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Pikachu V.S. Charmeleon

The crowds cheered and roared as the two Pokémon were ending their battle. The large four-armed fighting Machamp was taking on a Raticate. The large furry Raticate was staring at the Machamp with evil eyes. The large reptilian Machamp was watching the Raticate. "Raticate!" yelled the rat and jumped forward with his large fangs gleaming in the light. The Machamp hesitated and was bitten on his bottom left arm. The Raticate's fangs dug deeper. The Machamp screamed and quickly ended the situation. The Machamp lifted his left top left arm, then brought it down on the Raticate's head. The Raticate smashed into the ground taking his fangs from the Machamp's arm. The Raticate was temporairily stunned and the Machamp decided to end the battle. He grabbed the Raticate by its tail, lifted it and slammed it down. "It's all over for Raticate!" yelled the announcer with confidence. The Raticate's trainer returned the Raticate to its Pokéball. He took out another Pokéball and threw it at the ground. A flash of light and out came another Pokémon. "And a Charmeleon has entered the arena!" the announcer yelled with excitement. "Char!" yelled the Charmeleon in a deep voice. This medium-sized Pokémon had horns growing out of its back and was bright red. It is a fire type Pokémon. The other trainer decided to withdraw his Machamp. He let another Pokéball go and a yellow flash appeared. Out came a small mouse-like creature. It was yellow and was about one foot tall. Its tail was shaped like an electric bolt and it had red cheeks. "Pikachu!" yelled the small yet cute creature. "And a Pikachu has entered the ring!" the announcer yelled. The small Pikachu saw the big Charmeleon. "Char!" roared the Charmeleon to the Pikachu. The Pikachu was frightened and curled up. "Char!" and the Charmeleon jumped into the air right above the Pikachu. "He's going to crush him!" the announcer cried, wide-eyed. The Pikachu was frightened as the Charmeleon was getting closer. The Pikachu started to flash. A bunch of small electric bolts ran across Pikachu's red cheeks. The Charmeleon was just about to land on the Pikachu when the Pikachu yelled out, "Pika!" Electric bolts ran all over his yellow body. The lightning went up from him to the Charmeleon. The Charmeleon's eyes went big as volts were going through his whole body. The Charmeleon was thrown away from the Pikachu as the lightning was slowing down and stopped on the Pikachu. The Pikachu looked up with more confidence. The Charmeleon, battered, got back up again. Small burns and smoke were still on the Charmeleon . The Pikachu ran up to the Charmeleon then bent over and started rolling. He hit into the Charmeleon's shins and pushed him back. The Pikachu flipped and stood again. The Charmeleon put his head back then threw it forward. "Char!" he yelled as red fire erupted from its mouth. The Pikachu was scared as red fire smothered it. The fire stopped and Pikachu stood there burned and partially on fire. Charmeleon ran forward to the Pikachu. The barely conscious Pikachu saw the oncoming threat and bent over. He whipped his tail out in an attempt to trip the Charmeleon. The Charmeleon jumped over the Pikachu's tail then turned and kicked the small creature. The Pikachu's trainer knew how to handle the situation. He took out a small container and threw it at the Pikachu. "He's using the Burn Cure!" the on-watching announcer said. The container landed on the Pikachu and drained a liquid on him. All Pikachu's burns soon healed. He stood up, still slightly weak but without the effects of the burning fire. The Charmeleon jumped into the air trying to kick the Pikachu. The Pikachu jumped into the air performing a jumping Tail Whip attack. The Pikachu's attack hit and whipped the Charmeleon's head. The Charmeleon yelped as it fell to the ground on its back. Pikachu landed on his feet again. Charmeleon stood up again and started glowing on his back. His back suddenly burst into flames. He soon was jetting toward the small Pikachu. Pikachu couldn't see behind Charmeleon so he jumped over it. He jumped over the Charmeleon and right into the flames. "Pi! Pi!" yelped the Pikachu as the flames were burning it. The Pikachu landed with a hard thud and rolled a little. Pikachu was tattered and burnt. "Char!" yelled the Charmeleon triumphantly. The little Pikachu could barely get up. He was dizzy and tired. His trainer had no more cures for him. Charmeleon was running toward Pikachu again with his tail in great flames. The tail acted like a jet for Charmeleon as he was coming toward Pikachu. Pikachu got in a crouching position. His cheeks had lightning going across them again. Charmeleon flew right in front of Pikachu. Pikachu ducked and used his lightning attack. "ZZAAPP!" went the sound in the air as Pikachu used all his power to illuminate the stadium. The Charmeleon still flying over the Pikachu was being hit right by the power source of a super-natural power source. Still gliding through the air even though fans couldn't see, they could only hear, the horrible crackle of Pikachu's lightning on the Charmeleon's intense hard skin. The light stopped finally as the crowd watched on with their eyes still adjusting. The Charmeleon, still in the air, was gliding with an almost unconscious look. The Charmeleon slammed into the stadium wall, shaking all the spectators in their seats. With the people's eyes still adjusting they looked down at Pikachu. A victory for the trainer, but not for the contestant.

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