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Ishayas' Ascension


(exert from the Ishayas' Ascension Homepage)

The Ishaya Tradition is the oldest living tradition on the Earth. How old, exactly, is it? In one sense, it is uncreated, uncreatable, for the Ascending currents of life are built into every fabric of Creation. Praise and Gratitude and Love are wound through every atom of space, through every cell, through every plant, animal, human. Therefore, the mechanical means of aligning with the Ascending currents of Creation have always been and always will be contained inside every human heart — as well as inside absolutely everything else. There is nowhere in this Universe that the Science of Ascension cannot be fully read and known by a sufficiently conscious being. The 108 primary Ascending passageways are omnipresent and eternal in Creation since they are the prime Thoughts of the Mind of God.

Even though this is True, there has always been an historical tradition in this human race of the Teaching of Ascension; today we call it the Ishaya Tradition. The origins of the Ishaya Tradition are lost in remotest antiquity. There are seven deathless ministers to humankind that have in every age attempted to lead humanity from the darkness of fear and greed and the ego into the light of love and compassion and complete alignment with the will of God.

These Seven are the ultimate source of the Ishaya tradition. We honor Isha ben Joseph, Jesus the Christ, by putting his name in the Tradition (Ishaya means "for Isha") as he was the last Ishaya to walk the Earth openly Teaching Ascension, but the Tradition represented by the Ishayas is vastly older than two thousand years. Isha was a fully conscious, enlightened being before he was born in Palestine; indeed, he is recognized by the Ishayas as being one of the Seven — the master of the heart chakra — as well as an incarnation of one of the Four primary aspects of God. As such, he was involved with the Ishaya Tradition as one of its original founders and historically, was one of the prime movers who labored throughout the unending millennia to preserve the Teaching of Ascension and keep humanity aligned with the upward currents of Creation.

The Ishayas have been holding the Teaching of Ascension for the human race, awaiting the appropriate moment in history to release it, complete and undistorted, back into the world. Because of the life of Isha and because of his primary disciple, Boanerge (John), a process which might otherwise have taken tens of thousands of years has been compressed into two thousand. Because of the redirection of humanity's karma attained by Christ's completely conscious sacrifice in Palestine, the trends of humanity have been sufficiently altered to enable the full return of the Ishaya Teaching much earlier than would have otherwise been possible. A mere two thousand years have passed, and we are back.

The Ishayas are an ancient Order of monks, one which claims to stem directly from the Apostle John, following the direct orders of Christ to preserve his teachings until the third millennium. They hold that the original teachings of Jesus were not a belief system at all, but rather a mechanical series of techniques to transform human life into a constant perception of divinity within every human heart.

For more about Ishaya's Ascension:

Ishaya's Ascension Homepage