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Taylover's Info Cafe

Welcome to Taylover's Info Cafe. My name is Taylover & I will be your waitress. There will be bios on Hanson & Leonardo DiCaprio. This page was originally Advice & Info,but a friend told me some consequences about it so I dropped the advice coloumn. Come back because I update it often. Titanic is now on video! Hooray! Keep an eye out for Hanson's new album "Three Car Garage: The Independent Recordings 1995-96" in stores now. Please, PLEASE sign the guestbook! Give me complements, tips, heck! even give me complaints!

Here's a look at the menu

A few bios and links to nibble on.

A couple stories to fill you up.

Mellow out with some poetry.

Tip me by signing the guestbook.

Hey! Hanson Haters (or anyone wanting a laugh)! Click on the guy. If you can't figure it out, email me for the answers.

They made my buttons and banners. Check this page out!!

More Menu Selections coming soon.

Last update: Sept 18, 1998
A new story page. Look in Main Courses.

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