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OUR mindless babble

VERO: Hello and welcome…you have entered our domain…and escape is unpossible…mouahhahaa!!!! No, seriously, read the site, and please feel free to e-mail one of us or bothof us (CC) with you comments..Please No negative feed back…even if you hated the site and your pissed off at us for wasting your valuable time..give us good feedback…make some stuff up…tell us you think we are spiritual, tallented, young writers goin straight to the top, anything that will boost our self esteem. And if one of you little turds dare to give us negative comments, we will personally hunt you down and kill you :o) I put a lot of effots in to this web site, Mal didn’ t but, I, Vero did, sooo…respect me pleeze. And if you don’t have any comments on this site, e-mail one of us anyways, just to chit chat, please e-mail us, we never get any mail, it would make us feel soo appreciated.

in structions to enjoy the site: You gotta be very open minded, We, sometimes, can write too many KRAP for only one person to understand, so…read it with a friend :o) And if the site leaves you confused and emotionally troubled, we are held responsible for all those things…hhaha SO SUE US!!!!!!! If any of you guys are planing on reporting us to a mental institute…weel forget it okay???* * Any mental insitute reports will be taken straight to the FBI, your life will be ruined, dogs chasing you, clowns laughing at you, monkeys throwing peanuts at you, churches banning you, everybody not loving you, so…clear all ideas of reports from you head, or…its hell for you little boy!!!! mouhahahahhaha!!!!

Old sayin, : the who goes to sleep with scratchy butt wakes up with smelly hand :o)

MAL: By the way my email is and our icq account # is 5142297 the other one is 27039826 im not gonna tell u wicht one is wich. i'll let u do a little work on this relationship.ok????????????? ya and if you get this adress from me or vero and you think we are total wackos pleeze continue talking with us or we will kill ourselves ehheheh hehehehhehehhe. no really. if we don't kill ourselves we will kill you.!!!!! we have a lot of spare time on our hands. and blood too. ok i have a question for u. ok here we we go, one more time , everybody's feeling fine......... woa if you ever catch singing n sync again pleeze kick me in the knee.

ok here's the question: why do they call them hamburgers when they claim its 100% pure beef???????? u know?????? well i don't . its probably some other governament cover-up. so if its not beef then what's in it?????? probably chemicals that makes america all fat!!!! hahahahhahahha fat and incontinent. god i love my attends... :)

my dance teacher stopped smoking....... yeah . near tuesday we will be begging her to take a puff... just one. to make her less mean on us. hehehhehe 14 year old cigarettes pusher.... that me!!!!!! Ok so im gonna go eat some fried krud. oh great. remember vero when u stuck a piece of krud on the chalkboard and wrote" krud ". haahhahah gocelyne.

VERO: Yeah I remember that...and it stayed there like for a month....stupid teacher...*sigh* I miss Claire...hehehe you know what??? Chicken butt, you know why ??? Chicken Thigh...yup yup yup... feel the burn...(remember at halloween???) Mallory dressed as a flashdancer...heheheh.

I don't know why....but we haven't talked about our soccer coach yet...heheh. and he's gonna come visit our betetr say nothing mean about him...ah...who cares??? Gerry, Gerry Gerry(no, not the one in the spice girls)..hhehe...tough...he kinda looks like her....hahahaahahha lol!! He's kinda nice ...sometimes, rarely, barely, when he wants to...(he doesnt want ot very often let me tell you). He has a cousin named Albert And two other friends who I actually know of...Christian and Mark. Albert is da best man!!!! :o) Albert went away for a while...then he came back today...and I saw him.*yay*.

Hey and whoever is readin' this..remember to check out Mal's world and Vero's world...(at the bottom of da page )...î'££ þë þåÇK, þëFø®ë MîÐñîGHT...MøµHåHåHHåH.

MAL: Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. It's true...My Ninja Turtle's responsible for it. Now, let's talk about Ninja turtles...damn i love them...I have a question: why does all the other turtles have cool names like Donatello, Michelangello, well Leonardo is kinda on the bordeline, BUT what's up with Raphael???????????? Vero thought his name was Steve. commments.

HIgh School disco Vero is looking for a shade of nail polish to put on........ i thought u would be interested at what we do on a rainy saturday night....well first of all she came over to my house, then we watched an old south park... the one with terrence and philip. Let's look for treasur...(hope you already watched it...if you never saw it...I pity you...its da best). Then we went upstairs to take a glass of pepsi..i closed it wrong and it spilled in her fridge...:o( now all my food taste like pepsi) yeah then we watch riverdance.... it was vero's idea. so now we got bored so we came here to write some more crap for u cooler persons than us to read. boy i can't wait to see the sissy color she's gonna choose. hehehehehehehe blood red!!!!!

ummmmm stop hasseling me!!!!!!!!!!!! Our site hasnt been hacked yet. if u do, it will not frig our site it will frig your computer. this page has too much krap and it just won't work. and we don't really care. or do we????? maybe the world may never know the world is an esophagus.. what ? yawnnnnnnnnn im bored. i'm never happy when it rains........ gerri is a beaver. both of the gerrys i know are. ah man i have a damn car wash tomora. how can u have a car wash when all of the cars are all wet. what do u want us to do??/ dry them witha blow' drier. ill probably spit on them . or barf all the food that taste like pepsi. and car washes always end up in wet t- shirt contests. we may get more money. but it will be dirty money. boy dis don't sound right :a car wash for dancers to go to new- york, and the car car wash end up in a wet t-shirt contest.??????? AND THE COUNT DOWN IS UP TO 4 MORE NIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way we are dancers and we will go for a competiton in 4 nights.

VERO: so so…you came crawling back you little but sniffer, Vero says ï'm §£êêþ¥ I'm going to say Goodbye now. NAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heheh…the countdown is up to 2 more nights!!!! :o) I’m still waitin’ for the dorito bag to make a loud noise, man , in those commercials, the guys open it, and booommmm!! (rock music playin’) and when I open mine, a funky smell invades the room, I mean, peuwwww.

Anyways, I noticed that, whenever I say something stupid, I always say anyways right after…..anyways. My keyboard is full of chip crums and ice crem and gouey stuff that I cant really explain…ewwwwwwwww. I love you, you love me, were a happy family. Is it true??? I don’t know, let time decide. miow miow miow miwo miow miow miow miow miow miow miow miow miow miow miow miow miow gotta love your miow mix :o)

Why is it that I never get to be part of those big you, know, like in the simpsons, when they want to shut down the maison derriere, they all sing and stuff….well im sure that happends in my home town, but they just don’t want me to be part of it, so, its like a secret conspiracy…and they all do it in Mal’s basement, im sure……next time you all get together and sing silly song and act like idiots, contact me first..okay?

Start spreadin, da news, im leavin in 2 days, I want ot be a part of it, new york NEWWWWW YORRRKKKK!!!! anyways, leave me alone too….blah bleh blih gotsta go…:o)…and, hey, sign da guest book pleeze :o)

Hello again, to all my friends. I’m so HYPER!!!!! Were goin’ to New-York tomorrow!!! Man, It’s such a big event for us(coming froma small town in New-brunswick, Canada).<--man were lewsers..

I can see I CAN SEE!!…really ??…no…but it got that bite to it tough…BARKY!!!…everybody’s favorite super DOG!!!! Whats that Barky?? danger?? bit by an evil sausage???…hehehe…I LOVE BARQU’S. actually, I don’t like root beer…I only like the cool comercials…I realized that I’m REALLY influenced by TV…like, for example…right now, I desperatly want a pais of GAP’S kakhis….because of those coll commercials…you know the ones..kakhis swing, kakhis rock, amn I love them.

PETOINGGGGGGGGNGNGNGN. a spring popped somewhere in Noth america ..its true… Axe the judge…he’ll tell ya. Did anybody ever whatched the polka dot door??..i loved that show as a kid…PORKOROO!!!!!…(email me with any comments on the polka dot door). I don’t like chihuahuas. The guys who lives in front of Mal’s house(the dork)…hes cool man…YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Lalalalaaalala..i like to sing…man, this is fun…weweeeeehehehehehe.

No man, for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another tot he multitude without finally getting bewildered as to witch may be the true.

God I love Primal fear.

Mal likes wrestling…(eeewwwww…) I like HOCKEY!!!!!!!! Colorado avalanche Rules!!!!!!!!!!! all the way. does anybody ever tells you that you are beautiful, tallented, charming, irresistible, fine, good lookin’, adorable…?!?!?!? Me neither don’t worry its normal…hehehe…..HEY.. good lookin’ …watcha got cookin’?

I like that…and now is the time where I talk about underwear that you put on backwards…My friend Mélanie once said…oh no…I put my underwear on backwards…its all pudgy in the front…hehehe…and I laffed an awful lot for that…its funny…hehheheheheh. well…I gotta go…See you in 6 dayz!!!!!

HIYA...I'm really sorry that I didnt update this before...but I was just pretty much too lazy to do happy with what you have! there...anyways..(new york is cool man) if you ever chat on mirc pleeze join a channel called #bathurst on undernet...ill probably be there..heheh all alone.. anyways..

tomorrow...I'm startin high a big step in my little puny life...oh well..I'm really scared..It's not even started yet and 2 older guys already sed that they were gonna beat me up...(FUN) And the best part is that they put their lockers right in front of where I put they can welcome me to school every morning...its gonna be like...HELLO!!! (loud punching noises) (ambulance sirens)...ouch...but , hey, its life JIM!

and...oh yeah theres gonna be new guys over there...oh yeah man...lotsta now ill be able to tell you about my upcomming new love life...cause right now i dont have one.

I got a picture of a photograph...of a wedding and a shell...dont you just think that life suxx??..not me.. i gotta go..illl update it sometime...if i dont get killed in high school...

BOOOOO scared ya didnt I? Today, I thought It would be about time that I talked about Easy Bake Ovens..mmmm. So many wasted nights!!!!! **SIGH** many burnt cakes..and pizzas too ,,its almost as fun as cooking an elephant with a match..(no that i do it or anything)...(whistleing),,,ummm... oh yeah and about thoses easy bake ovens...they use up a hole lotta 100 watts light bulbs too :o(

Do you remember the time when we went swimming in hawaii and the fish went into sniffy's bathing suit??..and the the guy came aver and said: do you have any grey poupon? and then sniffy said to the guy to go see in his purse because he always keep a little grey poupon in there and the fish was still in his bathing suit WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!!

Hey mal, do you remember the time when the prime minister took us on a vacation to Nashville and he said that we had to go swimming in a fishing hole, and then a guy came over and thought we were Sniffy and he got mad at us, and then the other guy came over and tried to take advantage of the situation…and it didn’t work, and then you cut yourself and I had to clean up your mess with an infected plunger which lead us to think that the first guy might have had HIV which is a serious and deadly disease…and we were worried for nothing’ because we did not even touch that guy, so that made us realize that the prime minister is not a good man, and then I got hungry (surprise surprise) so we went to Mc Donald’s because I was craving (again) an Arch Deluxe MmMmMmM… arch deluxe, anyways, soooooooo, at the end of it all…I hate and we went home hitchiking…and we likes it….Do you remember??!?!? YEAH?!?!?!? Well, not me...hehehheeh.

ALOOHHAA! How’s it going’ people?? DAMMIT YOU PEOPLE SIGN THE GOD DAMNED GUEST BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all make me very sick, no, I’m not kidding, I’m really sick…(?!?!?!?!?!?!?) anywise hey piggy piggy piggy pig pig pig pig…wha? Nothing can stop me now, cause I just don’t care…. I love you Trent Reznor ?

nanananannannanana hey hey hey goodbyyyyeeee Did I just go??? What??? Boy I’m tremendously confused today, I got a nice English vocabulary for a French person, don’t you think?? Did you know that Mal and I are French…sorry that Mal doesn’t write on the site, it’s just that’s she’s too lazy… anyways, the last time she updated was like July 14 Th! WACKKO

I got a mouthful of pudding mmmmm chocalatate (its pronounces ChocolaTAte), you know, like in those M&M’s comercials, hey, who are you, immmm Chocalattate!!! Hun?? Anyways I gotta go, c ya people!


Mal Sez: well if you try and don't succede try again and again and again... wha? ok yeah. hmm im hungry. don't you ever wish you had a personal erstaurant near you computer.....ohhh maybe even you bed.... oh yeah that would be marvelous!!! juss marvelous!!! i would like a mcdonald i think..... yeah i could get sundays and flurries all night long. ohh babyy ....

VERO: hi this is vero..... im in computer class at school and people have been BEGGING ME *COUGH* DUFF *COUGH* to update the site so this is what im doing now.... yup im in 10 th grade and 16 now, man u guys get to watch us(or at least read us) grow online... anyways im hungry its "deep fry" day at the cafeteria and im hungry like the wolf...*signin duran duran*

anyways ill go scan some pics at my cousins house someday so you pathedic weirdos can watch pictures of us.... sorry jon, no nudies.

AAAAANNYYWAAYS my life is a deathtrap. That's all there is to it. I suck. But, hey, it's ok.... U S A :) Naw my lifes isnt that bad, I keep busy. *HEAD MOVEMENT ON THE GLOBE*

oups sorry that just has to happen sometimes. IF you ever feel down, rub your head on a globe. *smile of satisfaction* well i gotta go eat lunch now c ya people ill update later i promise

OK HERE IS MAL: man, like u all may know im kinda dead right now..... due to some wierd but satisfying elements in my life right now..... check out the link at the end to get more details....

soo yeah, im 16.. im as a wierd hippy as i was.. but now im more educated in the art of makin ppl think im ill (in the head) *psycho* so whats new with me>? not much... what new with you? (mal waits fur an awnser) brb ima go check muh fries.....

alright im still a grease freak *mal looks at the grease run down her friens, her fingers, her arms..... wait i went to far! this will get me into trouble someday if anybody is lookin at me by my basement window, can you please tel me if there is ketchup on my back? spank you...

Hella this is mal again, in my `«informatique class» and im bored. yaaaaaaaaaay i HATE EXCEL!"!%$/$&$%*?(?_/!%/"!/!|".... ANYWHO... ONLY 4 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL PLUS 3 MORE EXAMS AND IM DONE!!! summer here i come...

yay whatever ill do ,ill do it for you babe. *confused look* my summer plans with vero: eating a whole lotta wierd mr freezes buy her pool, eating kraft diner in my camper.... camping with wierdos on my tent in my backyard..... going to a punk concert, not washing....(yeah thats it mal, be sloppy, nobody cares) and partyin my ass off.... vero and mal, partners in crime forever.

holay fuck are we ever gonna cause ruccus (if ya dun`t know what that means, read wordpower in readers digest, or else, dunt ask me...)

VERO GOT HER LISCENCE"/"?$%*(&_&!!!!!!!!! she`s now a 16 yr old menace to society with punk blasting thru the sound system.

argh i hear too mnay voices in my head, stop stop stop * mal dances around class with a coogar on her head* my mom sez i need prozac, she thinks ima tard, but im juss a lost soul, or im a tard in discuize, imagine, me a tard, pretending to be a normal teenager, going my way thru the daily events.... but not understanding them... and acting all stupid and wierd. oh wait.... i think its really is happenning...

*oh oh oh* damn not again, as i freak out the old ppl in my class and send them bomb threats thru the school network.... " if ya dunt press enter a million and fifty times you computer will blow up"

....... biblididlideeeeeeeeee two women, bidlididlideeeeeeeee two.. and he`s the only maaaaaaaannn ya, beedleedeedlydeeeee i likes it, bidlididlideee they likes it!! bidlididlide ITS 2 FOR ONE/"%/$& *broadway music in my hand 24/7*

helooooo freaks of the chaleur region i am here to eat your phalangines! why is it so dark in this classÉ???? (DAMN FRENCH KEYBOARDS!!) its all dark, no lights, they are all vamnpires here, i vant some light, i cont see the keeyssss! ah well, who cares, not like if anybody reads this.... or do they?

yeeeeeekikik so what is up for me today? a sandwich, some revision and going on a date with a guy i never met, and only talked on the internet, ima freaaaaaak , if ya dunt see me in a while, that mean he'd probly rape me and threw me in the nepisiguit river, yessssssssss, * mal does the ima get free food dance*

" so how`s it going? im fine you? well i cold be better. oh why is that? wel see, my left earlobe is slightly more hangy than the right one and my pet fish has gonereah...CANESON

ergh, yeah so, wanna go for a ride? il give you candy is you cum in my car.... yeah well, replys young johnny: ill cum in your mouth if ya give me the whole bag (stupid puns)

I AM CANADIAN and who cares? i donno, but when ima break my jaw trying to do a kartwheel on the beresford bridge, medicare will pay for the damages caused to my frail body.....

ARGH SO MANY BUGS, vero had a huge spider nest to her computer yesterday, i hate spiders(mal coils herself up in the corner of the class) i can see them multipliying and they always loook at me in the shower (i feel so violated) what kinda animal eats spiders?? my project partners eats spiders. *gengggggggggg eatsa big one that fell on the keyboard. oh so juicy, oh well the bell is gonna ring soon ima be out.....

VERRRRRROOOOOO-------------> HI. It's June 15 th and tommorow is our last day of swekl 4 the year KICK ASSSSSS anyways its really nice outside ......and im inside. heehe.

im hungry, im thirsty, im losing my mind EVERYTHING'S FINNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE. I am an angry young woman. Can't get any angrier than me. Well.. maybe Mal, naw, im ever angrier than her. I won't even start to tell you my problems, I'm afraid this website is growing too much and I might get prosecuted for saying mean mean mean BUT TRUE things about certain persons. ***whisteling***

ANYWAYSSSSdont think its all hate and darkness tho, i can have fun too.... ......... . .. ... .. . .... .. like . ... .. .eugh... ... . . .. . YESTERDAY.... I FLEW A KIT. *phew* :/

i gotta find me sumptin to do... . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . lalalalalala i drive now :) i almost got in an accident today... LOL

Anyways, im gonna go cuz im not inspired today... BYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *last update JUNE 15 TH 200000000*/$"%$%/$%*(*)/$!


Links U want 'em, we got 'em

MEL PEY's web page. She has 26 Harley Davidson tattoos...
14 year old Vero's page
14 year old Mal's page
15 year old Vero's page (a little more disturbed)
Mal's 15 year old page (a little more boobs) HAHAH
come here you POKEMON FREAKS
A very boring day in perspective, may 3rd 2000
Mallowhry is dead. Vero now rules the earth
Vero's new pic, er whatever
Mal's new pic - Dated August 15th 2000
The sad truth about Mallory - I'm truly sorry Mal
Anyone curious to see vero before the plastix sugery and liposuction????????
Newer pics!!!! (even sum from May 2001)
The Undernet #bhs website.... GO NOW
uh oh, grad pics (Nov, 17th 2001)
For a good friend who passed away, R.I.P. Jeremiah
