Tay's Numerology

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Taylor's Name:

1 6 9 4 1 5

2 1 7 3 6 9

8 1 5 1 6 5

Then, we added up all of the numbers in Taylor’s name together, and got a sum of 80. But we weren’t finished yet. We added the 8 and the 0 (in 80) to get the single-digit number, 8. That makes Tay an 8 (in numerological terms only, of course! Everyone knows that in looks and talent, the guy’s a perfect 10!) So what does this all say about Taylor? A lot! Eights are incredibly self-disciplined people, with high powers of concentration. They are born leaders (or in this case lead SINGERS) who like to work hard for causes. If they aim high, they almost always reach the top! Eights make great friends, but very bad enemies. Don’t ever cross an eight, they never forget. Then again, they never forget a kindness wither. Good matches for eights are twos, fours, sixes, sevens, and nines.

Here are some personalitly traits for other numbers:

1-According to numerology, ones, like eights, are natural-born leaders. They are extremely well-organized, and tend to like to do all of the work themselves. Ones love the spotlight! But they can also get a reputation for being selfish and ruthless, so they have to learn to give up the limelight once in awhile and share the glory. Ones get along well with twos and sixes.

2-Twos are more quiet and reserved. They’re fair, and are always looking to understand both sides of a situation. Twos are good friends who have amazing memories and love to talk over old times. But twos can also be super sensitive. Criticism makes them brood over hurt feelings. Twos also need to learn to stand up for themselves a bit more often. Twos make good matches for sevens, eights, and other twos.

3-Threes are dynamic, but rarely domineering. Still, they like having things done their way, and they’ll fight to get it. Threes like feeling comfortable in any situation, and they know how to make others feel that way, too. Threes are a lot of fun to be around, but they have sharp tongues that can sting. Everyone thinks they know all there is to know about a three, but nobody really does. Threes get along especially well with fours and fives.

4-Fours take duty and responsibility very seriously. But they are never dull and boring. Fours can be witty and entertaining, as well as being incredibly loyal pals. But they need to watch the annoying habit they have of saying exactly what’s on their minds. Fours get along very well with twos, threes, and eights, but they really go for fives and sixes (which can be a dangerous combination!).

5-A fives restlessness will forever keep her on the go. What a five likes is action, adventure, and plenty of excitement. And fives are always the life of the party. Fives should look at careers in communications. But be careful: Once they get jobs, fives tend to let their salaries slip right through their hands. Fives absolutely cannot hold on to money. They get along well with threes, sevens, and twos.

6-People who are sixes spend a lot of time worrying about other people’s welfare. It’s hard not to like a six because they are so kind, even-tempered, and eager to help. But sometimes sixes can be a little too trusting. People think of sixes as easy marks, and tend to take advantage of them. Sixes need to develop a little more backbone. If you’re a six, spend some time hanging out with ones, eights, and nines.

7-Sevens are trendsetters! They are always full of new and exciting ideas. They can also be deep thinkers who love to delve into a subject. But a seven never seems to feel that she’s done enough research, or that her term paper is complete enough. Nobody sets higher standards for themselves than sevens! Lighten up and enjoy life a little, you sevens out there! People think sevens are snobby, but they’re not. Sevens are just really shy people. Sevens get along really well with nines, fours, sevens, and eights.

8-If you’re an eight, take a look at the numerological characteristics we listed for Taylor. You personality should be similar to Tay’s! Cool! (Eights are incredibly self-disciplined people, with high powers of concentration. They are born leaders (or in this case lead SINGERS) who like to work hard for causes. If they aim high, they almost always reach the top! Eights make great friends, but very bad enemies. Don’t ever cross an eight, they never forget. Then again, they never forget a kindness wither. Good matches for eights are twos, fours, sixes, sevens, and nines.)

9-Nines are the true humanitarians. But sometimes that can mean trouble, because the needs of their close friends and family can take a back seat to their concern for humanity’s big picture. Nines are likely to use their money and their seemingly endless stamina to help the world. But when it comes to a nine’s own feelings, she’s extremely mercurial, up one minute, and down the next! Fours, sevens, and eights make great matches for nines!