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To My Daughter


I watch you wake,
cocooned in your covers.
I urge your laziness
to get up, the day is started.
If you don't hurry
it will leave you behind.
Your eyelids flicker, beg
for a "tickle me awake";
with a smile, I oblige.

How like a caterpillar
in its cocoon
you are, wrapped in the security
of your youth. I can see
the transformation beginning,
just barely starting to show
the beauty that lies hidden inside.

There is a hint of me emerging,
though I would never
let you know that. It is
in the expressions of your words,
the sound of your voice,
When I hear my "dang it"
from your room,
it giggles through my brain.
And I think in hidden thoughts
‘slowly my beauty, slowly’
I don't want to miss
one moment of the colors
that are you.

©M. Pennington

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