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INTRODUCTIONVideo games rock!And some of the best games are ANIME video games.

I have a nintendo 64,a super nintendo,a virtual boy,and a game boy.(i've also once had a normal nintendo,so I have had or have every nintendo system that there ever is/was)

Nintendo is the best company to make game devices to date!In my opinion anyway.

Nintendo has made alot of hit games that have gone big,as well as beating SEGA in the market in several occasions.(genisis,saturn,even game gear)Its graphics have always been pretty awesome,as nintendo started the rendered genere, (DK COUNTRY,KILLER INSTINCT)and has made some of the best looking polygons there is.

However,now nintendo has a worthy opponant... PLAYSTATION!!!Yes,playstation.It has alot of hot titles and good graphics,with hot soundtracks and cinimatics.It has all this while still maintaining good control,and fun factor!Still,I would have to say that Nintendo 64 is still the overall best game system right now! While I would love to play some of the cool games on the playstation, the N64 still has better graphics and awesome titles!It has my vote!

ANIME VIDEO GAMES It's not that noticable,but there are many anime style video games! Some have quite an anime look in their characters,but some also have just japanese style characters in them,such as bomber man.You would'nt think of it as anime,but just the way the caracter looks you can tell he was made by japanese artists.

Mischef Makers is just one example of a true anime video game.The characters all look like anime,marina's, ya!,sound is like anime,(as almost all anime characters say,ya!or whaaaoa!, or hiya!)the cut scenes look like racing anime,(frame by frame,lines streaking in the back ground,)and the story line is like anime or other Japanese type games.The game stars marina,a robo girl built by a professior to be his body guard.(sounds like megaman huh?)Basically the object of the game is to defeat the evil emperer and his bad gang of clancers,(opposite of the good clancers) hoping to bring peace to planet clancer!

Overall I would give this game an 8 out of 10.It has beautiful colours, nice characters and great control,also it's a fun game to play! ....But,after I beat it I felt unfinished.To be blunt,the game was short! It feels like the whole game just teaches you new moves,and when you know all the stuff,youre at the end!This however is the only downside to this game, and I would hope that the good people at treasure would make it longer in number two!!!(please make a number two!!!)The best thing about the game would have to be that the boss fights are the best!Considering they are about the only fights you have in the game.I would recommend that you mario lovers pick up this one,though duke nukems would blow the game away!

Final Fantasy is another great anime style series!They are probably the most popular and well known series of video RPG's alive! (you could say they are the D&D of video games)I think they are most well known because of their as always excellent story lines!The diolog, the romance,the sadness,geez,you need a tissue when playing a final fantasy game!The game itself,lacks something of realism.I mean,the magic spells are one of the greatest aspects of final fantasy,but when you attack, your guy looks like a lego man running!And then the mighty blow!The little sword swishes up and down,not even touching the baddie,and poof,its dead!!!Dont get me wrong,I mean virtually every RPG has a cheap looking, (not to mention not even touching the baddie)attack move.Though I have seen better!For example,chrono trigger.Chrono at least jumps up,and slashes the bad guy right through the chest.Now thats realism!!!

I would have to give(overall)a 9 out of ten to all of the FF games,( together.) Though if I had to pick a favorite,it would be FF2 for super nintendo, just for the pure game play.I would probably say that FF7 is the best of the series,but ive never played it.How it looks would get number one though!

here is a song from final fantasy 3!!!(picture is of cloud,FF7.)

CHRONO TRIGGER!One of my most favorite games of all time!!! I just have to say that nothing is wrong in this game!It is very very close to being a perfect game!The only thing bad about it(I wouldn't even really call this bad,)is that you can pretty much defeat the last boss right at the begining of the game!!!Other than that,everything is great!The characters are great,the storyline is theee best,the battle system rocks!,the magic moves rock!,and best of all there are many numerous endings! The story is one of the best i've seen!(no more traveling to hyrule,or the land of the elves!)You get to travel through time!You see the stoneage,the future, the present,medival and the day of lavos!!! I would give this game a 10 out of 10!I definetly recommend that anyone out there should try this one out!!!

Well,there was a few of the greatest anime video games,but there are many more great ones!Others are zelda,mario rpg(check out bowser's tear drops,) and even sailor moon and dragonball z games!(you can get them from japan!)

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