Some Stakes Required
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Some Stakes Required

Every generation there there is a chosen She alone will face the vampires, demons and forces of darkness she is........ First of All:This site is detecated to the bestest couples around Willow+Xander and Angel+Buffy Buffy Summers(played by Sarah Michelle Geller)is in fact trying to be a normal down to earth teenager and be the chossen 1 a Slayer.Now she looks and acts like a normal teen but trying to go on a date is a major no no.She must not tell anyone or she will put them in the spotlight not even her mom Buffy does in fact have a boyfriend ?guy? Angelus or should I say Angel(played by David Borenz) a 241 year old Vampire(Now we would all cry if he was slayed wouldnt we I know I would).Angel has a soul. He got his soul back by feeding off of a young gyspy girl.As a sorta regret they gave him back his soul and he must live with the pain of that he killed.He as you must know fell in love with the Slayer and devoted his soul into helping the slayer. Buffy's mom Joyce Summers,who in fact has not come on to Buffy's secret yet. She was bit by Darla(:o) ) and thought it was a barbcue fork. Slayerette's Xander Harris the comidic lovable heriocic guy(Nick Brendon)heard Buffy talk to her Watcher and found her secret.He comes along and helps.He has no idea his best friend Willow loves him and hhas an eye on Buffy but I think hes getting closer. Willow Rosenberg(Alyson Hannigon)is a cyber goddess slayerette the cute Buffy bestfriend- Xander loving chick.If Giles ever needs help on the net guess who helpsZ??. Shes also the BEST hacker around. The Watcher Giles,is the Watcher a.k.a Trainer.He came to SunnyDale High as a school liberian and I must say on the Show He knows alot.He has an eye on Ms Calender- Ms Calender is the net teacher and helps Buffy also.She must have an eye for Giles to Hes the only girl who ever talks to him Darla last but not least is a vampire and Angel's old flame.Addicated to Blood and Sunday School Outfits she was killed by Angel. Join it Join my Buffy fan club thingie E-mail me and tell me *Name and NickName *Postion u want *President is me* *e-mail *fave charcter *what u want to keep of him/her *Fave Quote,Ep.,and Sceane *and last but not least any homepages u have THANX Myfavorite Quote Exuse Me where talking here "How Come We Never Get Dates Cordilia,Xander,and Willow" and The Soft Spoken Word she died Angel After u e-mail me I will put u on my mailing list P.s My mailing list address is p.s. Darla Darla is my favorite vampire besides Angel she used to have a flame with him P.s go to the Offical Buffy page and click on the Bronze and go to chat Chat there say Hi if u see me Im: Darla1 I HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING HERE:NOT MANY PEOPLE R JOINING MY CLUB IF ALEAST 20 PEOPLE DONT JOIN ILL JUST DELETE THIS PAGE AND ALL MY HARD WORK AND NEVER TALK ABOUT BUFFY AGAIN I WILL EVEN HAVE A NEW NAME THAT NO1 KNOWS ON THE CHAT I HAVE PUT ALOT OF HARD WORK IN TO THIS CLUB 4 NOTHING THANX okay now that I have all that down I have to tell u something if u r going to join tell me in e-mail: your name,e-mail,nickname,favorite scene,charcter,quote,fave ep from NEW and OLD season a officer u wanna be (Vice-Prez,etc.) Some u want to be keeper of OF UR FAVE charcter ONLY!!!and Fave Vampire (Gal and Girl) JOIN THE CLUB-- Keeper things already taken Samantha--Willow's computer likeness Angel's cool 'smile' Buffy's jump in the Harvast Cordila's taste in men Xander's comidic loveness side Joyce's welcomenees towards Darla Darla's Kimino's and all the things I am on the Buffy keepers S P O I L E R S Sorta I am sorry if people are already keeper of these things but I will only allow u 2 pick 2 things for two charcters or two 4 1 I can be 1 vamp and 1 not



My friend Punch's site
Offical BtVS site
my ANGEL page
Darla's Cemetrey/BtVS
