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Civil Rights Webfind

    DIRECTIONS:  Use the URL (web address) below to research the following questions.

 1.  What was Rosa Parks connection to NAACP?

 2.  What happened to Martin Luther King in Birmingham? Who intervened?

 3.  Who were the founders of the Black Panthers (2)?

 4.  Where was Marcus Garvey born?

 5.  What is the name of the organization Garvey founded?

 6.  What was Malcolm X’s original last name?  Muslim name?

 7.  Why did DuBois not die an American citizen?  Year of death?

 8.  What is Medgar Evers wife current position?

 9.  Identify which states filed the class action suit Brown vs. Board of Education (4).

10. Which US president took a step in ending segregation of the armed forces?

11.  Name of convicted King assassin:

12.  At what universities did DuBois study?

13. What grades did MLK skip?

14.  How many honorary doctorate degrees did MLK receive?

15.  Which non-violent protest "turned many away from non-violent protests"?

16.  How did Eisehnower  feel about Brown vs. Board of Education?

17.  What was the original full name of the Black Panthers?

18.  List the points of the Panther movement you see as realistic or  worthy of merit?

19.  List the points of the Panther movement you see as unrealistic or not feasible?

20.  Which US president banned discrimination of federal employees?

21.  What was the name of Lyndon Johnson’s wife?

22.  From whom did Martin Luther King model his philosophy?  Why/who did that person protest?

23.  Where did Eisenhower send federal troops to integrate?

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