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Mr.Mountaindew's Place

Hello & wellcome to Mr.Mountaindew's Place. This is a page everyone can enjoy. Have a great time.

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Once Upon A Lifetime.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
ABOUT ME: I am 22 years old. I was born in Enid, Oklahoma. I am Amerasian. That is I am 1/4 Japanese. My dad was born in Japan, but his dad was American so he was only 1/2 Japanese. He was in the Air Force so our family moved around a lot. I am a Christian. I was saved when I was 16. I like music. I listen to heavy metal/ rap/ contemparary Chritstian, also like classical, & easy listening. I also like to sing. I have written a few songs of my own. I like Star Trek. Mostly the Next Generation. My hobbies are swimming, acting, singing, & witnessing. I like Garfield & Marvin The Martian. I like to watch sports. I like Oakland A's/baseball, Washington Redskins/football, Florida Panthers/hockey, & San Antonio Spurs/basketball. I have done plays. In High school I was Peter the Nurse's servant in Romeo & Juliet, Reb' Nachum in Fiddler On The Roof, & Sir Andrew in a scene from Twelth Night. The Twelth Night scene was in a play called A Gender Struggle: Shakespier Looks At The Relationships Between Men & Women. This was a bunch of scenes from a bunch of plays that were put together in one play. In college I was Stromboli in Pinnochio & played 5 characters in A Tunna Christmas. I like most books by Robert A. Heinlein. My favorite is A Tunnel In The Sky. I have one sis Tonya, 4 Cuz. Travis (27) he is happily married & has a little girl, Justin, Tyson & Austin. That is about it.

Thanks for dropping in. Hope you like the rest. Please let me know what you think. Have a great day.

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