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The Paul Page - Other

Rather do something else? Don't worry, that's why I have this page. They are totally uncategorized except for the fact that they're alphabetical by what I called them. The internet bookstore that even accepts checks.

Angelfire Email Anglfire offers free email.

Angelfire Login They also offer free web pages.

The Best Place Page of Links for Kids

The Chuck Shramek Home Page For the NASA-paranoid.

Easter Eggs A very extensive list of hidden secrets in programs you use every day.

Fade the Cat A friend's home page.

Java Applets A list of applets for use on your web pages, including the famous lake applet.

Lightpaths Go here if you know how a scarf and a police box are related.

MIDI Haven Huge list of MIDI files.

Movies Info on hundreds of movies

Patents Search an archive of patents.

Periodic Table of Elements There's probably a better one out there, but this one works.

Susann's Computers Page The biggest list of computer-related links I've ever seen in one place.

Urban Legends Sure, the movie told you about Pop-Rocks, but there are plenty more.

Virus Hoaxes Virus alert! Is it real? Find out here.

Have a link you want to see here? Tell me!

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