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The Verminlord's Tunnels


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Warhammer is the game of fantasy battles. If you don't play Warhammer, click on the link "Games Workshop's home page" to get to see Games Workshop's website. Warhammer is played by many people around the world. If you are just starting, there are many races to choose from. There are the good races:Dwarfs, Brettonians, The Empire, High Elves, and Wood Elves. And then there are the evil races:Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, and Undead.

For the backbone of my Skaven army, I have a large unit of Clanrats, about 50. If you need to pick off characters, post a few Jezzails on hills. For a large block of troops that even my Clanrats would be hard pressed to damage, I usually field 1 or 2 Warpfire Throwers. Stormvermin are useful little troopers. At 9.5 points per model, they are a good way to destroy small, powerful regiments that could otherwise ambush your Clanrats. When playing Skaven ALWAYS drive Slaves ahead of your main block of troops, to absorb missile casualties. (If you look in the Bestiary, they say Slaves have 2 wounds. You can always use this to your advantage.) And if you don't mind a little back stabbing, Assassins are a good choice. As they can be hidden in your troops, you get the element of surprise. From there I'd suggest a few Rat Ogres, Poisoned Wind Globadiers, some special characters and a powerful General. As special characters go, Plague Lord Skrolk is a good idea. He causes Terror, and is Frenzied. With the Rod of Corruption, a Plague Censer Bearer and the Liber Bubonicus, all this rat needs is a saving throw. HMMM.....How about the Black Amulet? However, if you have Skrolk, you must have some Plague Monks. And, if you have Plague Monks, you might as well have some Plague Priests and some Plague Censer Bearers. For a general, a Grey Seer isn't a bad idea. If you give them the right magical items, they are nearly unstoppable. If you do it right, the Children of the Horned Rat are ready to take their position as the rightful masters of the world!
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