Suzie's Photo Album

Suzie's Photo Album

Hey, and welcome to my photo place, here are just a few pictures I have!!

Oh and just click on the yellow star!
God some of these are really bad pictures.......
...and please stop writting and telling me they're black and white, I am quite aware that my scanner is a gray touch black and white's still the best I got.

This is a picture of my group on the year end trip to Canada's Wonderland. My 21 year old cousin was our group leader and she was the only leader of my school who would swear and call me a shit head the whole day.(for the rest of the leaders were teachers and the principal *tee hee*)
This is a picture of myself and my friends Magda and Amanda O in Stone Road Mall taking a picture with Sanata. It was on Navember 25, 1996. I'm the one on the top right.
This is just a picture of the group from school. You know the people you usually see at the same parties what not (never go to one of our parties, trust me). But anyways, I'm the one sitting at the front on the ground, and it was taken the last week of school.
This is another picture of our Canada's Wonderland group. I'm on the right bottom, beside my wild cousin. Oh and she doesn't call me a shit head any more, she only called me that cause I budded in line on a ride and got to go on 3 times.
This is a picture of my brother John and I on christmas like a year or two ago? I forget but I have it here.
Here is a picture of myself and Glenda and Erika. This was at track, I;m sorta in the back, the only one with pale pale skin. I got sick that day, not fun being sick and sprinting.
OK, this is a picture of Magda, myself, Kristen and Ashley D at the guys baseball practise, I'm on the left.....*I think*
This is just a picture I was having fun with on our photo studio thing program.

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