GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-08, Feb 11, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only provided full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO ON WBCQ: Due to WWCR cancelling our first broadcast Thursdays at 2130 on 9475, from Feb 10 we are doing a phone-feed only minutes after production is completed, Wednesdays at 2200 on WBCQ 7415. THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 976: See topic summary at: AUSTRALIA. Glenn, Am puzzled at your reference to joint use of 9660 by RA/HCJB. Current RA usage of 9660 is Brandon 10 kW 10 degrees *2100- 0800*, Shepparton 100 kW 30 degrees *1200-2100*. No use of 9660 between 0800 and 1200 unless a facility/antenna test or similar, or ID signal tape on early prior to 1200. HCJB on 9660 *1130-1200* in Japanese to Japan. Plse advise further! Regards (Bob Padula, Australia) I agree that on subsequent checks it's only HCJB during this half hour, but on the date reported I was sure it was mixing with RA //9580. As you suggest, perhaps Shep was up early on 9660, so RA was at fault, not HCJB (Glenn Hauser, OK) BULGARIA. Please note: The aired tip in World of Radio #973 and CW on Jan 23 that since Jan 28 R Bulgaria will cease txions in Sp language is not correct. (Ivo Ivanov Frequency Manager, PanIview-BUL, Feb 1 via BC- DX) Report was that Spanish would be terminated at end of March, not Jan! So does Ivo deny this too? (Glenn Hauser, OK) CHIAPAS [non]. What exactly are the scheduled times for the Zapatista show, which got you so much publicity in the Wired story? (Glenn Hauser to RFPI) Glenn, we have not heard from NPC about the future of the show. They produced only that one Spanish program (Chiapas: El Mundo Habla). (Joe Bernard, RFPI, Feb 10, via Hauser) CROATIA. Croatian Radio Domestic Service First Program on shortwave: 1000-1800 on 13830, 2100-2200 on 9860-Juelich, 9830 0600-1730, 7525 1600-2000, 7305 0500-0800, 7185 0800-1630, 6165 0730-1630 and 2030- 0500, 5890 1800-2100. News in Croatian on the hour; and 5 minutes of English news: 0705 (Sun 0805), 0905 (Sun 1005), rest daily: 1305, 2005, 2305 URL: (Real Audio available) (BBC Monitoring Feb 4 via WORLD OF RADIO 976) CROATIA [non]. Croatian Radio External Service on SW, all via Juelich: All broadcasts will be one hour EARLIER in SUMMER. 0000-0200 9925 Am, 0200-0600 6130 Am, 0600-1000 13820 Au. In Croatian, but with Spanish news on the hour in the first broadcast, English on the others (BBC Monitoring Feb 4 via WORLD OF RADIO 976) ETHIOPIA. Ethiopian Radio announced Feb 9 that it was adding new broadcast hours to keep listeners informed of army movements at war fronts: 0600-0800 gmt in Amharic, English, Arabic, Oromo, Tigrinya, Afar and Somali; and in all the same languages at 1200- 1500 on the 31 and 41mbs. Morning 0400-0600 in Amharic and Oromo, 0800-1100 in Amharic and English remain unaffected, as well as evenings after 1500 (BBCM via WORLD OF RADIO 976) Not clear whether the 0600-0800 are also on the 31m and 41m bands, and whether previously used national frequencies 9705v and 7110 still apply, or external service frequencies 9560, 7165 (Hauser) GREECE. In a letter of Dec 21, Dionisios Angelogiannis of ERT says he has been overloaded with work and continues to be. In his new position, he hopes to find some money to install the new VOA-donated transmitters in Avlis and Thessaloniki. It is a big installation and the substructure in Avlis is not good. New building has to be done, electrical supply has to be increased. He was preparing new assignments for the next HFCC meeting in Lisbon (John Babbis, Maryland, Feb 5, WORLD OF RADIO 976) JORDAN. Checked for R. Jordan Feb 10 on 11690: around 1145, two broadcast stations mixing with heavier RTTY--one with Qur'an, presumbaly Jordan, and another in unknown language; at 1645 recheck Jordan was quite good atop minor RTTY but in Arabic instead of scheduled English--evidently they thought the King's death would be a good excuse for dropping English, let's hope temporarily--with continuous talk, no ID break at 1700, into Qur'an at 1705 and off at 1730* One can be quite sure of the identity due to frequent mentions of "Urdan" (Arabic for Jordan) and "Hashemiya" (Glenn Hauser, OK) NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Have you noticed that RN no longer has a delay between 6165 and 9845? Used to be 1-2 seconds. Further problems at Bonaire? As of Feb 4; can't comment on previous broadcasts (Dave Hughes, Kansas City MO, WORLD OF RADIO 976) No, I hadn't, but reconfirmed at 2330 check Feb 8 in sync, no delay. Suspect they took delay system offline for repairs? following my previous report (Hauser) NEW ZEALAND. I usually forget to check for RNZI Mailbox biweekly at 2135 Monday on 17675, since that expletive has quit putting out Calendar or Shows We Like! But I did so Feb 8, to find RNZI's weak signal having a very hard time against the gospel huxters from Miami/Chile on 17680 -- anyhow, it sounded like an "off" week for Mailbox (Glenn Hauser, OK, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) U K O G B A N I. BBC WS news at 1700 Feb 10 finally confirmed that the BBC German service will be cancelled; also plans to concentrate more on internet and FM relays, less on SW (Chris Hambly, Australia, WORLD OF RADIO 976) U K O G B A N I. Regarding Merlin and its failure to register with the HFCC or the ITU... I too find them to be an irritating cause of interference to French-language Africa No. 1 from Gabon on 17630 during U.S. East Coast mornings. From a programming standpoint, I find Merlin to be a bland version of BBC's Radio 2, with programs obviously taped well in advance that contain mindless chatter and boring music available elsewhere, despite repeated on-air claims to the contrary. It's sad that they feel the need to step on a well-known international broadcaster that has been using the same frequencies for as long as I can remember. (Mike Cooper, Atlanta, Feb 2, RIB) Merlin 11985 also messes up the last hour of Kuwait in English at 2000 on 11990 (Ivan Grishin, Ont., REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ###