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"Last night I went on a date." -Sydney
"You went on a date!" -Broots
"That when two people actually meet instead of typing to each other over a computer keyboard." -Miss. Parker (to Broots)

What happens when you get to zero bottles of beer on the wall?" - Jarod

He's after my Stock - Mr. Raines
If he were after your stock, you'd be broke - Sydney

"I knew you'd get my message." - Argyle
"Half the Eastern seaboard got your message!!" - Jarod

"Hmmm... there's one less vacancy in hell" -Parker

"What, in renewal wing? Your crasy" -Broots

"I was stolen from my parents as a child and raised by a place called the Centre, think hell... with nicer furniture." -Jarod

"Just open the box" -Jarod

"If your lonely, call a 900 number" -Parker

"Did he seem interested in the material?" -Sydney
"No way!, he just wanted to know what made people love each other" -X-Rated store Owner

"How does it feel to be the prey instead of the predator?!" -Jarod
"You wouldn't be the prey if you got back to the Centre where you belong!" -Miss. Parker

"Well, what do ya know, Miss. Parker reached out to help someone" -Jarod
"Spare me." -Miss. Parker

"Miss. Parker, your mother deserved a better fate then what she got." -Jarod
"Your damn right she did." -Miss. Parer

"I don't know if your ignorant, or just stupid." -Parker

"Are you up to this Broots?" -Sydney
"No... but thats never stopped me before" -Broots

"This place is crawling with sweepers" -Broots

"Broots may be an idiot, but he's my idiot, the only one who terrorises him is me -Miss. Parker to Brigitte

"Do you want me to hurt you?" -Miss. Parker

"Gimme back my Pez!" -Jarod

"You're not a doctor, you're a park ranger, no you're a fireman, no you're a roach exterminator, no you're a federal investigator, um, I'm sorry Mister, could you help me out here for a second, I'm kind of at a loss here. Who the hell are you?" -Argyle

"A life is at stake Broots" -Sydney
"Yeah, mine" Broots

"Hello Mr. Broots" -Jarod
"Ooh my GOD!" Broots

"Dad, it smells funny in here... like burnt toast." -Debbie

"Is there something wrong Mr. Broots?" -Jarod
"Yeah.. I, uh... forgot the number" Broots

"Your insane!" -Jarod
"Psyohological diagnosis can be really subjective" -Mr. Lyle

"Doesn't anybody ever really die anymore?" -Miss. Parker

"Its time to come home Jarod" -Miss. Parker

"That note was from you, not Jarod." -Miss. Parker
"what Gave me away?" -Mr. Lyle
"Jarod may be a pain in the ass, but he's not heartless." -Miss. Parker


"If you say anything every dairy case in the state will be plastered with your face, understand?" -Miss. Parker

"Any 7's?" -Parker
"Check the bedroom" -Raines
"Nope, go Fish, Any 5's?" -Sydney
"You've got to be cheating" -Miss. Parker
"I know Jacob is here" -Raines
"Your Mistaken, my brother is dead" -Sydney
"I wouldn't puch him, a man with a temper to match his markmanship, dangerous combo" -Miss. Parker to Raines about Sydney

"I have to watch?!" - Jarod
"You GET to watch." - Miss. Parker

"Broots! Broots you lovable moron, is that you?!" - Miss. Parker

"When I find him, I'am gonna kill him." - Mr. Lyle

"Women don't like to be told, they like to be shown." - Broots.

"Anyone ever tell you you're an odd duck?" - Agent Stress
"Duck? No. Odd, occasionally" -Jarod

"He told us that roaches would be the only living thing after a biological holocaust. Them and some woman named Parker." -Jarod's student

"Cute.... not funny, but cute" Jarod & Miss. Parker

"Thats a fine looking boy... it is a boy?" -Axe

"I like ice-cream.. I really like ice-cream" -Jarod

"We'll have great fun" -Broots to Debbie
"Broots!" -Miss. Parker
"Or not" -Broots

"If you hurt her, I'll make it my buisness to hunt you down and kill you" -Miss. Parker

"Your looking... refreshed" -Miss. Parker
"New underpants will do that to you" -Sydney

"Is the Pope Catholic?" -NE1
"I believe thats mandatory" -Jarod

"Are you a doctor?" -Patient
"I am today" -Jarod

"Twinkie cream.. the food of the gods" -Jarod

"Trust in the force young jedi" -Jarod

"I don't do mommy" -Miss. Parker telling Broots she isn't babysitting.

" There had better be booze in the curticy bar, or SOMEONE is going to pay." -Miss. Parker

"Oh you must be feeling lucky today" -Miss. Parker
