser, RIB) ** JAMAICA [non]. No one from the DC area ever answered my query about whether WPFW had Caribbean news Saturday around 8 pm ET, as I had FM DX several weeks ago on 89.3, a frequency also used in Jamaica. Aug 27 I finally got around to checking - and yes, they do have a show Saturday evening called "Caribbeana" including news. Hmmm, would that be pronounced "car-i-be-AN-uh" ? (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** LIBYA. V. of Africa, 15415, Aug 21 and 27, into English news at exactly same time both dates, 2329-2333, then unID language. No other freqs heard. Strong but slight hum (Brian Alexander, PA, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** LITHUANIA. Radio Vilnius reported on 17th August that Lithuanian Radio and Television was facing a crisis and was $2 million in debt. The report said that it could mean the reduction of domestic and external services including the possible cancellation of the English service. (Paul Watson, World DX Club via Mike Barraclough, WORLD OF RADIO 1001) ** MADAGASCAR [non]. CLANDESTINE 17495 Radio Tamil Oli Via Madagascar 11.28 - 12.28 in Tamil with the first ten minutes with IDs in Tamil, then French and then Tamil again by mentioning Reunion, Mauritius, Tamilnigum (probably Tamil of India) Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia ..... 11.38 Interview followed by Telephone in program with lots of talk 11.58 Talk with a Tamil Muslim 12.15 talk on Yugoslavia Kosovo Nato until went off at 12.28. Good Reception until 12.00 and became noisy after that. (August 29 Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius via Hauser) ** MONGOLIA. Beware of the two websites of VOM, one of which is NOT official tho it looks as if it be. VOM confirmed here Aug 31 at 1200 starting English on 12015, and announcing the other two broadcasts are at 1500 and 1900 on 12015 and 9720, not as given at which was reached by EDXP's new Asia Link which said 12085 at 1210. "VOICE OF MONGOLIA FREQUENCY GUIDE [INCORRECT WEBSITE, WRONG INFO!!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadcast Schedule (1999) March 29-September 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- English Australia 1210-1240 12085 South Asia 1430-1500 9720, 12085 Europe 1830-1900 9720, 12085" (VOM website as accessed by gh Aug 28 via EDXP's AsiaLink) Reception at 1200 was fairly strong, but with heavy flutter, making comprehension difficult. The correct site is supposed to be at, but I don't have the URL handy (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** NETHERLANDS. RN's English service is too clever for its own good in some of its slogans: "Water covers 2/3 of the world; Radio Netherlands covers the rest." Are we supposed to believe that RN coverage is restricted to land areas? You can't get it at sea? I daresay there is no part of the globe not "covered" to some extent by this SW station with multiple relay sites, as is the case with all other major broadcasters. But if they insist, we must assume you've got to be landbound to hear RN... (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** NETHERLANDS. In regard to Radio Netherlands mentioned in RIB, I wrote RN and 7 other international broadcasters a nice SHORT letter about 12 weeks ago and NEVER GOT A RESPONSE, while the other 7 broadcasters have already responded. In fact, I've written RN twice without a response. It is no big deal anyway, I rarely listen to RN. In the last couple of years, RN has gone over the top trying to be "too cute" and "more American than Americans". Why doesn't RN try being Dutch for once? (Rather than a Euro version or clone of NPR!) Media Network is sometimes an enjoyable listen. RN clearly now does not have the talent it had just a few years ago. (Tom Welch, TX, Aug 29, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** NIGERIA. Heard Radio Nigeria back on 4770 till 23 Friday, Aug 27, and Tues, Aug 31 with music and news in English, then signing off with anthem. Possibly from Kaduna? (Donna Ring, MD) Surely (Hauser) ** NIGERIA [non]. R. Kudirat, 11560, Aug 22 1900- English political talk. Local African music, IDs. Some vernacular talk. Weak but in the clear (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1001) ** TAIWAN. RTI NAm svc at 0200 did not run English Aug 23 and 24. Instead Chinese pop tunes and talk in Chinese Aug 23 until English came on at 0300. Aug 24 Chinese pop until 0220 corrected to English. Y2K problems? (Bob Thomas, CT, WORLD OF RADIO 1001) ** U K O G B A N I. Brain of Britain 1999. I enjoyed the first program which was aired Sun. Aug 29 at 2230. Too bad that there is only one repeat for Europe & the Americas[NON], at 0920 Mondays. Good luck trying to hear BBCWS at that time in NAm. This must be one of the longest running series on WS, as I recall listening to BoB some 30 years ago. And it's just as entertaining now as it was then! (Ivan Grishin, Ont., REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) Caught it too; a don't-miss. Set alarms for Sunday 2229 (Hauser) ** U S A. WRMI 7465 did not carry Wavescan at the usual time 0415 UT Sat Aug 28, but after racist Herald of Truth went into something about Turkey -- didn't catch any title; 0505 recheck, SRI in English on 7465, direct? The only other known time for Wavescan on 7465, UT Sun 0430 (or maybe 0400 instead of Viva Miami) is due to get bumped next weekend for Scream of the Butterfly. It's about time for the delayed WS edition containing Bill Matthews' greeting for WOR 1000 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. WBCQ 7415 changes, from Al Weiner Worldwide, Aug 28 0000- 0100: Album Zone, 0100-0200 UT Sat, may have their last program today, due to funding. A major sponsor of two other shows, Mike Jaroe (?) Electronics, is pulling out, so they may be in trouble: Uncle Ed's Musical Memories, Mon and Wed 2000-2100, and Tom & Darrell Show, early Suns. Starting next week is American Innovation, re scientific inquiries, patent system, etc., Sun 2130-2200, also Tue/Wed/Thu 2130- 2300 UT (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. Made a point of checking out "Northern Frontier," new show on WWCR-3 12160, Sat 1930 Aug 28: Started already at 1929 with a pop rendition of "O Canada". "Tonight's" show started with a story of an American's complaint about thorough search he endured upon entering Canada at Surrey, BC. Show is sponsored by LR Tech (as in Long Ranger), in Sharbut Lake, Ont., pushing "Silver Oxy hyper-oxygenated colloidal silver"; body of show a tape from a San Diego conference on Y2K preparedness; and more Y2K stuff next week: so this has little to do with Canada, just another paranoid/anti-government show pushing questionable products. I never detected any tell-tale Canadian accent markers in the host's speech, either. Musical closing with a Canadian prayer; finished at 1956 when WWCR ran an anti-fraud PSA to fill (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. What happened to WGTG's Web presence? The purpose of a station's Web site is to inform the listeners of programming details, transmission times and more. It is certainly cheaper than postal mail, and spreads the message worldwide. Just look at the Web sites of stations that carry World of Radio: WWCR, Radio for Peace International. Throughout the latter half of 1998 Sundstrom, Webmaster for WGTG at, had asked Dave Frantz of WGTG to provide updated programming and transmitter schedule information on a monthly basis. For whatever reasons known only to Frantz, the information was never forthcoming. Finally, a Winter transmitter schedule was provided to Sundstrom in early January 1999, and a few more changes were made to the Web site. Without notice, in mid-January 1999, Frantz moved to a new Web site at and dropped Sundstrom and the ISP. The pages on the new site were copied from the old site and have not been updated since January 13, and E-mail addresses and links no longer work. The new site apparently never made it into the search engines, making WGTG just about invisible to those who searched for WGTG after the pages were removed from the old ISP's servers. You can draw your own conclusions about the operation of WGTG. At least on the Internet, there have been no signs of life from northeast Georgia for the past seven months. (WORLD OF RADIO 1001) ** U S A. WAFN, 1700, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, FL. Aug 21-22 2345-0315+. Test broadcast of new all-sports x-bander with tape loop of sports clips, IDs. "The station named after you, the fan, 1700 - The Fan." Also gave definite location and call letters which sounded like WAFN. Poor-fair, fading in and out, mixing with KBGG and also mixing with JFK Int'l Airport TIS. Ex-WRNU Miami Springs? Also heard same tape loop Aug 27-28 but no mention of WAFN or Miami, Ft Lauderdale as heard a week earlier. At 0000 and 0300 Aug 28 gave "WRNU, Miami Springs" ID (Brian Alexander, PA, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. SIXTY MINUTES ON RADIO [not] Last winter, CBS-owned stations were simulcasting 60 Minutes at 0000 UT Monday; last Sunday at 2300 UT, 6 pm CDT, I happened to be in the car so checked KRLD-1080 Dallas, but no 60 Minutes, just CBS Radio news on the hour. Are any other CBS stations still doing it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING Aug 29) ** YUGOSLAVIA. Radio Yugoslavia had their mailbag program, "Box 200", UT Mon 0445 on the usual freqs of 9580 & 11850. This was probably on as well during the earlier transmission at 0000. A nice program, but rather short (Ivan Grishin, Ont., REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** PROPAGATION: SW FADEOUT Quite a shortwave fadeout was in evidence Saturday afternoon, Aug 28, at 1800 UT check, impossibilizing the hearance of WOR 1000 on RFPI. I found not a single signal was strong enough to stop the ATS-909 scan -- at full gain with external antenna -- on the 21, 17, 15, 11 and 9 MHz bands -- not even WWCR 9475, normally overpowering; nor VOA with Greece on 17765, ditto. Only a trace of the latter signal could be detected. However, WEWN on 13615 was still pounding in! And lesser signal from WHRI 13760, Marti 13820, those improving after 1815. There's something about 13 MHz... Not a single WWV frequency was audible at 1818 when I was eager to hear what they had to say about the situation. Typically in the aftermath, higher frequencies came back first, with 21460-USB audible by 1840, but 15049 didn't catch up until about 15 minutes later. After 1900, the usual 21 MHz signals from all over were up to normal or supernormal levels. WWV reported at 1918: For August 27: Solar flux 223; A index 9. K index at 1800 UT Aug 28 4. Last 24 hours: solar activity high; geomagnetic field quiet to active. **A major flare occured at 1800 August 28**. Next 24 hours: Solar activity moderate to high; geomagnetic field quiet to active (Glenn Hauser, OK, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ###