GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-11, March 3, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only provided full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO NEW TIME ON WWCR: TUESDAY 2130 on 15685, confirmed as from March 2. See latest shortwave-only master sked at THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 979: See topic summary at NEW CONTINENT OF MEDIA 99-02 about to appear on RFPI, Fri 1900, Sat 1730 plus 8 and 16 hours later; and on See topic summary at BELGIUM [non]. Confirmed as Saturday night banquet speaker at the Kulpsville PA SWL Winter Fest March 13 is Frans Vossen of RVI (Bill Oliver via Joe Hanlon via Hauser) CONGO. R. Bukavu. Although this station continues to identify itself as "RTNC Bukavu" (RTNC = Radio-Television Nationale Congolaise) it is currently controlled by rebel forces of the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) and no longer relays programming from RTNC in Kinshasa. Is on 6713.3-usb and 88.04 FM to domestic targets only, multilingual daily 0400-0650, 0900-1800 including news in French at 0430, 1030 and 1630; news in Swahili at 0630 ((c) BBC Monitoring Feb 25, 1999 via WORLD OF RADIO 979) Also heard Feb 25 at 1620-1803* in French, African language, Swahili, reception extremely difficult, on 6713 USB (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, WORLD OF RADIO 979) IRAN [non]. As shown in the new WWCR sked for Mar, R. International (why they call it Perspectives on Iran, I don't know) has been rescheduled to M-F 1400-1430 on 15685. I forget to check Fri Feb 26 but it was on when checked Mon Mar 1. This has bumped VOA Communications World repeat from Tue at 1400 to Thu at 1330 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) OKLAHOMA. KWTV-9 OKC heard on 26450 with "News 9 at Noon", local OK news, March 2 at 1805, including about an election in Enid (Alan Roberts, Montreal PQ, via Hauser) Previously unknown talkbacker U S A. Spectrum finally came back UT Mon March 1 at 0200 on WWCR 5070, judging from the final minute I remembered to tune in at 0259 (Hauser) WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Polisario radio reportedly on 9902 kHz. According to the web site of the Polisario Front radio station, National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic ( the radio currently broadcasts on 9902 at 1800-2200, as well as on mediumwave 1550. (The radio, which began broadcasting in 1979, is believed to be based in the Western Saharan refugee camps near Tindouf, Algeria. It broadcasts in Arabic and Spanish. The shortwave outlet has not been confirmed.) ((C) BBC Monitoring Feb 24 via WORLD OF RADIO 979) ###