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Here are some of my new on-line friends who invite you to view their creative and entertaining pages.  If you're interested in exchanging links, please send me an email and we'll make it happen.  I'd love to start our own little internet community.

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To Gemini Dreams
You really must visit the Gemini Dream Page
* Paula has worked very hard to make this a wonderful site
* She gives out lovely awards too (see Cover Page)

Send Email
Just drop me a line and
join our little community

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Back to Shopping Worlds
Go directly back to Shopping Worlds
* Places where you can buy all kinds of things at great prices

Back to Other Worlds
Go directly back to Other Favourite Worlds
* Employment, hobbies, radio, TV... you name it!

Back to Friends' Worlds
Go directly back to My Friends' Worlds
* You'll find pages dedicated to a great variety of things

Back to Immediate Worlds
Go directly back to My Immediate Worlds
* These are links to my other pages and my personal world

Back to Home Page
Go directly back to the Home Page

Back to Cover Page
Go directly all the way back to the Cover Page
* Take a look at Gemini Dream's beautiful award

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I just love this song... but you can turn it off if you like