
If I say I love you

You know that it is true,

But if I say I hate you

You know I love you too.

If I say I need you

You tell me that I don稚,

If I say I値l stay

You値l tell me that I won稚.

If I say don稚 leave me

You値l walk right out that door,

If I say I love you most

You値l say I love him more.

If I say stay near me

You値l go so far away,

If I say you love

You値l say there is no way.

But if I say leave me

You値l do just as I ask,

If I say never mind

You値l wear that steely mask.

If I say I love you

I値l drive you away from me.

If I say hold me tight

You値l say let me be.

Nut if I say I need you

Then fall upon my knees,

You値l pick me up and hold me

As I beg please, oh please.

Alica Hall

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