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Zelda Stories

Hi here we have our fan-fiction stories, we just started please send a story!

The Missing Triforce:

One awful day in the land of Hyrule, a boy named Link got permission to see the triforce. He had been waiting a long time for this day. When he entered the chamber he realized that the triforce was not there! He ran as fast possible to see princess Zelda. He told her that the triforce was missing. Zelda ran to see what was wrong, but when they arrived, the triforce was there.

"Thanks for scaring the daylights out of me Link, if it was true my dad would have my neck!" Zelda said

"But, but.." Link sputtered.

"Link, you may never come to the triforce again!" The princess demanded.

Link felt terrible. He went home. That night he tried to sneak into the chamber of the triforce, but there were two gaurds there.

The next night Link went in with a plan.

"Help me, it's princess Zelda!" Link said in a girly voice.

"Oh no, something terrible must be happening to the Princess!" A gaurd said.

"Yeah, what happened to her voice! Let's go." The other gaurd exclaimed.

Link was doing good. He knew the triforce would be there. Gaurds had been there all day. When he entered the triforce was gone.

"What in the name of the triforce has been happening? If only it was here..." Link mumbled.

The next day at the market Link found Zelda and admitted to her that he had snuck in to the chamber of the triforce.

"WHAT?! You What!? How dare you? I do not sound like that! So that's why the gaurds were asking what happened to my voice. But that sounds wierd, that the triforce wasn't there."

Later that day they both went up to the chamber of the triforce. Is seemed to be floating down, and Din, Nayru, and Favore were there.

"Wow, the triforce sure is shiny." Din said.

"Yeah, I'm glad we created it." Nayru said.

"Well,we better put it back before the mortals find out."

Link and Zelda couldn't even speak because they were so startled. And besides destroying Ganondorf, and saving Hyrule, this certainly was the experince of their lifetime.

Stupid story my freind made up:

One day Talon was sitting in the barn eating lard. Then link walked in and saw Talon eating the lard. Link asked Talon why he was eating lard and Talon replied "for good puplicity". Link,with a smirk on his face looked over and saw a small cart filled with various idems that had 22 grams or more of fat. Talon asked Link if he wanted to "bulk up". Link bought some Crisco to feed to his rat. He then remembered that he had accidentally smashed his rat with the mega ton hammer. So he jumped on his hourse and saw a fat poe. The poe, he later found out, was in partnership with Talon. Link got mad and sharply jabbed the poe in the stomach. The poe turned in to a little green puff of smoke, then a blue box popped up and said you have killed poe the ghost ,would you like to catch it in a bottle? Link got mad and kicked the box far away,cowincedentally it hit Zelda and she got a concusion.Link was there later on squashed by a giant duku nut.
