GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-24, June 3, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO BACK ON THURSDAYS. WWCR has switched our 2030 time on 15685 from Tuesdays back to Thursdays, as of May 27. This will make the first airing on WOR more timely again. WOR on WWCR is now: Thu 2030 15685 Sat 1130 12160 Sun 0230 5070 Sun 0630 5070 Mon 0501 3210 Tue 1230 15685 THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 991. See topic summary at BELGIUM [non]. More mixups at RVI: Checking for Radio World via Bonaire 15565 at 0400, UT Sun May 30 had Music from Flanders; UT Mon May 31 no Radio World but Friday? program (Joe Hanlon, PA, June 1, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) CANADA/INDONESIA. I spoke with the CBC's frequency manager's secretary about 15150 at 1900-2100, and told her how RCI was clashing with the Voice of Indonesia. She told me she would look into this problem and speak to Mr. Hendro Martono, the director of the English service, VOI. She had no intentions of moving to a different frequency, but I indeed told her that they are also broadcastiong to Asia and Africa at that same time (Gordon Hein, Jr., Alcester SD, May 17, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) CHINA [non]. CRI relay at 2300 on 5990 is still intermittent, missing entirely some days and sometimes having mixing problems when they are on (Ivan Grishin, Ont., May 25, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) COLOMBIA [non]. FARC has just set up an FM station in Stockholm, Sweden, R. Cafe Stereo, 88.4 at 0815-1045; slogan calls for seizing Colombian embassies in Europe (Semana website, Bogota, May 17 via BBC Monitoring (C) summarised by Hauser) COSTA RICA. RFPI news from the Mailbag as repeated June 2 at 0330 with James Latham and Joe Bernard: Have given up on carrying Pacifica News, due to $2000 cost for affiliation required, and 3-4 hours of downloading it took to get the half-hour show. Instead, RPFI from May 31 and for the new programming quarter from June 1, is starting its own production, Progressive Network News, M-F at 2200, length varying 20-30 minutes; includes Kosovo report, and Chiapas news. The FM transmitter [101.3] is being moved to a hilltop for better coverage. Expects to get a grant from Rotary to install for backup power a "massive photovoltaic array"; and a 1000-watt wind generator, which they hope will not get blown away itself! 15050 has been off the air due to lightning strikes [but on as of June 2] and 21460 has been off with a fan problem, but back soon [also on as of June 2]. Everything is recycled at RFPI, including computer paper, printing it on both sides. Institute for Progressive Communication has some great students, and three from May are staying over another month in June [and presumably involved in PNN production]. (via Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) CUBA. RHC's DXers Unlimited was playing the tape backwards, at 0330 UT Wed [May 26, I believe -gh], but was forwards at 0130 (George Thurman, TX) Haven't heard it past couple weeks but nothing about this on June 1 show; did Arnie ever say anything about the China relays, forwards or backwards? Check his scripts at website (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 991) EUROPE. SWRS, Shortwave Relay Service, 11470-USB, heard May 9 0720 with Euro-pops. Many multi-lingual IDs with Wuppertal, Germany address. Acknowledged listeners' letters; weak, but in the clear with quiet conditions. Also May 14-15, 2310-0230+. Variety of rap, US pops, Euro pops. IDs and Germany address. Heard throughout my local evening with SWRS programming and also rebroadcasting several different pirates, including WLIQ. Fair-good; gone at 0303 check (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 991) FINLAND [non]. Subject: NUNTII LATINI Glenn, You can read YLE's Weekly Latin news broadcast on the CBC's web site at: Also includes an English translation and interesting comments. The website includes previous newscasts. CBC Radio's overnight service carries YLE, which explains the connection bwtween YLE & CBC (Ivan Grishin, May 25, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) GREECE. V. of Greece at 0000-0350 to NAm is on 12105 ex-15630, but still //11645, 9420, 7450 (Joe Hanlon, PA, June 1, WORLD OF RADIO 991) NEW ZEALAND. I heard RNZI change freqs at 1130 from 9700 to 6100 on May 24 to carry a silly ball game. I thought they were supposed to use 6105 when they're on late. WSHB on 6095 was making life difficult for NZ on 6100. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., May 25, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) NIGERIA [non]. See the latest SENTECH update below. The two "WRN" transmissions at 1900-2000 on 6205 and 11560 are obviously R. Kudirat Nigeria, which in an open (?) secret is fed from London studios via WRN satellite facilities - but according to this has just been deleted. Is anyone still hearing them?? Nothing audible here June 2 at 1900 on 11560 but that's inconclusive (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 991) SOMALIA. R. Mogadishu, V. of the People of the Somali Republic, in support of Husayn Muhammad Aydid, was heard May 19 at 1700 on 6980, for the first time in over three months. There had been reports of technical and staff disputes at the station ((C) BBC Monitoring May 19 summarised by Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 991) SOUTH AFRICA. More freq changes for Channel Africa arrived on Saturday: UTC UTC Freq. Antenna Power from to in khz bearing in kw Studio Remarks 1900-2000 11560 330 250 WRN (deleted) 1900-2000 6205 328 250 WRN (deleted) (Comments to Andre du Toit. May 29 via BC-DX May 31) U K O G B A N I. Hi Glenn, Merlin Network One made its last 24 hour broadcast May 28. It is now only on the air Monday to Friday 1600-1700 on 6175 via Skelton (Mike Barraclough, England, May 29) It'll be interesting to see how and if Eric Wiltsher explains the drastic cuts to SW from MNO -- he's been such a promoter, tho always regarded SW as secondary (Hauser) I've checked the 1600 6175 Monday to Friday broadcast and it is Roy Masters Foundation of Human Understanding which according to the Jaybee Newsline, which is a telephone based information service, has a paid contract with MNO. The satellite service is apparently continuing and they are talking about putting the network out on the internet, (Mike Barraclough, England, June 1, WORLD OF RADIO 991) VIETNAM. This English programme schedule just in from the Voice of Vietnam; currently heard at 1700-1728 on 12070 via Russia; 1800-1828, 1900-1928, 2030-2058 on 13740 (Edwin Southwell, England, May 30) Daily: News and Current Affairs followed Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri by Press Review. Final items are: Mon - Vietnam Land and People Tue - Vietnam Culture and Sports Wed - Letter Box & Talk of the Week Thu - Vietnam Economy; Business Forum Fri - Rural Vietnam Sat - Weekly Review; Historical Events; Music Sun - Sunday Show (via Southwell, WORLD OF RADIO 991) ###