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What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
red   One sells watches the other watches cells.

Some people are a lot like blisters.
What is it about some people that makes this to be true?
red   They never show up until after the work is done.

While empty, I am useless.
When filled, I can point the way..
What am I?
red   A glove.

A man weighing 180 lbs. carrying 3 bowling balls weighing 10 lbs. each,approaches a large ravine.The only way to cross is a bridge with a weight limit of 200 lbs. The ravine is too far to throw or roll the balls across. How can the man cross the ravine in only one trip, with all 3 bowling balls?
red   He juggles them.

It could be wet,
It could be dry.
But when you speak the next day,
It will not lie.
What is it?
red   A toothbrush.

I have a mouth full of teeth,
Yet not a bite I take.
I come in an assortment of looks,
And I slightly take after a rake.
red   A comb.

I usually wear a yellow coat.
I usually have a dark head.
I make marks wherever I go.
What am I?
red   A pencil or marker.

It's a large open area made of earth.
Soldiers from many lands have walked its surface.
A war is always imminent here and victors come and go.
Though always brutally physical time is spent here,
There is not any goal for killing or death.
What could this area be?
red   A football field.

I can run down a hall, although I do not move.
Those who like me best often beat me.
Sometimes I am pretty fuzzy.
I have been known to be in all different colors,
But I am not a chameleon.
What am I?
red   A rug or carpet.

In this house are many rooms;
Each with a golden treasure.
Pass the guards and you will win,
A major or minor pleasure.
red   A honeycomb.

Many white horses met on a red hill,
They met here to clash, but meant no ill will.
Here there were crowns, but no kings to be seen.
Silver treasure was present, but without the queen.
Where am I?
red   In your mouth.

I have a face like a tree.
My skin has ripples like a sea.
A great beast I can be.
But little vermins can certainly bring a scare to me.
What am I?
red   An elephant.

I am controlled by a force out of my reach.
I have been said to be alive, flowing with every beat.
I sigh with every breath.
I give life and take it away.
What am I?
red   An ocean.

Some say I live forever, but that is not true:
During the seige of Leningrad of World War II,
I was made into a tonic to ward off disease:
If you please, I have several names,
But only one describes me as "immortal".
What is it?
red   Evergreen. Evergreen pine or spruce needles were boiled during WW2 in order to extract Vitamin C and other nutrients.

Zoom, zoom, I'm fast and speedy.
My name is a word that is spelled the
same frontwards and backwards.
What can I be?
red   A racecar.

I can bring you pleasure, or I can bring you pain.
I am part of your everyday life.
Sometimes I control you,
And sometimes you control me.
There are many sides to me.
What am I?
red   Emotions

I know something you don't know,
But I'll give you a hint,
It doesn't grow,
It cannot walk,
It never talks,
It can change color quick as a wink,
And when you drop it in water,
It will always sink.
What is it?
red   A mood stone.

I might never see heaven,
Though once I did possess a soul.
My journey is constant.
I've yet to lie in sand by the sea,
Though this is where you might decide to look for me.
red   A whale. The soul once possessed was Jonah. Unless a whale beaches to die, it will never lie in sand by the sea. A whale is in constant motion. It's journey is constant.

Those who enter need a key,
But usually I do not have a lock.
What am I?
red   A computer.

I walk with you and sometimes we run.
Without you I don't have any fun.
I sit and wait for you to come home,
Because I can't do anything alone.
What am I?
red   A treadmill.

You answer me,
Althought I never ask you questions.
What am I?
red   A telephone.

Walk until you find me.
When you find me, then sit down and look for me.
If you find me, throw me away.
If you don't find me, take me home with you.
What am I?
red   A rock or pebble in your shoe. A splinter would also fit this description.

People, places, things, objects can all be a part of
what I am.
Sometimes I am clearer and more focused than others.
What am I?
red   A photograph or picture.

Your wife wants you to plant an orchard.
Your wife wants five rows of trees with
four trees in each row.
This isn't an unusual request, but,when
you get to the nursery, there are only ten
trees available.
In what specific arrangement must you plant
the trees to satisify your wife?
red   In a five-pointed star. Each of the five "sides" contains four trees. Each side shares its two middle trees with two other sides.

It begins with rejection.
Reversed it sounds old.
It confounds first inspection,
Or else it's not told.
What is "it"?
red   A riddle.

I can be big or small,and usually square.
Many people use me every day.
With each turn there is something new,
But I'm not made of clay.
What am I?
red   A book.

I have an eye,
It functions as it should.
But I cannot see.
What am I?
red   A storm.

You can have a house full.
You can have a yard full.
But you can't catch a spoonful.
What am I?
red   Smoke

Glittering points
That downward thrust,
Sparkling spears
That never rust.
What are we?
red   Icicles

A soldier has a brother wounded in battle,
But the wounded soldier has no brother.
How can this be?
red   The other soldier is the wounded soldier's sister.

In the morning you evade me,
During the night I evade you.
I am found in the slow times,
But not thought about in the fast times.
What am I?
red   Sleep

I am tall and skinny,
And I can make up a fire,
Or I can light up your life.
But poof, I can be gone in only five seconds.
What am I?
red   A match.

A man on a horse is attached to
one end of a thirty foot rope.
He needs to get to a pile of hay
forty feet away.
How does he do it?
red   He and the horse walk over to it.Because only "one" end of the rope is attached to him. The other isn't attached to "anything".

I can run up a hill faster than I can run down a hill.
What am I?
red   Fire

I am smaller than my owner,
Yet I rule them on my own.
What am I?
red   The human brain.

I am like a quilt,
Individually made by each of us for ourselves.
Some colorful, with vivid texture and stark pattern.
Others worn, faded, indistinct.
Ever growing .... with time.
What am I?
red   Memory

People are always in want of this.
People have more than enough of this to give.
But more often than not,
The people who needs this the most,never use it.
What is "this"?
red   Good advice

I'm up near the sky,
On something very tall,
But often I die,
Only then do I fall.
What am I?
red   Leaves

I can capture you in only seconds,
Yet I have no arms or legs to grasp you,
Holding firm, I can hold you for years to come.
What am I?
red   A picture or photograph.

I start with "P",
I end with "E",
I have thousands of letters.
What am I?
red   A Post Office

What is very unusual about the following words,
and also that they have in common?
"bough", "cough", "dough" "rough", "through".
red   They end in the same letters, but do not rhyme.

What grows taller, as it falls down?
red   Snow

Take away my first letter, I remain the same.
Take away my last letter, I remain the same.
Take away all my letters, I still remain the same.
What am I?
red   A postman or mailman

White and red am I.
I can fly but have no wings.
What am I?
red   A baseball

Although you can set me to perform as directed,
I can only go around in circle,
Unless you take me somewhere.
What am I?
red   A watch or clock.

When you use me, you throw me away,
When you don't use me, you bring me back.
What am I?
red   A boat anchor.

I am needed, yet I am feared,
I have many enemies, yet also many friends.
I bring life, yet I can also bring death.
My life itself is usually short,
Yet I am born over and over again.
What am I?
red   Fire

A flat piece of ground whose name read
backward or forward is always the same.
red   Level

Who makes it, has no need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
red   A coffin

A cowboy checked into an inn on Tuesday. He stayed a week and left on Friday. Another cowboy checked in on the day after. He stayed a week and left on Sunday. Then a man came in riding a car on Thursday. He stayed a week and left on a rabbit. Why did the man leave on a rabbit when he left the inn?
red   The car was a Volkswagen Rabbit.

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