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Well, you came here to find out more about me...and now I've brought it upon myself to be creative in a really interesting way. Hehe...oh well, I'll make due.

As you know, my name's Naomi, and I'm 16. I'm currently a Junior in highschool...but, I'm homeschooled. I have been since the 6th grade, along with my brother, Jeremy (14). I also have another little brother, Caleb (4), and a sister, Faith (11 mo). I'm originally from California...but, I now live in Oklahoma. We've been here around 8 years now. Let's see...I also have a 1yo cat, Romeo, that has a big mouth...never shuts up. Okay, enough cookie-cutter factoids...

I'm very diverse by nature, and at times..."I'm maybe just a little bit crazy." My greatest passions are music and writing. I love to sing, and right now I'm attempting guitar. It's coming along fairly slowly, but, I'll get there. I enjoy many forms of writing...most of all is poetry. I'll try and get some poems of mine up on here soon...and I hope to keep it somewhat updated. Any feedback, comments or otherwise, is always appreciated. I also write fan fic...but, I don't do that as often anymore. In case you don't fic is basically the script for an episode of a tv show, except that it's written by the fans. Who knows...maybe I'll even get those up here. I have a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with myself (too much of a difference of opinion), but, I'm still here. Hehe. Hmmm...I also really love music. Did I already say that? Oh well. Some favorites of mine include Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Patty Griffin, Lauryn Hill, Counting Crows, Alana Davis, Sarah Slean, Ani DiFranco, Steve Poltz (aaaaaaaaahh!!), Shawn Mullins, Sheryl Crow, Goo Goo Dolls, Heather Nova, and Natalie Merchant.

I love people. Well, maybe that's not the best way to put's more like...I'm facinated by people. So much so...that I sometimes toy with the idea of a field in Psychology. But, I've never really been very school, there's no telling. It's just amazing to me...the workings of the mind. I'm pretty strange in that way. I just want to understand them...know what they think and feel. Then I get really wierd when I go off on this...start talking like the world is my research project. That's cause it often feels this way. I can only hope I'm not the only one with these thoughts...and maybe I'm not totally insane. Hmmm...many things facinate and amaze me. Yes! And I'm a nutjob optimist too! Hehe.

Well, I might as well attempt to give you some image to place with this outlandish personality. Uhm...I'm somewhere between 5'2" and 5'3", wiegh about 112, kinda curly dark blonde hair that's right below my shoulders, hazel eyes...anything else? Tiny hands that drive me nuts cause they make me feel like I'm 7, instead of my ripe old age of 16. Oh yeah, and my shoe size is 7 1/2, I think...hehe.

One of the most important things in my life is my friends. I adore every one of them. I wish I could give them all the recognition they deserve here...but, knowing me and my superb memory...I'd accidentally leave someone out. So, y'all know who you are. Love to you...kiss kiss. I'd be lost without you guys! Oh, but I just have to say thanks to my amazing big sis, Bobbie. You're the best, and I love you tons. xoxoxo

If you want to get in touch with me for any ol it to comment or critique...or just to say 'hey,' please feel free to do so. Aim: kilumdra. Uin# 10320304. mIRC dalnet: kilumdra. Or just drop me a line by e-mail.

I want to thank you for taking an interest in little ol me, and sticking around awhile. I hope you enjoyed it at least a little, and come back again sometime. Bye!!
