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Rama's Recipes

1.Banana Cutlet

Ingredients : 3 medium sized raw bananas * 2 potatoes * 1 ripe banana * 1 teaspoon each of ginger, garlic and green chilli paste *1 teaspoon cumin (Jeera) powder * 1 teaspoon of garam masala * A pinch of turmeric (haldi) powder * 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs finely powdered * 4 tablespoons of cooking oil * salt to taste.


Peel the raw bananas and potatoes. Cook in a pressure cooker with a pinch of turmeric powder. Mash to paste after cooking.Add the ripe banana, ginger, garlic and chilli paste and other dry masalas as above, to the paste.Add bread crumbs to the paste to stiffen the paste. Shape the dough as required and place it on a heated tava with oil till golden brown on both sides.


2.Home Made Chocolate

Ingredients : 200 grams finely powdered sugar or icing sugar * 4 tablespoons of coco-powder * 20 grams

( about 2 tablespoons of butter) of butter *1 teaspoon of vanilla essence * 4 tablespoons of milk powder


Mix the sugar powder/icing sugar,milk powder and coco-powder well. Melt the butter and make a dough with this mixture.Add vanilla essence and one tablespoon of milk. Shape the dough in a mould and your chocolate is ready to eat.

Decorate with dry fruits,if desired.

3.Mango Icecream

Ingredients : 500 ml milk * 6 tablespoon sugar * 2 table spoon cornflower * 150 grams cream * 1 cup mashed or pureed mango pulp


Boil the milk. Mix  6 tablespoon of sugar. Mix 2 table spoon cornflower with a little cold milk an stir it into hot milk. Cook on slow fire, stir till the mixture thickens. Allow to cool. Mix in 150 grams of cream and pureed mango pulp. Beat (use a beater) till the mixture is thick and creamy. Put it into a tray and freeze it till the sides are firm.Remove the icecream and beat in mixie or beater without allowing the mixture to become completely liquid.Freeze till firm. The processs of beating can be repeated to prevent the formation of ice crystals.

If you have any query pertaining to vegetarian Indian food,specially South Indian and North Indian food,write to me.

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