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Paul's Pictures - July 2003

Here is my daily/weekly/whenever-I-feel-like-it digital camera pic page. I don't expect to be very busy this month, so this may get updated more often. At least, more often than last month (you may have missed the last few).

Then again, I've temporarily lost the mentality that anything can be a picture, so we'll see how this month develops (pun intended).

July 31

Well, I don't know how I could have made this shot clearer without making it bigger or look awkward in dimensions (ie, really long and not too wide), but that person in the tree is me.

A friend came over to visit, and out in front of the house is this tree. The lowest branch is about 10' off the ground, and I bet my friend I could reach it. He didn't believe me, so I showed him. I ran toward the tree, kicked off the trunk, grabbed the branch and pulled myself up. I scraped my knee slightly, but he was impressed.

I've also decided to rename the page to Paul's Pictures, since it really isn't daily anymore. Also, so keep people's links from getting confused, I'm going to title the main page whatever the current month is, even while it's featured, and have the index.html forward to the appropriate month. Or not. I'll think about that one.

July 26

Playing with my digital camera again, I realized I could take stereo pictures and not need to waste film. My first try didn't turn out right. I had things too close and too far away, so it was distorted and hard to focus. Then I saw these cards just sitting there and I thought "That would be perfect!"

So, here you have it. My first attempt at taking stereo-photography. This is the kind you look through, not cross. It should be close enough for anyone who already knows how to see it without problems.

By the way, in case you're wondering, that box says "The Popcorn Factory". It's (I'm pretty sure) one of those big cans of three-flavor popcorn. The guy who used to live here got at least one a year from his relatives, and he forgot to pick this one up.

July 21

I was sitting on my couch, reading The Hobbit when I looked out the window and noticed that it was raining and the sun was out. Hoping for a picture of a rainbow, I went outside. It was only sprinkling. There were too many trees around to see if there was a rainbow or not. The air was scented in that pleasant way that rain does, sortof a mix between fresh cut grass and dirt and flowers.

The pitter-pattering on the trees slowed, then stopped. I looked up and saw this patch of sky, just as the sun slipped behind the clouds.

July 17

Just playing with my camera again. See if you can figure out what's wrong with this picture (click here for answer, but try to figure it out first).

We don't have a connection right now. The guy who had it moved out, and took it with him. I called up and ordered one, and was told we'll have a connection again Monday, July 21. Looks like I'll have to check my email at work until then.

July 13

Ah, all done with a hard week's work. I really meant to get up earlier today so I could make it to church, but, as you can see here, I slept in.

I have a lot more pictures I don't put up here, and my folders are starting to get cluttered. I wonder what the best way to sort these is? There must be an easier way than what I'm doing (although my way makes it clear what's going on). I have a folder for each day. Seems kindof a waste, though, for days that only have one picture. Maybe I could have a folder for each week, or month.

July 6

They were offering overtime this week, as much as you could take. I volunteered for a 12-hour shift, six days in a row. Since we also had mandatory half lunches, they brought around pizza for everyone. Twice. A day. At first it was great, but by the middle of the week, I was sick of pizza, and only took some if it meant the difference between eating pizza and starving for the night.

I think this is one day's worth of boxes. No, actually I think this is half a day, the first order. Later in the week, they stopped bringing pizza, and sent out a floor-wide email saying to bring your own lunch.

July 1

For some strange reason, I felt like inviting a bunch of people over and doing something. That I would even have such a thought was unthinkable, as the apartment was a mess, and I had no idea who to invite or what to do.

After discussing ideas with my former roommate (far left) we decided for a poker night, and I would clean my apartment to have it here.

So we did, and it was fun, and I might do it again sometime. I still hardly believe I actually cleaned my apartment. I'm not kidding when I say it was a mess. I should have taken before and after pictures.

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