
Thorkild Dalsgaards hjemmeside > TD0E_W2K > Links sorted by: - Content - Date - Name

TD0E Links sorted by url name

PC td0e_w2k 2003-11-13 16:29:14


\ . . . Asschenfeldts . . . Asschenfeldts\Search-DK . . . Asschenfeldts\Search-Email . . . Asschenfeldts\Search-Email-DK . . . Asschenfeldts\Search-Other . . . Asschenfeldts\Search-Phone . . . Asschenfeldts\Search-US . . . Brüel & Kjær . . . Brüel & Kjær\employees . . . Brüel & Kjær\Project Web . . . Brüel & Kjær\web . . . Culture . . . Culture\Genealogical . . . Culture\Genealogical\DK . . . Culture\Genealogical\ft . . . Culture\Genealogical\German . . . Culture\Genealogical\LokalArkiv . . . Culture\Genealogical\other . . . Culture\Genealogical\tools . . . Find . . . Find\Browse . . . Find\E-mail . . . Find\files . . . Find\Internet Information . . . Find\Internet Information\whois . . . Find\MetaSearch . . . Find\mp3 . . . Find\Net Shopping . . . Find\Phone Numbers . . . Find\Pictures . . . Find\Search . . . Find\WEB_Hit_DK_97_oct . . . GoTo . . . HardWare . . . HardWare\Electronic Engineer . . . HardWare\Electronic Engineer\Firm's . . . HTML- . . . Info . . . Info\Books . . . Info\Books\DK . . . Info\DK_Services . . . Info\DK-culture . . . Info\DK-Public Service . . . Info\Magazines . . . Info\Magazines\Aviser . . . Info\News . . . Info\Newsgroups . . . Less Important . . . Less Important\Foto . . . Less Important\Foto\How2 . . . Less Important\Foto\HW . . . Less Important\Foto\Manual . . . Less Important\Foto\Publish . . . Links . . . Media . . . sh . . . Software . . . Software\CD_Covers . . . Software\Development . . . Software\Development\html . . . Software\Development\Perl . . . Software\dos . . . Software\Driver . . . Software\Freeware . . . Software\Freeware\Products . . . Software\Microsoft . . . Software\Microsoft\Scripting . . . Software\Script . . . Software\Shareware . . . Software\Test Software . . . Software\Test Software\Coverage . . . Software\Test Software\Papers . . . Software\Test Software\vt . . . Software\VB . . . td0e . . . VareFakta . . . Windows . . . Windows\2000 . . . Windows\Help . . . Windows\mdn . . . Windows\msdn . . . Windows\xp . . . ZDNet . . . ZDNet\Downloads . . . ZDNet\ZDNet Message boards . . .

Content: TD0E Links sorted by url name

file:///Y:/Pulse/Bug/PBugActiveDesk.htm . . . PBug Sorted in Fatals, Non Fatals, Inconveniences, Enhancements . . . 1999-06-02
file:///Y:/Pulse/Live_Bug/LivePBugActiveDesk.htm . . . LivePBug Sorted in Fatals, Non Fatals, Inconveniences, Enhancements . . . 1999-06-02
file:///Y:/Pulse/index.htm . . . P u l s e Quality WEB . . . 2000-06-21
file:///Y:/Pulse/index.htm . . . P u l s e Quality WEB . . . 2001-01-15
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/usa/nt40/ . . . FTP directory -bussys-winnt-winnt-public-fixes-usa-nt40- at ftp.microsoft.com . . . 1998-10-13 . . . Eric's Road-Side Stand NT4 . . . 1997-07-06
http://agent.cybercity.dk/ . . . Cybercity Agent - Hele Danmarks s¢geværkt¢j . . . 1996-09-19
http://alabanza.com/kabacoff/Inter-Links/humor.html . . . Humor . . . 1998-06-18
http://alis.dtv.dk:81/ALEPH/ENG/XXX/library-list . . . Library-list (alis.dtv.dk-81) . . . 1997-01-05
http://altavista.digital.com/ . . . AltaVista Main Page . . . 1998-06-10
http://arioch.gsfc.nasa.gov/wwwvl/engineering.html . . . Virtual Library Engineering . . . 1998-01-08
http://biron.usc.edu/~meiyinsh/link.html . . . My bookmarks . . . 1998-06-10
http://biron.usc.edu/~meiyinsh/link.html . . . My bookmarks . . . 1998-06-18
http://camtech2000.net/ . . . Camtech 2000 . . . 2003-06-30
http://camtech2000.net/Pages/Downloads.html . . . CamTechs . . . 2003-06-30
http://copenhagen.now.dk/english.html . . . Welcome to Copenhagen NOW . . . 1997-06-11
http://corporate.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp . . . Windows Update Corporate Site . . . 2002-02-05
http://danpa.dda.dk/ . . . Arkiverne . . . 2000-03-24
http://danpa.dda.dk/index.asp . . . Danmarks Nationale Privatarkivdatabase . . . 2000-03-27
http://ddd.dda.dk/KIPLINK1.HTM . . . DDD Folketællinger . . . 2001-03-29
http://ddd.sa.dk/ . . . DDD Dansk Demografisk database . . . 1997-03-17
http://developer.intel.com/ . . . Developer Home Intel . . . 1998-08-18
http://dk.photos.yahoo.com/ . . . Yahoo! Foto . . . 2001-08-27
http://dk.yahoo.com/ . . . Yahoo! Danmark . . . 2001-09-14
http://dmoz.org/ . . . ODP - Open Directory Project . . . 2001-09-14
http://download.cnet.com/?tag=txt . . . Downloads - CNET.com . . . 2001-12-21
http://ds1.internic.net/cgi-bin/tochtml/newlistings/0intro.newlistings/ . . . Newlistings . . . 1997-08-11
http://email.angelfire.com/ . . . Angelfire e-mail . . . 1998-06-10
http://engr-www.unl.edu/ee/eeshop/netsites.html . . . E.E. Network Sites . . . 1997-08-27
http://euroseek.net/index?ifl=uk . . . EuroSeek (tm) 2.0 - English . . . 1998-06-10
http://events.yahoo.com/ . . . YAHOO! Net Events . . . 1998-06-10
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=backend . . . Backend for Web Development . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=coding . . . Coding for Web Development . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=design . . . Design for Web Development . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=digitaltoys . . . Digital Toys . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=games . . . Games . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=help . . . Technical Help for Beginners (Call for Help) . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=jesse . . . Jesse Berst Alerts . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=library . . . Software Library . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=linux . . . Linux For Business . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=linux . . . Technical Help for Everyone (Computer Cures) . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=mac . . . MacTalk . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=news . . . News and Views . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=nt . . . Windows NT Help . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=office98 . . . Microsft Office Help . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=pcsolutions . . . Advanced Technical Help (PC Solutions) . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=shopper . . . Personal Shopper . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=smallbiz . . . Small Business . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=win9598 . . . Windows 95 & 98 Help . . . 1999-03-29
http://f5.dejanews.com/frameset/frameset.cgi?channel=cc&forum=y2k . . . The Year 2000 . . . 1999-03-29
http://filext.com/ . . . FILExt - The File Extension Source . . . 2002-03-27
http://foko.genealogy.net/ . . . FOKO - Die Aktion Forscherkontakte der DAGV . . . 2000-03-24
http://fotoalbum.opasia.dk/index.jsp . . . opasia.dk . . . 2001-08-27
http://fp.worldonline.dk/fpekhaaning/ . . . K.Haaning Andersen . . . 1999-12-14
http://freenews.maxbaud.net/newssrch.html . . . Free News Servers . . . 2002-01-02
http://ftp.sunet.se/ . . . SUNET - Swedish University Network's FTP-archive . . . 2001-07-12
http://ftp.sunet.se/nonags/ . . . NONAGS - sweeden . . . 2001-07-12
http://ftpsearch.lycos.com/ . . . FAST FTP Search v4.0 - The World's Largest File Search Engine . . . 2000-03-03
http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/ftpsearch . . . FTP search v3 . . . 1997-08-31
http://gateway1.four11.com/cgi-bin/Four11Main?emaildir&X=&FormId=,200,2FF2F9A,397DC01,4042ECBE . . . E-Mail Directory . . . 1996-11-11
http://geneaknowhow.net/digi/resources.html . . . Digital Resources Netherlands and Belgium . . . 2001-03-29
http://genealogy.org/ . . . Genealogy Online . . . 1997-11-02
http://google.stanford.edu/ . . . Google! Search Engine . . . 1999-01-19
http://groups.google.com/googlegroups/deja_announcement.html . . . Google acquires Deja's Usenet Archive . . . 2001-09-14
http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&group=dk.historie.genealogi . . . Google Search dk.historie.genealogi . . . 2001-09-17
http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups . . . Yahoo! Groups My Groups . . . 2003-08-18
http://grunt.dejanews.com/post.xp . . . Deja News - Post Newsgroup Article . . . 1997-01-28
http://hjem.get2net.dk/JR/ . . . KRIGEN 1864 . . . 1999-02-25
http://hjem.get2net.dk/alijakob/hoffmann/index.htm . . . Hoffmann og Knudsens . . . 2000-01-28
http://hjem.get2net.dk/virgo/ . . . Virgo . . . 2000-01-26
http://home.cnet.com/category/0-4004.html . . . CNET.com - Internet - Multimedia - MP3 - A CNET Topic Center . . . 1999-05-26
http://home.cnet.com/category/topic/0,10000,0-3712-7-280541,00.html?dd.dl.p.0504.004 . . . CNET.com - Software - Operating Systems - Windows NT - Windows 2000 Final Beta . . . 1999-05-06
http://home.microsoft.com/access/allinone.asp . . . Find Fast . . . 1998-06-10
http://home.microsoft.com/access/allinone.asp . . . Search . . . 1998-06-18
http://home.microsoft.com/defaultlinks.asp . . . Your Internet Start Page . . . 1998-06-10
http://home.microsoft.com/intl/da/ . . . Velkommen til Internettet . . . 1998-06-10
http://home.microsoft.com/intl/da/tutorial/faq.htm . . . FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - ofte stil. . . . 1998-06-10
http://home.sol.no/~noer/ . . . Erik Noers webside . . . 1998-07-22
http://home.utah-inter.net/bygones/index.htm . . . Bygones Home Page Genealogical Research Note-Keeping Freeware . . . 2000-06-09
http://home.worldonline.dk/~pvk/osalle/aner.htm . . . Gråsten . . . 2000-03-16
http://home1.dknet.dk/val/ . . . Jan Valeur . . . 1999-10-04
http://home1.inet.tele.dk/bvincent/ . . . Verdensfirmaet . . . 1998-07-24
http://home1.inet.tele.dk/p_bach/ . . . Peter Bach . . . 1998-11-05
http://home10.inet.tele.dk/ktn/ . . . Thidemann, Ketty . . . 1999-12-14
http://home13.inet.tele.dk/hvh/ . . . Hannes kirkebog download . . . 2000-06-14
http://home13.inet.tele.dk/otj/ . . . Slægts- og lokalhistorie fra Thy og Han Herred . . . 2001-11-01
http://home19.inet.tele.dk/sop/Vinyl/ . . . SOP vinyl . . . 2001-04-11
http://home19.inet.tele.dk/sop/opemus/ . . . SOP dias-scanner . . . 2001-09-27
http://home2.inet.tele.dk/kim-niel/html/gen_download.htm . . . Genealogical material for download or online viewing . . . 2000-09-01
http://home2.inet.tele.dk/laustsen/ . . . Hans Martin . . . 1998-12-07
http://home2.inet.tele.dk/richter/slaegt/index.htm . . . Hvem har set mit Slægtsnavn . . . 2000-02-16
http://home3.inet.tele.dk/abild25/ . . . Helle & Lars . . . 1999-11-08
http://home3.inet.tele.dk/elgo/ . . . Den ultimative Internet søgesite . . . 2001-09-14
http://home3.inet.tele.dk/elgo/side-38.htm . . . Om søgemaskiner . . . 2001-10-09
http://home4.inet.tele.dk/finderup/ . . . Finderups Homepage . . . 1998-07-22
http://home4.inet.tele.dk/oernboel/ . . . Lis Brock og Flemming Ørnbøll . . . 1999-03-10
http://home4.inet.tele.dk/riamtokn/ . . . IC-house Webdesign . . . 1999-08-23
http://home4.inet.tele.dk/skin_rup/ . . . Skin_rup Genealogy . . . 1998-07-23
http://home5.inet.tele.dk/kahlburg/ . . . Kaj Ahlburg . . . 1998-07-22
http://home5.inet.tele.dk/kahlburg/KB1688-1808.htm . . . Kirkebog fra Bindslev 1688-1808 . . . 1998-07-20
http://home5.inet.tele.dk/korvej/ . . . Niels Sørensens hjemmeside . . . 1999-03-29
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/flemclar/ . . . FLEMMING SVENDSENS HJEMMESIDE! . . . 1998-10-19
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/jvo/jvo_gene.htm . . . Jens V. Olsen . . . 1998-11-20
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/kammann/ . . . Peter Kammann . . . 1998-08-31
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/nelsn/ . . . Niels G Nielsen . . . 2000-01-11
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/nelsn/aner.htm . . . Bossing . . . 2000-08-22
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/niels_ma/alfnavne.htm . . . Niels Martinussen - Kit Feilberg Genealogiindex . . . 1998-10-20
http://home6.inet.tele.dk/niels_ma/slgt.htm . . . Feilberg Martinussen Slægt . . . 1998-10-26
http://home7.inet.tele.dk/batfiles/ . . . Batfiles The DOS batch file programming handbook and tutorial . . . 2003-02-19
http://home7.inet.tele.dk/jeho/ . . . Jesper Holgersen . . . 1999-01-04
http://home7.inet.tele.dk/otkjaer/slaegt.htm . . . Jan Otkjærs slægt . . . 1998-05-06
http://home9.inet.tele.dk/esholm/ . . . Erik Holm . . . 1998-08-21
http://homepages.msn.com/ . . . Free Home Pages - Home . . . 1999-07-19
http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~blksheep/ . . . International Black Sheep Society Homepage . . . 1998-07-27
http://homepages.whowhere.com/ . . . WhoWhere Personal Home Pages Directory . . . 1999-01-19
http://hotbot.lycos.com/ . . . HotBot . . . 2001-09-14
http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/01/18/index1a.html . . . All About the Favorites Icon . . . 2001-05-16
http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/ . . . Webmonkey . . . 2001-04-10
http://hvornum.com/brock_broch/ . . . Brock Broch . . . 2001-05-28
http://images.google.com/ . . . Google Images . . . 2001-06-29
http://images.google.com/ . . . Google images . . . 2001-08-23
http://inet.uni-c.dk/~kbhpol/ . . . K¢benhavns Politi . . . 1997-09-02
http://info.denet.dk/dkmap.html . . . Clickable Map of Denmark . . . 1998-06-10
http://instantbooks.com/ . . . InstantBooks.com Home Page . . . 2000-06-26
http://intranet/ . . . Brüel & Kjær - INTRANET . . . 1998-07-24
http://intranet/ . . . Intranet . . . 1999-07-22
http://intranet/bugbase/tlf.asp . . . http--intranet-bugbase-tlf.asp . . . 2000-06-06
http://intranet/personal/personalehåndbog/hoved.htm . . . Personalehåndbog . . . 2001-03-09
http://intranet/tlf/ . . . http--intranet-tlf- . . . 2001-01-23
http://ip.ter.dk/ . . . Vis IP-adresse og headers . . . 2002-02-01
http://itknowledge.com/ . . . EarthWeb ITKnowledge Home Page . . . 2000-06-26
http://joes.jubii.dk/ . . . Jubii E-mail Katalog . . . 2000-05-15
http://jubii.dk/ . . . Jubii . . . 1999-07-22
http://kvasir.dk/dk/ . . . Kvasir . . . 1998-07-24
http://kvasir.dk/dk/ . . . Kvasir . . . 1998-08-19
http://kvasir.sol.dk/ . . . Kvasir søgemaskine . . . 2001-09-14
http://learn2search.cjb.net/ . . . How to Search ... . . . 2000-01-31
http://lpwa.com:8000/ . . . The Lucent Personalized Web Assistant Proxy . . . . 1997-10-31
http://lyngby.ltk.bibnet.dk/ . . . Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommunes Biblioteker . . . 1997-09-26
http://margo.student.utwente.nl/stefan/chipdir/chipdir.htm . . . Chip directory . . . 1998-06-10
http://mediaguide.euroseek.net/ . . . EuroSeek (tm) - English - MediaGuide (TM) . . . 1999-10-18
http://mega-search.net/ . . . mega-search.net, the search engine for cd covers (psx audio pc vcd psx2 dvd dreamcast) . . . 2001-03-14
http://megapixel.dk/info/generelt.php . . . MegaPixel.dk - dit fotoalbum på nettet! . . . 2002-07-15
http://members.aol.com/axcel216/ . . . AXCEL216's MAX Speeed WinDOwS Tricks Secrets Bugs Fixes . . . 2000-11-23
http://members.aol.com/rwvtest/index.htm . . . Richard Wartner's Visual Test Programmer Page . . . 1998-11-10
http://members.tripod.com/~westland/index.htm . . . Wortels naar het verleden Roots to the past . . . 1998-08-21
http://members.xoom.com/breest/welcome.html . . . Free Server Space . . . 1998-11-05
http://msdn.microsoft.com/default.asp . . . MSDN Online . . . 1999-07-20
http://msdn.microsoft.com/developer/ . . . MSDN Online Developer Information and Resources . . . 1998-08-27
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/vtorivbscript.asp . . . VBScript . . . 2003-10-15
http://msdn.microsoft.com/mastering/online/ . . . Mastering Series Online . . . 1999-07-20
http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting/default.htm?/scripting/start.HTM . . . Microsoft Scripting Technologies . . . 1998-08-18
http://msdn.microsoft.com/subscriptions/index/ . . . MSDN Subscriptions . . . 2002-06-03
http://msdn.microsoft.com/training/default.asp . . . MSDN Online Training Home Page . . . 1999-07-21
http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/ . . . Microsoft Visual Basic Home Page . . . 1999-10-21
http://msdn.microsoft.com/winlogo/appspec.asp . . . MSDN Online - Windows Logo Program . . . 1999-07-06
http://news.cis.dfn.de/ . . . News.CIS.DFN.DE - News.FU-Berlin.DE . . . 2000-03-24
http://nonags.com/index.html . . . NONAGS Freeware Shareware World Center . . . 1997-10-26
http://nt2275/bugbaseview/ . . . http--nt2275-bugbaseview- . . . 1999-09-22
http://ntbeta.microsoft.com/ . . . Windows 2000 Beta Web . . . 1999-01-15
http://nwi.dtv.dk/ . . . NWI danish service point . . . 1997-09-29
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/all-courses.htm#Electrical%20Engineering%20and%20Computer%20Science . . . MIT OpenCourseWare Master Course List . . . 2003-10-13
http://odin.bk.dk/ . . . ODIN . . . 1998-01-16
http://odin.bksv.com/default.asp?ID=1114 . . . ODIN - PULSE Platform . . . 2003-10-07
http://oplysning.cybercity.dk/ . . . oplysning.cybercity.dk . . . 1998-06-10
http://oplysning.jubii.dk/ . . . Jubii Oplysning . . . 2000-05-15
http://oplysningen.teledanmark.dk/menu/sm2.htm . . . www.teledanmark.dk Oplysningen . . . 2001-09-14
http://oris.net/sqadisc_frm.htm . . . Frameset for ORIS.Net SQA Discussion . . . 1997-05-12
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/NormanMadsen/ . . . Norman Madsen's Danish and Swiss Genealogy Home Page . . . 2001-04-04
http://patent.womplex.ibm.com/ibm.html . . . IBM Patent Server Home Page . . . 1997-02-27
http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/visbas-l.html . . . Archives of VISBAS-L@PEACH.EASE . . . 1998-06-10
http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/scripts/wa.exe?A0=VISBAS-L&D=0&X=1269B55CE0BB4186B6&Y=tdalsgaard@hotmail.com . . . Archives of VISBAS-L@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM . . . 2000-01-28
http://people.yahoo.com/ . . . Yahoo! People Search . . . 2001-09-14
http://people.yahoo.com/ . . . Yahoo! People Search . . . 2000-05-15
http://people.yahoo.com/ . . . Yahoo! People Search . . . 1999-01-19
http://perso.chello.fr/users/l/lf/ . . . AiLEF v1.2 . . . 2001-10-15
http://pinstripe.opentext.com/ . . . Livelink Pinstripe Slice Search . . . 1998-06-18
http://promo.net/pg/ . . . PROJECT GUTENBERG INDEX . . . 1997-08-10
http://pulse100/WindowsSoftwareFaggruppe/ . . . Windows Software Faggruppe . . . 2000-08-28
http://pulse100/WindowsSoftwareFaggruppe/softwaretest/index.htm . . . Software Test . . . 1999-04-06
http://pulse100/labshop/status.htm . . . Project Web -- Status . . . 2000-11-14
http://qaforums.com/ . . . QA Forums . . . 1999-11-04
http://ranger.s3graphics.com/swlib/395drv/ . . . Savage4 (394-398) Drivers . . . 2003-05-12
http://realguide.real.com/stations/ . . . Real.com Radio Tuner . . . 2001-07-05
http://rgb.dk/nycopy/ . . . Copy & Paste - DHTML JavaScript HTML Java Applet Grafik CSS CGI PHP3 ASP WML WAP Webdesign Webmaster CSS1 Design CSSP Gif Scrip . . . 2001-04-03
http://rs.internic.net/cgi-bin/whois . . . Web Interface to Whois . . . 1997-08-11
http://rs.internic.net/rs-internic.html . . . InterNIC Registration Services . . . 1997-08-11
http://sea2fd.sea2.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?curmbox=F000000001&a=ac5d3b473ef7ef361f7c51038035e2e8&msg=MSG1064552176.47&mfs=&_HMaction=move&tobox=F000000004&direction=next . . . MSN Hotmail - Message . . . 2003-09-26
http://search.dejanews.com/bg.xp?level=comp . . . Deja News - Newsgroup Browser - comp . . . 1997-01-28
http://search.dejanews.com/bg.xp?level=dk.* . . . Deja News - Newsgroup Browser - dk . . . 1997-08-14
http://search.opentext.com/ . . . The Open Text Index . . . 1998-06-10
http://searches.rootsweb.com/ . . . Searches at RootsWeb . . . 2001-03-29
http://sedam.mkn.co.uk/help/extra/people/maxlee . . . The Free Webpage Provider Review @ MarketNet . . . 1997-05-14
http://sirius.we.lc.ehu.es/internet/inet.services.html . . . Special Internet Connections Last update 5-2. . . . 1998-06-18
http://smartplanet.zdnet.com/fp.asp?layout=lesson_detail&course_id=10555&lesson_id=2181&lesson_number=1# . . . http--smartplanet.zdnet.com-fp.asplayout=lesson_detail&course_id=10555&lesson_id=2181&lesson_number=1 . . . 2000-03-22
http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/DanishHistory/ . . . The Danish History, Books I-IX . . . 1998-06-15
http://support.microsoft.com/search/preview.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q279792 . . . How to Enable Compatibility-Mode Technology in Windows 2000 SP2 . . . 2002-03-27
http://support.microsoft.com/servicedesks/msdn/default.htm . . . Microsoft MSDN ServiceDesk . . . 1999-01-15
http://support.microsoft.com/support/downloads/default.asp . . . MS Tech Support Drives downloads . . . 1998-06-16
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