GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-07, Feb 3, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} WWCR CANCELS FIRST WOR BROADCAST, Thu 2130 on 9475, sometime in February, perhaps immediately. Listeners who will miss it are invited to politely ask WWCR to reconsider -- - so from Feb 10, we'll make WBCQ first with a phone feed minutes after the show is finished, Wed 2200 on 7415 (Glenn Hauser) THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 975. See topic summary at COSTA RICA. A local community in a remote area of CR, which feels isolated, and is 20 km wide, wants to set up a SW station, since the FM band is claimed by commercial broadcasters, following the RFPI model, and RFPI has agreed to assist (James Latham, RFPI Millennium Dreams Feb 2 via Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 975) No further details COSTA RICA. This week's Millennium Dreams on RFPI had James and Debra Latham giving lots of info about the station and its financial situation; originally broadcast Fri Jan 29, and monitored here on a repeat UT Tue Feb 2 at 0430; excerpts follow: The "Fun-Raiser" runs through Feb 7. 1-800-291-2823. Three of the original transmitter tubes are offered as premiums for $250, along with certificates of authenticity. In 1998, there were 14 students, interns and volunteers, who collectively contributed a total of 37 months of work (not including paying IPC students). Over the past 11 years, there have been several hundred volunteers. RFPI's first year budget was only $16K, though misreported in the media as $170K. The 1998 budget of Earth Communications to run RFPI was $186,093.13, including $52K in donated goods and services, leaving $134,093.13 cash. Of this, $17,267.52 was spent on technical upgrades. Among donated expenses are the Oregon office, which is 100% volunteer; also some equipment and travel. Full time salaries went to only five people, Willie Barrantes, Joe Bernard, Debra Latham, James Latham, and through October, Robert "Bobby" Kennedy who then went on an extended leave of absence. In 1999 hopes to hire a new person for staff support and research assistant; was about to be interviewed. And an intern is currently needed. The weekly hour in French is done on a volunteer basis. Global Community Forum got three grants in 1998, one of which was from the Greensboro Justice Fund. The funder for FIRE closed the Foundation for a Compassionate Society, and reduced program from 14 to 4 hours per week, and then to zero, resulting in a budget cut at RFPI. Planned new programs in 1999 include: Deep Ecology for the XXI Century (a New Dimensions production); Wisdom Radio Network programs; Voices of Vision. The Commanity long distance phone program was dropped since that company changed and it was no longer viable for RFPI benefit. Institute of Progressive Communcations (intensive Spanish lessons and radio training) plans 4 sessions in 1999, in May, June, July and August; so far May has been confirmed. A minimum of 4 students is required for each session. Valuable contacts were made at the 1998 AMARC (community radio) meeting in Milan; RFPI hopes to exchange staff and training with Channel Africa. Technical Upgrades in 1998: Frequency synthesizers replace crystal- controlled; now RFPI can change frequency quickly, once antennas are retuned, if necessary to avoid deliberate jamming, rather than wait 3-4 weeks for new crystals to be ordered. Spare parts: key components now on hand include a tube for the 10 kW transmitter in addition to for the 30 kW; 10 kW had to operate at reduced power while a full-power cooling blower was replaced by a lower-powered blower. But now a full-power 3hp blower and motor are on standby. Brown-outs and voltage fluxuations are a continuing problem, typically 105-140+ volts, or 210-280+ when doubled. This happens when the power plant starts up a second generator without turning off the first one! Antennas: Four new ones built and installed in 1998. For 21460 - 5-element yagi at 105 feet, and directional control For 15050 - high-gain yagi, on tallest tower, now increased to 200 feet high with addition of three tower sections For 6975 - 4-element cubical quad just below the yagi at about 198 feet high. Very high gain. Boom is 55 feet long, 50 feet tall and wide, but not much wind resistance. Backup bi-directional curtain array to improve coverage toward the south, still under construction. A listener in Dublin reports RFPI's signal comparable to 500-kW WEWN. Also have added 300 feet of high- power transmission line coax. A high-speed computer was added, allowing sending and receiving programs on internet, but subject to limitations of the only ISP available in CR. FM transmitter on 101.3 has a stronger signal, heard across the valley, and in fact 3 hours away by car. Soon to be installed on a mountain increasing coverage further, something much anticipated by the Spanish department. During Fun-Raising week, planned to include stories from the archives on RFPI's peace-trip across the U.S.; interview with Paz the Cat, who runs the station. Paz recently knocked RFPI off the air whilst chasing spiders, jumping up and down on some equipment, disconnecting several mini-disc and recording machines; and the day before had to clean her hair out of a VHS recorder where she had been sleeping.... (excerpts as monitored by Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ERITREA [non]. V. of the Tigray Revolution, Mekele, Ethiopia, transmitters have been heard on 6315 and 5500 Feb 1 carrying a new station in Tigrigna, V. of Peace and Democracy of Eritrea closing at 1500 saying the next day's broadcast at 1400-1500 would be in the Kunamigna language. Immediately following at 1500 was the scheduled VOTR broadcast (BBC Monitoring, via WORLD OF RADIO 975) LUXEMBOURG [non]. "R. Luxembourg, 208" via Merlin Network One, 9915 encountered at an hour not in previous January sked, Wed Feb 3 1200, good on 9915, with top 20 hits of January 1978 at frantic pace, British news headlines from Daily Mirror. Referred to 1977 as "last year", but I believe this is a 1999 production since in 1978 they would not have kept telling us it was 1978! (Hauser, OK) VIETNAM [non]. "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!" Listen to a 15 minute Real Audio clip of an interview with Adrian Cronauer, the D.J. who was made famous by the movie, "Good Morning Vietnam!" It will be available until Friday 2/5 at Washington's WAMU (89.5 FM) where he was interviewed for their weekly magazine, "Metro Connection." He is alive and living in the DC suburb of Arlington. Here is the ram (Real audio) page: (Chet Copeland, DC, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ###