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*~*~ Pretender Quiz Page ~*~*

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Welcome to the pretender quiz page.

1. What person does Argyle's father want to meet?

2. What is the name of Jarod's sister?

3. What is the written clue Jacob gave Sydney and Miss. Parker before he died?

4.What did Jarod USE to think his last name was, before it was proven wrong?

5. What is the name is the firedog that Jarod be-friended?

6. In, 'Back From The Dead Again' what were the names of the two people that flat-lined Jarod?

7. In 'Back From The Dead Again' Where was Sydney sent during the missing two weeks Jarod experienced?

8. What is Argyle's dogs name?

9. When Jarod was a Forest Ranger, what was girl that he fell in love with?

10. What is the name of the medal Kyle and Jarod's father earned?

11. Who gave Kyle the scar on his hand between his thumb and pointer finger?

12. What does Jacobs cross read?

Keep going for the answers....

1. The Pope
2. Emily
3. Jacob wrote 'GENE' on a piece of paper before he died.
4. Russel
5. Ember
6. Mr. Raines, and Mr. Lyle
7. Europe
8. Dog
9. Nia.
10. The Flying Cross
11. Jarod
12. A Brother Missed
