Planting by the Moon
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Planting by the Moon

From 1984 to 1999 I published a Planting by the Moon guide, which my daughter Lisa Corston has taken over and continues to publish in the same format. This is an annual publication that offers a gardening system based on the cycles of the moon. It also serves the purpose of providing basic astrological information, such as which sign of the zodiac the moon is in on a daily level, and when the other planets change signs, etc. The publication has also platformed a series of articles about such topics as companion planting, organic pest control recipes, herbal and Bach flower remedies for the astrological sun signs, etc, and has been a playground for creativity and providing interesting information to the public in general (things that a Gemini soul like myself just thrive on!).

This zone is about planting and gardening following the cycles of the moon - including the four Moon's Phases, the Ascending and Descending cycles of the moon, basic Maori gardening cycles, and the elements of the zodiac. The following information is an abbreviated extract from my annual planting calendar.

1. The Elements & Astrological Signs: Each month the Moon passes through the twelves signs of the Astrological Zodiac, spending approximately 2 1/2 days in each sign. These twelve signs are made up from the four basic elements: fire, earth, air and water. The moon focuses its influence through the different elements into the different parts of a plant, i.e.

The Fire Signs are: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius When the Moon is in an Air sign the emphasis is on the seeds, berrys grain or fruit part of the plant.

The Earth Signs are: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn When the Moon is in an Earth sign the emphasis is on the roots, and the part of the plant below the ground.

The Air Signs are: Gemini, Libra & Aquarius When the Moon is in an Air sign the emphasis is on the flowering part of the plant.

The Water Signs are: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces When the Moon is in a Water sign the emphasis is on the leaves and water-holding part of the plant.

Then we take into consideration the Moon's Phases:

New Moon: sap is just starting to flow up into the above-the-ground part of the plant, and it is time to start sowing seed once the moon is visible and transplant plants that are above-the-ground producers.

First Quarter: Energy continues to be focused into sowing and transplanting above- the-ground producers, and two days before the full moon is the major sowing time for intense germination.

Full Moon: The moon's energy starts to wane, and the sap flow is downwards in the plant focusing down into the roots. This then is the time for sowing root crops, e.g. carrots, & all below-the-ground producers. Also this is a time for transplanting perennials.

Last Quarter: The sap flow is coming to a slow standstill as the moon approaches the New Moon phase. This is the time for pruning and cutting back because the sap will not "bleed" from the cut plant. This is not a seed sowing time.

Finally we take into consideration the Ascending & Descending cycles:

Ascending, Expansion period: Here the Moon gets progressively higher in the sky each night, and rises from a more South-Easterly position on the horizon, passes high overhead, and sets on the South-Westerly horizon. At the same time it is moving through the Tropical Zociac signs of Gemini through to Sagittarius.

Descending, Contraction period: Having reached its zenith (highest point) at the end of the Ascending cycle (in the sign of Sagittarius) the track of the moon across the sky becomes more and more shallow each night, until it is setting at its most North-Easterly point on the horizon in Taurus. The sap movement is downwards, encouraging regrowth of fine hair roots when transplanting. At this time the sap is rising more strongly in the plant.

The Combining of these three important factors produces a series of ideal times for the planting, sowing and any other gardening activity.

You can contact Lisa at if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the latest PLANTING BY THE MOON calendar.

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