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Visitor? Sign our Guestbook
Thanks to everyone who has signed our guestbook all your messages have been a great encouragement to us all...and to all you who have not sign it - WHY NOT? - we will forgive you as long as you sign it now, please and tell us what you think of our home!

Stop Press!!
MIXERS!!!! We will soon be in posession of a fine, new 16 track mixer, valued at £1100. Thankyou GOD!!! Courtesy of James Ward, Our manager.

Even now we are planning our forth-coming independant gigs and booking our diaries with worship at our churches, so if you want to learn about new dates as soon as they're booked check out Gig Dates We do not charge for gigs as we are a faith ministry but donations are welcomed to help with gig and tape production costs.
If you want to find out more about us then click here to find out about us.
BUT!!!!! We have two more gigs coming up, Lighthouse - 13th December, ABC - 30th December See gig page for more information.

The Mission
The band called Promise was established from the youth of two churches - Aldershot and Weybourne. Our mission is to promote the Gospel of Christ through modern contemporary music which so many people love. We believe music speaks directly to people's hearts. We believe that through music Jesus can speak to people. We play music with a mission, music with a meaning. - Musical Excellence is what God deserves. We are all really just Freaks for Jesus in the music world. If we ever get rejected we always know that God is the one who is holding us firm and steady in his hands.
Our music is so diverse it cannot real have a strict genre put to it but our resident 'genre expert' - James Ward says it is 'folk, worship, indie, acoustic and britpop all rolled into one'...what a feat!

Lighthouse! Weybourne's own Youth church event will be held again on December 30th, so if you fancy coming but want some more info. email Zöe or James Ward at the addresses below.
Please pray for Lighthouse to seek a continuing vision from God not only for the event but also for the Youth Church.

Are you involved in the music industry? Please get in contact...
Sponsors, promoters, professional producers, advisors - all needed. Interested? Write to me below.

Church News
The summer is over, so how do you fill those long autumn and winter evenings? visit us! If you are in the Aldershot area come to the Youth Church on Friday at 7:45pm and likewise if you are in the Weybourne, Hale, Heath End or Farnham area come to the Weybourne Youth Church meeting on Sunday at 7:00pm.

Find your way around this site...
Dates for your diary
Band Lyrics
American Youth Church Mission
NEW >>>> GIG GUIDE <<<<
NEW >>>> Who's Who <<<<

Find your way out of this site...
Deliriou5? Official Site
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To the Christian Coffee-house Chatroom
Cross Rhythms Magazine - a cool 'Contemporary Christian Music' magazine
Big Bang - a christian youth e-zine

Do you Really Want to contact us?
George Wills - Drummer
Zöe Bragg - Guitarist
Mike Wilson - Keyboards and WWW authoring
Sally Lassiter - Lead singer
Emma Ward - Woodwinds
James Ward - Manager (uni address)
James Napper - Promotion - T.B.A.


Content Copyright 1998 No ComPromise Ministries

Last updated: In fact this page is so regularly you shouldn't even blink...


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