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Welcome to...

Russ T's Planet

Where we've secretly replaced their dilithium with new Folger's crystals

Welcome to my web site. My friend Darren and I both tend to lean toward the obscure, and it has been repeatedly proven that we have a 'different' sense of humour. It is our intention to reflect this fact electronically. Please be aware that this is a totally experimental thing. Please be aware that this site will be under continuous construction for the next while. And by god, be very, very ware that some of this material may be unsuitable for certain unstable fundamentalists, or my uncle Frank. Because I never know how much time I'll have to spend on it each day, you'll have to check back often to see what has been updated. I hope to keep things interesting for you.

What is The PAGS Theory? Updated May 25, 2002

Do you ever wonder about stuff? Updated September 15, 2003

Here are some Words of Wisdom I have learned during my many years on the planet. Updated September 15, 2003

Actual newspaper clippings and strange pictures from around the world. Updated November 4, 2002

Having trouble understanding Politically Correct English?
Refer to our handy translation dictionary! Updated May 25, 2002

Unzip this file for an incredibly useful Windows utility.

You've got to try this great new picture utility!

Does it drive you crazy when you hear someone singing the wrong words to a song?
Follow this link

Find out all the latest news about the Procrastinators Club of Vancouver Island.

Are you interested in making more money?

Click here for a really cool link.

This is really cool - preview Microsoft's next version of Windows (Win RG) >here.

And for those of you who just have too much time on your hands, I give you this link.

George, Who Played With a Dangerous Toy and Suffered a Catastrophe of Considerable Dimensions

Do Not Push the "X" Button

Check back often, there is much more coming.

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This site is a recipient of BlueStar's© Five Star Award

Chosen as Internet Site of the Month for June 1998 by the Arrowsmith Amateur Radio Club

This page last updated Monday September 15, 2003 - well into the 21st Century