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Fanart Corner! (Fanfiction below)

Well, I used to do fanart, too. Of course, that was before I had a home internet connection. :) However, I got my scanner the other day, so I decided to scan my old piccys. Here they are, in all their black and white glory! (Note: Before looking at said piccys, be sure to set your default background color to white, because if you don't, they look crappy. Well, crappier.




Fanfiction Corner!

Magic Knight Psyco Episode 1 Episode 2
Magic Knight Rayearth (Spam and craziness, with random characters thrown in for good measure.)
I wrote this a loooong time ago. So be warned, its out there. Now that I think about it, this fanfic might be very offensive, but its not meant to be. Really. A break from my usual writing, I drank a lot of Jolt cola and ate a lot of pixi stix. This is the result.

Evangelion (Sadfic? Shortfic? POV?)
A tiny Eva fanfic from Asuka's POV. A "stream-of-conciousness" thing, kind of sad.

The lesser of Two Evils Prolouge
Jem (Darkfic)
This story is a little odd. Procede at your own risk...

The lesser of Two Evils Part I
Jem (Darkfic)
You-know-who has disappeared! Aja is disturbed by the circumstances...

Saturday Morning in Tokyo-3 Part 1
Evangelion and Doug(Comedy)
Yes, that is Disney's Doug. What happens when the residents of Bluffington must go to Japan on government business? Wouldn't you like to know!!! If this is the case, this fanfic contains a lot of oddness, but if you liked MKP, you should enjoy this!

Pretty Soldier Sailor Jem: Episode One!
Jem and Sailor Moon (Comedy)
This thing is a mass of fan service and sitcom-like writing. A parody of Sailor Moon and Jem. In the pilot episode, we meet Jerrica Benton, a clutzy 9th grader, but all is not as it seems.

That's all for now...
Note: I don't write fanfiction anymore... I used to do it a lot, but, hey, that was when I didn't have home internet access. I may start again, I may not. Actually, I wrote all my fanfics on this crappy 386, and they're still on there. Unfortunatly, the computer isn't set up. I'm just too lazy to get all my old files. :)

Sailor Jem Episode 3 is finished, I just haven't gotten around to finding and posting it. Behind the Scenes of Evangelion is about 70% finished, but I have writer's block. Of Angels, Greed and Canned Laughter:Heavenly Union is a spamfic that is 65% finished. If I do more chapters, it will officially be the stupidest fanfic of all time. Well, besides Magic Knight Psyco, that is.
